The Dangerous Game of Smearing a Sitting President of the Most Powerful Country in the World

Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

And for 8 years Trump was claiming that the sitting President of the United States was not even born in this nation. Let me guess...that was principled, and well-reasoned opposition, right?
/——/ Obozo admitted he was born in Kenya. His grandmother said the same.

Complete bullshit
Trump had to walk away since he made a mockery of himself after their first meeting and he lied about that meeting and the accomplishments..
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

And for 8 years Trump was claiming that the sitting President of the United States was not even born in this nation. Let me guess...that was principled, and well-reasoned opposition, right?

He wasn't in office and had no political power. Do you really want to claim equivalency?


That's weak. They're not.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
It is clear that both political parties, the ruling class, and big corporations including the MIC, LOVE WAR. They WANT war with any nation they can find. War with Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, NK....maybe all at once.

Sadly, way too many average Americans have been conditioned to also love war.

The left used to be solidly anti-war. Now they too love it.
We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!
During floor debate, Senator Tina Smith (D., Minn.) said that the bill “puts Congress in the middle of the important medical decisions that patients and doctors should make together without political interference.”

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?
Because they are fucking monsters!
Infants are already protected this bill was for propaganda purposes to charge the base with humanism while they kill other humans in another part of the world yet the so called religious groups don't say a damn word.
Not by democrats! They are murdered just before, during, and after birth. Infantacide! Your party is full of murdering monsters! You must be proud.
We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!
During floor debate, Senator Tina Smith (D., Minn.) said that the bill “puts Congress in the middle of the important medical decisions that patients and doctors should make together without political interference.”

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?
Because they are fucking monsters!
Infants are already protected this bill was for propaganda purposes to charge the base with humanism while they kill other humans in another part of the world yet the so called religious groups don't say a damn word.
Not by democrats! They are murdered just before, during, and after birth. Infantacide! Your party is full of murdering monsters! You must be proud.
I haven't had a party since my thirties and that one was busted for being too rowdy..
Why not let the people actually involved make those decision and get govt. out of the delivery room..I do know that Repubs always claim to be for less intrusive smaller govt. but that is just another lie.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
That is so totally ass-backwards I don't even know where to begin.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
Trump should achieve the symbolic respect of his own people for ridiculing handicapped people and trashing our POWs and Gold star families. You don`t even realize how fucked up you are do you?
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
That is so totally ass-backwards I don't even know where to begin.
They have to make excuses to cover his campaign lies..
We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!
During floor debate, Senator Tina Smith (D., Minn.) said that the bill “puts Congress in the middle of the important medical decisions that patients and doctors should make together without political interference.”

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?
Because they are fucking monsters!
Infants are already protected this bill was for propaganda purposes to charge the base with humanism while they kill other humans in another part of the world yet the so called religious groups don't say a damn word.
Not by democrats! They are murdered just before, during, and after birth. Infantacide! Your party is full of murdering monsters! You must be proud.
I haven't had a party since my thirties and that one was busted for being too rowdy..
Why not let the people actually involved make those decision and get govt. out of the delivery room..I do know that Repubs always claim to be for less intrusive smaller govt. but that is just another lie.
Don’t try to sell that horseshit! Your party penned obamaturdcare! With a fucking mandate!
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

And for 8 years Trump was claiming that the sitting President of the United States was not even born in this nation. Let me guess...that was principled, and well-reasoned opposition, right?
/——/ Obozo admitted he was born in Kenya. His grandmother said the same.

Complete bullshit
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
Trump should achieve the symbolic respect of his own people for ridiculing handicapped people and trashing our POWs and Gold star families. You don`t even realize how fucked up you are do you?
you lie!
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

Thank you. Very well said.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
Trump should achieve the symbolic respect of his own people for ridiculing handicapped people and trashing our POWs and Gold star families. You don`t even realize how fucked up you are do you?
/----/ Liar
We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!

You need to turn off the Hate Radio and the Faux News...

If Trump is going to get impeached, it's because of his own actions. Period.
Bullshit. Mind your own business. I get my news from sources of my choice. Yesterday it was C-span so blow it out yer ass!
Lol, C-SPAN did not tell you that.

We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!

Yes, that's what crazy Trump supporters really believe. Fortunately, they are only about 30% of the voters.
It’s all in their voting records moron!
Disappointed the summit failed.
I also respect trumps move to walk away. At least he didnt cower down like obama and just did whatever deal he could.
I havent heard "north korea won" from them like we did with iran.
Too bad president Bubba didn’t have us walk away when he had the chance.

I dare any lefty shitbag in here to Google up Monica’s Cigar Boy’s speech about how NK won’t be able to develop nukes, missiles, etc. because of tough negotiations with them. Today, it’s fuckin’ laughable but at the time Bubba was a serious with us as the day he shook his finger in our faces while lying about messing up his girlfrien’s blue dress.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

And for 8 years Trump was claiming that the sitting President of the United States was not even born in this nation. Let me guess...that was principled, and well-reasoned opposition, right?
/——/ Obozo admitted he was born in Kenya. His grandmother said the same.
Only in RWNJ dreams.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
Trump should achieve the symbolic respect of his own people for ridiculing handicapped people and trashing our POWs and Gold star families. You don`t even realize how fucked up you are do you?

I didn't realize these people were exempt from criticism.
Disappointed the summit failed.
I also respect trumps move to walk away. At least he didnt cower down like obama and just did whatever deal he could.
I havent heard "north korea won" from them like we did with iran.
Are you kidding me?

Kim sent tRump home with his tail between his legs.

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