The Dangers of Creationism

How is thinking that the T-Rex was a herbivore dangerous? It might be misinformed, and we might point to the teeth and jaw structure and ask for an explanation, but it certainly isn't dangerous.

What's more dangerous? Saying that dinosaurs were all herbivores, or saying that infant children that have been born and are breathing on their own can be murdered and call it abortion? What's more dangerous, saying that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, or pointing to a living, breathing, moving child and calling it a blob of cells?

Liberals point to nonsense and call it dangerous simply so people won't recognize the danger that they are posing themselves. Don't think about muslims murdering people today, think about the Crusades 1400 years ago instead.

It's really time to stand up and call out the foolishness.
God told Jeremiah I knew you before you were in your mothers womb. Where was Jeremiah before he was placed in his mothers womb? In the presence of G-d Almighty! That's where! Where is that? High places, Folks! Heavenly realm is as HIGH as it gets!!!!!!!!

Here is the truth! Every single one of you are special! G-d knew you before you were created in your mothers womb and sent you down to earth! G-d has a plan and a purpose for each one of you and his thoughts towards you are more than all the grains of sand that make up the sea shores! He never STOPS thinking about you! THAT IS THE TRUTH!!!

Now the fact is you came from High Places and you are DESTINED to RETURN to High Places RIGHT HERE upon the earth! He gave you dominion over all, read Psalms 8 if you don't believe it. It reaffirms what God gave Adam - we still have that Dominion Power today!

So do not buy into this Darwinian myth that you evolved from an ape as that idea was inspired by hell itself and Darwin repented of the blasphemy on his death bed right before he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. * true story

What greater insult could satan have hurled at God through the mouth of a man created in Gods own image - then to have him teach the world that we were created in the image of an APE! How insulting! To think of the mercy of God upon Darwin that STILL He saved his wretched soul and forgave him. Talk about the Amazing Grace, folks. Absolutely incredible. Gods Love is greater any force in the Universe. Including the hatred spouted by those who claim Darwin as their spiritual father. Look no further than the communists for that bunch! HA!
The Dangers of Creationism

Why do you find this persons silly beliefs dangerous? To whom are they a danger? what is the nature of the danger?

Lets say everyone learned this a truth. And the reason for believing it is because they want to believe. Now we are burning the barriers that determine truth from lies. Once you start down that path the danger Is a bunch of dumb mofos who aren't curious about truth.

That could turn out to be just great...

That's a specious argument at best, ignorance and misinformation exists far beyond the bounds of religious matters and thus in order to maintain logical consistency using your rational one would have to conclude that the majority of the human population is "dangerous". For example Creationists present no more real threat to you than does the segment of the population that believes human civilization is the product of extraterrestrials.

I think instead that Crackerjaxon hit the nail on the head that your motivation was more along the lines of deriving some form of self satisfaction by mocking the particular brand of ignorance demonstrated by the person in the video and attempting to imply that it's emblematic of every individual that believes in a creator.
Why do you find this persons silly beliefs dangerous? To whom are they a danger? what is the nature of the danger?

Lets say everyone learned this a truth. And the reason for believing it is because they want to believe. Now we are burning the barriers that determine truth from lies. Once you start down that path the danger Is a bunch of dumb mofos who aren't curious about truth.

That could turn out to be just great...

That's a specious argument at best, ignorance and misinformation exists far beyond the bounds of religious matters and thus in order to maintain logical consistency using your rational one would have to conclude that the majority of the human population is "dangerous". For example Creationists present no more real threat to you than does the segment of the population that believes human civilization is the product of extraterrestrials.

I think instead that Crackerjaxon hit the nail on the head that your motivation was more along the lines of deriving some form of self satisfaction by mocking the particular brand of ignorance demonstrated by the person in the video and attempting to imply that it's emblematic of every individual that believes in a creator.

I agree except you ignore the fact that by teaching it in schools it legitimizes it. Just like if someone wants to teach we came from Aliens at their dinner table, fine.
Ah! Yes! God forbid we actually take God at his Word and believe Him when He said that He created Man in His Image! Better to believe we created in the image of an ape so we can give the sucker fish first dibs on the water rights! Ha!

