The Dangers of Creationism

God told Jeremiah I knew you before you were in your mothers womb. Where was Jeremiah before he was placed in his mothers womb? In the presence of G-d Almighty! That's where! Where is that? High places, Folks! Heavenly realm is as HIGH as it gets!!!!!!!!

Here is the truth! Every single one of you are special! G-d knew you before you were created in your mothers womb and sent you down to earth! G-d has a plan and a purpose for each one of you and his thoughts towards you are more than all the grains of sand that make up the sea shores! He never STOPS thinking about you! THAT IS THE TRUTH!!!

Now the fact is you came from High Places and you are DESTINED to RETURN to High Places RIGHT HERE upon the earth! He gave you dominion over all, read Psalms 8 if you don't believe it. It reaffirms what God gave Adam - we still have that Dominion Power today!

So do not buy into this Darwinian myth that you evolved from an ape as that idea was inspired by hell itself and Darwin repented of the blasphemy on his death bed right before he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. * true story

What greater insult could satan have hurled at God through the mouth of a man created in Gods own image - then to have him teach the world that we were created in the image of an APE! How insulting! To think of the mercy of God upon Darwin that STILL He saved his wretched soul and forgave him. Talk about the Amazing Grace, folks. Absolutely incredible. Gods Love is greater any force in the Universe. Including the hatred spouted by those who claim Darwin as their spiritual father. Look no further than the communists for that bunch! HA!

When did God tell you this?

I suggest you look in the yellow pages for a psychiatrist, if you are hearing voices.
AGAIN I ask, what schools is this being taught in and are parents being forced to send their children to these schools ?

Apparently you don't understand what freedom of speech is since your original proposition was that it was something that is a "danger", only after being challenged on it have you reverted to the "people want it taught in schools" meme, this is also known as the "they want to force it on our children" argument ... odd that all the ideology that CURRENTLY is being force fed to children in public schools has apparently escaped your notice. Not to mention that you actively seek the most radical example of creationism to attempt to categorize as emblematic of the whole belief system.

So your issue is with a hypothetical using an extreme example....... :rolleyes:

Unfortunately telling lies is covered under freedom of speech.

You can talk about anything you like, however the specifics here reveal your actual motive for this thread (and it isn't your fear of creationism being taught in schools). ;)

I never said you "hate" the freedom of speech, I only indicated that you seem to have an imperfect understanding of what it entails.

And I cannot talk about trying to get creationism in schools because there are other things being taught you don't like and I must address them first?
Again you can talk about anything you wish, however you shouldn't be surprised when others point out the inconsistencies in your reasoning.

I'm serious because you're all over the place and don't seem to understand really basic shit
Well maybe not but I do recognize pharisaic behavior when I see it. :dunno:

No my issue is with people who want this taught in school. I can repeat that 7 more times but I think you don't want to address that topic and instead opt for the free speech angle. Do you think I want govt to stop people from teaching this shit in their home? I don't, so you can stop with that angle all together.
No my issue is with people who want this taught in school. I can repeat that 7 more times but I think you don't want to address that topic and instead opt for the free speech angle. Do you think I want govt to stop people from teaching this shit in their home? I don't, so you can stop with that angle all together.

The problem with supposition is that it is not being taught anywhere in any public school system at all so your problem simply does not exist. The minute section of people that have pushed ID in school have been resoundingly defeated in every single forum that they have attempted this in. It is hard to accept that is your true problem when it is not practiced anywhere and is not gaining any steam whatsoever.
So your issue is with a hypothetical using an extreme example....... :rolleyes:

Unfortunately telling lies is covered under freedom of speech.

You can talk about anything you like, however the specifics here reveal your actual motive for this thread (and it isn't your fear of creationism being taught in schools). ;)

I never said you "hate" the freedom of speech, I only indicated that you seem to have an imperfect understanding of what it entails.

Again you can talk about anything you wish, however you shouldn't be surprised when others point out the inconsistencies in your reasoning.

I'm serious because you're all over the place and don't seem to understand really basic shit
Well maybe not but I do recognize pharisaic behavior when I see it. :dunno:

No my issue is with people who want this taught in school. I can repeat that 7 more times but I think you don't want to address that topic and instead opt for the free speech angle. Do you think I want govt to stop people from teaching this shit in their home? I don't, so you can stop with that angle all together.

Your "issue" is that you wanted to engage in some self-righteous condemnation of people that believe in creationism (that's why you sought out the most extreme example you could find), *surprise* your feigned concern over a hypothetical wasn't all the difficult to see through. Next time you wish to build a facade to hide your true motivations you might want to put a just bit more thought into how you construct it.

The "freedom of speech angle" was just a matter of shooting in holes in the targets of opportunity that you so kindly presented. ;)
No my issue is with people who want this taught in school. I can repeat that 7 more times but I think you don't want to address that topic and instead opt for the free speech angle. Do you think I want govt to stop people from teaching this shit in their home? I don't, so you can stop with that angle all together.

