The Dangers of Creationism

If someone doesn't do it for you, it doesn't get done. figures.....:eusa_whistle:
wow not just a non answer but a dodge too..
The basic liberties are:
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
freedom of the press
freedom to have peaceful assemblies
freedom to petition the government.

Funny you mention freedom of the press....wasn't this just attacked by the DOJ just a few months ago? hmmm?
NSA stomping on our liberties?
Liberals are attacking religion everyday....even in this thread
Liberals are attacking our gun rights
good example of the freedom to be paranoid.
wow not just a non answer but a dodge too..
The basic liberties are:
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
freedom of the press
freedom to have peaceful assemblies
freedom to petition the government.

Funny you mention freedom of the press....wasn't this just attacked by the DOJ just a few months ago? hmmm?
NSA stomping on our liberties?
Liberals are attacking religion everyday....even in this thread
Liberals are attacking our gun rights
good example of the freedom to be paranoid.

now who's dodging, son?
Funny you mention freedom of the press....wasn't this just attacked by the DOJ just a few months ago? hmmm?
NSA stomping on our liberties?
Liberals are attacking religion everyday....even in this thread
Liberals are attacking our gun rights
good example of the freedom to be paranoid.

now who's dodging, son?
don't call me son you're not my father.
we're mostly likely around the same age

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom.

by ὤTṻnde΄ӂ Posted August 16, 2010

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom

What do the Republicans want? It's not such a secret. Republicans are pro-business, and anti-people. If a business has to pay taxes, Republicans weep big tears. But if individual working people and their children get sick and die because they cannot afford healthcare, Republicans do not care one bit. A lot of Democratic politicians basically support these Republican policies and have the same attitudes. These are policies that harm this country and harm the people. Anybody who votes Republican should ask your favorite politicians, and they will tell you. What I've said here is true.

1. Republicans want to end Social Security.

2. Republicans want to end Medicare.

3. Republicans want to end minimum wage.

4. Republicans want to end overtime pay.

5. Republicans want to end any restrictions on the number of immigrants they can bring into the country to take Americans' jobs.

Republicans want to end public education. If people want their kids to
be educated, people will have to send the kids to private religious
schools, and pay for it out of their own pockets.

7. Republicans want Americans to live just like in the words of the old Tennessee Ernie Ford song, "16 Tons": "You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store." In this case, the "company
store" would include Walmart, Blue Cross, and the banks. People would
work every day and every day would be another day older and deeper in
debt, because they will not earn enough to pay for housing, food,
medical care, clothing, so they will run a tab, use credit cards, owe
more every day of their lives. Their kids will have to pay for their
funerals on credit. Born poor and die in debt. Grab a shovel and start
digging the hole you're about to fall into.

8. Republicans want to steal every single thing that belongs to our country -- the water, the trees, the parks, the highways, the schools, the hospitals -- and
sell them off to the hedge fund criminals who have stolen our money and
are hiding it offshore, just waiting to swoop back in and buy everything
at a firesale price.

9. The Republicans want to eradicate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is another gun case before the Supreme Court. I expect the Gang of Four will rule that everyone canshoot anyone else, no consequences. Of as much concern, there is a tobacco case going up before the Supreme Court, and I'm actually afraid they might order us all to start smoking again.

10. Republicans want no unemployment compensation, no Cobra. They would prefer that we all become day laborers, standing on a streetcorner hoping to get a days' work, because a desperate workforce is an obedient workforce.
Witness the Senator from the Lung Cancer State of Kentucky, Jim Bunning,
who is blocking all efforts to provide an extension to unemployment
compensation for the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work.
You think this guy Bunning is a dick? Certainly he is. But more
importantly, he's a Republican. And everything he is doing is consistent
with Republican policies.

For example, he loves the tobacco industry, and does not care one bit that it has killed millions of Americans. Here's a statement from Senator Bunning's own website opposing any efforts to have the FDA regulate tobacco: ‘FDA Has No Business On The Family Farm”

Thursday, June 11, 2009
"Whatever the opponents of tobacco say, there is no denying that this bill will place unnecessary mandates and expenses on our farmers in an effort to punish the big tobacco companies.
This sweeping legislation would drastically increase the FDA’s regulatory authority outside of the scope of original Congressional intent. It is nothing more than an attempt to eliminate our national tobacco industry.

