The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Ventilators kill patients?

Antivaxxers really are the dumbest humans to ever walk the planet, and they are so proud of being such morons.
Yeah that’s impossible! Best to believe the establishment. Like the vax is safe and effective, stops transmission, and prevents infection.

Just believe!

Yeah that’s impossible! Best to believe the establishment. Like the vax is safe and effective, stops transmission, and prevents infection.

Just believe!
when you wish upon a star, dreams come true!!!!
Also, when one smokes mushrooms, or injects acid, all things can become true!!!
did ventilators save anyone during the hoax time?
Well, yeah. Duh.

You just demonstrated how the statement "There are no stupid questions" is clearly false.

Seriously, the level of stupidity required to type such a sentence ... the mind boggles. You're a freakin' cult moron.
Well, yeah. Duh.

You just demonstrated how the statement "There are no stupid questions" is clearly false.

Seriously, the level of stupidity required to type such a sentence ... the mind boggles. You're a freakin' cult moron.
you got a link?
Do I have a link showing that you're a cult imbecile?

I think that's self-evident from your last post, given that you asked such a thing.
that shows anyone on a ventilator actually survived the ordeal? I see your answer was no. BTW, that was expected from you. That is nothing.
that shows anyone on a ventilator actually survived the ordeal?
Sweet Jeebus, what an astoundingly stupid question.

Notice how no one else is jumping on your bandwagon of stupid? You're all alone here. Even your fellow cultists find you to be embarrassing.

That's right, dumbass. Ventilators don't actually work. The modern ventilator, invented in the mid-1950s, actually never helps anyone. They're just a scam to make money by the companies that make them. Good work there, blowing open that conspiracy.
Have you seen folks on them Mamooth?

Well, yeah. Duh.

You just demonstrated how the statement "There are no stupid questions" is clearly false.

Seriously, the level of stupidity required to type such a sentence ... the mind boggles. You're a freakin' cult moron.
So you don’t believe the science when it conflicts with the establishment you so slavishly honor.

The study I posted above is available for your reading, if you can open your closed mind. To claim it’s BS when you haven’t even read it, means you’re a fool.

From the SCIENTIFIC study… reports: The team looked at records for 585 people admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, also in Illinois. They all had severe pneumonia and/or respiratory failure, and 190 had COVID-19.

Using a machine learning approach to crunch through the data, the researchers grouped patients based on their condition and the amount of time they spent in intensive care.

The findings refute the idea that a cytokine storm following COVID-19 – an overwhelming inflammation response causing organ failure – was responsible for a significant number of deaths. There was no evidence of multi-organ failure in the patients studied.

Instead, COVID-19 patients were more likely to develop ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and for longer periods. Cases where VAP didn’t respond to treatment were significant in terms of the overall mortality rates in the study.
“Those who were cured of their secondary pneumonia were likely to live, while those whose pneumonia did not resolve were more likely to die,” says Singer.
“Our data suggested that the mortality related to the virus itself is relatively low, but other things that happen during the ICU stay, like secondary bacterial pneumonia, offset that.”
These results suggest that ICU outcomes could be improved if there were better strategies to diagnose and treat VAP episodes – something that the researchers say needs to be addressed in the future.
It’s worth bearing in mind that if a patient’s requirement for a ventilator to treat COVID-19 complications leads to VAP, this doesn’t imply that a COVID-19 infection is less dangerous, nor does it decrease the number of COVID-19 fatalities
Official Report: Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients - The People's Voice
Covid 19 was completely gone from America in June of 2020 and never came back.

There was never a need for a "vaccine" and the whole push for it was 100% lying to mass murder Americans.

Every single politician who voted for or pushed for Murderous Fraud Vax mandate needs to be put in front of a firing squad and SHOT and suffer total asset forfeiture...
So you don’t believe the science when it conflicts with the establishment you so slavishly honor.
But all the science agrees with me. If it didn't, I'd change my opinion to match the science. That's how liberalism works.

The study
The study backs me up, so it's weird that you post it. You're actually trying to use "Well, COVID didn't kill them, COVID-induced pneumonia did!" as if it excuses you? The mind boggles.

What you tried was like saying "Pushing him out the window didn't kill him, hitting the ground did, so pushing him out the window was harmless!". It makes you look stupid, evasive, dishonest, and completely untrustworthy. To stoop to such a level indicates that your death-cult has indoctrinated you past any hope of recovery.

Go peddle your sick death-cult propaganda elsewhere. Decent society shuns people like you.
But all the science agrees with me. If it didn't, I'd change my opinion to match the science. That's how liberalism works.

The study backs me up, so it's weird that you post it. You're actually trying to use "Well, COVID didn't kill them, COVID-induced pneumonia did!" as if it excuses you? The mind boggles.

What you tried was like saying "Pushing him out the window didn't kill him, hitting the ground did, so pushing him out the window was harmless!". It makes you look stupid, evasive, dishonest, and completely untrustworthy. To stoop to such a level indicates that your death-cult has indoctrinated you past any hope of recovery.

Go peddle your sick death-cult propaganda elsewhere. Decent society shuns people like you.

Notice how the moral shaming is amped up a million fold?

That's all they have. If you don't continue to believe you're just a poopy head and really bad person?

That's desperation folks, and we all can see it.

Duh, Hi!
I'm Benjamin Singer, MD. A proud part of that awful Scientific Establishment that those anti-vaxxer numbskulls love to disparage until they read something from a non-peer reviewed, nowhere near large enough sampled, special study that, in their wildest dreams, may be interpreted to mean vaccines are bad news and that ventilators have never saved anyone's sorry ass.. given one is incredibly stupid and hell bent upon doing so.

I'm certainly no anti-vaxxer myself. Hell, I'm not even an immunologist. I usually just teach and treat people with chest problems at our hospital. I do my job, in other words. Part of which involves describing what I see.. on paper, or typed into a file, see? My new "machine learning" app makes the results look pretty darn cool, don't it though?

Here's the thing, see. Me and a few of my best buddies, Nikolay Markov; Thomas Stoeger, PhD; Anna Pawlowski; Mengjia Kang, MS; Prasanth Nannapaneni; Rogan Grant; Chiagozie Pickens ’14 MD ’17 GME, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care; James Walter, MD, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care; Jacqueline Kruser, MD; Luke Rasmussen, MS; Daniel Schneider, MS; Justin Starren, MD, PhD, chief of Health and Biomedical Informatics in the Department of Preventive Medicine; Helen Donnelly; Alvaro Donayre; Yuan Luo, PhD, director of the Center for Collaborative AI in Healthcare and associate professor of Preventive Medicine; Scott Budinger, MD, chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care in the Department of Medicine; and Alexander Misharin, MD, PhD, heh, hew, cough, cough, wow, sorry. My lungs need a rest after that..

we managed to get this nice, fat grant from the NIH to do this weird study that just happens to help the hospital pay for much needed upgrades and shit like that. Ain't government wonderful?

We looked only at people at death's door and concluded that many of them did indeed soon die despite our best efforts to save them. Truly shocking,.. believe me, I know. :rolleyes:
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