The day guns made America free.....

You're right about the American Revolution being instigated largely by a wealthy class of Colonials. But had the ordinary and the poor classes not been so persistently angered by the increasingly oppressive conduct of the British Regulars the first shot would never have been fired.

No, it just proves the wealthy are always good at getting the poor to do their dirty work and then fucking them over. Just check out all the veterans who can't get jobs now.

You don't do that if you have a 20'th Century mentality. But things, and ideas, were quite a bit different back in the 1700s.

Back then it was held by the elite class of Whites that the kind of people who enslave their own kind and sell them as chattel were less civilized than Whites. About two fifths less.

But let's not forget that were it not for Whites whose thinking was somewhat different that ideology would not have been altered over time and finally abandoned.

Wow, another "Battered wife" conservative heard from.
You have to go to college to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.
Who supplied Stalin with the weapons he used?
It's on record Stalin said unless we invade Europe he was going to sign a truce with Germany.

which record was that?

Fact is, most soviet weapons were produced in the Soviet union, which ended the war with a pretty impressive military industrial machine.

But you keep believing that we won the war all by ourselves. Not that m ost of the heavy lifting was done by Russians, Chinese and Indians.

The only "truce" Hitler would have accepted from Stalin was least up until the point the Red Army was knocking on his door
You're right about the American Revolution being instigated largely by a wealthy class of Colonials. But had the ordinary and the poor classes not been so persistently angered by the increasingly oppressive conduct of the British Regulars the first shot would never have been fired.

No, it just proves the wealthy are always good at getting the poor to do their dirty work and then fucking them over. Just check out all the veterans who can't get jobs now.

Progressives hate vets... Proved by their behavior towards them.
You don't do that if you have a 20'th Century mentality. But things, and ideas, were quite a bit different back in the 1700s.

Back then it was held by the elite class of Whites that the kind of people who enslave their own kind and sell them as chattel were less civilized than Whites. About two fifths less.

But let's not forget that were it not for Whites whose thinking was somewhat different that ideology would not have been altered over time and finally abandoned.

Wow, another "Battered wife" conservative heard from.
I don't believe you understood what I was saying in that last message, so I'll make it more plain.

If you seek to blame Whites for slavery don't forget there would not have been Black slaves in America were it not for the Black Africans who kidnapped other tribesmen and sold them to the Dutch, Arab and Portugese slave traders.

And before so implicitly condemning all Whites for the enslavement of Blacks, don't ignore the fact that without the efforts and sacrifice of a significant number of Whites there would not have been emancipation or a Civil Rights Act.
No, it just proves the wealthy are always good at getting the poor to do their dirty work and then fucking them over. Just check out all the veterans who can't get jobs now.
How do you manage to compare the Colonial rebels who fought against the British to end the tyranny of occupation with those Americans who were hoodwinked and bribed into joining the military to engage in Bush's criminal Middle East adventures?

The Colonial rebels were motivated by anger toward an oppressive occupier. The vets you refer to were motivated by an enlistment bonus -- and in some examples a sense of adventure.

Today's military is very different from that of my generation. Today the military is more of a job than service to a patriotic obligation. Suspending the draft was a major mistake and the plight of today's neglected veterans is just one manifestation of that mistake.
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Retelling the battle of Lexington and Concord...when the British went to confiscate the powder and know guns....of the colonials......their future non subjects....and future Americans who would go on to create the greatest country in the world....

all made possible because we had guns....

Ann Coulter: New York Commemorates Patriots Day! - Breitbart

Wondering why the British were mobilizing so many troops for a simple arrest, the men realized that the British were planning to seize the rebels’ artillery, stored in Concord.
You planning on taking up arms against the Democrats? I really want to know.
Ahh, the good old days! Lexington and Concord, when, indeed, an armed citizenry had at least a chance of holding off an enemy and not fear neighbors with arms. Back when it took about a minute to reload, (you know, a minute, man!), and no tanks or airplanes where around to obliterate a mob. Yes, in 1776 it was an obvious political reality that people might be armed roughly as well as a British soldier with a Brown Bess.
Those good old bygone days.
Bye! They're gone.
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Retelling the battle of Lexington and Concord...when the British went to confiscate the powder and know guns....of the colonials......their future non subjects....and future Americans who would go on to create the greatest country in the world....

all made possible because we had guns....

Unless you were one of the 30% who didn't support the Rich People's revolution, and had to flee to Canada.

Or a Black Slave. They had to wait an extra 35 years for freedom than they would have had the Crown won the war.

But clearly, the Founding Slave Rapists wanted insane Comic Book Clowns with tiny dicks to have machine guns...
But clearly you are an anti Amercan commie retard. You are nothing, don't like Amerca, you can leave!!!! Piece of shit lib.
no twit...they ended the slave trade with the Africans selling the slaves and weakened the power of the future democrat slave owners.....but the future democrats would not let go of their slaves....and had to be shot by Republicans to get them to free the slaves......

And of course you lie...the 3/5ths clause was one way they weakened the power of the future democrat slave reduced their power in the new government.

So, they were all Democrats even though the Democrats wouldn't exist in their current form for decades.... Uh, yeah, right.

