Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Except that about 95% of Jews (excluding the college-age ones who are clueless) support Israel’s right to exist. So you are calling 95% of Jews Nazis - a hateful, abhorrent slur.

The Jews who are opposed to a Jewish state are on the fringe - some odd Hasidic group and nut like “Jewish Voice for Peace.” They represent a very small percentage of Jews.

So, are you telling me that you think 95% of Jews are as bad as Nazis?
States do not have rights, people do.

And in regards to this "Israel has a right to exist" garbage, what a stupid point to bring up! Israel is the most militarized country on the planet. It is the big dog on campus in the ME. There is no country in that part of the world that has the capability of taking Israel out.

So you just stick that argument where the sun don't shine!
I have read Mein Kampf. Hitler had good insight into social psychology, but he was wrong about the Jews. Nevertheless, he acknowledged Jewish superior intelligence.

I think Jews are so valuable that we should pay them to move to the United States. Unfortunately, throughout the world there is a terrible shortage of Jews. In the United States we already have far more than our fair share of Jews.
You are so full of it! Listen dude, God does not choose. We are all equal in HIS eyes.

Even if HE did, HE definitely would not choose a bunch of A-holes walking around like their shit don't stink and treating others like garbage!
Where was international law when the Straits of Tiran closed to Israeli vessels?
The Suez Canal is Egyption property. It is in Egyptian territorial waters. If they want to restrict vessels from your fascist, apartheid state, they have every right in the world to do so. Because it's their property.

If you're my neighbor to the right side of my house and I tell you, you cannot walk across my lawn to the neighbor on the left side of my house, then you will have to go around.

On my property, there is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I'm the dick! And you're the tator!
even the jelly bean book does not say that. Your notion that the Sanhedrin sponsored a crucifixion brightens my day---it is so WASP. Read it again.
I got even more news for you. JIBRIL did not write the "new testament"
PS Paul incorporated his fellow gentiles

You must realize how wrong the were to deny it.
The Suez Canal is Egyption property. It is in Egyptian territorial waters. If they want to restrict vessels from your fascist, apartheid state, they have every right in the world to do so. Because it's their property.

If you're my neighbor to the right side of my house and I tell you, you cannot walk across my lawn to the neighbor on the left side of my house, then you will have to go around.

On my property, there is no democracy. It is a dictatorship. I'm the dick! And you're the tator!
the Straits of Tiran is international waters. The Israelis had the right under international law to use it. Nasser made it clear that he intended to attack Israel. Israel could not afford to wait. Israel did not wait. Israel hit first, hit hard, won a glorious victory and achieved a twenty to one kill ration.
The fury has reached such a frenzy that I’ve been wondering if there’s a deeper motivation at work.

Given that bashing the Jewish state is a lot more acceptable than bashing Jews, Israel provides the ideal instrument to camouflage Jew hatred and maintain a semblance of moral purity.

It’s not hard to imagine, then, a certain pleasure in the hearts of Jew-hating protesters. They may be enraged, but they hardly look sad. Indeed, there’s a kind of thrill in the air that goes beyond the search for justice; a sense of exhilaration, even glee, in joining a mob to go after the world’s most maligned country; a smug contentment that you can put the blame for some much evil on one group.

But if Jew hatred feels so good to haters, what does that mean for our goal to end Jew hatred? For starters, it means being realistic. Pleasure is a tough nut to crack. The usual tactics of education and condemnation can’t compete with visceral satisfaction.

You sure make a thing of this fictitious " Jew hatred".
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the Straits of Tiran is international waters. The Israelis had the right under international law to use it. Nasser made it clear that he intended to attack Israel. Israel could not afford to wait. Israel did not wait. Israel hit first, hit hard, won a glorious victory and achieved a twenty to one kill ration.

No Israeli flagged ship has used the Straits of Tiran for 14 months. Lol.. and Nasser had already called for a summit to resolve the problem.
No Israeli flagged ship has used the Straits of Tiran for 14 months. Lol.. and Nasser had already called for a summit to resolve the problem.
I was alive back then. It was clear that the Arabs wanted to destroy Israel, and that they had a reasonably good chance of succeeding. On one side in that war was Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. On the other side was tiny little Israel. Fortunately, Israel won big time. :D

The Palestinians should realize that they are a vanquished people without significance. They have no history worth honoring and no future at all. It is long past time for them to move and make the land available for Jewish settlement.
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It's not brainwashing. I am looking what Israrl has done and I am condemning those actions.

BTW, calling it the "Jewish State", is apartheid.
No, it’s not. It IS a Jewish State - the only one in the world. The Muslims have at least 20 Muslim states.
You sure make a thing of this fictitious " Jew hatred".
You’re denying Jew-hatred?! Now it’s fictional? It’s significantly more rampant than Muslim-hate.

You’re such an antisemitic liberal - reeking of it yourself, while denying it even exists.

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