The Dangers of Creationism

If you understood the Bible or science, inter dimensional travel would explain "floating down on a cloud". It's in Genesis and Hawking's computer............. :eusa_angel:
see guys that's how you tell fairy tale...

So any more than 4 dimensions and you consider it a fairy tale? Einstein thought 4 was a fairy tale. You have floating confused with the 6th dimension.
nice false assumption
dimensions no matter how many there might be are no proof of a god or proof that said god could use them.
all creationist /christians arguments fail simply because all the faith there is proves nothing but faith.
if and until said god makes a world wide appearance you have no proof.
Son, you act like I'm a republican. I'm not a republican so don't try and rub that post in my face.
It's the bought and paid for politicians that I'm against including the progressives from the left. Don't know what else to say, I'm certainly not going to respond to the drivel in your post.
I posted it in the hope that you enlighten me on what rights the progressives were allegedly attempting to abolish.
it's obvious from that article whether you believe it or not that the right is very clear on the rights they want eliminated.
I Could not find any equivalent evidence for "progressives."

You gave up to soon then. Progressives are global minded, with US money to back their plays.
Got Egypt?
so are conservative regressives, again you have no valid argument.
Son, you act like I'm a republican. I'm not a republican so don't try and rub that post in my face.
It's the bought and paid for politicians that I'm against including the progressives from the left. Don't know what else to say, I'm certainly not going to respond to the drivel in your post.
I posted it in the hope that you enlighten me on what rights the progressives were allegedly attempting to abolish.
it's obvious from that article whether you believe it or not that the right is very clear on the rights they want eliminated.
I Could not find any equivalent evidence for "progressives."

If you think that republicans are in lockstep with Bunning, you're a fool, I would say the same for a republican saying that democrats are in lockstep with Obama.
I've given you examples on rights being attacked from the left, you wish to deny those? That all on you, just get back with your head stuck in the sand.
see guys that's how you tell fairy tale...

So any more than 4 dimensions and you consider it a fairy tale? Einstein thought 4 was a fairy tale. You have floating confused with the 6th dimension.
nice false assumption
dimensions no matter how many there might be are no proof of a god or proof that said god could use them.
all creationist /christians arguments fail simply because all the faith there is proves nothing but faith.
if and until said god makes a world wide appearance you have no proof.

The proof is in the fact God told us 6,000 years ago, about the dimensions He made and their attributes. 4 had Einstein stumped, but not Isiah.

But how I know that God is who He says He is, is that thousands of years ago, He predicted everything I watch on the news today. If fact, Bible prophesy came right out of a reporter's mouth today when discussing the impact that the Egypt mess and the Syria mess has on Israel, being surrounded by her enemies and all..................

He is able to predict the future because He can visit the future whenever He wants. It's called inter-dimensional travel.
No fairies, magic, or mysteries. Just God's Laws of Physics coming to "light". :eusa_angel:
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So any more than 4 dimensions and you consider it a fairy tale? Einstein thought 4 was a fairy tale. You have floating confused with the 6th dimension.
nice false assumption
dimensions no matter how many there might be are no proof of a god or proof that said god could use them.
all creationist /christians arguments fail simply because all the faith there is proves nothing but faith.
if and until said god makes a world wide appearance you have no proof.

The proof is in the fact God told us 6,000 years ago, about the dimensions He made and their attributes. 4 had Einstein stumped, but not Isiah.

But how I know that God is who He says He is, is that thousands of years ago, He predicted everything I watch on the news today. If fact, Bible prophesy came right out of a reporter's mouth today when discussing the impact that the Egypt mess and the Syria mess has on Israel, being surrounded by her enemies and all..................

He is able to predict the future because He can visit the future whenever He wants. It's called inter-dimensional travel.
No fairies, magic, or mysteries. Just God's Laws of Physics coming to "light". :eusa_angel:
another series of false assumptions ... there is no quantifiable, empirical evidence that god did or said anything ..all you have is anecdotal stories that cannot be verified.
they themselves are not evidence.
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nice false assumption
dimensions no matter how many there might be are no proof of a god or proof that said god could use them.
all creationist /christians arguments fail simply because all the faith there is proves nothing but faith.
if and until said god makes a world wide appearance you have no proof.

The proof is in the fact God told us 6,000 years ago, about the dimensions He made and their attributes. 4 had Einstein stumped, but not Isiah.

But how I know that God is who He says He is, is that thousands of years ago, He predicted everything I watch on the news today. If fact, Bible prophesy came right out of a reporter's mouth today when discussing the impact that the Egypt mess and the Syria mess has on Israel, being surrounded by her enemies and all..................

He is able to predict the future because He can visit the future whenever He wants. It's called inter-dimensional travel.
No fairies, magic, or mysteries. Just God's Laws of Physics coming to "light". :eusa_angel:
another series false assumptions ... there is no quantifiable, empirical evidence that god did or said anything ..all you have is anecdotal stories that cannot be verified.
they themselves are not evidence.

Satan has you on his side speaking his words for him. Well done, son. :eusa_whistle:
The proof is in the fact God told us 6,000 years ago, about the dimensions He made and their attributes. 4 had Einstein stumped, but not Isiah.

But how I know that God is who He says He is, is that thousands of years ago, He predicted everything I watch on the news today. If fact, Bible prophesy came right out of a reporter's mouth today when discussing the impact that the Egypt mess and the Syria mess has on Israel, being surrounded by her enemies and all..................

