The day guns made America free.....

The colonies had to deal with the slavery brought here by the Europeans and don't end it over night....the Crown brought the slaves here twit......

Uh, the problem was, the Founding Slave Rapists didn't try to end it. The enshrined it in the constitution. You don't say, "All Men are created equal" and then turn around and say that black folks count as 3/5th of white people and it's okay to own them.

The American Revolution was a rich people's revolution. arguing over which rich people hold power isn't about "Freedom".

Yes...and the 30% who drove out the slave trading Europeans made this the best country on earth...till people like you trashed it....

Actually, America has always been the backwards retard of industrialized nations. Of course, you Right Wingers have made it worse. While Europe has evolved past the need for Sky Pixies and guns, you guys cling to your guns and your bibles while the rich screw you.

Hey, you did obediently pay your taxes this week, right? After all your smack talk about owning guns, you did file your 1040 and hope to God you don't get audited.

You do know Great Britian didn't abolish slavery in the UK till 2009 correct?




You do know Great Britian didn't abolish slavery in the UK till 2009 correct?


What's the punchline?

No punch line it's trivia knowledge to piss off English posters.

I used to irritate the hell out of them on the internet before they finally abolished slavery on the island


Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1833.

Check again...

It was only abolished in the colonys not the island itself in 1833 that didn't happen till 2009 .


You do know Great Britian didn't abolish slavery in the UK till 2009 correct?


What's the punchline?

No punch line it's trivia knowledge to piss off English posters.

I used to irritate the hell out of them on the internet before they finally abolished slavery on the island


Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1833.

Check again...

It was only abolished in the colonys not the island itself in 1833 that didn't happen till 2009 .


Here so I don't have to argue about it

Coroners and Justice Act 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Coroners and Justice Act 2009

  • criminalising the holding of someone in slavery or servitude, or requiring them to perform forced or compulsory labour[5]
Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
You have a twisted sense of history

The Soviets faces two thirds of the German Divisions. We faced those divisions they could spare from the Eastern Front
We provided them equipment and supplies, mostly Studabaker is what allies do
Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
You have a twisted sense of history

The Soviets faces two thirds of the German Divisions. We faced those divisions they could spare from the Eastern Front
We provided them equipment and supplies, mostly Studabaker is what allies do

They were being crushed by the Germans.......until we invaded Europe and Italy.....and we were sending them the war material and food they needed since most of their farmland was in German hands......
Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
You have a twisted sense of history

The Soviets faces two thirds of the German Divisions. We faced those divisions they could spare from the Eastern Front
We provided them equipment and supplies, mostly Studabaker is what allies do

They were being crushed by the Germans.......until we invaded Europe and Italy.....and we were sending them the war material and food they needed since most of their farmland was in German hands......
Stalingrad took place in the last half of 1942, we didn't invade Italy until 1943 and D Day in 1944

The Soviets turned the tide against the Nazis while we were still building our war machine
The point is, if those rich people had ended up at the end of a rope, we'd be Canadians today. We'd have a prime minister instead of a President, and we'd have single payer health care. The thing is, you guys will all whine about how you are going to move to Canada if Hillary wins, but Canada doesn't want you.

Damn Skippy we don't want a bunch of right wingers up here. They wouldn't like it anyway. They're forced to deal with single payer health insurance, cradle to the grave social programs, unrestricted abortion, and they'd have to pay a reasonable amount of taxes to cover infrastructure and education.

We don't have Charter Schools, which leech money from and undermine the public school system, and you need a really good reason to home school your kids. You can't opt your kids out of sex education either.

Canada was one of the first countries in the western world to allow gay marriage, and you cannot discriminate against gays or transexuals and claim constitutional protection. Your tax dollars will be used to pay for abortions, fight climate change, and resettle Muslims from Syria.

You won't like it.

You do know Great Britian didn't abolish slavery in the UK till 2009 correct?


What's the punchline?

No punch line it's trivia knowledge to piss off English posters.

I used to irritate the hell out of them on the internet before they finally abolished slavery on the island


Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1833.

Check again......

I did. It says "all Slaves who may at any Time previous to the passing of this Act have been brought with the Consent of their Possessors, and all apprenticed Labourers who may hereafter with the like Consent be brought, into any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall from and after the passing of this Act be absolutely and entirely free to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever."

You do know Great Britian didn't abolish slavery in the UK till 2009 correct?


What's the punchline?

No punch line it's trivia knowledge to piss off English posters.

I used to irritate the hell out of them on the internet before they finally abolished slavery on the island


Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1833.

Check again......

I did. It says "all Slaves who may at any Time previous to the passing of this Act have been brought with the Consent of their Possessors, and all apprenticed Labourers who may hereafter with the like Consent be brought, into any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall from and after the passing of this Act be absolutely and entirely free to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever."

The investigation has looked at alleged crimes under Section 71 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. This act, which came into force in 2010, created a new offence of holding another person in slavery or servitude or requiring them to perform forced or compulsory labour.

