Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Rosends said he drove on those roads and had an Israeli license plates.

I have already condemned Hamas for their actions on Oct 7th. Now I condemn Israel for their response.
for their response??? of course----they should all declare "its what we deserve---we murdered Jesus and Muhummad" I also attended jellybean
school in my childhood----and worked with muslims as a young and mature
adult etc etc. I know your POV
of course the people who call themselves "palestinians" (lately) are a majority----just like muslims are a "majority" in Medina after the rapist dog
accomplished a comprehensive genocide of jews there. Muslims are also
a MAJORITY in Iran having committed a comprehensive genocide of zoroastrians. And then there is Bangla Desh etc etc. The 2000 year history thing is an islamo nazi meeme---something like ISLAMIC SPAIN

LONG LONG ago---I was a child----way way back. My very WASP hometown was LITTERED with islamo-nazi propaganda in little seedy pamphlets---something like the far nicer publications of the Jehovah witnesses. I read it because I read just about anything that fell into my hands. There were MANY
articles claiming that the US CONGRESS (I was a kid---like 8 years old --?congress? ) passed a law JUST FOR JEWS making all jews citizens of Israel.
Jews were therefore "DUALIES"
I was a kid----so I believed----but then I got older and noticed that lots of
people in the USA have "DUAL CITIZENSHIP" The Irish in my town and later
the muslims and hindus I got to know. That is the nature of islamo-nazi
propaganda IT IS BULLSHIT
Rosie, get back on your meds!
It doesn't. This is not a religious issue. Okay, when I said "Jew only" roads, that was a figure of speech. Obviously, as you stated before, these are roads for Israelis. Whether they are Jewish or Arab, they may travel on these roads. But not Palestinians!

That is a segregated road. And that is apartheid.
So when you made a religion reference you were using a "figure of speech"? No, you were using a hatred of Jews to drive your argument. "Jew only" is not any sort of accepted figure of speech or cliche that one would fall back on naturally.

Next, as I have shown, the roads are for Palestinians only (there are places where Israeli citizens may not go). In the US, there are roads that are not for trucks, or are only for police, or are only allowed to be used at certain times of day by buses. None of this is apartheid. You say it yourself, "not Palestinians." What you are saying is "not non-citizens." Apartheid has to do with the unequal treatment of citizens. Or are you saying that in every country, non-citizens should have the same rights as citizens? Should they vote? Gosh, why go for citizenship at all if you will get all the benefits of citizenship without having to become a citizen?

You are sorely misled, often by your ignorance, and also by your hate. And don't ask "why would I hate?" because I have no idea, but clearly, if your fall back is to use "Jew" when you mean something else, your thinking is predetermined against Judaism.
Yes I do. You people treat the Palestinians like garbage. The WB is their property. And they can't drive on roads on their own property? That is apartheid!
I do? Have we met? Do you know what " do?

And you insist that certain area is their property but that's not supported by history. Did you claim it was their property when it was occupied by Jordan? You might want to read up about what happened with Waze in 2016 when it started sending Israeli citizens into areas that they are forbidden to go. Did you protest against those limitations?

Again, you seem not to know what "apartheid" means.
The Jews were not given East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the West Bank or Gaza.

Palestinians are still a majority and they have been there more than 2000 years.
Compare the achievements of the Palestinians during the last 2000 years with the achievements of the Jews.
We are in agreement there, regarding Nassar.

As far as that war from an American perspective, I'm still pretty pissed off over the incident with the USS Liberty!
The USS Liberty incident was friendly fire. Israel had no motive to attack a naval vessel of the only country that was helping Israel avoid an Arab attempt at annihilation.
My apologies, I thought you were an Israeli.

As for that Hamas statement, he's a dumbass! Israel is the big dog in the ME. There isn't a single country in that region that has the capability of taking Israel out.
Thank you for mistaking me for a Jew. :)

If I was Jewish I would not praise Jews and Israel like I do. Jews are humble about their obvious superiority.
I do? Have we met? Do you know what " do?

And you insist that certain area is their property but that's not supported by history. Did you claim it was their property when it was occupied by Jordan? You might want to read up about what happened with Waze in 2016 when it started sending Israeli citizens into areas that they are forbidden to go. Did you protest against those limitations?

Again, you seem not to know what "apartheid" means.
You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. The WB was seized in the '67 war. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israel's right to that land. Not one!
You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. The WB was seized in the '67 war. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israel's right to that land. Not one!
Actually, land seized in a defensive war can be held. as closing the Straits was acknowledged as an act of war, everything that Israel gained is therefore able to be held. Unless you deny that maritime law explicitly says that the action was an act of war -- do you deny the law?
The USS Liberty incident was friendly fire. Israel had no motive to attack a naval vessel of the only country that was helping Israel avoid an Arab attempt at annihilation.
Israel deliberately shot up that ship that killed 19 Americans. Transcripts from the F4 pilots and their command center confirms they new it was an American ship. In addition, attack helicopters and Israeli gun boats were close enough to see the Stars and Stripes flying above the ship and they still fired on the ship.

I am of the opinion that we should light up one of Usrael's ships as payback. As a fellow American, wouldn't you agree?
You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. The WB was seized in the '67 war. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israel's right to that land. Not one!

Seized from Jordan. Have you anything to say about that?
Actually, land seized in a defensive war can be held. as closing the Straits was acknowledged as an act of war, everything that Israel gained is therefore able to be held. Unless you deny that maritime law explicitly says that the action was an act of war -- do you deny the law?
It wasn't a defensive war. The war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt. Nassar closing the Strait was not an attack on Israel and thus Israel could not invoke Article 51 of the UN Charter.
It wasn't a defensive war. The war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt. Nassar closing the Strait was not an attack on Israel and thus Israel could not invoke Article 51 of the UN Charter.
Pre-emptive strike, and with the approval of the U.S. President.

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