Hey, do you know there is this thing called time that stops things from happening all at once, right?

Which is why all the other industrialized nations in the world had to turn to America to save them from 2 World Wars and the communists after WW2........

Wow, you realy do believe that, don't you. Reality Check. The USSR had more to do with Winning WWII than the US did.

And by "Saving" them, you mean, "Bullying any country that might choose communism and assassinating their leaders", right?

Because, frankly, a lot of the people we supported were generally worse than the Communists.

Europe hasn't evolved past anything...their next genocide....after the one in the 1930s, is already in the muslims take over...the blood bath will eventually begin.....

I know, Dick Tiny. I mean,these Europeans live without guns, and they are happier for it. This is no doubt incomprehensible to you.
Yep, you are an idiot.
Ahh, the good old days! Lexington and Concord, when, indeed, an armed citizenry had at least a chance of holding off an enemy and not fear neighbors with arms. Back when it took about a minute to reload, (you know, a minute, man!), and no tanks or airplanes where around to obliterate a mob. Yes, in 1776 it was an obvious political reality that people might be armed roughly as well as a British soldier with a Brown Bess.
Those good old bygone days.
Bye! They're gone. better tell the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.......apparently, the United States...with tanks and jets and smart bombs and Navy Seals and air craft leaving both countries....we just couldn't deal with backward ass barbarians armed its rifles and improvised explosives......

You should hurry because they should know they can't know...before the U.S. Runs away....
You have to go to college to learn to be that ignorant and foolish.
Who supplied Stalin with the weapons he used?
It's on record Stalin said unless we invade Europe he was going to sign a truce with Germany.

which record was that?

Fact is, most soviet weapons were produced in the Soviet union, which ended the war with a pretty impressive military industrial machine.

But you keep believing that we won the war all by ourselves. Not that m ost of the heavy lifting was done by Russians, Chinese and Indians.

Twit....Stalin staged his military supplies for the invasion of Germany...and then hitter invaded first capturing all of the Russians stuff.....we had to give them vast amounts of equipment.......twit.
No, it just proves the wealthy are always good at getting the poor to do their dirty work and then fucking them over. Just check out all the veterans who can't get jobs now.
How do you manage to compare the Colonial rebels who fought against the British to end the tyranny of occupation with those Americans who were hoodwinked and bribed into joining the military to engage in Bush's criminal Middle East adventures?

The Colonial rebels were motivated by anger toward an oppressive occupier. The vets you refer to were motivated by an enlistment bonus -- and in some examples a sense of adventure.

Today's military is very different from that of my generation. Today the military is more of a job than service to a patriotic obligation. Suspending the draft was a major mistake and the plight of today's neglected veterans is just one manifestation of that mistake.

Wrong....the guys signing up for multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan were not looking for jobs........they were fighting to stop monsters....
Are we to assume we can eliminate the defense budget and allow our brave militia to do their duty? Why does the US have carriers and such, after all?
Are we to assume we can eliminate the defense budget and allow our brave militia to do their duty? Why does the US have carriers and such, after all?

Started drinking early today, did you?

You should get help.
A look at what America gave Russia to fight the war...

Russia's Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II (Book Review) | HistoryNet

In two particular areas the help was indispensable. With major agricultural regions of the Soviet Union under enemy occupation, and the unsatisfactory system of distribution and transportation, to say nothing of mismanagement, the Soviet state had more than a nodding acquaintance with famine. Without Western aid, during the war the Soviet population would have been in danger of sharing the fate of those trapped in Leningrad and the earlier victims of collectivization.

Even with the American aid, many Russians died from lack of food. Equally important was Lend-Lease’s contribution to transportation. It would have been impossible for the Red Army to move the masses of troops and supplies on the primitive roads to the front lines without American Studebaker trucks, which also served as the launching pads for the dreaded Soviet rocket artillery.

The trucks were also used for more sinister activities, including the deportation of the North Caucasus Muslims. Less satisfactory for combat were the Western tanks, inferior to the German machines and particularly disadvantaged in the open terrain of the Eastern Front.

The memoirs of General Dmitri Loza, published in English in 1996, give us a vivid picture of how these tanks were employed by the Russians. American aircraft, flown by Russian ferry pilots across the vast expanse of Siberia, were put to good use by the Soviet air forces even with planes that were less than popular with Western pilots.

A case in point was the Bell P-39 Airacobra, used both as a low-altitude fighter and as ground support. Its odd shape gave Soviet censors fits because it was difficult to conceal that it was the favorite mount of their second-highest-ranking ace, the future marshal of aviation, Aleksandar I. Pokryshkin.

Besides weaponry and food, Lend-Lease provided the Soviet Union with other resources, ranging from clothing to metals. With the start of the Cold War, Lend-Lease became a forgotten chapter in Soviet history and was only revived after glasnost. Now, thanks to Russian researchers and this excellent study, the West will have access to the real story. Lend-Lease provided vital help for the Soviet Union when the country was in desperate straits and made a significant contribution to the final victory
Wrong....the guys signing up for multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan were not looking for jobs........they were fighting to stop monsters....

What "monsters" are you talking about?

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