"In Kentucky, the family farm is the foundation for who we are as a state. For over a century, the family farm in Kentucky has centered around one crop -- tobacco. We are proud of our heritage and proud that tobacco plays a role in our history.
... But at the end of the day, nothing brings as much of a return to the small farmer in Kentucky as tobacco. Its big business for our small farmers.

(From Sourcewatch):

During Bunning's reelection campaign in 2004, he accused his Democratic
opponent of physically assaulting Bunning's wife, leaving her black and
blue, and then said the Democrat looked like one of Saddam Hussein's
sons. Many people questioned his mental stability, and two newspapers
called for him to step down.

When it came time for a debate in that campaign, Bunning refused to appear,
instead only agreeing to appear by television, with him inside the
Republican national headquarters. Did he have someone whispering the
answers into his ear so he wouldn't appear so deranged? No telling,
because he also refused to allow any independent person inside the room
to monitor the proceedings. He also insisted the debate take place in
the middle of the afternoon, and forbade it to be rebroadcast in whole
or in part.

Bunning also received a nice campaign donation from that convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

Jim Bunning - SourceWatch

So, is he crazy? Mentally unstable? Arrogant and mean? Yes. But most important, he is is a Republican.

If these aren't what republicans want to do, then prove it.

Read More:
So your issue is with a hypothetical using an extreme example....... :rolleyes:

Unfortunately telling lies is covered under freedom of speech.

You can talk about anything you like, however the specifics here reveal your actual motive for this thread (and it isn't your fear of creationism being taught in schools). ;)

I never said you "hate" the freedom of speech, I only indicated that you seem to have an imperfect understanding of what it entails.

Again you can talk about anything you wish, however you shouldn't be surprised when others point out the inconsistencies in your reasoning.

Well maybe not but I do recognize pharisaic behavior when I see it. :dunno:

No my issue is with people who want this taught in school. I can repeat that 7 more times but I think you don't want to address that topic and instead opt for the free speech angle. Do you think I want govt to stop people from teaching this shit in their home? I don't, so you can stop with that angle all together.

Your "issue" is that you wanted to engage in some self-righteous condemnation of people that believe in creationism (that's why you sought out the most extreme example you could find), *surprise* your feigned concern over a hypothetical wasn't all the difficult to see through. Next time you wish to build a facade to hide your true motivations you might want to put a just bit more thought into how you construct it.

The "freedom of speech angle" was just a matter of shooting in holes in the targets of opportunity that you so kindly presented. ;)

And this is the heart of the controversy right here. Thank you Nightfox.

There is no danger in teaching Creationism in schools. The Jews have been doing it for millenia and have produced some of the world's greatest minds, per capita have given more to the world in great concepts and innovations and discoveries than any other people, and among all the world's people, they have evolved to be among the least aggressive and violent if left alone to do their thing in peace.

There is a danger to all our liberties, however, from those who would deny the right to teach Creationism in the schools if that is what people want. I would not send my child to a school where Creationism was taught as science in any respect other than one of many theories of the origins of the universe, but if I want the right to the education I want, I have to allow others the same right.

There is as much danger in forbidding the right for anybody to teach Creationism as there is danger in forbidding the right for anybody to teach evolution. Those who would dictate what must be taught and what cannot be taught would put us on the road to totalitarian dictatorship in which all must conform to the beliefs of the state.
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good example of the freedom to be paranoid.

now who's dodging, son?
don't call me son you're not my father.
we're mostly likely around the same age

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom.

by ὤTṻnde΄ӂ Posted August 16, 2010

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom

What do the Republicans want? It's not such a secret. Republicans are pro-business, and anti-people. If a business has to pay taxes, Republicans weep big tears. But if individual working people and their children get sick and die because they cannot afford healthcare, Republicans do not care one bit. A lot of Democratic politicians basically support these Republican policies and have the same attitudes. These are policies that harm this country and harm the people. Anybody who votes Republican should ask your favorite politicians, and they will tell you. What I've said here is true.

1. Republicans want to end Social Security.

2. Republicans want to end Medicare.

3. Republicans want to end minimum wage.

4. Republicans want to end overtime pay.

5. Republicans want to end any restrictions on the number of immigrants they can bring into the country to take Americans' jobs.

Republicans want to end public education. If people want their kids to
be educated, people will have to send the kids to private religious
schools, and pay for it out of their own pockets.

