Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Okay. Everything I have said to date has to do with the political aspect of Zionism and nothing I have said has anything to do with Judaism. This is not a religious issue.
Except that about 95% of Jews (excluding the college-age ones who are clueless) support Israel’s right to exist. So you are calling 95% of Jews Nazis - a hateful, abhorrent slur.

The Jews who are opposed to a Jewish state are on the fringe - some odd Hasidic group and nut like “Jewish Voice for Peace.” They represent a very small percentage of Jews.

So, are you telling me that you think 95% of Jews are as bad as Nazis?
You make a fine German! With that attitude, maybe you should live in Weimar? They embrace narcissism.
I have read Mein Kampf. Hitler had good insight into social psychology, but he was wrong about the Jews. Nevertheless, he acknowledged Jewish superior intelligence.

I think Jews are so valuable that we should pay them to move to the United States. Unfortunately, throughout the world there is a terrible shortage of Jews. In the United States we already have far more than our fair share of Jews.
Okay. Everything I have said to date has to do with the political aspect of Zionism and nothing I have said has anything to do with Judaism. This is not a religious issue.
so you are against all forms of nationalism?
SO? Gaza was not ready for WAR ---on October 7, 2024 either. You
made no point-----you made a fool of yourself. I have no idea how
Germany felt about the USA entry into world war II either----I somehow
DOUBT that Germany was planning an IMMINENT attack on Washington
Ffs. Germany declared war on the US. I wondered whether you are in a parallel universe.
so you are against all forms of nationalism?
I’m guessing he thinks that Isrsel should be wiped out to sea, based on the fact that he called Jews who support its continued existence “Nazis.”

So, he opposed to nationalism for Jews.
Israeli tanks rolled in after Egypt commited an act of war under international law. Pretty simple, just like you!
The only analyses I can recall reading say Egyptian forces were drawn up in a defensive posture.
The only analyses I can recall reading say Egyptian forces were drawn up in a defensive posture.
Then you’re reading antisemitic Lib sources.

The attack was a preemptive strike against Egypt, which was ready to attack within hours, and Israel would have been obliterated had they waited for Egypt to strike first.
Ffs. Germany declared war on the US. I wondered whether you are in a parallel universe.
now you are being silly ---the PALI HAMAS declared war on Israel YEARS
AGO. As for Egypt---it had been in a CONTINUED STATE OF war with Israel
since 1947
Israel is a pariah state and a cancer to this planet. It is a fascist, apartheid state that treats the Palestinians like garbage.

In fact, you have to go all the way back to Germany in the 30's to find an entire population of people treated worse.
Are you saying it thinks its hasbara don't stink?
The U.N. is made up of disgusting antisemites, and Biden let the nasty resolution pass because he’s trying to appease his Muslim antisemitic base - and doesn’t give a flying F about the Jews.
He may be getting gunshy at the thought of charges of abetting genocide coming his way.
Israel is a pariah state and a cancer to this planet. It is a fascist, apartheid state that treats the Palestinians like garbage.

In fact, you have to go all the way back to Germany in the 30's to find an entire population of people treated worse.
WOW. I’m nauseous seeing how voters have been so brainwashed against the Jewish state. A liberal of course.
It’s surreal how the Democrats have turned into the Antisemitic Party in the space of three years.

I guess Obama can do more damage to Jews when he’s hidden.

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