The Danger of Democrats....

Of course socialism has a positive impact.

Proving the fact that you know NOTHING at all about history, and real Economic Systems.

Proving you know nothing about modern "socialism". Our roads, bridges, police, fire, military, Social Security, Medicare, etc...these are all examples of socialism. If you don't think these things have a positive impact on society, you're smoking crack.

Of course socialism has a positive impact.

Proving the fact that you know NOTHING at all about history, and real Economic Systems.

Proving you know nothing about modern "socialism". Our roads, bridges, police, fire, military, Social Security, Medicare, etc...these are all examples of socialism. If you don't think these things have a positive impact on society, you're smoking crack.

Now, now.....

If you want to talk about 'knowing nothing'.....
This from your Salon link:

"But capitalism clearly leads to these enormous concentrations of wealth, which are fundamentally incompatible with democratic liberalism over time … "

Totalitarian: relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state....i.e., the Democrats

Capitalism: every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!

Let's call it 'Strike One!"
Liberal indoctrination is rampant in our entire school system. The FACTS of our history, and the history of all socioeconomic systems is rewritten to push social control of the masses and a Ruling class\worker class\dependent class socioeconomic structure. The problem is that the school systems have dumbed down the masses to accept failure as the norm instead of excellence. The teaching of social issues as the main educational curriculum has made our schools the worst in the industrialized world. It is time we took our schools and the text books back from liberal indoctrinators and put real Americans in charge of them again.
Liberal indoctrination is rampant in our entire school system. The FACTS of our history, and the history of all socioeconomic systems is rewritten to push social control of the masses and a Ruling class\worker class\dependent class socioeconomic structure. The problem is that the school systems have dumbed down the masses to accept failure as the norm instead of excellence. The teaching of social issues as the main educational curriculum has made our schools the worst in the industrialized world. It is time we took our schools and the text books back from liberal indoctrinators and put real Americans in charge of them again.
Liberal indoctrination is rampant in our entire school system. The FACTS of our history, and the history of all socioeconomic systems is rewritten to push social control of the masses and a Ruling class\worker class\dependent class socioeconomic structure. The problem is that the school systems have dumbed down the masses to accept failure as the norm instead of excellence. The teaching of social issues as the main educational curriculum has made our schools the worst in the industrialized world. It is time we took our schools and the text books back from liberal indoctrinators and put real Americans in charge of them again.

As Hamlet said.....
'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished.

The Left has put a hundred years into the sort of control they have now.....I hope Trump can do it, but I have doubts.
Vouchers would begin the battle. American society.

Democrats believe that the proper guide for society is socialism.

1. First, the premise:
"Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'

The term ‘socialist’ once was used as an epithet in American politics. Perhaps no more.

In a year in which Bernie Sanders, a self-described ‘Democratic Socialist,’ is running a competitive primary campaign for the White House, a new survey finds that a healthy portion of Democratic primary voters are favorably inclined toward socialism.

Nearly six-in-ten Democratic primary voters..."
Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'

60% of Democrats......Socialists.

2. In this classroom, we begin by explaining terms.

a. Liberal and Progressive are used interchangeably in general parlance.

b. Even Marx admitted that true communism could not come about without revolution. So the statement -- "A communist is a socialist with a gun" can be accepted as a truism.

c. Nazis, falsely called Rightwing, are National Socialists....hence, Leftwing.

d. Since the poll above finds the majority of Democrats are socialists....

...Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Socialists, Democrats.....and Fascists...peas in the same pod.

3. Democrats are in charge of what is laughingly called 'the education system,' they both own and operate it.
The 'education' system is designed by Democrats to indoctrinate, and to hide any history that might reveal any evil in the Liberal/Democrat doctrine.
And it does.

“The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention.

“It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.”
From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

As a result of the system, millions vote for communist Bernie Sanders, and criminal Hillary Clinton.

I'll get to the dangers posed to America and Americans in the following posts.

False Premise: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'

First: Define Socialism;
Next: Provide evidence regulated Capitalism and Socialism are one and the same.