7. Republicans want Americans to live just like in the words of the old Tennessee Ernie Ford song, "16 Tons": "You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store." In this case, the "company
store" would include Walmart, Blue Cross, and the banks. People would
work every day and every day would be another day older and deeper in
debt, because they will not earn enough to pay for housing, food,
medical care, clothing, so they will run a tab, use credit cards, owe
more every day of their lives. Their kids will have to pay for their
funerals on credit. Born poor and die in debt. Grab a shovel and start
digging the hole you're about to fall into.

8. Republicans want to steal every single thing that belongs to our country -- the water, the trees, the parks, the highways, the schools, the hospitals -- and
sell them off to the hedge fund criminals who have stolen our money and
are hiding it offshore, just waiting to swoop back in and buy everything
at a firesale price.

9. The Republicans want to eradicate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is another gun case before the Supreme Court. I expect the Gang of Four will rule that everyone canshoot anyone else, no consequences. Of as much concern, there is a tobacco case going up before the Supreme Court, and I'm actually afraid they might order us all to start smoking again.

10. Republicans want no unemployment compensation, no Cobra. They would prefer that we all become day laborers, standing on a streetcorner hoping to get a days' work, because a desperate workforce is an obedient workforce.
Witness the Senator from the Lung Cancer State of Kentucky, Jim Bunning,
who is blocking all efforts to provide an extension to unemployment
compensation for the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work.
You think this guy Bunning is a dick? Certainly he is. But more
importantly, he's a Republican. And everything he is doing is consistent
with Republican policies.

For example, he loves the tobacco industry, and does not care one bit that it has killed millions of Americans. Here's a statement from Senator Bunning's own website opposing any efforts to have the FDA regulate tobacco: ‘FDA Has No Business On The Family Farm”

Thursday, June 11, 2009
"Whatever the opponents of tobacco say, there is no denying that this bill will place unnecessary mandates and expenses on our farmers in an effort to punish the big tobacco companies.
This sweeping legislation would drastically increase the FDA’s regulatory authority outside of the scope of original Congressional intent. It is nothing more than an attempt to eliminate our national tobacco industry.

"In Kentucky, the family farm is the foundation for who we are as a state. For over a century, the family farm in Kentucky has centered around one crop -- tobacco. We are proud of our heritage and proud that tobacco plays a role in our history.
... But at the end of the day, nothing brings as much of a return to the small farmer in Kentucky as tobacco. Its big business for our small farmers.

(From Sourcewatch):

During Bunning's reelection campaign in 2004, he accused his Democratic
opponent of physically assaulting Bunning's wife, leaving her black and
blue, and then said the Democrat looked like one of Saddam Hussein's
sons. Many people questioned his mental stability, and two newspapers
called for him to step down.

When it came time for a debate in that campaign, Bunning refused to appear,
instead only agreeing to appear by television, with him inside the
Republican national headquarters. Did he have someone whispering the
answers into his ear so he wouldn't appear so deranged? No telling,
because he also refused to allow any independent person inside the room
to monitor the proceedings. He also insisted the debate take place in
the middle of the afternoon, and forbade it to be rebroadcast in whole
or in part.

Bunning also received a nice campaign donation from that convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

Jim Bunning - SourceWatch

So, is he crazy? Mentally unstable? Arrogant and mean? Yes. But most important, he is is a Republican.

If these aren't what republicans want to do, then prove it.

Read More:

Son, you act like I'm a republican. I'm not a republican so don't try and rub that post in my face.
It's the bought and paid for politicians that I'm against including the progressives from the left. Don't know what else to say, I'm certainly not going to respond to the drivel in your post.
No my issue is with people who want this taught in school. I can repeat that 7 more times but I think you don't want to address that topic and instead opt for the free speech angle. Do you think I want govt to stop people from teaching this shit in their home? I don't, so you can stop with that angle all together.

Your "issue" is that you wanted to engage in some self-righteous condemnation of people that believe in creationism (that's why you sought out the most extreme example you could find), *surprise* your feigned concern over a hypothetical wasn't all the difficult to see through. Next time you wish to build a facade to hide your true motivations you might want to put a just bit more thought into how you construct it.

The "freedom of speech angle" was just a matter of shooting in holes in the targets of opportunity that you so kindly presented. ;)

That's not even close to the most extreme example...nowhere near it. I can tell you my motivation
No need, as I (and others) indicated your motivation was crystal clear to any rational person that bothered to look.

