The Dangerous Game of Smearing a Sitting President of the Most Powerful Country in the World

No dumbass! They didn’t.
So you lied then. You didn't get your news from C-SPAN.
No dumbass! I watched the proceedings on c span live while you sucked morning joe’s dick!
You sure are a foul-mouthed bitch ain't ya?

So you watched it with the sound turned down and Alex Jones doing a voice over?
You got it penis breath! I watched it while Clinton’s lawyer working pro bono was feeding democrat talking points through Cohen’s mouth while ewe sucked morning Joe’s dick!
You are disgusting.

And none too bright as well.
Back at ya penis breath!
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.
The democrat mantra is that Trump is a liar! They said the same fucking thing about Bush for eight year! Publicly! They are assholes and whiners!
Disappointed the summit failed.
I also respect trumps move to walk away. At least he didnt cower down like obama and just did whatever deal he could.
I havent heard "north korea won" from them like we did with iran.
Are you kidding me?

Kim sent tRump home with his tail between his legs.
No thats just what you hoped would happen.
Trump actually stood firm and didnt give in.
I respect him walking away. A lot better than what that faggot barry did with iran
Lol, tRump couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag. Storm out, that's his only play when bullying doesn't work.
Bullying? Lol how dumb. And ignorant.
There was nothing to negotiate.
Im just glad he didnt break out the knee pads like barry. Trump stayed strong. Im proud of that dipshit.
You are far too easily impressed.
My standards are low with presidents.
Him not sucking kims cock would have made me happy.
Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

Well, if Trump actually understood any of these problems, then it would be a bad thing. Clearly, he doesn't.

Let's look at the Norks, shall we. The Norks have been playing this game since the 1960's. Act a little beligerent, put a good scare into people, and then let the world buy you off with some food aid.

Of course, if we lifted sanctions and let North Koreans see how nice the South Koreans have it, they'd probably get rid of Kim on their own. But no one really wants that kind of upheavel..

So instead of doing the whole diplomatic dance to get the Norks to give up their nukes (which they will never do), Trump thinks he can bully this guy like some old lady whose house is where he wants to build a casino. No wonder it failed.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred.

And Donald Trump hired him to be his fixer. Why do you keep leaving that part out?

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Trump couldn't find Pakistan on a map, much less guide them into peace. Our influence really isn't all that great, we kind of ran that account out in Iraq.
Previous presidents have done just a wonderful job on this issue… Shut the fuck up
So you lied then. You didn't get your news from C-SPAN.
No dumbass! I watched the proceedings on c span live while you sucked morning joe’s dick!
You sure are a foul-mouthed bitch ain't ya?

So you watched it with the sound turned down and Alex Jones doing a voice over?
You got it penis breath! I watched it while Clinton’s lawyer working pro bono was feeding democrat talking points through Cohen’s mouth while ewe sucked morning Joe’s dick!
You are disgusting.

And none too bright as well.
Back at ya penis breath!
A perfect example of today's conservative you are. No imagination, sub standard intelligence, easily influenced, foul-mouthed, and always ready to attack.

You've been well trained.
My suggestion is that we create a new Cabinet position, something like Secretary of Getting the President.

The position is held by a person from whichever party is not occupying the White House.

On Day One of each administration, the SecGetPres launches multiple investigations until they find something actionable.

We're disintegrating in real time, and we're doing this to ourselves.

Now, that's funny.

Mac, Both-Sides-Bullshitter extraordinaire, finally collapses into the Trump Fluffer everyone already knew he was, excusing away Trump's criminality, and mendaciously blames the disintegration not on the obvious, monumental incompetence and the equally obvious criminality, but on the prosecution.

Really, you have to savor this. North of 8,000 lies on Trump's record, Trump's shamelessly fluffing autocrats all around the world, Trump dismissing all counsel and twittering foreign policy from the hip, Trump playing wrecking-ball with whatever international order the U.S. diligently worked to establish post-WW II - and Mac decides looking into Trump's criminality amounts to "disintegrating".