Then, explain the meme lassiez faire Capitalism is better for the consumer and less costly (that is, the efforts by the extremist to privatize prisons, police, social services, the civil service, etc.) when such services are tax payer supported and not profit motivated? American society.

Democrats believe that the proper guide for society is socialism.

1. First, the premise:
"Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'

The term ‘socialist’ once was used as an epithet in American politics. Perhaps no more.

In a year in which Bernie Sanders, a self-described ‘Democratic Socialist,’ is running a competitive primary campaign for the White House, a new survey finds that a healthy portion of Democratic primary voters are favorably inclined toward socialism.
First, your premise is distorted. The so-called majority of "Democrats" you target are knowledgeable about the various forms and degrees associated with what you lump together as "Socialism". Social Security is a program that uses some of the tenets of a type of socialism. It has been overwhelmingly supported by Republicans and Democrats and almost all factions of the American political spectrum. Every President and Congress since its founding by FDR has backed it up and supported it.
Of course, the majority of Democrats see Social Security as having a positive impact. Do you think Social Security has a negative impact?

Questions for you. Is Social Security a socialist inspired program? What is the negative impact on society imposed by Social Security?
Proving you know nothing about modern "socialism". Our roads, bridges, police, fire, military, Social Security, Medicare, etc...these are all examples of socialism. If you don't think these things have a positive impact on society, you're smoking crack.

Actually that proves you know NOTHING about history or socioeconomic systems. The largest expansion of infrastructure ever in this country was during a super expansion of OUR CAPITALIST SYSTEM. The more socialist we have become, the less expansion of capital flow we have, and the less money we have to spend on anything. If you want a dictatorial ruling class you want socialisim If you want freedom you want the system we have. All of the things you mention are NOT socialisim, they are the products of the interpretation of "PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE" of the PREAMBLE to the Constitution, and part of our REPUBLIC.
Now you have been schooled again with TRUTH, NOT indoctrination
Democrats believe in slavery to government, here's how it works. You work and give all the money to government, Democrats will dole out your money fairly to the people. They will also tell you how to live, what to think, say, eat, how to live your life, what to drive, proper PC. They believe that the people are stupid and need to be ruled by an elite liberal ruling class.
Social Security is IN FACT NOT A SOCIALIST PROGRAM more proof you talk shit but know nothing. IS a government backed loan a socialist program? Government pensions are ONLY an investment program held by the government. PEOPLE PAY SOCIAL SECURITY, dimshit programs that broke the Social Security trust fun protection to use the money for a socialist program and artificially low interest rates like during the oshitass administration are destructive to ALL retirement plans as are government regulations requiring insolvent loans. Your have no idea what a socialist program is, WELFARE is a socialist program and is just a vote buying tool for dimshit scum It is one of the most glaring reasons for the lack of funds in the SSAN accounts. liberal idiots need to go find some real history books written before 1955 and find out who and what really made America. The whit people in this country did not come to America on Slave ships, They did not sit at a big table eating while slaves cleared the roads, they did not explore the rivers on stem ships with slaves shoveling coal, they did not sit in the shade while the slaves cut the trees, and built their cabins. In the early years of this country the black people here were freemen. The north killed more black people after the Civil war than were killed in the entire years of slavery in the south. The NORTHERN unions ( labor organizations) were the first attempt to cut blacks out of the high paying jobs in the north. You liberals have been fooled by socialist treasonist who want this to be a part of a communist country like the old USSR block. You have been schooled some more. American society.

Democrats believe that the proper guide for society is socialism.

1. First, the premise:
"Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'

The term ‘socialist’ once was used as an epithet in American politics. Perhaps no more.