Now the only question that remains is whether or not you have the courage to be honest about it. :dunno:
Creation Bytes!: Did the T-Rex eat meat? - YouTube

Creationist: Tyrannosaurus rex was created to eat plants

So because one man thinks this, that somehow means believing God created the world is dangerous? How so?

I've never heard of a man being condemned for believing too much, just for unbelief.


Because there is truth and there other stuff. If you don't care about truth....teach it all you want but there is a danger involved when people don't care about facts. Like blow yourself up for 72 virgins. Whats the harm in believing that's true?


Now talking about Denying the opportunity to teach this in schools. (Which everyone is saying isn't happening but repubs here are supporting that option. But Closed Caption is making up the support :doubt:)

The same reason I don't want the flying spaghetti monster taught in school either. Unless you are extending these "rights" to Wiccans, Pastafarians etc.

But you're not tho, so me and you are on the same side. You just want ONE of those to be taught
Freedom is the right to think, believe, speak, and embrace whatever we wish so long as nobody else's rights are violated.

If there is to be freedom to teach our children what we consider to be good information including important science, there must also be freedom for others to teach children Creationism or the tales of the flying spaghetti monster. Othewise there is no freedom for anybody.
Freedom is the right to think, believe, speak, and embrace whatever we wish so long as nobody else's rights are violated.

If there is to be freedom to teach our children what we consider to be good information including important science, there must also be freedom for others to teach children Creationism or the tales of the flying spaghetti monster. Othewise there is no freedom for anybody.

So is that a yes for teaching the flying spaghetti monster?
Just because you feel people should have the freedom to teach anything they want doesn't mean you you can't feel those teachings can be a dangerous social model as well. But there should also be a limit on the freedom of speech. If I taught children that people with redhair are dangerous and should not be trusted am I not creating a dangerous environment?
Just because you feel people should have the freedom to teach anything they want doesn't mean you you can't feel those teachings can be a dangerous social model as well. But there should also be a limit on the freedom of speech. If I taught children that people with redhair are dangerous and should not be trusted am I not creating a dangerous environment?

That's all I'm saying and they are with me on that. You see for all the talk they give not one of them are ok with teaching the Flying Speghetti Monster or Wiccan. Not one
Just because you feel people should have the freedom to teach anything they want doesn't mean you you can't feel those teachings can be a dangerous social model as well. But there should also be a limit on the freedom of speech. If I taught children that people with redhair are dangerous and should not be trusted am I not creating a dangerous environment?

That's all I'm saying and they are with me on that. You see for all the talk they give not one of them are ok with teaching the Flying Speghetti Monster or Wiccan. Not one

Really because I am positive that is a bald-faced lie. I can guarantee that many here would be absolutely fine with that as long as you set that up within your own community.

Just because you feel people should have the freedom to teach anything they want doesn't mean you you can't feel those teachings can be a dangerous social model as well. But there should also be a limit on the freedom of speech. If I taught children that people with redhair are dangerous and should not be trusted am I not creating a dangerous environment?
No, there really should not. Within the state sponsored arena, this is unacceptable but in your own home you are free to do as you please. West Burro is likely the most hate filled vitriolic group here that I can name off the top of my head and they are completely legal.

I am not going to allow the government to arbitrarily decide what is too dangerous for me to speak about; the very idea is against everything that we stand for.
Just because you feel people should have the freedom to teach anything they want doesn't mean you you can't feel those teachings can be a dangerous social model as well. But there should also be a limit on the freedom of speech. If I taught children that people with redhair are dangerous and should not be trusted am I not creating a dangerous environment?

That's all I'm saying and they are with me on that. You see for all the talk they give not one of them are ok with teaching the Flying Speghetti Monster or Wiccan. Not one

Really because I am positive that is a bald-faced lie. I can guarantee that many here would be absolutely fine with that as long as you set that up within your own community.

See? They say they are for everything but ask them directly and they start with the abstract "some people..."

Do you support teaching Wiccan and the Flying Speghetti Monster?

Just because you feel people should have the freedom to teach anything they want doesn't mean you you can't feel those teachings can be a dangerous social model as well. But there should also be a limit on the freedom of speech. If I taught children that people with redhair are dangerous and should not be trusted am I not creating a dangerous environment?
No, there really should not. Within the state sponsored arena, this is unacceptable but in your own home you are free to do as you please. West Burro is likely the most hate filled vitriolic group here that I can name off the top of my head and they are completely legal.