Way, way too funny.

Are they going to have to re-open mental hospitals for cases of delusional TDS like you have? Clearly you have had a break from reality. Did these symptoms start in 2016?
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
It is clear that both political parties, the ruling class, and big corporations including the MIC, LOVE WAR. They WANT war with any nation they can find. War with Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, NK....maybe all at once.

Sadly, way too many average Americans have been conditioned to also love war.

The left used to be solidly anti-war. Now they too love it.
I was in Washington D.C. to protest our war to find WMDs. Did I see you there or were you too busy putting those idiotic yellow ribbon stickers on your car?
Good for you. Yet now, you are consumed by TDS. Just as the DNCMSM tells you to be. Why would you support the criminal ruling class?
TDS is thinking there is nothing wrong with a guy who mocks the handicapped and disses our POWs and Gold Star families. Do you think that`s normal and acceptable for the president of the U.S.? You`ve got the TDS sonny, not those who have respect for our soldiers who make sacrifices.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

I'm sorry for the nation of Japan whose citizens have been made to feel uncomfortable by earlier attempts of North Korea to threaten them with an unwinnable war. I'm sorry the Democrats are undermining world peace just because they are jealous of President Trump winning a presidential election. The DNC is resorting to hoaxes to win power in the next election, and they're not veering away from it. Japan already has a full plate with the earthquakes and tsunamis that have decimated shoreline industrial manufacturers. They're suffering from the effects of their location on the Ring of Fire. Now they're constantly worried about being nuked off the face of the earth.

Please, Democrats, contact your representatives and tell them to let it go about losing election 2016. Engaging in more than half a dozen hoaxes and convicting conservatives in and through their lockstepping press activists, they're causing our country's allies severe hardships. Encourage them to lighten up, please and to stop the act that makes them look like something out of Shakespeare's MacBeth::
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
It is clear that both political parties, the ruling class, and big corporations including the MIC, LOVE WAR. They WANT war with any nation they can find. War with Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, NK....maybe all at once.

Sadly, way too many average Americans have been conditioned to also love war.

The left used to be solidly anti-war. Now they too love it.
I was in Washington D.C. to protest our war to find WMDs. Did I see you there or were you too busy putting those idiotic yellow ribbon stickers on your car?
Good for you. Yet now, you are consumed by TDS. Just as the DNCMSM tells you to be. Why would you support the criminal ruling class?
TDS is thinking there is nothing wrong with a guy who mocks the handicapped and disses our POWs and Gold Star families. Do you think that`s normal and acceptable for the president of the U.S.? You`ve got the TDS sonny, not those who have respect for our soldiers who make sacrifices.
You just proved you have TDS, but don’t know it.

Your Messiah did much the same thing, but you had no problem with it. He dissed the handicapped, cops, poor white Americans, hard working Americans...and you loved it.

This doesn’t make what Donnie says right, just exposes your hypocrisy and ignorance.
The piece of shit punk ass little bitch called the president had Cohen lying and doing his dirty work for him and it is coming back to bite him in his fat ass..
I think Cohen came across as very credible. I watched his body language and not once did he stumble. And the Republicans are doing the same thing Cohen did and that was covering up for him and supporting his lies and bad behavior. The Republicans know he is an ass and they support him because it would make them look bad if they didn't. #1 We're All Liars. Lying is a form of deception, but not all forms of deception are lies.
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.
The democrat mantra is that Trump is a liar! They said the same fucking thing about Bush for eight year! Publicly! They are assholes and whiners!

So, you don’t think Trump is a liar?
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.

