The day guns made America free.....

Ahh, the good old days! Lexington and Concord, when, indeed, an armed citizenry had at least a chance of holding off an enemy and not fear neighbors with arms. Back when it took about a minute to reload, (you know, a minute, man!), and no tanks or airplanes where around to obliterate a mob. Yes, in 1776 it was an obvious political reality that people might be armed roughly as well as a British soldier with a Brown Bess.
Those good old bygone days.
Bye! They're gone.
If you are intimating the hopelessness of a potential armed conflict between rebellious American citizens and the U.S. military you are quite correct. The prospect of such a direct point-to-point, column-to-column confrontation would be a quickly concluded rout of ill-advised rebels. So there is no chance of such a suicidal action ever taking place.

If armed resistance to government by U.S. citizens ever took place it would occur in the form of occasional sabotage, assassination of soldiers, police (and their families), ambushes, bombings, fires and other typical terrorist activities. The thing to keep in mind is such a rebellion would not involve U.S. citizens vs a foreign entity but U.S. citizens vs U.S. citizens, a circumstance which imposes an immediate and severe internal problem for government.
Retelling the battle of Lexington and Concord...when the British went to confiscate the powder and know guns....of the colonials......their future non subjects....and future Americans who would go on to create the greatest country in the world....

all made possible because we had guns....

Ann Coulter: New York Commemorates Patriots Day! - Breitbart

Wondering why the British were mobilizing so many troops for a simple arrest, the men realized that the British were planning to seize the rebels’ artillery, stored in Concord.

There is a live reenactment on Lexington Green every year on Patriots Day. You gotta get up pretty early though.
I don't believe you understood what I was saying in that last message, so I'll make it more plain.

If you seek to blame Whites for slavery don't forget there would not have been Black slaves in America were it not for the Black Africans who kidnapped other tribesmen and sold them to the Dutch, Arab and Portugese slave traders.

Well, um, no. It wasn't like the "Tribesmen" were sitting on the shoreline selling their neighbors waiting for some white people to stop by. White people created that market.
But clearly you are an anti Amercan commie retard. You are nothing, don't like Amerca, you can leave!!!! Piece of shit lib.

Sorry, Dude, I have a whole box of medals from the US Army that says otherwise. What we need to do is take this country back from racist slackjaws who do the bidding of multi-national corporations. Like you.
How do you manage to compare the Colonial rebels who fought against the British to end the tyranny of occupation with those Americans who were hoodwinked and bribed into joining the military to engage in Bush's criminal Middle East adventures?

The Colonial rebels were motivated by anger toward an oppressive occupier. The vets you refer to were motivated by an enlistment bonus -- and in some examples a sense of adventure.

Heres the thing. Most of the poor schlubs who fight in any war never see any benefit from it. I have more respect for the guys who got roped into Bush's Wars, at least they were responding to an actual attack. As opposed to the slackjaws that fought the British, who were scammed with promises of land that never happened.

Today's military is very different from that of my generation. Today the military is more of a job than service to a patriotic obligation. Suspending the draft was a major mistake and the plight of today's neglected veterans is just one manifestation of that mistake.

Meh, not really. We neglect draftees more than than volunteers. And a draft meant our "mis-leaders" have ready made armies to use at any time. Not a good thing.

Now, I have a great idea for a draft. Universal draft for everyone 18-21, not all in the military, but we put the kids of the rich and politicians in an elite airborne unit that would be the first deployed to any war zone. Bet we don't fight any unneeded wars after that.
Twit....Stalin staged his military supplies for the invasion of Germany...and then hitter invaded first capturing all of the Russians stuff.....we had to give them vast amounts of equipment.......twit.

Actually, what Stalin did was stage a lot of factories east of the Urals, which provided MASSIVE production of war material. They produced more tanks during the war than we did.

But whatever dude. I know you don't want to think John Wayne lied to you.
Twit....Stalin staged his military supplies for the invasion of Germany...and then hitter invaded first capturing all of the Russians stuff.....we had to give them vast amounts of equipment.......twit.

Actually, what Stalin did was stage a lot of factories east of the Urals, which provided MASSIVE production of war material. They produced more tanks during the war than we did.

But whatever dude. I know you don't want to think John Wayne lied to you.

Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Did Russia Really Go It Alone? How Lend-Lease Helped the Soviets Defeat the Germans | HistoryNet

In particular, it shows that British Lend-Lease assistance to the Soviet Union in late 1941 and early 1942 played a far more significant part in the defense of Moscow and the revival of Soviet fortunes in late 1941 than has been acknowledged.

Particularly important for the Soviets in late 1941 were British-supplied tanks and aircraft. American contributions of the time were far fewer. In fact, for a brief period during December 1941, the relative importance of British aid increased well beyond levels planned by the Allies as a result of American reaction to the outbreak of war with Japan; some American equipment destined for the Soviet Union was actually unloaded from merchant vessels and provided to American forces instead.

Even aid that might seem like a drop in the bucket in the larger context of Soviet production for the war played a crucial role in filling gaps at important moments during this period.

At a time when Soviet industry was in disarray—many of their industrial plants were destroyed or captured by the advancing Nazi troops or in the process of evacuation east—battlefield losses of specific equipment approached or even exceeded the rate at which Soviet domestic production could replace them during this crucial period. Under these circumstances even small quantities of aid took on far greater significance.

According to research by a team of Soviet historians, the Soviet Union lost a staggering 20,500 tanks from June 22 to December 31, 1941.

At the end of November 1941, only 670 Soviet tanks were available to defend Moscow—that is, in the recently formed Kalinin, Western, and Southwestern Fronts. Only 205 of these tanks were heavy or medium types, and most of their strength was concentrated in the Western Front, with the Kalinin Front having only two tank battalions (67 tanks) and the Southwestern Front two tank brigades (30 tanks).

Given the disruption to Soviet production and Red Army losses, the Soviet Union was understandably eager to put British armor into action as soon as possible. According to Biriukov’s service diary, the first 20 British tanks arrived at the Soviet tank training school in Kazan on October 28, 1941, at which point a further 120 tanks were unloaded at the port of Archangel in northern Russia. Courses on the British tanks for Soviet crews started during November as the first tanks, with British assistance, were being assembled from their in-transit states and undergoing testing by Soviet specialists.
Ahh, the good old days! Lexington and Concord, when, indeed, an armed citizenry had at least a chance of holding off an enemy and not fear neighbors with arms. Back when it took about a minute to reload, (you know, a minute, man!), and no tanks or airplanes where around to obliterate a mob. Yes, in 1776 it was an obvious political reality that people might be armed roughly as well as a British soldier with a Brown Bess.
Those good old bygone days.
Bye! They're gone.
Back when we had well regulated militias

Militias were OK but they didn't win us our freedom...that was won by the Colonial army and the French Navy
Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.
Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show
Now, I have a great idea for a draft. Universal draft for everyone 18-21, not all in the military, but we put the kids of the rich and politicians in an elite airborne unit that would be the first deployed to any war zone. Bet we don't fight any unneeded wars after that.
You have the right idea. If the draft were still active there would not have been an Iraq invasion. The fact that we presently have was is a de facto mercenary military facilitates the criminal ambitions and adventures of elitist fops like George w. Bush.
But clearly you are an anti Amercan commie retard. You are nothing, don't like Amerca, you can leave!!!! Piece of shit lib.

Sorry, Dude, I have a whole box of medals from the US Army that says otherwise. What we need to do is take this country back from racist slackjaws who do the bidding of multi-national corporations. Like you.
What we need to do is take this country back from libtarded commie pukes, like you.
Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.
You are a liar!!!! You are also delusional, but you are a libtard, that is the norm.
slavery in America was probably the best thing that happened to colored folks, they were given a home of their own, clothes to wear food to eat, they were beter off here than in their own country where they would be hunted down, killed and eaten by their own kind, colored folks never had it so good, that is until some guy by the phony name of "martin luther" come along and started the "HATE the whiteys for keeping them down" movement, look where we are now, if "blacks" do not like something they riot, burn and loot their own neighborhoods, some good colored folk defended their homes, businesses and lives with GUNS!! :up:
slavery in America was probably the best thing that happened to colored folks, they were given a home of their own, clothes to wear food to eat, they were beter off here than in their own country where they would be hunted down, killed and eaten by their own kind, colored folks never had it so good, that is until some guy by the phony name of "martin luther" come along and started the "HATE the whiteys for keeping them down" movement, look where we are now, if "blacks" do not like something they riot, burn and loot their own neighborhoods, some good colored folk defended their homes, businesses and lives with GUNS!! :up:

Weak-ass troll.

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