Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Here you go...

you are reading very misleading islamo nazi propaganda. However---even your very slanted filth does not describe "jews only roads" --what is being
described is roads that can be accessed only by Israeli citizens---guess what--
lots of Israeli citizens are not jews ----your catechism nun forgot to tell you.
The roads restricted to Israeli citizens are those leading to little farming villages where your heroes have a penchant for slitting baby throats and ramming their cars into babies children and any human around. In the USA---there are lots of places where all sorts of people cannot go but for the REAL FILTH--check out the restrictions on non muslims in lands infected with the FILTH OF ISLAM--even on communities that precede the birth of the rapist of mecca by centuries ---even millennia. As to check points-----everyone has to pass thru them-----try taking a car into Canada---same experience. You should be a lot better at detecting bull shit than you are
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chances are you were brought up with exposure to a christian church.
I'm a white, Irish Catholic. Judaism is not my dance. I have no reason to hate Jews. Israelis, on the otherhand, is a different story. Especially, the Israeli right. They can go to hell!

I see you murdered more humanitarian aid workers in Gaza. You don't deserve a country!
oh---you saw a sign in Israel "JEWS ONLY" I grew up with people like
you------I did get to go swimming once in the RESTRICTED country club
pool as a child guest----but I could not mention my last name. People
like you imagine that every one is (heaven forfend) LIKE YOU
Nice try!
Here you go...

where does that mention religion?
you are reading very misleading islamo nazi propaganda. However---even your very slanted filth does not describe "jews only roads" --what is being
described is roads that can be accessed only by Israeli citizens---guess what--
lots of Israeli citizens are not jews ----your catechism nun forgot to tell you.
The roads restricted to Israeli citizens are those leading to little farming villages where your heroes have a penchant for slitting baby throats and ramming their cars into babies children and any human around. In the USA---there are lots of places where all sorts of people cannot go but for the REAL FILTH--check out the restrictions on non muslims in lands infected with the FILTH OF ISLAM--even on communities that precede the birth of the rapist of mecca by centuries ---even millennia. As to check points-----everyone has to pass thru them-----try taking a car into Canada---same experience. You should be a lot better at detecting bull shit than you are
You know, here in the United States, anyone can drive on our freeways. But in the WB, you have segregated roads. That's aparheid.
Nothing changes the fact that the war started with Israeli tanks rolling into Egypt.
wrong again---the war was already in progress since 1947--the 1967 battle
began by declaration of the BAATHIST PIG--Gamal Abdel Nasser and the
arrival and deployment of Russian tanks and military advisers and the
Egyptian army on the border between Egypt and Israel already full steam
ahead in May 1967 The General Assembly of the UN came into
based on the actions of Egypt---Israel tolerated the aggression
till JUNE 5, 1967 which in your addled mind was the BEGINNING
You know, here in the United States, anyone can drive on our freeways. But in the WB, you have segregated roads. That's aparheid.
you are playing the islamo nazi game-----"our freeways" are not ALL THE
ROADS in the USA. There are restricted places in the USA ----and in the lands infected by islam-----the situation is OVERWHELMING. You want to consider
every land that calls itself ISLAMIC---to be APARTHEID SHIT? try to be
consistent which is characteristic of NON-HYPOCRITES
They don’t know what genocide is, either, but that doesn’t stop them from falsely accusing Jews of it.
well-----it's like the 60's all over again-----EVERYONE is protesting
the same things and using the same lingo and consider themselves
non-conformists----in the BRAVE NEW (bullshit) WORLD
Again, states do not have rights, people do.

I see you just murdered more humanitarian aid workers in Gaza. Quite frankly, you don't deserve a country!
I am an American citizen. Why don't I deserve a country?

The Palestinians have supported Hamas for years. This is what a leader of Hamas has to say about Israel.

where does that mention religion?
It doesn't. This is not a religious issue. Okay, when I said "Jew only" roads, that was a figure of speech. Obviously, as you stated before, these are roads for Israelis. Whether they are Jewish or Arab, they may travel on these roads. But not Palestinians!

That is a segregated road. And that is apartheid.
wrong again---the war was already in progress since 1947--the 1967 battle
began by declaration of the BAATHIST PIG--Gamal Abdel Nasser and the
arrival and deployment of Russian tanks and military advisers and the
Egyptian army on the border between Egypt and Israel already full steam
ahead in May 1967 The General Assembly of the UN came into
based on the actions of Egypt---Israel tolerated the aggression
till JUNE 5, 1967 which in your addled mind was the BEGINNING

you are playing the islamo nazi game-----"our freeways" are not ALL THE
ROADS in the USA. There are restricted places in the USA ----and in the lands infected by islam-----the situation is OVERWHELMING. You want to consider
every land that calls itself ISLAMIC---to be APARTHEID SHIT? try to be
consistent which is characteristic of NON-HYPOCRITES
The Egyptian army did not cross those borders, Israel did.
I am an American citizen. Why don't I deserve a country?

The Palestinians have supported Hamas for years. This is what a leader of Hamas has to say about Israel.

View attachment 926669
My apologies, I thought you were an Israeli.

As for that Hamas statement, he's a dumbass! Israel is the big dog in the ME. There isn't a single country in that region that has the capability of taking Israel out.
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I am glad they did. In the Six Day War Israel won a splendid victory. :)

Nasser should have known better than to provoke Israel.
We are in agreement there, regarding Nassar.

As far as that war from an American perspective, I'm still pretty pissed off over the incident with the USS Liberty!
Yes I do. You people treat the Palestinians like garbage. The WB is their property. And they can't drive on roads on their own property? That is apartheid!
1) Who is “you people”? The Jews? Because I don’t think Rosends is an Israeli. You just lump everyone together?

2) It’s not their property. It is disputed territory.

3) You think Palestinians should be able to drive on any road they want, even though terrorists will attack Jews? I think Jewish babies should be able to lie in their cribs without having their heads chopped off and toddlers able to eat breakfast without being set on fire.

You sympathize about Palestinians “being treated like garbage” because certain roads on limited to Israelis in the Arab terrorist area, and neglect the DELIBERATE barbaric and agonizing murders of innocent Jews.

Your double standards - more anger expressed about roads than about torture - is why you are an antisemite. Another is your lie about genocide.
My apologies, I thought you were an Israeli.

As for that Hamad statement, he's a dumbass! Israel is the big dog in the ME. There isn't a single country in that region that has the capability of taking Israel out.
Why in the world would you think Hechtor was an Israeli? Do you think I am an Israeli?

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