I'm sorry for the nation of Japan whose citizens have been made to feel uncomfortable by earlier attempts of North Korea to threaten them with an unwinnable war. I'm sorry the Democrats are undermining world peace just because they are jealous of President Trump winning a presidential election. The DNC is resorting to hoaxes to win power in the next election, and they're not veering away from it. Japan already has a full plate with the earthquakes and tsunamis that have decimated shoreline industrial manufacturers. They're suffering from the effects of their location on the Ring of Fire. Now they're constantly worried about being nuked off the face of the earth.

Please, Democrats, contact your representatives and tell them to let it go about losing election 2016. Engaging in more than half a dozen hoaxes and convicting conservatives in and through their lockstepping press activists, they're causing our country's allies severe hardships. Encourage them to lighten up, please and to stop the act that makes them look like something out of Shakespeare's MacBeth::

Man…I hope you are trying to be as funny as you come off.
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.
The democrat mantra is that Trump is a liar! They said the same fucking thing about Bush for eight year! Publicly! They are assholes and whiners!

So, you don’t think Trump is a liar?
That makes him believable in your new world! Right?
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.
The democrat mantra is that Trump is a liar! They said the same fucking thing about Bush for eight year! Publicly! They are assholes and whiners!

So, you don’t think Trump is a liar?
That makes him believable in your new world! Right?

a simple yes or no please.
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.
The democrat mantra is that Trump is a liar! They said the same fucking thing about Bush for eight year! Publicly! They are assholes and whiners!

So, you don’t think Trump is a liar?
That makes him believable in your new world! Right?

a simple yes or no please.
I know! Can you answer with a simple yes or no?
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.
The democrat mantra is that Trump is a liar! They said the same fucking thing about Bush for eight year! Publicly! They are assholes and whiners!

So, you don’t think Trump is a liar?
That makes him believable in your new world! Right?

a simple yes or no please.
I know! Can you answer with a simple yes or no?

Fuck off dick breath.
The democrat mantra is that Trump is a liar! They said the same fucking thing about Bush for eight year! Publicly! They are assholes and whiners!

So, you don’t think Trump is a liar?
That makes him believable in your new world! Right?

a simple yes or no please.
I know! Can you answer with a simple yes or no?

Fuck off dick breath.
Hee hee hee haw donkey dirt!
I respect him walking away. A lot better than what that faggot barry did with iran
Winner x 2

Yeah, "faggot barry" got a deal to sign that significantly curtailed Iran's nuclear program, including surveillance of the entire nuclear production chain. The Trumpy, unprepared and incompetent, got to beat a hasty, humiliating, very spectacular retreat, and still doesn't even have the first clue as to where the eminently talented Mr. "Great Leader" Kim's nukes are.

Three screeching, imbecilic, homophobic pinheads agree on something, and they "respect" it. That should settle things.


/----/ I already posted the Obozo Bio in post #51, now read this.
Trump: Obama's grandmother said he was born in Kenya

We rule Trump's claim that Obama's grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya False.

Gawd, but you are an idiot.
I respect him walking away. A lot better than what that faggot barry did with iran
Winner x 2

Yeah, "faggot barry" got a deal to sign that significantly curtailed Iran's nuclear program, including surveillance of the entire nuclear production chain. The Trumpy, unprepared and incompetent, got to beat a hasty, humiliating, very spectacular retreat, and still doesn't even have the first clue as to where the eminently talented Mr. "Great Leader" Kim's nukes are.

Three screeching, imbecilic, homophobic pinheads agree on something, and they "respect" it. That should settle things.


/----/ I already posted the Obozo Bio in post #51, now read this.
Trump: Obama's grandmother said he was born in Kenya

We rule Trump's claim that Obama's grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya False.

Gawd, but you are an idiot.
Calling faggots like you a faggot doesnt mean im scared of gays. What a pathetic and ignorant insult.
Yea, the deal was awesome. Thats why they were cheering a win and saying america lost. Because the faggot barry made iran great again...
Thats why they broke the agreememt multiple times and barry didnt do shit. Like that pussy did with his redline. The biggest joke of foreign policy in our history!

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