Prosecutors have to show that the suspect knew or ought to have known that the victim was being held or forced to work against their will.

Why did Parliament need to create anti-slavery powers in 2009?

There was no single offence that fully covered the crime.

The slave trade was abolished and outlawed in the 19th century. Once that happened, a slave-holder could be prosecuted for a range of offences including false imprisonment, assault and, in more modern times, for breaching specific employment regulations such as health and safety.

In 2004, Parliament created a specific offence of trafficking someone into the UK for forced labour.

North London woman Saeeda Khan was believed to be the first person convicted under that law when a jury found her guilty of trafficking a Tanzanian woman into the country to work as her domestic slave.

But if a criminal forces a victim already inside the UK or from the EU into servitude, they cannot be prosecuted for trafficking. So the 2009 Act set out to recognise forced labour as a crime on its own - making it theoretically easier to bring prosecutions. The Bedfordshire operation is the biggest to date and a sign that detectives think the law can deliver results.

Q and A: Modern slavery in the UK - BBC News

Last edited:

You do know Great Britian didn't abolish slavery in the UK till 2009 correct?


What's the punchline?

No punch line it's trivia knowledge to piss off English posters.

I used to irritate the hell out of them on the internet before they finally abolished slavery on the island


Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1833.

Check again......

I did. It says "all Slaves who may at any Time previous to the passing of this Act have been brought with the Consent of their Possessors, and all apprenticed Labourers who may hereafter with the like Consent be brought, into any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall from and after the passing of this Act be absolutely and entirely free to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever."
Now, I have a great idea for a draft. Universal draft for everyone 18-21, not all in the military, but we put the kids of the rich and politicians in an elite airborne unit that would be the first deployed to any war zone. Bet we don't fight any unneeded wars after that.
You have the right idea. If the draft were still active there would not have been an Iraq invasion. The fact that we presently have was is a de facto mercenary military facilitates the criminal ambitions and adventures of elitist fops like George w. Bush.
The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
You have a twisted sense of history

The Soviets faces two thirds of the German Divisions. We faced those divisions they could spare from the Eastern Front
We provided them equipment and supplies, mostly Studabaker is what allies do

They were being crushed by the Germans.......until we invaded Europe and Italy.....and we were sending them the war material and food they needed since most of their farmland was in German hands......
Stalingrad took place in the last half of 1942, we didn't invade Italy until 1943 and D Day in 1944

The Soviets turned the tide against the Nazis while we were still building our war machine
Yes, the red army was essentially a bullet stop. They were also fighting on only one front, unlike us we were fighting Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. If it was just Nazy Germany vs Red army - the Nazis would have rolled over them no doubt...

Get Your head out of your ass and read some history… Dumbass

Yes...don't let actual history come between you and your love of the socialist mass murderers...the Soviets cover their screw ups.....

Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
You have a twisted sense of history

The Soviets faces two thirds of the German Divisions. We faced those divisions they could spare from the Eastern Front
We provided them equipment and supplies, mostly Studabaker is what allies do
It is you stupid libtards that twist history to fit you delusional beliefs.
Yawn, guy, you are the one who supports mass murderers. Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho- all able to commit mass murder because you are terrified of your tiny pecker.

There were plenty of screwups all over the map in WWII. On all sides.

But the reality- The Russians took Berlin. The Russians forced the Japanese to surrender by driving them out of China.

And, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Other people did the heavy lifting, America reaped the benefits. That's the AMERICAN WAY, baby.

When we try to do wars on our own, we generally suck at them - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
You have a twisted sense of history

The Soviets faces two thirds of the German Divisions. We faced those divisions they could spare from the Eastern Front
We provided them equipment and supplies, mostly Studabaker is what allies do
It is you stupid libtards that twist history to fit you delusional beliefs.
Prove me wrong
The Russians would be speaking German if we hadn't invaded Europe and Italy.....relieving the pressure on the poorly led, poorly equiped Russians...not to forget all the food and equipment we had to supply them........

Yeah...those 2 nukes didn't do anything.....twit......
It was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis

They did 80% of the fighting and dying. They also killed ten times the number of Germans we did

We were a side show obviously didn't read my posts......the only reason the Soviets survived was because we diverted the Germans with our invasion of Europe and Italy....taking German resources from the Russian front at critical points during the Russian campaign......and we gave them supplies to fight the Germans.....the soviets screwed up totally and without our help would have been speaking German.....

If not for us, the Germans would have defeated the Russians.
You have a twisted sense of history

The Soviets faces two thirds of the German Divisions. We faced those divisions they could spare from the Eastern Front
We provided them equipment and supplies, mostly Studabaker is what allies do
It is you stupid libtards that twist history to fit you delusional beliefs.
Prove me wrong
Your a libtard, that is enough proof. You idiots lie about everything and put on a good act.

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