Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Like all liberals, you are pretending that HAMAS are anything but Jew-hating savages who need to be obliterated.
I thought dead terrorists would appeal.
^^^ And another liberal who smears Israel with the genocide slur.

Not really. An ineffectual nonce. Who likes to play the wind-up merchant. Whatever the topic. Couldn’t even aspire to Devil’s Advocate.

He’s legendary for his insipid colourless crap.
Then you’re reading antisemitic Lib sources.

The attack was a preemptive strike against Egypt, which was ready to attack within hours, and Israel would have been obliterated had they waited for Egypt to strike first.
Yeah, one can see the anti Semitic Lib sources at work, right in front of our eyes.

In May 1967, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the Straits of Tiran would again be closed to Israeli vessels. He subsequently mobilized the Egyptian military into defensive lines along the border with Israel [35] and ordered the immediate withdrawal of all UNEF personnel. [36] [28]
It was the norm. What makes you imagine that you have any
reason to know? It is your culture, based on the filth in
Constantine's "new testament" Try reading it

Filth? The Pharisees had no influence over Constantine. They were out of business by 73 AD.
Then you’re reading antisemitic Lib sources.

The attack was a preemptive strike against Egypt, which was ready to attack within hours, and Israel would have been obliterated had they waited for Egypt to strike first.

Nasser had already called for a summit to resolve the problem of the Straits of Tiran. Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen . You lie because you're ashamed. It was a land grab. The Zionists are doing what Hitler did to them.
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Yeah, one can see the anti Semitic Lib sources at work, right in front of our eyes.

In May 1967, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the Straits of Tiran would again be closed to Israeli vessels. He subsequently mobilized the Egyptian military into defensive lines along the border with Israel [35] and ordered the immediate withdrawal of all UNEF personnel. [36] [28]
Wiki? Run by liberals.

Everyone knows that the three Arab countries were at Israel’s borders, poised to strike, and Israel launched a preemptive strike which saved it from eradication. Thank Gd.
Filth? The Pharisees had no influence over Constantine. They were out of business by 73 AD.
FILTH !!!! they still existed and exist to this day. Gee you are dim. Must
be the ANGLICAN in you. The pig who devised CANON LAW instituted the
INQUISTION and became a model for the FILTH OF DHIMMIA and THE NUREMBERG LAWs that excite the sluts who lick the shit of the rapist dog
of Mecca
Wiki? Run by liberals.

Everyone knows that the three Arab countries were at Israel’s borders, poised to strike, and Israel launched a preemptive strike which saved it from eradication. Thank Gd.

That's a lie. Read Moishe Dayan.
Nasser had already called for a summit to resolve the problem of the Straits of Tiran. Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen . You lie because you're ashamed. It was a land grab. The Zionists are doing what Hitler did to them.
^^^ the mouthpiece for those why laughed as they shoved the muzzles of their guns into the vaginas of mothers and young girls and shot out their
guts----the sow who still dances on the dead bodies of MILLIONS OF INFANTS FOR THE GLORY OF THE RAPIST DOG OF MECCA and for oil profits. Nasser---as every muslimah sow knows---announced the ANNHILATION OF "DA JOOOS" AND RAPE FOR YOUR BOYS IN TEL AVIV. daughter of MAGDA OF THE CYANIDE-----good catholic girl
FILTH !!!! they still existed and exist to this day. Gee you are dim. Must
be the ANGLICAN in you. The pig who devised CANON LAW instituted the
INQUISTION and became a model for the FILTH OF DHIMMIA and THE NUREMBERG LAWs that excite the sluts who lick the shit of the rapist dog
of Mecca

The Zionists are no different than the German Nationalists.
The Zionists are no different than the German Nationalists.
Jesus was a zionist-----a really nice jewish boy----HIS LEGACY DESTROYED BY SHIT LIKE YOU----YOU and YOURS ---those who crucified him
Most boring book l’ve ever read. I discarded it before half way through

Adolf wrote it while languishing in Landsberg gaol.
That was when he wrote the first volume. He wrote the second volume when he got out of prison.
Jesus was a zionist-----a really nice jewish boy----HIS LEGACY DESTROYED BY SHIT LIKE YOU----YOU and YOURS ---those who crucified him


Jesus reached out to the gentiles. He was crucified at the insistence of the Sanhedrin.

Jesus reached out to the gentiles. He was crucified at the insistence of the Sanhedrin.
even the jelly bean book does not say that. Your notion that the Sanhedrin sponsored a crucifixion brightens my day---it is so WASP. Read it again.
I got even more news for you. JIBRIL did not write the "new testament"
PS Paul incorporated his fellow gentiles
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