The problem with supposition is that it is not being taught anywhere in any public school system at all so your problem simply does not exist. The minute section of people that have pushed ID in school have been resoundingly defeated in every single forum that they have attempted this in. It is hard to accept that is your true problem when it is not practiced anywhere and is not gaining any steam whatsoever.

Thanks for repeating what I already said. I appreciate it
So your issue is with a hypothetical using an extreme example....... :rolleyes:

Unfortunately telling lies is covered under freedom of speech.

You can talk about anything you like, however the specifics here reveal your actual motive for this thread (and it isn't your fear of creationism being taught in schools). ;)

I never said you "hate" the freedom of speech, I only indicated that you seem to have an imperfect understanding of what it entails.

Again you can talk about anything you wish, however you shouldn't be surprised when others point out the inconsistencies in your reasoning.

Well maybe not but I do recognize pharisaic behavior when I see it. :dunno:

No my issue is with people who want this taught in school. I can repeat that 7 more times but I think you don't want to address that topic and instead opt for the free speech angle. Do you think I want govt to stop people from teaching this shit in their home? I don't, so you can stop with that angle all together.

Your "issue" is that you wanted to engage in some self-righteous condemnation of people that believe in creationism (that's why you sought out the most extreme example you could find), *surprise* your feigned concern over a hypothetical wasn't all the difficult to see through. Next time you wish to build a facade to hide your true motivations you might want to put a just bit more thought into how you construct it.

The "freedom of speech angle" was just a matter of shooting in holes in the targets of opportunity that you so kindly presented. ;)

That's not even close to the most extreme example...nowhere near it. I can tell you my motivation but it seems you looked into your crystal ball of motivations to find out.
If you don't know then educate yourself, don't wait for someone do it for you.
so the answer is none...figures!

If someone doesn't do it for you, it doesn't get done. figures.....:eusa_whistle:
wow not just a non answer but a dodge too..
The basic liberties are:
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
freedom of the press
freedom to have peaceful assemblies
freedom to petition the government.
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The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s.[1] One main goal of the Progressive movement was purification of government, as Progressives tried to eliminate corruption by exposing and undercutting political machines and bosses. Many (but not all) Progressives supported prohibition in order to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons.[2] At the same time, women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena.[3] A second theme was building an Efficiency movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions.

Many activists joined efforts to reform local government, public education, medicine, finance, insurance, industry, railroads, churches, and many other areas. Progressives transformed, professionalized and made "scientific" the social sciences, especially history,[4] economics,[5] and political science.[6] In academic fields the day of the amateur author gave way to the research professor who published in the new scholarly journals and presses. The national political leaders included Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette, Sr., and Charles Evans Hughes on the Republican side, and William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson and Al Smith on the Democratic side.

Initially the movement operated chiefly at local levels; later it expanded to state and national levels. Progressives drew support from the middle class, and supporters included many lawyers, teachers, physicians, ministers and business people.[7] The Progressives strongly supported scientific methods as applied to economics, government, industry, finance, medicine, schooling, theology, education, and even the family. They closely followed advances underway at the time in Western Europe[8] and adopted numerous policies, such as a major transformation of the banking system by creating the Federal Reserve System in 1913.[9] Reformers felt that old-fashioned ways meant waste and inefficiency, and eagerly sought out the "one best system
Progressive Era - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ah! Yes! God forbid we actually take God at his Word and believe Him when He said that He created Man in His Image! Better to believe we created in the image of an ape so we can give the sucker fish first dibs on the water rights! Ha!

Anyone who "prefers" to believe we "evolved from an ape" rather than were created in the image of God deserves to lose their rights to the sucker fish!

Since when has it become dangerous to tell the world the truth about the story of creation? Is the truth that much of a threat to you people?! Apparently so!


How do you know God said he created Man in his own image?

Did he float down on a cloud and tell you himself?

If you understood the Bible or science, inter dimensional travel would explain "floating down on a cloud". It's in Genesis and Hawking's computer............. :eusa_angel:
so the answer is none...figures!

If someone doesn't do it for you, it doesn't get done. figures.....:eusa_whistle:
wow not just a non answer but a dodge too..
The basic liberties are:
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
freedom of the press
freedom to have peaceful assemblies
freedom to petition the government.

Funny you mention freedom of the press....wasn't this just attacked by the DOJ just a few months ago? hmmm?
NSA stomping on our liberties?
Liberals are attacking religion everyday....even in this thread
Liberals are attacking our gun rights
Ah! Yes! God forbid we actually take God at his Word and believe Him when He said that He created Man in His Image! Better to believe we created in the image of an ape so we can give the sucker fish first dibs on the water rights! Ha!

Anyone who "prefers" to believe we "evolved from an ape" rather than were created in the image of God deserves to lose their rights to the sucker fish!

Since when has it become dangerous to tell the world the truth about the story of creation? Is the truth that much of a threat to you people?! Apparently so!


How do you know God said he created Man in his own image?

Did he float down on a cloud and tell you himself?

If you understood the Bible or science, inter dimensional travel would explain "floating down on a cloud". It's in Genesis and Hawking's computer............. :eusa_angel:
see guys that's how you tell fairy tale...

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