The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

"Trust the science" assumes that the reader actually understands the words that explain the science. If they do, they can go on to critique other science.
"Trust the science" assumes that the reader actually understands the words that explain the science. If they do, they can go on to critique other science.
explain it for the team here. What did the science actually say? This should be good. The video I posted explains it.
explain it for the team here. What did the science actually say? This should be good. The video I posted explains it.
We don't have to see the video to know that there have been new developments since the video was made, or the video does not include. So we'll see the video and then critique it.
We don't have to see the video to know that there have been new developments since the video was made, or the video does not include. So we'll see the video and then critique it.
what does that tell you? Are you an honest person? listen to the video for your answer.
explain it for the team here. What did the science actually say? This should be good. The video I posted explains it.
This jerk is a time thief while doing an absurd Biden presser imitation. The video is both an entertainment for IQs below room temp and a slur to IQs above room temp.
He makes many good points duped vaxxers likely are unaware of.

I do agree Fauci is no hero at all.

But your post does highlight the shit job both Trump and Biden did dealing with the pandemic.
What in the world could it be? :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
Ventilators kill patients?

Antivaxxers really are the dumbest humans to ever walk the planet, and they are so proud of being such morons.
Whoa, you mean ventilators don't save everyone? It's like getting vaccinated? One should first carefully weigh the pros and cons? The potential risks vs. rewards? :omg:
Given one is conscious and able, of course! Else, be sure to post a DNR on your frig., gipper!

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