I am not going to allow the government to arbitrarily decide what is too dangerous for me to speak about; the very idea is against everything that we stand for.[/QUOTE]

No one Is talking about speaking we are talking about TEACHING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

Now, Do you support teaching Wiccan and the Flying Speghetti Monster or not?

All these "freedom lovers" cant seem to answer the question....its a coincidence :lol:
That's all I'm saying and they are with me on that. You see for all the talk they give not one of them are ok with teaching the Flying Speghetti Monster or Wiccan. Not one

Really because I am positive that is a bald-faced lie. I can guarantee that many here would be absolutely fine with that as long as you set that up within your own community.

See? They say they are for everything but ask them directly and they start with the abstract "some people..."

Do you support teaching Wiccan and the Flying Speghetti Monster?
Just because you feel people should have the freedom to teach anything they want doesn't mean you you can't feel those teachings can be a dangerous social model as well. But there should also be a limit on the freedom of speech. If I taught children that people with redhair are dangerous and should not be trusted am I not creating a dangerous environment?
No, there really should not. Within the state sponsored arena, this is unacceptable but in your own home you are free to do as you please. West Burro is likely the most hate filled vitriolic group here that I can name off the top of my head and they are completely legal.

I am not going to allow the government to arbitrarily decide what is too dangerous for me to speak about; the very idea is against everything that we stand for.

No one Is talking about speaking we are talking about TEACHING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

Now, Do you support teaching Wiccan and the Flying Speghetti Monster or not?

All these "freedom lovers" cant seem to answer the question....its a coincidence :lol:

I answered already – within your own community. I have already answered about public schools as well where I was completely clear that such things are not acceptable and even pointed out that it is not an issue as it is NOT taught in schools and has not come close to actually happening.
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I'm sure someone somewhere is for wiccan but so far when I asked several people directly if they believed in that freedom too no one has answered yes.

The same group that cried freedom seem to have a limit also on that freedom
now who's dodging, son?
don't call me son you're not my father.
we're mostly likely around the same age

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom.

by ὤTṻnde΄ӂ Posted August 16, 2010

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom

What do the Republicans want? It's not such a secret. Republicans are pro-business, and anti-people. If a business has to pay taxes, Republicans weep big tears. But if individual working people and their children get sick and die because they cannot afford healthcare, Republicans do not care one bit. A lot of Democratic politicians basically support these Republican policies and have the same attitudes. These are policies that harm this country and harm the people. Anybody who votes Republican should ask your favorite politicians, and they will tell you. What I've said here is true.

1. Republicans want to end Social Security.

2. Republicans want to end Medicare.

3. Republicans want to end minimum wage.

4. Republicans want to end overtime pay.

5. Republicans want to end any restrictions on the number of immigrants they can bring into the country to take Americans' jobs.

Republicans want to end public education. If people want their kids to
be educated, people will have to send the kids to private religious
schools, and pay for it out of their own pockets.

7. Republicans want Americans to live just like in the words of the old Tennessee Ernie Ford song, "16 Tons": "You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store." In this case, the "company
store" would include Walmart, Blue Cross, and the banks. People would
work every day and every day would be another day older and deeper in
debt, because they will not earn enough to pay for housing, food,
medical care, clothing, so they will run a tab, use credit cards, owe
more every day of their lives. Their kids will have to pay for their
funerals on credit. Born poor and die in debt. Grab a shovel and start
digging the hole you're about to fall into.

8. Republicans want to steal every single thing that belongs to our country -- the water, the trees, the parks, the highways, the schools, the hospitals -- and
sell them off to the hedge fund criminals who have stolen our money and
are hiding it offshore, just waiting to swoop back in and buy everything
at a firesale price.

9. The Republicans want to eradicate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is another gun case before the Supreme Court. I expect the Gang of Four will rule that everyone canshoot anyone else, no consequences. Of as much concern, there is a tobacco case going up before the Supreme Court, and I'm actually afraid they might order us all to start smoking again.

10. Republicans want no unemployment compensation, no Cobra. They would prefer that we all become day laborers, standing on a streetcorner hoping to get a days' work, because a desperate workforce is an obedient workforce.
Witness the Senator from the Lung Cancer State of Kentucky, Jim Bunning,
who is blocking all efforts to provide an extension to unemployment
compensation for the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work.
You think this guy Bunning is a dick? Certainly he is. But more
importantly, he's a Republican. And everything he is doing is consistent
with Republican policies.

