Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

No, it’s not. It IS a Jewish State - the only one in the world. The Muslims have at least 20 Muslim states.
And they haven't done much with their states. Unless Arabs have oil under their sand they are poor. This oil is found using devices invented in the West, drilled using devices invented in the West, in order to fuel automobiles invented in the West.

When we invent environmentally benign and cost effective alternatives to petroleum the Arabs will matter little, and the Palestinians will not matter at all.
As an Episcopalian I disagree about the disgusting elements. I even like the Roman Catholic Church. I agree with you about Israel.

Anyone who has read the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, as I have in several English translations, knows that for Jews possession of the land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for Christians.

The Palestinians have had plenty of time to move. It is time for them to be moved, to open the land for Jewish settlement.
Sorry if I offended you-----but England---land of the Anglican king and its
people have been, lately---kinda hostile. I have relatives---distant --both
maternal and paternal sides still living in England (I never met them) My paternal grandmother spoke kinda like Elizabeth II and always resorted to
a CUP OF TEA in times of stress. My father--her third child; was born in the
USA---but the two aunts were ---by birth LIMEYS
It was an act of war as was the dismissal of the UN peace-keeping
forces AND the placement of hundreds of Russian tanks complete
with Russian advisors on the border and Nasser's DECLARATION
No, it was not an act of war. Was it an act of war for Israel not allowing UN peacekeepers in that country?

The one thing I hate more than anything, is a hypocrite. People who think they live by a separate standard than everyone else. And that's the impression I get from the pro-Israeli crowd.
No, it was not an act of war. Was it an act of war for Israel not allowing UN peacekeepers in that country?

The one thing I hate more than anything, is a hypocrite. People who think they live by a separate standard than everyone else. And that's the impression I get from the pro-Israeli crowd.
No one questions Egypt's right to exist, but people do question Israel's right to exist. That is the separate standard that bothers me.
No one questions Egypt's right to exist, but people do question Israel's right to exist. That is the separate standard that bothers me.
And Egypt is one of dozens of Muslim countries. Nobody questions the right of ANY of them to exist. Nope. That honor goes to the sole little Jewish country.
No, it was not an act of war. Was it an act of war for Israel not allowing UN peacekeepers in that country?

The one thing I hate more than anything, is a hypocrite. People who think they live by a separate standard than everyone else. And that's the impression I get from the pro-Israeli crowd.
no---it was not an act of war to refuse peace keepers during negotiations--
once the peace was established by AGREEMENT---novel placement of tanks,
the dismissal of peacekeepers, the declaration of intent to DESTROY and the
embargo on the strait of Tiran WAS an act of war. YOU are a hypocrite. I have no doubt that you do not consider the incursion of a few thousand armed militants into homes and the incinerating of infants with blow torches to be anything more than "something in a context" ---afterall --it is legal in shariah
law----it is RELIGION
oh---you saw a sign in Israel "JEWS ONLY" I grew up with people like
you------I did get to go swimming once in the RESTRICTED country club
pool as a child guest----but I could not mention my last name. People
like you imagine that every one is (heaven forfend) LIKE YOU
You went? I was invited to a “NO JEWS” country club in Maryland, as a guest to a party, but I felt too uncomfortable to accept.
You went? I was invited to a “NO JEWS” country club in Maryland, as a guest to a party, but I felt too uncomfortable to accept.
I was very young---I think I was 8. I went---but when they said--"don't tell anyone your last name---I was kinda queasy
I was very young---I think I was 8. I went---but when they said--"don't tell anyone your last name---I was kinda queasy
Oh. Yeah, you were too understand it. I was 16, invited to a classmate’s Sweet 16, and old enough not to want to go to an antisemitic country club.
And P.S. There are no Jew-only roads. What type of antisemitic shit have you been reading?
Here you go...

You’ve asked this question 7 times from Sunday, and it’s been answered 7 times. Stop playing innocent.
No, you did not answer it! In fact, none of you have. If you are going to accuse me of something, then at least state the reason for the accusation. Which you never have.
No one questions Egypt's right to exist, but people do question Israel's right to exist. That is the separate standard that bothers me.
Again, states do not have rights, people do.

I see you just murdered more humanitarian aid workers in Gaza. Quite frankly, you don't deserve a country!
no---it was not an act of war to refuse peace keepers during negotiations--
once the peace was established by AGREEMENT---novel placement of tanks,
the dismissal of peacekeepers, the declaration of intent to DESTROY and the
embargo on the strait of Tiran WAS an act of war. YOU are a hypocrite. I have no doubt that you do not consider the incursion of a few thousand armed militants into homes and the incinerating of infants with blow torches to be anything more than "something in a context" ---afterall --it is legal in shariah
law----it is RELIGION
Nothing changes the fact that the war started with Israeli tanks rolling into Egypt.

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