Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Wrong! It was an aggressive act by Israel, which knew, at the time, Egypt was not going to attack.
You just called me a dishrag whore in another thread, and now you expect me to continue to explain why your antisemitism won’t let you see the truth? Ha!
Israel deliberately shot up that ship that killed 19 Americans. Transcripts from the F4 pilots and their command center confirms they new it was an American ship. In addition, attack helicopters and Israeli gun boats were close enough to see the Stars and Stripes flying above the ship and they still fired on the ship.

I am of the opinion that we should light up one of Usrael's ships as payback. As a fellow American, wouldn't you agree?
your PAY BACK theory is interesting, ms billo. So how about
the IDF grab some Gazan babies and incinerate them with blow
torches and shove the muzzles of their guns up the muzziette
vaginas and shoot out their guts? I am a fellow American who
spent time in the USA navy in a position that placed me in close
contact with military "accidents"---very close. Maritime accidents
are not at all uncommon ---and include lots of DEATHS. Your
impression of the USS LIBERTY incident is utterly worthless. Don't
give up your day job
You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. The WB was seized in the '67 war. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israel's right to that land. Not one!
Wrong. The UN declaration says you can't keep land conquered in an OFFENSIVE war. It doesn't ban it in a DEFENSIVE war and Israel has never fought an offensive war except the Suez Crisis at the behest and as an ally of the UK and France.
The Suez Canal is in Egyptian territorial waters. They have a right to do whatever they want with their own property.

With that being said, the closing of the Strait was not an attack on Israel. Why couldn't Israel work with the UN to come to some sort of resolution?

There were other non-violent options on the table than launching an assault against Egypt. Especially, since the Mossad knew at the time Egypt would not attack.

That warvwas started by Israel and Israel was the aggressor.
The Suez is, the Straits of Tiran are international waters. Closing them is an act of war. Just like the Iranians closing the Straits of Hormuz during the tanker war was an act of war. The USN was fighting Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Iranian Navy boats and ships and destroyed Iranian oil platforms during that and no one even blinked.
Wrong. The UN declaration says you can't keep land conquered in an OFFENSIVE war. It doesn't ban it in a DEFENSIVE war and Israel has never fought an offensive war except the Suez Crisis at the behest and as an ally of the UK and France.
for the record---there is no recognized BORDER between Israel and the "West Bank" There is only a TRUCE LINE---a cessation of fighting. That some misguided persons describe the West Bank as "PALESTINIAN LAND" does
not make it so. The people who decided to call themselves "palestinians"
in the 1960s just WANT that land
Israel deliberately shot up that ship that killed 19 Americans. Transcripts from the F4 pilots and their command center confirms they new it was an American ship. In addition, attack helicopters and Israeli gun boats were close enough to see the Stars and Stripes flying above the ship and they still fired on the ship.

I am of the opinion that we should light up one of Usrael's ships as payback. As a fellow American, wouldn't you agree?

I never read this,
Transcripts from the F4 pilots and their command center confirms they new it was an American ship.
I have read that the U.S. navy did not inform the Israelis that the U.S.S. Liberty would be sailing in Israeli waters. The Israelis may have thought it was an Egyptian ship posing as an American ship.

At any rate, the Israelis had no motive to attack an American ship.
for the record---there is no recognized BORDER between Israel and the "West Bank" There is only a TRUCE LINE---a cessation of fighting. That some misguided persons describe the West Bank as "PALESTINIAN LAND" does
not make it so. The people who decided to call themselves "palestinians"
in the 1960s just WANT that land
And they're never going to get it. They should move to make it possible for Jews to settle the West Bank. The first archaeological evidence of Israelite settlements are in the West Bank, so it is important to the Jews.
And they're never going to get it. They should move to make it possible for Jews to settle the West Bank. The first archaeological evidence of Israelite settlements are in the West Bank, so it is important to the Jews.
of course---but they own Mount Moriah because Buraq the magic horse
took a dump there whilst muhummad was galloping thru the sky
there is lots of mention of it in the islamo-nazi propaganda and in
their classrooms and mosques. Talk to a muslim teen (carefully)
now I remember---the story of buraq the magic horse IS in the koran---
but Jerusalem is not mentioned ---it is just ---THE DISTANT MOSQUE---
I am not sure but AQSA may mean 'distant' ?? kinda nonspecific---but
that AL AQSA thing has been (sorta posthumously) determined to be
Jerusalem and on top of Mount Moriah
Wrong. The UN declaration says you can't keep land conquered in an OFFENSIVE war. It doesn't ban it in a DEFENSIVE war and Israel has never fought an offensive war except the Suez Crisis at the behest and as an ally of the UK and France.
That is total BS! UN resolution 242 does not say offensive or defensive war. It says you cannot hold onto land seized in a war.

The '67 war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt.
The Suez is, the Straits of Tiran are international waters. Closing them is an act of war. Just like the Iranians closing the Straits of Hormuz during the tanker war was an act of war. The USN was fighting Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Iranian Navy boats and ships and destroyed Iranian oil platforms during that and no one even blinked.
We're any Israeli ships fired upon? No. So it was not an act of war.

BTW, the Suez Canal belongs to Egypt. It is in Egyptian territorial waters. Why didn't Israel work with the UN to find a peaceful solution? They didn't because they are a fascist, apartheid country that can go to hell!

I never read this,

I have read that the U.S. navy did not inform the Israelis that the U.S.S. Liberty would be sailing in Israeli waters. The Israelis may have thought it was an Egyptian ship posing as an American ship.

At any rate, the Israelis had no motive to attack an American ship.
But they did and they knew the ship was American.

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