For example, he loves the tobacco industry, and does not care one bit that it has killed millions of Americans. Here's a statement from Senator Bunning's own website opposing any efforts to have the FDA regulate tobacco: ‘FDA Has No Business On The Family Farm”

Thursday, June 11, 2009
"Whatever the opponents of tobacco say, there is no denying that this bill will place unnecessary mandates and expenses on our farmers in an effort to punish the big tobacco companies.
This sweeping legislation would drastically increase the FDA’s regulatory authority outside of the scope of original Congressional intent. It is nothing more than an attempt to eliminate our national tobacco industry.

"In Kentucky, the family farm is the foundation for who we are as a state. For over a century, the family farm in Kentucky has centered around one crop -- tobacco. We are proud of our heritage and proud that tobacco plays a role in our history.
... But at the end of the day, nothing brings as much of a return to the small farmer in Kentucky as tobacco. Its big business for our small farmers.

(From Sourcewatch):

During Bunning's reelection campaign in 2004, he accused his Democratic
opponent of physically assaulting Bunning's wife, leaving her black and
blue, and then said the Democrat looked like one of Saddam Hussein's
sons. Many people questioned his mental stability, and two newspapers
called for him to step down.

When it came time for a debate in that campaign, Bunning refused to appear,
instead only agreeing to appear by television, with him inside the
Republican national headquarters. Did he have someone whispering the
answers into his ear so he wouldn't appear so deranged? No telling,
because he also refused to allow any independent person inside the room
to monitor the proceedings. He also insisted the debate take place in
the middle of the afternoon, and forbade it to be rebroadcast in whole
or in part.

Bunning also received a nice campaign donation from that convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

Jim Bunning - SourceWatch

So, is he crazy? Mentally unstable? Arrogant and mean? Yes. But most important, he is is a Republican.

If these aren't what republicans want to do, then prove it.

Read More:

Son, you act like I'm a republican. I'm not a republican so don't try and rub that post in my face.
It's the bought and paid for politicians that I'm against including the progressives from the left. Don't know what else to say, I'm certainly not going to respond to the drivel in your post.
I posted it in the hope that you enlighten me on what rights the progressives were allegedly attempting to abolish.
it's obvious from that article whether you believe it or not that the right is very clear on the rights they want eliminated.
I Could not find any equivalent evidence for "progressives."
How do you know God said he created Man in his own image?

Did he float down on a cloud and tell you himself?

If you understood the Bible or science, inter dimensional travel would explain "floating down on a cloud". It's in Genesis and Hawking's computer............. :eusa_angel:
see guys that's how you tell fairy tale...

So any more than 4 dimensions and you consider it a fairy tale? Einstein thought 4 was a fairy tale. You have floating confused with the 6th dimension.
don't call me son you're not my father.
we're mostly likely around the same age

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom.

by ὤTṻnde΄ӂ Posted August 16, 2010

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom

What do the Republicans want? It's not such a secret. Republicans are pro-business, and anti-people. If a business has to pay taxes, Republicans weep big tears. But if individual working people and their children get sick and die because they cannot afford healthcare, Republicans do not care one bit. A lot of Democratic politicians basically support these Republican policies and have the same attitudes. These are policies that harm this country and harm the people. Anybody who votes Republican should ask your favorite politicians, and they will tell you. What I've said here is true.

1. Republicans want to end Social Security.

2. Republicans want to end Medicare.

3. Republicans want to end minimum wage.

4. Republicans want to end overtime pay.

5. Republicans want to end any restrictions on the number of immigrants they can bring into the country to take Americans' jobs.

Republicans want to end public education. If people want their kids to
be educated, people will have to send the kids to private religious
schools, and pay for it out of their own pockets.

7. Republicans want Americans to live just like in the words of the old Tennessee Ernie Ford song, "16 Tons": "You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store." In this case, the "company
store" would include Walmart, Blue Cross, and the banks. People would
work every day and every day would be another day older and deeper in
debt, because they will not earn enough to pay for housing, food,
medical care, clothing, so they will run a tab, use credit cards, owe
more every day of their lives. Their kids will have to pay for their
funerals on credit. Born poor and die in debt. Grab a shovel and start
digging the hole you're about to fall into.

