Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

But they did and they knew the ship was American.
wrong----the USS Liberty did not inform Israel that they decided to float into
the arena of war and did not answer hails. Based on my Navy experience, I
doubt that the Captain of the Liberty remained the captain of any ship in
the US Navy----but I have no information about the issue
My posting style reflects my love for Jews, Judaism, and Israel. :)
Fully 95% of the people who are demonizing Israel are doing so because of antisemitism (and the other 5% are just ignorant). They get their jollies by spewing venom against Israel because it satisfies their desire to vent their hate for Jews, but they always give away that they are indeed Jew-haters.

For example, that Billo character keeps insisting he has nothing against Jews. Yet he started a Badlands thread in which he called me a dishrag whore and said “FU to you and THOSE WHO LOOK LIKE YOU.”

Boom! I guess he thinks you can tell who are Jews because we all look Jewish, perhaps our noses or something. But that was a BIG giveaway.
Fully 95% of the people who are demonizing Israel are doing so because of antisemitism (and the other 5% are just ignorant). They get their jollies by spewing venom against Israel because it satisfies their desire to vent their hate for Jews, but they always give away that they are indeed Jew-haters.

For example, that Billo character keeps insisting he has nothing against Jews. Yet he started a Badlands thread in which he called me a dishrag whore and said “FU to you and THOSE WHO LOOK LIKE YOU.”

Boom! I guess he thinks you can tell who are Jews because we all look Jewish, perhaps our noses or something. But that was a BIG giveaway.
You mean like the ferengi in Star Trek… You know the ugly rat like creatures who are good at business and love money,. Is that the stereotype they are taught and perceive which permeates popular culture and past religious typecasting etc etc…
wrong----the USS Liberty did not inform Israel that they decided to float into
the arena of war and did not answer hails. Based on my Navy experience, I
doubt that the Captain of the Liberty remained the captain of any ship in
the US Navy----but I have no information about the issue
Speaking of liberty I understand a lightening bolt struck the statue of liberty a couple of days ago maybe guys like Bilo should find a way to blame the Jews and Israel for that too..
You mean like the ferengi in Star Trek… You know the ugly rat like creatures who are good at business and love money,. Is that the stereotype they are taught and perceive which permeates popular culture and past religious typecasting etc etc…
Yup….like Shakespeare’s Shylock. They‘ve been stereotyping Jews with the same crap for centuries.
Speaking of liberty I understand a lightening bolt struck the statue of liberty a couple of days ago maybe guys like Bilo should find a way to blame the Jews and Israel for that too..
I’m sure they‘ll figure a way to blame the Jews for the earthquake, too.
I’m sure they‘ll figure a way to blame the Jews for the earthquake, too.
Earthquakes were symbolic in the Torah of shaking the people out of their lethargy or wrong path they are following…It did happen in Lebanon New Jersey just as things between Israel and Lebanon are heating up 4.8 may not be big but it does match the year Israel was formed in 1948 and the UN was discussing Israel and getting ready to chastise her once again and New York is the “ big apple” but GD did say that Israel is the apple of his eye in many a place in scripture… So of course the Jews can easily be blamed… Wink…Not saying it is connected but ” coincidences” have happened in the past… Hopefully this is as bad as it gets and that no one got hurt both financially or physically but it definitely is worthwhile to keep an “ eye” on things that is for sure
Earthquakes were symbolic in the Torah of shaking the people out of their lethargy or wrong path they are following…It did happen in Lebanon New Jersey just as things between Israel and Lebanon are heating up 4.8 may not be big but it does match the year Israel was formed in 1948 and the UN was discussing Israel and getting ready to chastise her once again and New York is the “ big apple” but GD did say that Israel is the apple of his eye in many a place in scripture… So of course the Jews can easily be blamed… Wink…Not saying it is connected but ” coincidences” have happened in the past… Hopefully this is as bad as it gets and that no one got hurt both financially or physically but it definitely is worthwhile to keep an “ eye” on things that is for sure
and there is more of historic interest. The expulsion of jews from Portugal--
uhm ---sometime in the 15th Century CE was a result of JEWISH CREATED EARTHQUAKES----the wisdom of the time is that the "god" was annoyed
with the presence of jews in that land---they ran off to the Netherlands
(for some 'never never land') and also many sprinkled into the Americas.
The Shearith Israel synagogue---founded 1654 CE is probably still functioning------lower Manhattan---AND IN SOME WAY THANKS TO EARTHQUAKES---
isn't that POETIC?
Yeah "defensive posture", the Egyptians ordered the UN peacekeepers out of the country. The Egyptians, Saudis and Iraqis sent troops into Jordan to reinforce the Jordanian forces massed on Israel's border, then Egypt massed its own forces on ITS border with Israel. Those are NOT defensive moves. Israel just struck first which it had to in order to survive the coming attack.
The analyses I've read disagree with you.
Set up a defensive posture to attack from?

read somewhere else---there is nothing "defensive" about the Egyptian stance. May 1967---I had just completed FINALS---and was so primed for MEMORY-
having ACED all of my courses (even calculus---I assert wondering how da
hell I did it-----it was such a killer course that out of 60 who started
----only five survived I IS A SURVIOR !!!!!. ---anyway---there I was---a very
hot May---no summer job yet----I was watching TV all day in the cool---albeit
humid, basement. ALL DAY---CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST---the UN general
Assembly in session EVERY DAY. I listened with my mind STILL IN GEAR---
I remember it well. HAPPY SMILING ARAB and other muslim DIPLOMATS
were being interviewed (for some reason? they wore sunglasses and some
had arab rags on their heads) They were SO HAPPY!!! because Israel was
about to be ANNHILATED ahamdulillah Nasser's speeches were also
televised------THE END OF THE ZIONIST ENTITY. ----every day---they---
things progressed and June 1 came around--a minor mutual skirmish--
hundreds of Russian war Tanks lined up on the border---Russian military
experts IN THE FIELD----NASSER shut down THE STRAIT OF TIRAN ---which
all but rendered Israel land locked except for the port of Haifa up north----
----more threats---more BROADLY smiling arabs and other muslim diplomats. June 1---WAR ----the rest is history---by June 3 ---suddenly the arab and
other muslim diplomats stopped smiling............sorry cyber muzzies----it
was EGYPTIAN AGGRESSION followed by a desperate rounding up of the
BAATHIST PIGS OF THE UAR (anybody out there remember "UAR"?)
Another victim was KING HUSSEIN (father of King Abdullah) He really
did not want it---but he got it anyway for his friend---the camel ABDEL
Like South Africa?
what about South Africa? Do you know any South Africans? Do you have
ANY idea how the APARTHEID of South African came about?---the developement of the RULES of APARTHEID in South Africa is very interesting

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