Anyone who "prefers" to believe we "evolved from an ape" rather than were created in the image of God deserves to lose their rights to the sucker fish!

Since when has it become dangerous to tell the world the truth about the story of creation? Is the truth that much of a threat to you people?! Apparently so!


Even my Uncle who is a preist said you can not take the bible literally it was translated into English. I have read so many different versions and then you have the Catholic Bible to contend with and all the books that didnt make the final cut.

Some Catholic priests don't believe in God at all. Did you know that? They become priests in order to have access to children. I don't think I have to explain that one to you. It's common knowledge these days. - Jeri
Without God you would not have the right to spout your ignorant belief's
Because their would not be an America or founding fathers to make sure you have that right.


well thats not true at all.

Really? Why did the founders say rights were granted by God not man?

really? the monguls sweep over europe instead of their leader dying from alcohol, we wouldnt be here.

I know i am dealing with someone with a limited brain, but at least try
the moral of the story:

if you ever come across a TRex don't act like a plant :cuckoo:

If I'm not mistaken, the moral of the story is; never replace reason with propaganda.

Applies to both the bible worshipers on the right and the state worshipers on the left.

Hard to imagine that the two sides can't exist or respect each others beliefs.

Well we certainly don't have to imagine that, IMHO what's hard to imagine is why the concept of you stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours is so hard to put into practice for many people. :dunno:
Some versions might display rampant ignorance, but they aren't "dangerous." Is someone in grave or fatal bodily harm because of some people's beliefs?

This sounds like some Authoritarian propaganda thread to paint religious people are terrorists and the enemies of the state.
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Ah! Yes! God forbid we actually take God at his Word and believe Him when He said that He created Man in His Image! Better to believe we created in the image of an ape so we can give the sucker fish first dibs on the water rights! Ha!

Anyone who "prefers" to believe we "evolved from an ape" rather than were created in the image of God deserves to lose their rights to the sucker fish!

Since when has it become dangerous to tell the world the truth about the story of creation? Is the truth that much of a threat to you people?! Apparently so!


Even my Uncle who is a preist said you can not take the bible literally it was translated into English. I have read so many different versions and then you have the Catholic Bible to contend with and all the books that didnt make the final cut.

Some Catholic priests don't believe in God at all. Did you know that? They become priests in order to have access to children. I don't think I have to explain that one to you. It's common knowledge these days. - Jeri

They were foolish. They could have become teachers and gone to work for the LAUSD!
Some versions might display rampant ignorance, but they aren't "dangerous." If someone in grave or fatal bodily harm because of some people's beliefs?

This sounds like some Authoritarian propaganda thread to paint religious people are terrorists and the enemies of the state.

Sharia Law ring a bell
Lets say everyone learned this a truth. And the reason for believing it is because they want to believe. Now we are burning the barriers that determine truth from lies. Once you start down that path the danger Is a bunch of dumb mofos who aren't curious about truth.

That could turn out to be just great...

That's a specious argument at best, ignorance and misinformation exists far beyond the bounds of religious matters and thus in order to maintain logical consistency using your rational one would have to conclude that the majority of the human population is "dangerous". For example Creationists present no more real threat to you than does the segment of the population that believes human civilization is the product of extraterrestrials.

I think instead that Crackerjaxon hit the nail on the head that your motivation was more along the lines of deriving some form of self satisfaction by mocking the particular brand of ignorance demonstrated by the person in the video and attempting to imply that it's emblematic of every individual that believes in a creator.

I agree except you ignore the fact that by teaching it in schools it legitimizes it.
What schools are teaching what the guy in the video is claiming? Are these schools that parents are forced to send their children to?

Just like if someone wants to teach we came from Aliens at their dinner table, fine.
Someone can teach that we came from aliens at the dinner table, on the internet, or on the street corner if they want, it's called freedom of speech, doesn't mean you have to find it credible or have to allow your children to listen to it. I think you should probably re-examine your values if you find freedom of speech so "dangerous"... just a suggestion.
Some versions might display rampant ignorance, but they aren't "dangerous." If someone in grave or fatal bodily harm because of some people's beliefs?

This sounds like some Authoritarian propaganda thread to paint religious people are terrorists and the enemies of the state.

Sharia Law ring a bell

Secular Sharia.