8. Republicans want to steal every single thing that belongs to our country -- the water, the trees, the parks, the highways, the schools, the hospitals -- and
sell them off to the hedge fund criminals who have stolen our money and
are hiding it offshore, just waiting to swoop back in and buy everything
at a firesale price.

9. The Republicans want to eradicate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is another gun case before the Supreme Court. I expect the Gang of Four will rule that everyone canshoot anyone else, no consequences. Of as much concern, there is a tobacco case going up before the Supreme Court, and I'm actually afraid they might order us all to start smoking again.

10. Republicans want no unemployment compensation, no Cobra. They would prefer that we all become day laborers, standing on a streetcorner hoping to get a days' work, because a desperate workforce is an obedient workforce.
Witness the Senator from the Lung Cancer State of Kentucky, Jim Bunning,
who is blocking all efforts to provide an extension to unemployment
compensation for the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work.
You think this guy Bunning is a dick? Certainly he is. But more
importantly, he's a Republican. And everything he is doing is consistent
with Republican policies.

For example, he loves the tobacco industry, and does not care one bit that it has killed millions of Americans. Here's a statement from Senator Bunning's own website opposing any efforts to have the FDA regulate tobacco: ‘FDA Has No Business On The Family Farm”

Thursday, June 11, 2009
"Whatever the opponents of tobacco say, there is no denying that this bill will place unnecessary mandates and expenses on our farmers in an effort to punish the big tobacco companies.
This sweeping legislation would drastically increase the FDA’s regulatory authority outside of the scope of original Congressional intent. It is nothing more than an attempt to eliminate our national tobacco industry.

"In Kentucky, the family farm is the foundation for who we are as a state. For over a century, the family farm in Kentucky has centered around one crop -- tobacco. We are proud of our heritage and proud that tobacco plays a role in our history.
... But at the end of the day, nothing brings as much of a return to the small farmer in Kentucky as tobacco. Its big business for our small farmers.

(From Sourcewatch):

During Bunning's reelection campaign in 2004, he accused his Democratic
opponent of physically assaulting Bunning's wife, leaving her black and
blue, and then said the Democrat looked like one of Saddam Hussein's
sons. Many people questioned his mental stability, and two newspapers
called for him to step down.

When it came time for a debate in that campaign, Bunning refused to appear,
instead only agreeing to appear by television, with him inside the
Republican national headquarters. Did he have someone whispering the
answers into his ear so he wouldn't appear so deranged? No telling,
because he also refused to allow any independent person inside the room
to monitor the proceedings. He also insisted the debate take place in
the middle of the afternoon, and forbade it to be rebroadcast in whole
or in part.

Bunning also received a nice campaign donation from that convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

Jim Bunning - SourceWatch

So, is he crazy? Mentally unstable? Arrogant and mean? Yes. But most important, he is is a Republican.

If these aren't what republicans want to do, then prove it.

Read More:

Son, you act like I'm a republican. I'm not a republican so don't try and rub that post in my face.
It's the bought and paid for politicians that I'm against including the progressives from the left. Don't know what else to say, I'm certainly not going to respond to the drivel in your post.
I posted it in the hope that you enlighten me on what rights the progressives were allegedly attempting to abolish.
it's obvious from that article whether you believe it or not that the right is very clear on the rights they want eliminated.
I Could not find any equivalent evidence for "progressives."

You gave up to soon then. Progressives are global minded, with US money to back their plays.
Got Egypt?
don't call me son you're not my father.
we're mostly likely around the same age

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom.

by ὤTṻnde΄ӂ Posted August 16, 2010

What Do The Republicans Want? They Want To Take Away Everything That You Have, Including Your Freedom

What do the Republicans want? It's not such a secret. Republicans are pro-business, and anti-people. If a business has to pay taxes, Republicans weep big tears. But if individual working people and their children get sick and die because they cannot afford healthcare, Republicans do not care one bit. A lot of Democratic politicians basically support these Republican policies and have the same attitudes. These are policies that harm this country and harm the people. Anybody who votes Republican should ask your favorite politicians, and they will tell you. What I've said here is true.

1. Republicans want to end Social Security.

2. Republicans want to end Medicare.

3. Republicans want to end minimum wage.

4. Republicans want to end overtime pay.

5. Republicans want to end any restrictions on the number of immigrants they can bring into the country to take Americans' jobs.

