The Dangerous Game of Smearing a Sitting President of the Most Powerful Country in the World

We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!

You need to turn off the Hate Radio and the Faux News...

If Trump is going to get impeached, it's because of his own actions. Period.
/——/ What actions?
Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

Well, if Trump actually understood any of these problems, then it would be a bad thing. Clearly, he doesn't.

Let's look at the Norks, shall we. The Norks have been playing this game since the 1960's. Act a little beligerent, put a good scare into people, and then let the world buy you off with some food aid.

Of course, if we lifted sanctions and let North Koreans see how nice the South Koreans have it, they'd probably get rid of Kim on their own. But no one really wants that kind of upheavel..

So instead of doing the whole diplomatic dance to get the Norks to give up their nukes (which they will never do), Trump thinks he can bully this guy like some old lady whose house is where he wants to build a casino. No wonder it failed.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred.

And Donald Trump hired him to be his fixer. Why do you keep leaving that part out?

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Trump couldn't find Pakistan on a map, much less guide them into peace. Our influence really isn't all that great, we kind of ran that account out in Iraq.
Strange how Trump seems to understand things better than his critics.
Mainly because they're usually wrong.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

your observations & crocodile tears are laughable, at best.

Trump made his own bed by screwing over contractors, students, porn stars, his several wives, the electorate, and you sit here and cry like a goddamn baby.

Barf ..............
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

And for 8 years Trump was claiming that the sitting President of the United States was not even born in this nation. Let me guess...that was principled, and well-reasoned opposition, right?

He wasn't in office and had no political power. Do you really want to claim equivalency?
Hopefully the leftist anti-American Democratic party will be relegated to the dustbin of history soon,(from self-immolation) and we can get back to civilly disagreeing with one another.
1) Kim says end sanctions.
2) Trump says denuclearize.
3) Kim says no.
4) Trump walks. Sanctions remain.

That's all there is to it. Kim can't play rope-a-dope against Trump.

Nothing to do with Cohen or Democrat nonsense.
Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

Desperation is seeping out of every paragraph, every phrase. The Dear Leader's incompetence and weakness are showing, again, and that has to be explained away post haste. So, the submissive authoritarians get to work, decrying efforts to figure out the Dear Leader's criminality and to save the country from that criminality's deleterious consequences, and setting up the loyal opposition to take the blame for the Dear Leader's failed foreign policy.

Good doggie.

There is a reason why competent state leaders schedule a summit to sign documents when the last details are fixed and agreed-upon. They don't schedule a spectacular distraction from their domestic troubles to find out the other side makes demands they are not willing to meet, specifically to avoid being forced hastily to beat a humiliating but very spectacular retreat.

Laughable. No one even is in a position to "smear" Trump. He himself does that better, more diligently and successfully than anyone else could even hope to.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
My suggestion is that we create a new Cabinet position, something like Secretary of Getting the President.

The position is held by a person from whichever party is not occupying the White House.

On Day One of each administration, the SecGetPres launches multiple investigations until they find something actionable.

We're disintegrating in real time, and we're doing this to ourselves.

Yes! And the most important part of what you said is "We're disintegrating in real time, and we're doing this to ourselves.".
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
Let us all cry for the team that tried to do the same to the last sitting president..
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
My suggestion is that we create a new Cabinet position, something like Secretary of Getting the President.

The position is held by a person from whichever party is not occupying the White House.

On Day One of each administration, the SecGetPres launches multiple investigations until they find something actionable.

We're disintegrating in real time, and we're doing this to ourselves.

Yes! And the most important part of what you said is "We're disintegrating in real time, and we're doing this to ourselves.".
Yep. We pretend that we have no choice but to behave this way, but that's a pretty feeble excuse.

This is a choice we're making. It's not someone else's fault.
We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!
During floor debate, Senator Tina Smith (D., Minn.) said that the bill “puts Congress in the middle of the important medical decisions that patients and doctors should make together without political interference.”

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?
My suggestion is that we create a new Cabinet position, something like Secretary of Getting the President.

