The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

You are now a big fan of record Pharmaceutical profits especially in a situation like we had?
Corps are not going to voluntarily forgo profits.

So you would have the government mandate that they produce the vax? And set the price so low that there is no profit??
Corps are not going to voluntarily forgo profits.

So you would have the government mandate that they produce the vax? And set the price so low that there is no profit??

We could allow Universities we fund with tax dollars develop the vaccine.

I will never understand the two faces of politics.

Pharmaceutical companies are evil entities with their massive profits when it suits your argument and then the savior with their massive profits when it suits your politics.
We could allow Universities we fund with tax dollars develop the vaccine.

I will never understand the two faces of politics.

Pharmaceutical companies are evil entities with their massive profits when it suits your argument and then the savior with their massive profits when it suits your politics.
Universities don't have the CAPACITY to produce hundreds of millions of doses of vax.

Christ you're an idiot
Universities don't have the CAPACITY to produce hundreds of millions of doses of vax.

Christ you're an idiot

I'm not the one who refuses to condemn government employee's lying under oath and then not being able to understand why people do not trust government employee's who lied under oath nor am I the one condemning record Pharmaceutical profits one day and then defending them the next.
Well shit, if it is on Joe Rogan, it has to be true.
Lol. Yet you dupes chose to believe known liars.

Drug Companies make money?
You guys got conned by the biggest misinformation campaign in history, yet it was so transparently a fraud to anyone capable of thinking. All of you need self reflection. How could you be so dumb?

“The channels took hundreds of millions of dollars from Big Pharma companies and then they shelled for their sketchy products on the air and as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products. At the very least, this was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened across the American news media. They all did it.” RFK Jr. On Tucker April 19, 2023.
Spam, spam, spam, spam, troll worthy non sequitur, gotcha arguments, and spam! Yep, 'tis business as usual at ye olde USMB..
Universities don't have the CAPACITY to produce hundreds of millions of doses of vax.

Christ you're an idiot
Someone who believes the vax is safe and effective shouldn’t call anyone an idiot. Lol.

You dumb vaxxers will now do all you can to protect a lying criminal government. Trump really fucked you guys up. You sold your souls to criminals because Trump. WTF!

You guys got conned by the biggest misinformation campaign in history, yet it was so transparently a fraud to anyone capable of thinking. All of you need self reflection. How could you be so dumb?

“The channels took hundreds of millions of dollars from Big Pharma companies and then they shelled for their sketchy products on the air and as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products. At the very least, this was a moral crime. It was disgusting, but it was universal. It happened across the American news media. They all did it.” RFK Jr. On Tucker April 19, 2023.
Then what you need to do is a well constructed scientific study investigating the vaccine. You can self publish and your peers (self proclaimed scientist) can review your findings. Or you can just pretend you know stuff cause you keep looking up stuff on the internet that confirms what you want to believe.
Then what you need to do is a well constructed scientific study investigating the vaccine. You can self publish and your peers (self proclaimed scientist) can review your findings. Or you can just pretend you know stuff cause you keep looking up stuff on the internet that confirms what you want to believe.
Lol. Hilarious!
You’ve learned nothing after all this time. You should question everything you do and say, because you obviously have flawed judgment.

I did commission a study and it found the vax to be unsafe and ineffective. Do you believe it now?
I would enjoy critiquing that study. Have a link?
Penelope mak2 rightwinger Lesh citygator francoHFW candycorn

You guys got taken in by the biggest most transparently obvious con in history. Lol. Admit it!

Fuck off moron. Vaccines work, Flu shots work. The only people who disagree are making money off dipshits who listen to everyone but doctors. Go as 10 docs. 9 will tell you that they work. The other one is a republican Qanon butt buddy of yours.
Well shit, if it is on Joe Rogan, it has to be true.
GD Gator, is that seriously the best defense you can muster? I thought you had more integrity than that. You are in some serious denial here. You are doing your best, to not only gaslight yourself, but the entire forum. That is some weak, weak sauce. It really is.

Penelope mak2 rightwinger Lesh citygator francoHFW candycorn

You don't have to take some guy on Rogan's word for it. You can listen to the words, right from Pfizer executives mouth, and from the folks that have been controlling this entire psychological con job.

If you folks are too dumb, at this point, to know you are being conned, because of partisan politics, and the government/corporate controlled media, and your support of big institutions, that are more concerned with making a profits by forcing folks to take dangerous untested snek oil? Shit, that is on you.

But this intelligence test has run its course, and the rest of us are done humoring you.

Here they are doing their lying;


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