The Dead End of Reparations - Why it is a Very Bad Idea

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Here are the problems with reparations to blacks in America:

(1) It is a grift. There is no amount of money you can pay to blacks that will stop the "trauma" and other B.S. Therefore, it would be a bottomless pit that never achieves its goal. So on a utilitarian level, it is not a wise plan. On an ideological level, it is straight wealth re-distribution, which does not comport with our system which values freedom and liberty of the individual.

(2) There is no objective measure. This relates to the first point. But it is worth noting separately in order to point out how arbitrary any such regime would be. Arbitrary and capricious laws are not things to aspire to having in a just and civilized society.

(3) Who is the aggrieved party to be compensated? Nobody today has been a slave of white land owners. We are several generations removed from that. Do we limit the eligibility to just those who are descended from slaves, like California is talking about? It seems to me that if slavery spoiled the entire American experience for negroes, then everyone should be eligible regardless of whether their can trace their lineage back to the slave days. Perhaps, however, harm should not be presumed at all. Instead, maybe those applying for reparations should be able to show some special harm resulting from the legacy of slavery. These are just a couple of issues. I point them out here to show how much there is to consider in such a folly, to expose how very little of this has been thought out to this point. Essentially, we are currently at the "Yo, I is gonna Git PAYD!!!" level.

(4) Blacks have ALREADY RECEIVED REPARATIONS. Blacks get so many preferences, set-asides, and carve-outs mandated by the federal government, along with cash entitlement benefits and subsides, one can reasonably conclude that they have already been compensated. Moreover, we did not ship them out of America after we freed them from slavery. We let them stay here in our country where they are free to engage in all of the opportunities (plus some due to their skin color) for advancement and prosperity as anyone else. If we had know what was to come then even Lincoln would have probably put all the slaves on a boat and set them free to return to Africa. But to be fair, who could have predicted what a colossal clusterfuck race relations would become. They have legal equality PLUS all other atonements offered by rich white guilt. And I don't even blame blacks for asking for as much as they can get because it is the white leftists who have been telling them for decades now how whitey has fucked them. Of course, the white leftists were not trying to help them. They were trying to keep them down and in a permanent victim class in order to perpetuate Democrat power. Essentially, the Democrats have re-enslaved American blacks.

So blacks have already been compensated. They get tons of handouts and preferences. They get to live in a country in which they afforded more freedom and liberty, and economic opportunity, that any other country of earth in the history of humankind. If Lincoln had deported them back in the day, sending them back to Africa, most of them and their descendants would not have survived, being felled by famine, disease, political strife, and eaten by various dangerous animals. Frankly, Lincoln letting them stay here pretty much makes us even, in my opinion. In fact, if allowing them to stay makes us even, we have actually OVERPAID blacks on account of slavery. Maybe they OWE US! Maybe they can make their debt to America good by stopping all the divisive tribalism and assimilate as a United States Citizen; not an "African-American", or some other fiction, but as individuals who first identify as American instead as of black. The opportunity is here, right now. But they will not take it. Why not? It is because the leftists want to perpetuate and exploit blacks' contrived status as victims. To do so furthers the ultimate goal of creating civil strife in America that they hope leads to a Marxist revolution.

Most black Americans today are tools of the neo-Marxists. Well, I got news for black folks. Your privileges in America are based upon your identities as individuals (with God given rights), not your membership in groups. Once that changes, and our constitutional republic is replaced by some Marxist government, you will devolve into a dehumanized commodity based upon your group. In others words, it is time for you to move on from your purported "ancestral trauma" and take responsibility for your lives exclusive of all the grifters and Marxists out there who have commoditized you based upon your skin color.

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And they'll be just as angry as before after getting the dough
They will be MORE angry. They will say that the little bit of money was not nearly enough to compensate them. It is insulting in its small amount. They will deposit the check and spend it anyway, of course. It will be insulting and dredge up bad memories of slaving days...which they first (and last) experienced in 5th grade American history in the free school we provided to them.
No black person alive today was a slave so they don't deserve shit based on that alone.

No slavery doesn't effect blacks today and millions of poor, broke, dumb, poverty level white people would disagree that blacks are only poor because of slavery.

All of the millions of black doctors, lawyers, actors, police chiefs, business owners, congressman and so on also are proof slavery and racism do not effect blacks.

If life in America is so bad for blacks then they can go to another country that will be better for them. They are free to leave anytime they want.