Damned if I don't like that. What an apt description of what the totalitarians call progressivism.
The fact that some people misread Genesis does not mean the universe is not an act of creation. Tiresome atheists and secularists seek out misinformed fundamentalists in order to feel superior.

And why not?

It's most likely the only opportunity they have.

I agree. Creationism is impossible to fully understand, but it is far more plausible than any other theory.

In trying to understand Genesis, the "Gap theory" has merit.

God did it...

Yeah understood.

Dont treat something that isn't rocket science as rocket science. Treat it as it should be. childish nonsense.

It just happened because it happened. Yeah, that's brilliant.
Lets say everyone learned this a truth. And the reason for believing it is because they want to believe. Now we are burning the barriers that determine truth from lies. Once you start down that path the danger Is a bunch of dumb mofos who aren't curious about truth.

That could turn out to be just great...

That's a specious argument at best, ignorance and misinformation exists far beyond the bounds of religious matters and thus in order to maintain logical consistency using your rational one would have to conclude that the majority of the human population is "dangerous". For example Creationists present no more real threat to you than does the segment of the population that believes human civilization is the product of extraterrestrials.

I think instead that Crackerjaxon hit the nail on the head that your motivation was more along the lines of deriving some form of self satisfaction by mocking the particular brand of ignorance demonstrated by the person in the video and attempting to imply that it's emblematic of every individual that believes in a creator.

I agree except you ignore the fact that by teaching it in schools it legitimizes it. Just like if someone wants to teach we came from Aliens at their dinner table, fine.

Certainly no worse than promoting nihilism and naturalism.
That's a specious argument at best, ignorance and misinformation exists far beyond the bounds of religious matters and thus in order to maintain logical consistency using your rational one would have to conclude that the majority of the human population is "dangerous". For example Creationists present no more real threat to you than does the segment of the population that believes human civilization is the product of extraterrestrials.

I think instead that Crackerjaxon hit the nail on the head that your motivation was more along the lines of deriving some form of self satisfaction by mocking the particular brand of ignorance demonstrated by the person in the video and attempting to imply that it's emblematic of every individual that believes in a creator.

I agree except you ignore the fact that by teaching it in schools it legitimizes it.
What schools are teaching what the guy in the video is claiming? Are these schools that parents are forced to send their children to?

Just like if someone wants to teach we came from Aliens at their dinner table, fine.
Someone can teach that we came from aliens at the dinner table, on the internet, or on the street corner if they want, it's called freedom of speech, doesn't mean you have to find it credible or have to allow your children to listen to it. I think you should probably re-examine your values if you find freedom of speech so "dangerous"... just a suggestion.

People are trying to get Creationism taught in schools. Its a bad idea. It doesn't matter if its forced or not the issue is clearly false information trying to be entered into the mainstream to muddy the waters.

I know what Freedom of speech is step off the soap box, I'm talking about teaching it in schools. I think you need to reevaluate "reading and comprehension" because you're the only person talking about Freedom of speech.
I agree except you ignore the fact that by teaching it in schools it legitimizes it.
What schools are teaching what the guy in the video is claiming? Are these schools that parents are forced to send their children to?

Just like if someone wants to teach we came from Aliens at their dinner table, fine.
Someone can teach that we came from aliens at the dinner table, on the internet, or on the street corner if they want, it's called freedom of speech, doesn't mean you have to find it credible or have to allow your children to listen to it. I think you should probably re-examine your values if you find freedom of speech so "dangerous"... just a suggestion.

People are trying to get Creationism taught in schools. Its a bad idea. It doesn't matter if its forced or not the issue is clearly false information trying to be entered into the mainstream to muddy the waters.

I know what Freedom of speech is step off the soap box, I'm talking about teaching it in schools. I think you need to reevaluate "reading and comprehension" because you're the only person talking about Freedom of speech.

The universe is an act of creation. Most people know this instinctively. What's wrong with enlightening the benighted?

Seriously, indoctrinating our young people with the idea that creationism is demonstrably false is nothing more than teaching a lie.

Biblical interpretation should be left to churches; however, it's not the role of the public schools to indoctrinate children against ANY biblical interpretation, or any religious interpretation for all that matter.

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