In a year in which Bernie Sanders, a self-described ‘Democratic Socialist,’ is running a competitive primary campaign for the White House, a new survey finds that a healthy portion of Democratic primary voters are favorably inclined toward socialism.
First, your premise is distorted. The so-called majority of "Democrats" you target are knowledgeable about the various forms and degrees associated with what you lump together as "Socialism". Social Security is a program that uses some of the tenets of a type of socialism. It has been overwhelmingly supported by Republicans and Democrats and almost all factions of the American political spectrum. Every President and Congress since its founding by FDR has backed it up and supported it.
Of course, the majority of Democrats see Social Security as having a positive impact. Do you think Social Security has a negative impact?

Questions for you. Is Social Security a socialist inspired program? What is the negative impact on society imposed by Social Security?

Soooo....tap-dancing aside, you are unable to find any way to dispute that the majority of Democrats are Socialists.


Proving, once again, that I am never wrong.

You are a naughty boy, Sunni.

But....on that topic, have you been to Florence, and seen the magnificent statue


It's not Trump.....
Hercules and Diomedes wrestling...
This wrestling was kinda sexual lol

Found in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

We are talking about the statue of Hercules and Diomedes in the Hall of the Five Hundred.

If you haven't been, you should put it on your bucket list before Italy is over-run.
Democrats believe in slavery to government, here's how it works. You work and give all the money to government, Democrats will dole out your money fairly to the people. They will also tell you how to live, what to think, say, eat, how to live your life, what to drive, proper PC. They believe that the people are stupid and need to be ruled by an elite liberal ruling class.

Your premise is, all Democrats believe people are stupid, thus, you do a good job in your posts providing evidence the Democrats are correct.
Democrats believe in slavery to government, here's how it works. You work and give all the money to government, Democrats will dole out your money fairly to the people. They will also tell you how to live, what to think, say, eat, how to live your life, what to drive, proper PC. They believe that the people are stupid and need to be ruled by an elite liberal ruling class.

Your premise is, all Democrats believe people are stupid, thus, you do a good job in your posts providing evidence the Democrats are correct.

Don't try to deny it lib filth, what part of our lives haven't you freaks tried to control? American society.

Democrats believe that the proper guide for society is socialism.

1. First, the premise:
"Poll: Majority of Democrats say socialism has 'positive impact'

The term ‘socialist’ once was used as an epithet in American politics. Perhaps no more.

In a year in which Bernie Sanders, a self-described ‘Democratic Socialist,’ is running a competitive primary campaign for the White House, a new survey finds that a healthy portion of Democratic primary voters are favorably inclined toward socialism.
First, your premise is distorted. The so-called majority of "Democrats" you target are knowledgeable about the various forms and degrees associated with what you lump together as "Socialism". Social Security is a program that uses some of the tenets of a type of socialism. It has been overwhelmingly supported by Republicans and Democrats and almost all factions of the American political spectrum. Every President and Congress since its founding by FDR has backed it up and supported it.
Of course, the majority of Democrats see Social Security as having a positive impact. Do you think Social Security has a negative impact?

Questions for you. Is Social Security a socialist inspired program? What is the negative impact on society imposed by Social Security?

Soooo....tap-dancing aside, you are unable to find any way to dispute that the majority of Democrats are Socialists.


Proving, once again, that I am never wrong.
How did I know you would run away from the questions you were asked? The only thing you are expert at is evading having to actually answer questions and challenges.
6. Of interest here is that, as I did in the OP, the author draws the similarities between the actions of the KGB and the Nazis.

" I had been in Austria and had visited the Nazi concentration camp at Mauthausen near the city of Linz. What struck us after our tour of the KGB headquarters in Vilnius, Lithuania was just how similar the Nazi and Soviet methods had been.

Indeed, in Mauthausen were the same steps and stages of arrest, psychological terror, interrogation and torture, murder through a trapdoor behind a meter stick, and the removal of gold fillings.

The only difference between the German National Socialist and the Soviet communist techniques was that the Nazis threw the dead bodies into ovens to reduce them to ash and bone chips before disposal. The Soviets simply discarded the bodies in mass graves. " Communism's Legacy: Tyranny, Terror, and Torture | Richard M. Ebeling

How dangerous to be an enemy of the Democrats.....or 'an enemy of the people."

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