Giving them reparations will just lead to feeding racism. 1 it acknowledged that America is racist towards. 2 they will get something free just by blaming racism which will make them cry about racism even more.

It comes from tax money. Why should millions of people who aren't racist have to have their tax money used to pay? I know I don't want my tax money be used to give to a bunch of blacks who didn't do anything to deserve it or will appreciate it, or work for it.

How come there is no reparations for the Chinese that were worked to death as slaves laying the railroad down across the country?

Blacks want to be treated as equals? Well being treated special and wanting special treatment isn't equal.
Slavery lead to Jim Crow. The legacy of Jim Crow is still very much with us , most notably in policing and the courts.

That said “reparations” is a poor solution.

Affirmative action is a far better one

But the racists fight that as well
The only reparation the feds ever paid was to slave owners for the loss of their property. I would think the Neo-GOP would be on board with paying the surviving relatives of former slave owners whom the feds robbed of their property. Why wouldn't they be?
Here are the problems with reparations to blacks in America:

(1) It is a grift. There is no amount of money you can pay to blacks that will stop the "trauma" and other B.S. Therefore, it would be a bottomless pit that never achieves its goal. So on a utilitarian level, it is not a wise plan. On an ideological level, it is straight wealth re-distribution, which does not comport with our system which values freedom and liberty of the individual.

(2) There is no objective measure. This relates to the first point. But it is worth noting separately in order to point out how arbitrary any such regime would be. Arbitrary and capricious laws are not things to aspire to having in a just and civilized society.

(3) Who is the aggrieved party to be compensated? Nobody today has been a slave of white land owners. We are several generations removed from that. Do we limit the eligibility to just those who are descended from slaves, like California is talking about? It seems to me that if slavery spoiled the entire American experience for negroes, then everyone should be eligible regardless of whether their can trace their lineage back to the slave days. Perhaps, however, harm should not be presumed at all. Instead, maybe those applying for reparations should be able to show some special harm resulting from the legacy of slavery. These are just a couple of issues. I point them out here to show how much there is to consider in such a folly, to expose how very little of this has been thought out to this point. Essentially, we are currently at the "Yo, I is gonna Git PAYD!!!" level.

(4) Blacks have ALREADY RECEIVED REPARATIONS. Blacks get so many preferences, set-asides, and carve-outs mandated by the federal government, along with cash entitlement benefits and subsides, one can reasonably conclude that they have already been compensated. Moreover, we did not ship them out of America after we freed them from slavery. We let them stay here in our country where they are free to engage in all of the opportunities (plus some due to their skin color) for advancement and prosperity as anyone else. If we had know what was to come then even Lincoln would have probably put all the slaves on a boat and set them free to return to Africa. But to be fair, who could have predicted what a colossal clusterfuck race relations would become. They have legal equality PLUS all other atonements offered by rich white guilt. And I don't even blame blacks for asking for as much as they can get because it is the white leftists who have been telling them for decades now how whitey has fucked them. Of course, the white leftists were not trying to help them. They were trying to keep them down and in a permanent victim class in order to perpetuate Democrat power. Essentially, the Democrats have re-enslaved American blacks.

So blacks have already been compensated. They get tons of handouts and preferences. They get to live in a country in which they afforded more freedom and liberty, and economic opportunity, that any other country of earth in the history of humankind. If Lincoln had deported them back in the day, sending them back to Africa, most of them and their descendants would not have survived, being felled by famine, disease, political strife, and eaten by various dangerous animals. Frankly, Lincoln letting them stay here pretty much makes us even, in my opinion. In fact, if allowing them to stay makes us even, we have actually OVERPAID blacks on account of slavery. Maybe they OWE US! Maybe they can make their debt to America good by stopping all the divisive tribalism and assimilate as a United States Citizen; not an "African-American", or some other fiction, but as individuals who first identify as American instead as of black. The opportunity is here, right now. But they will not take it. Why not? It is because the leftists want to perpetuate and exploit blacks' contrived status as victims. To do so furthers the ultimate goal of creating civil strife in America that they hope leads to a Marxist revolution.

Most black Americans today are tools of the neo-Marxists. Well, I got news for black folks. Your privileges in America are based upon your identities as individuals (with God given rights), not your membership in groups. Once that changes, and our constitutional republic is replaced by some Marxist government, you will devolve into a dehumanized commodity based upon your group. In others words, it is time for you to move on from your purported "ancestral trauma" and take responsibility for your lives exclusive of all the grifters and Marxists out there who have commoditized you based upon your skin color.