Republicans want to end public education. If people want their kids to
be educated, people will have to send the kids to private religious
schools, and pay for it out of their own pockets.

7. Republicans want Americans to live just like in the words of the old Tennessee Ernie Ford song, "16 Tons": "You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store." In this case, the "company
store" would include Walmart, Blue Cross, and the banks. People would
work every day and every day would be another day older and deeper in
debt, because they will not earn enough to pay for housing, food,
medical care, clothing, so they will run a tab, use credit cards, owe
more every day of their lives. Their kids will have to pay for their
funerals on credit. Born poor and die in debt. Grab a shovel and start
digging the hole you're about to fall into.

8. Republicans want to steal every single thing that belongs to our country -- the water, the trees, the parks, the highways, the schools, the hospitals -- and
sell them off to the hedge fund criminals who have stolen our money and
are hiding it offshore, just waiting to swoop back in and buy everything
at a firesale price.

9. The Republicans want to eradicate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is another gun case before the Supreme Court. I expect the Gang of Four will rule that everyone canshoot anyone else, no consequences. Of as much concern, there is a tobacco case going up before the Supreme Court, and I'm actually afraid they might order us all to start smoking again.

10. Republicans want no unemployment compensation, no Cobra. They would prefer that we all become day laborers, standing on a streetcorner hoping to get a days' work, because a desperate workforce is an obedient workforce.
Witness the Senator from the Lung Cancer State of Kentucky, Jim Bunning,
who is blocking all efforts to provide an extension to unemployment
compensation for the tens of millions of Americans who are out of work.
You think this guy Bunning is a dick? Certainly he is. But more
importantly, he's a Republican. And everything he is doing is consistent
with Republican policies.

For example, he loves the tobacco industry, and does not care one bit that it has killed millions of Americans. Here's a statement from Senator Bunning's own website opposing any efforts to have the FDA regulate tobacco: ‘FDA Has No Business On The Family Farm”

Thursday, June 11, 2009
"Whatever the opponents of tobacco say, there is no denying that this bill will place unnecessary mandates and expenses on our farmers in an effort to punish the big tobacco companies.
This sweeping legislation would drastically increase the FDA’s regulatory authority outside of the scope of original Congressional intent. It is nothing more than an attempt to eliminate our national tobacco industry.

"In Kentucky, the family farm is the foundation for who we are as a state. For over a century, the family farm in Kentucky has centered around one crop -- tobacco. We are proud of our heritage and proud that tobacco plays a role in our history.
... But at the end of the day, nothing brings as much of a return to the small farmer in Kentucky as tobacco. Its big business for our small farmers.

(From Sourcewatch):

During Bunning's reelection campaign in 2004, he accused his Democratic
opponent of physically assaulting Bunning's wife, leaving her black and
blue, and then said the Democrat looked like one of Saddam Hussein's
sons. Many people questioned his mental stability, and two newspapers
called for him to step down.

When it came time for a debate in that campaign, Bunning refused to appear,
instead only agreeing to appear by television, with him inside the
Republican national headquarters. Did he have someone whispering the
answers into his ear so he wouldn't appear so deranged? No telling,
because he also refused to allow any independent person inside the room
to monitor the proceedings. He also insisted the debate take place in
the middle of the afternoon, and forbade it to be rebroadcast in whole
or in part.

Bunning also received a nice campaign donation from that convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

Jim Bunning - SourceWatch

So, is he crazy? Mentally unstable? Arrogant and mean? Yes. But most important, he is is a Republican.

If these aren't what republicans want to do, then prove it.

Read More:

Son, you act like I'm a republican. I'm not a republican so don't try and rub that post in my face.
It's the bought and paid for politicians that I'm against including the progressives from the left. Don't know what else to say, I'm certainly not going to respond to the drivel in your post.
I posted it in the hope that you enlighten me on what rights the progressives were allegedly attempting to abolish.
it's obvious from that article whether you believe it or not that the right is very clear on the rights they want eliminated.
I Could not find any equivalent evidence for "progressives."

If you think that republicans are in lockstep with Bunning, you're a fool, I would say the same for a republican saying that democrats are in lockstep with Obama.
I've given you examples on rights being attacked from the left, you wish to deny those? That all on you, just get back with your head stuck in the sand.

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