He is able to predict the future because He can visit the future whenever He wants. It's called inter-dimensional travel.
No fairies, magic, or mysteries. Just God's Laws of Physics coming to "light". :eusa_angel:
another series false assumptions ... there is no quantifiable, empirical evidence that god did or said anything ..all you have is anecdotal stories that cannot be verified.
they themselves are not evidence.

Satan has you on his side speaking his words for him. Well done, son. :eusa_whistle:
god and satan ...good and evil one cannot exist without the other..
since god is a myth so is satan.
another series false assumptions ... there is no quantifiable, empirical evidence that god did or said anything ..all you have is anecdotal stories that cannot be verified.
they themselves are not evidence.

Satan has you on his side speaking his words for him. Well done, son. :eusa_whistle:
god and satan ...good and evil one cannot exist without the other..
since god is a myth so is satan.

another series false assumptions ... there is no quantifiable, empirical evidence that god did or said anything ..all you have is anecdotal stories that cannot be verified.
they themselves are not evidence.

Satan has you on his side speaking his words for him. Well done, son. :eusa_whistle:
god and satan ...good and evil one cannot exist without the other..
since god is a myth so is satan.
God lives in the hearts of believers, daws. He's my hope and inspiration. There is none like Him. :)
The point is not what anybody believes or why they believe what they believe. Liberty allows us all the conviction of our beliefs so long as we do not infringe on the rights of others.

If I passionately believe in the God of the Bible, that requires nothing from anybody else. How is what I believe any threat to anybody else so long as I require nothing of you because of what I believe? Or how does somebody not believing in the God of the Bible present any threat to anybody else so long as he or she requires nothing of anybody else because of what he or she believes? Either case is no more threatening than are people who believe in other worldly visitations, tooth fairies, or the flying spaghetti monster.

Liberty requires us all to have our beliefs unhindered by any others.

The problem comes when others demand their their belief system is the one that shall be recognized and accommodated. And if they are able to prevail, then there is no more liberty.
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Creation Bytes!: Did the T-Rex eat meat? - YouTube

Creationist: Tyrannosaurus rex was created to eat plants

So because one man thinks this, that somehow means believing God created the world is dangerous? How so?

I've never heard of a man being condemned for believing too much, just for unbelief.

What the fuck? Jesus you are stupid. What the fuck you think a zealot is or a terrorist who blows himself up in the name of ( insert stupid myth here).
The proof is in the fact God told us 6,000 years ago, about the dimensions He made and their attributes. 4 had Einstein stumped, but not Isiah.

But how I know that God is who He says He is, is that thousands of years ago, He predicted everything I watch on the news today. If fact, Bible prophesy came right out of a reporter's mouth today when discussing the impact that the Egypt mess and the Syria mess has on Israel, being surrounded by her enemies and all..................

He is able to predict the future because He can visit the future whenever He wants. It's called inter-dimensional travel.
No fairies, magic, or mysteries. Just God's Laws of Physics coming to "light". :eusa_angel:
another series false assumptions ... there is no quantifiable, empirical evidence that god did or said anything ..all you have is anecdotal stories that cannot be verified.
they themselves are not evidence.

Satan has you on his side speaking his words for him. Well done, son. :eusa_whistle:

You seriously said this....
I would actually like to know where this idiot gets the assertion that God created everything to eat plant by the way. That does not sound like it has any basis in anything including the Christian faith. The bible certainly does not support the position that God does not want man to eat meat so then it is obvious that he did not create all things to eat plants.

I have a feeling this idiot is just trying to justify what he lives by.
I would actually like to know where this idiot gets the assertion that God created everything to eat plant by the way. That does not sound like it has any basis in anything including the Christian faith. The bible certainly does not support the position that God does not want man to eat meat so then it is obvious that he did not create all things to eat plants.

I have a feeling this idiot is just trying to justify what he lives by.

And yet those who are vegan or vegetarian for religious reasons harm me in no way. What is it to me what somebody else believes in such matters? It is an unalienable right to have our beliefs however irrational or unlikely they seem to others.

The problem comes only when there is a demand or effort to coerce us all to become vegan or vegetarian or to shut down the steak houses because the very sight of them might offend somebody or to deny somebody the right to enjoy his hotdog in the town square just because somebody else hates meat eating.
I would actually like to know where this idiot gets the assertion that God created everything to eat plant by the way. That does not sound like it has any basis in anything including the Christian faith. The bible certainly does not support the position that God does not want man to eat meat so then it is obvious that he did not create all things to eat plants.

I have a feeling this idiot is just trying to justify what he lives by.

And yet those who are vegan or vegetarian for religious reasons harm me in no way. What is it to me what somebody else believes in such matters? It is an unalienable right to have our beliefs however irrational or unlikely they seem to others.

The problem comes only when there is a demand or effort to coerce us all to become vegan or vegetarian or to shut down the steak houses because the very sight of them might offend somebody or to deny somebody the right to enjoy his hotdog in the town square just because somebody else hates meat eating.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree. I have been taking that stance thought this thread BUT that does not mean I am not intrigued by his motivations. I have never heard this argument anywhere before and this is NOT a hack job video. It looks as though this guy belongs to a legitimate organization.

I really do want to know where he gets his strange beliefs from. The fact that I think he is an idiot not withstanding :D
I would actually like to know where this idiot gets the assertion that God created everything to eat plant by the way. That does not sound like it has any basis in anything including the Christian faith. The bible certainly does not support the position that God does not want man to eat meat so then it is obvious that he did not create all things to eat plants.

I have a feeling this idiot is just trying to justify what he lives by.

Keeping it in a biblical tense what do you think the meat eaters ate on Noah's ark?
oh and one more thing.
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den. 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Isaiah 11:6-9 (King James Version)

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