Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

It's not Jew hatred in the case of the Israeli invasion of Gaza. It's just rooting for the underdog. It's the big guy beating up on the little guy. It's not a fair fight.
It doesn't. This is not a religious issue. Okay, when I said "Jew only" roads, that was a figure of speech. Obviously, as you stated before, these are roads for Israelis. Whether they are Jewish or Arab, they may travel on these roads. But not Palestinians!

That is a segregated road. And that is apartheid.
nope---that is security----like needing a passport to go from the USA into
Canada. Do you consider the fact that jews cannot enter Mecca to be APARTHEID? there are lots of other places important to jews HISTORICALLY from which jews are barred-----unrelated to security----ju
The Egyptian army did not cross those borders, Israel did.
So? the German army did not cross USA borders either.
I'm a white, Irish Catholic. Judaism is not my dance. I have no reason to hate Jews. Israelis, on the otherhand, is a different story. Especially, the Israeli right. They can go to hell!

I see you murdered more humanitarian aid workers in Gaza. You don't deserve a country!
Rosie murdered some people?
According to islamo-nazi propaganda EVERY JEW IS AN ISRAELI CITIZEN
Yup….that‘s why I’m pointing this out. He says, on one hand, that Jews and Israelis are separate, and then he says “you people” to everyone he even thinks is a Jew in regard to Israeli actions.

He just accused you of murdering two Aid workers.
It's not Jew hatred in the case of the Israeli invasion of Gaza. It's just rooting for the underdog. It's the big guy beating up on the little guy. It's not a fair fight.
Of course---October 7, 2023 was a FAIR FIGHT---another islamo nazi meme
1) Who is “you people”? The Jews?

2) It’s not their property. It is disputed territory.

3) You think Palestinians should be able to drive on any road they want, even though terrorists will attack Jews? I think Jewish babies should be able to lie in their cribs without having their heads chopped off and toddlers able to eat breakfast without being set on fire.

You sympathy about Palestinians “being treated like garbage” because certain roads on limited to Israelis in the Arab terrorist area, and neglect the DELIBERATE barbaric and agonizing murders of innocent Jews.

Your double standards - more anger expressed about roads than about torture - is why you are an antisemite. Another is your lie about genocide.
"You people" are Israelis. And yes it is their property. You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. There isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you.

I think the Palestinians should have unrestricted free movement on their own property.
Rosie murdered some people?
not only THAT---I even murdered poor baby jesus asleep in the manger.
I came to know that I am a jew at age five----I walked (back then kids could
walk home from school
"You people" are Israelis. And yes it is their property. You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. There isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you.

I think the Palestinians should have unrestricted free movement on their own property.
no---not THEIR PROPERTY---disputed land since 1947. Do you have any idea how it came to be "their property"??
As an Episcopalian I disagree about the disgusting elements. I even like the Roman Catholic Church. I agree with you about Israel.

Anyone who has read the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, as I have in several English translations, knows that for Jews possession of the land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for Christians.

The Palestinians have had plenty of time to move. It is time for them to be moved, to open the land for Jewish settlement.
The Jews were not given East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the West Bank or Gaza.

Palestinians are still a majority and they have been there more than 2000 years.
My apologies, I thought you were an Israeli.

As for that Hamas statement, he's a dumbass! Israel is the big dog in the ME. There isn't a single country in that region that has the capability of taking Israel out.
Israel is the big dog in the Middle East?! Find it on the map.
"You people" are Israelis. And yes it is their property. You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. There isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you.

If “you people” are Israelis, why did you address Rosends that way? I don’t think he’s Israeli. And why when addressing Rosie, did you say “YOU murdered aid workers.” She’s not Israeli. You need to work on your posts more if you want to claim Jews are separate from Israelis.
I think the Palestinians should have unrestricted free movement on their own property.
And I think they Israelis should not be tortured to death on their own property. But you are more sympathetic to road restrictions than babies having their heads sawed off.
When you defend that disgusting, apartheid state, my first thought is you are an Israeli.

As an American, how could you possibly support a fascist regime?
More lies….and it just proves that you think every Jew is an Israeli.

How can you support the Palestinian people who cheered on the mass torture of innocent Jews on October 7th?

And you falsely accuse Jews of apartheid, genocide, facism - and then deny you hate Jews.
The Jews were not given East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the West Bank or Gaza.

Palestinians are still a majority and they have been there more than 2000 years.
of course the people who call themselves "palestinians" (lately) are a majority----just like muslims are a "majority" in Medina after the rapist dog
accomplished a comprehensive genocide of jews there. Muslims are also
a MAJORITY in Iran having committed a comprehensive genocide of zoroastrians. And then there is Bangla Desh etc etc. The 2000 year history thing is an islamo nazi meeme---something like ISLAMIC SPAIN
When you defend that disgusting, apartheid state, my first thought is you are an Israeli.

As an American, how could you possibly support a fascist regime?
LONG LONG ago---I was a child----way way back. My very WASP hometown was LITTERED with islamo-nazi propaganda in little seedy pamphlets---something like the far nicer publications of the Jehovah witnesses. I read it because I read just about anything that fell into my hands. There were MANY
articles claiming that the US CONGRESS (I was a kid---like 8 years old --?congress? ) passed a law JUST FOR JEWS making all jews citizens of Israel.
Jews were therefore "DUALIES"
I was a kid----so I believed----but then I got older and noticed that lots of
people in the USA have "DUAL CITIZENSHIP" The Irish in my town and later
the muslims and hindus I got to know. That is the nature of islamo-nazi
propaganda IT IS BULLSHIT
It's not Jew hatred in the case of the Israeli invasion of Gaza. It's just rooting for the underdog. It's the big guy beating up on the little guy. It's not a fair fight.
Then maybe the Muslim savages shouldn’t have committed the pogram on October 7th. What kind of subhuman sticks a gun up a girl’s vagina and pulls the trigger? Or cuts a fetus from its mother and decapitates it? Or sets children on fire?

You act like this invasion came out of the blue. The subhumans have threatened more Oct 7th pograms until every Jew is dead. Just because Israel is (mostly) Jewish doesn’t mean it has to lie down and let their people be massacred.

Any other country would do the same if subhumans did to their citizens what was done to Jews.
The only analyses I can recall reading say Egyptian forces were drawn up in a defensive posture.
Yeah "defensive posture", the Egyptians ordered the UN peacekeepers out of the country. The Egyptians, Saudis and Iraqis sent troops into Jordan to reinforce the Jordanian forces massed on Israel's border, then Egypt massed its own forces on ITS border with Israel. Those are NOT defensive moves. Israel just struck first which it had to in order to survive the coming attack.
If “you people” are Israelis, why did you address Rosends that way? I don’t think he’s Israeli. And why when addressing Rosie, did you say “YOU murdered aid workers.” She’s not Israeli. You need to work on your posts more if you want to claim Jews are separate from Israelis.

And I think they Israelis should not be tortured to death on their own property. But you are more sympathetic to road restrictions than babies having their heads sawed off.
Rosends said he drove on those roads and had an Israeli license plates.

I have already condemned Hamas for their actions on Oct 7th. Now I condemn Israel for their response.

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