The position is held by a person from whichever party is not occupying the White House.

On Day One of each administration, the SecGetPres launches multiple investigations until they find something actionable.

We're disintegrating in real time, and we're doing this to ourselves.

Now, that's funny.

Mac, Both-Sides-Bullshitter extraordinaire, finally collapses into the Trump Fluffer everyone already knew he was, excusing away Trump's criminality, and mendaciously blames the disintegration not on the obvious, monumental incompetence and the equally obvious criminality, but on the prosecution.

Really, you have to savor this. North of 8,000 lies on Trump's record, Trump's shamelessly fluffing autocrats all around the world, Trump dismissing all counsel and twittering foreign policy from the hip, Trump playing wrecking-ball with whatever international order the U.S. diligently worked to establish post-WW II - and Mac decides looking into Trump's criminality amounts to "disintegrating".

Way, way too funny.
My suggestion is that we create a new Cabinet position, something like Secretary of Getting the President.

The position is held by a person from whichever party is not occupying the White House.

On Day One of each administration, the SecGetPres launches multiple investigations until they find something actionable.

We're disintegrating in real time, and we're doing this to ourselves.

Now, that's funny.

Mac, Both-Sides-Bullshitter extraordinaire, finally collapses into the Trump Fluffer everyone already knew he was, excusing away Trump's criminality, and mendaciously blames the disintegration not on the obvious, monumental incompetence and the equally obvious criminality, but on the prosecution.

Really, you have to savor this. North of 8,000 lies on Trump's record, Trump's shamelessly fluffing autocrats all around the world, Trump dismissing all counsel and twittering foreign policy from the hip, Trump playing wrecking-ball with whatever international order the U.S. diligently worked to establish post-WW II - and Mac decides looking into Trump's criminality amounts to "disintegrating".

Way, way too funny.
I love this place.
Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

Desperation is seeping out of every paragraph, every phrase. The Dear Leader's incompetence and weakness are showing, again, and that has to be explained away post haste. So, the submissive authoritarians get to work, decrying efforts to figure out the Dear Leader's criminality and to save the country from that criminality's deleterious consequences, and setting up the loyal opposition to take the blame for the Dear Leader's failed foreign policy.

Good doggie.

There is a reason why competent state leaders schedule a summit to sign documents when the last details are fixed and agreed-upon. They don't schedule a spectacular distraction from their domestic troubles to find out the other side makes demands they are not willing to meet, specifically to avoid being forced hastily to beat a humiliating but very spectacular retreat.

Laughable. No one even is in a position to "smear" Trump. He himself does that better, more diligently and successfully than anyone else could even hope to.
You dumbasses actually think that by denigrating the Trump voters you score points but we all know you voted for that fat corrupt cow called Hillary so ewe got nuttin butt shit up yer nostrils!
We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!
During floor debate, Senator Tina Smith (D., Minn.) said that the bill “puts Congress in the middle of the important medical decisions that patients and doctors should make together without political interference.”

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?
Because they are fucking monsters!
Disappointed the summit failed.
I also respect trumps move to walk away. At least he didnt cower down like obama and just did whatever deal he could.
I havent heard "north korea won" from them like we did with iran.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
Kim got his photo opt and sent Trump home early.
What's next?
We are on the road to impeachment. Democrats vote for infantacide! For open borders! For death by heroin and fentenyl! Democrats work for some other country. They do not work for America!
During floor debate, Senator Tina Smith (D., Minn.) said that the bill “puts Congress in the middle of the important medical decisions that patients and doctors should make together without political interference.”

Why Did Senate Democrats Refuse to Protect Infants?
Because they are fucking monsters!
Infants are already protected this bill was for propaganda purposes to charge the base with humanism while they kill other humans in another part of the world yet the so called religious groups don't say a damn word.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

I believe The Orange Virus deserves everything he has coming at him right now.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

And for 8 years Trump was claiming that the sitting President of the United States was not even born in this nation. Let me guess...that was principled, and well-reasoned opposition, right?

He wasn't in office and had no political power. Do you really want to claim equivalency?


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