African-Americans are the only demographic in this country who were subjected to legalized slavery. Reparations are due to the descendants of enslaved Africans. Nothing you said in the OP justifies us not receiving our reparations. And we have NOT been compensated already.
None of those items can be translated into generational wealth. So, they don't count.
They more than count. They repair or reparate those who don’t take care of themselves
What my great great granddaddy did with or to your great great granddaddy does not transfer to the hear and now. It’s excuse making for current personal failure
Mom goes to grocery store with her 3 and 5 year olds. When she gets to the checkout line, the kids see all the candy there. They start throwing complete shit fits, and the bawling tantrums are pissing off everybody in the store so she buys the brats the fucking candy bars.

That's what reparations amounts to, and just as the Mom has taught the brats how to get a candy bar, reparations will teach the black community that burning looting and murdering gets them what they want.
Here are the problems with reparations to blacks in America:

(1) It is a grift. There is no amount of money you can pay to blacks that will stop the "trauma" and other B.S. Therefore, it would be a bottomless pit that never achieves its goal. So on a utilitarian level, it is not a wise plan. On an ideological level, it is straight wealth re-distribution, which does not comport with our system which values freedom and liberty of the individual.

(2) There is no objective measure. This relates to the first point. But it is worth noting separately in order to point out how arbitrary any such regime would be. Arbitrary and capricious laws are not things to aspire to having in a just and civilized society.

(3) Who is the aggrieved party to be compensated? Nobody today has been a slave of white land owners. We are several generations removed from that. Do we limit the eligibility to just those who are descended from slaves, like California is talking about? It seems to me that if slavery spoiled the entire American experience for negroes, then everyone should be eligible regardless of whether their can trace their lineage back to the slave days. Perhaps, however, harm should not be presumed at all. Instead, maybe those applying for reparations should be able to show some special harm resulting from the legacy of slavery. These are just a couple of issues. I point them out here to show how much there is to consider in such a folly, to expose how very little of this has been thought out to this point. Essentially, we are currently at the "Yo, I is gonna Git PAYD!!!" level.

(4) Blacks have ALREADY RECEIVED REPARATIONS. Blacks get so many preferences, set-asides, and carve-outs mandated by the federal government, along with cash entitlement benefits and subsides, one can reasonably conclude that they have already been compensated. Moreover, we did not ship them out of America after we freed them from slavery. We let them stay here in our country where they are free to engage in all of the opportunities (plus some due to their skin color) for advancement and prosperity as anyone else. If we had know what was to come then even Lincoln would have probably put all the slaves on a boat and set them free to return to Africa. But to be fair, who could have predicted what a colossal clusterfuck race relations would become. They have legal equality PLUS all other atonements offered by rich white guilt. And I don't even blame blacks for asking for as much as they can get because it is the white leftists who have been telling them for decades now how whitey has fucked them. Of course, the white leftists were not trying to help them. They were trying to keep them down and in a permanent victim class in order to perpetuate Democrat power. Essentially, the Democrats have re-enslaved American blacks.

So blacks have already been compensated. They get tons of handouts and preferences. They get to live in a country in which they afforded more freedom and liberty, and economic opportunity, that any other country of earth in the history of humankind. If Lincoln had deported them back in the day, sending them back to Africa, most of them and their descendants would not have survived, being felled by famine, disease, political strife, and eaten by various dangerous animals. Frankly, Lincoln letting them stay here pretty much makes us even, in my opinion. In fact, if allowing them to stay makes us even, we have actually OVERPAID blacks on account of slavery. Maybe they OWE US! Maybe they can make their debt to America good by stopping all the divisive tribalism and assimilate as a United States Citizen; not an "African-American", or some other fiction, but as individuals who first identify as American instead as of black. The opportunity is here, right now. But they will not take it. Why not? It is because the leftists want to perpetuate and exploit blacks' contrived status as victims. To do so furthers the ultimate goal of creating civil strife in America that they hope leads to a Marxist revolution.

Most black Americans today are tools of the neo-Marxists. Well, I got news for black folks. Your privileges in America are based upon your identities as individuals (with God given rights), not your membership in groups. Once that changes, and our constitutional republic is replaced by some Marxist government, you will devolve into a dehumanized commodity based upon your group. In others words, it is time for you to move on from your purported "ancestral trauma" and take responsibility for your lives exclusive of all the grifters and Marxists out there who have commoditized you based upon your skin color.

Overwhelmingly greed by consensus, gavel down. Next? :cool:

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