The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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We went through the same family day trash when stores firrst started opening on sunday. Now it's "religious nuts kept stores from opening on sunday. Children were starving because parents weren't working."

Libtards should make up their minds.

"Libtards" huh?

What are you, like seven years old then?

Department stores started opening on sunday in 1973. How old were you?

Chick Fil A still is closed on sunday.
We went through the same family day trash when stores firrst started opening on sunday. Now it's "religious nuts kept stores from opening on sunday. Children were starving because parents weren't working."

Libtards should make up their minds.

"Libtards" huh?

What are you, like seven years old then?

Department stores started opening on sunday in 1973. How old were you?

Definitely old enough to have gotten past "tards". :lmao:

Chick Fil A still is closed on sunday.

And the capital of Sri Lanka is Colombo.

We should all be thankful that USMB will be open for us...... ALL day long.


I am thinking Syrenn needs to establish a 'Thanksgiving Victoria's Secret' thread.

You know, something we can look at during the half times of the football games.
We should all be thankful that USMB will be open for us...... ALL day long.


I am thinking Syrenn needs to establish a 'Thanksgiving Victoria's Secret' thread.

You know, something we can look at during the half times of the football games.

Well if that's the case she definitely has to work.

No day off for you...
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my neighbors across the street.... She and her three girls make a day of it on black friday. For them it is quite the family event.

The thread morphed to more then just shopping.... it is about some thinking that no one should work becasue it is a holiday....

EXACTLY (to the bold)...and just as you don't have to spend the whole day at home...... who is to say that the time you are not at home should not be at work?

I don't know many families who "spend the day together" some are cooking...some are watching the game, the kids are playing their games...... "time together" is mostly just the time eating....

as to malls....i would LOVE them to be open on christmas!!!

if people dont want to shop...stay home. If they want to shop... shop if the stores are open. If the stores are open, i expect the sales people to do their jobs or be fired and replaced with those who WANT to work.

truthfully i think the whole faux rage is about walmmart..... :lol:

Exactly. In both my family and Hombre's family or our immediate family, the holiday shopping expedition is more recreational than anything else. They indulge in a treat, do a LOT of window shopping, try on silly stuff, and every once in awhile might even buy something. If there's a good movie on the excursion might include that.

I simply don''t see how that is diferent than the same group disassocating from the football crowd to play bridge or Mahjong or Skip Bo or put a puzzle together or whatever. And even though I generally don't go on these excursions--well I might do the movie--I can believe it is a hell of a lot more fun than sitting around in the kitchen waiting for time to pass until everybody can get busy and get the food out again.

what is even you would think that said retailers were open ALL day on thanksgiving...... they are not.

instead of opening at midnight..... they will open at 8. Poor sad retail sales people have ALL Day to spend with their families.......

Opening hours at 8 top retailers on Thanksgiving

And 7-11 used to only be open from 7am to 11pm. It will change as everything does. I just don't think it's for the better.
I've worked many holidays, and welcomed the extra $$. I also enjoyed the shifts because it's a holiday...people are a little more relaxed, there isn't quite as much traffic, and the boss is ALWAYS thankful. Plus you get holiday pay.

Not all places pay "holiday pay". I highly suspect that those department stores that hired all that seasonal help won't be paying "holiday pay" for their temporary workers.

But those seasonal workers sure line up to get those jobs, don't they? I simply can't fault them for that because they need the money or they wouldn't apply for the jobs. And I can't see how my enjoyment of Thanksgiving is in any way compromised because they choose to work or others agree to work on Thanksgiving any more than it is compromised because some people play football on Thanksgiving and/or go to the games instead of having a family Thanksgiving at home.

A spirit of liberty allows people to choose how they will live their life. I just can't bring myself to believe everybody has to do everything the same way in order to be acceptable. And if I am the last person on Earth celebrating Thanksgiving in what is considered the traditional way, will I enjoy that any less?

Though they may be lining up to get those jobs these days, that wasn't the case in the past, and people had very tough financial times in the past too--I know that from personal experience. But people valued the tradition of Thanksgiving then and didn't choose to work, though it meant more money. For example, holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter may be the only days in the year I'd see my grandmother, who always spent the day with us. Or for her, it would be a major day because she would get to see all her grandkids together, and spend the whole day with them. A few extra dollars were less important than things like that then; and we were a poor family. My parents did not want to work; they would only work on those days if required.

I'm not saying people shouldn't have the choice, but that it's too damn bad people just don't care anymore. I think some people feel like they are forced to spend the days, a holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving, with people they don't like, usually meaning extended family. Other than Christmas Eve, when we did spend a few hours with extended family, we spent the holidays with just nuclear family, and my grandmother. Mom, Dad and the kids. Not a whole tribe. Maybe it's trying to force the whole tribe to be together that is the problem, or maybe it's because families are so disjointed now, with so much divorce, step parents, step kids, etc.
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When I was working if there was hours available on any holiday I volunteered as it was time and a half plus holiday pay or a floating day off.
When I was working if there was [sic] hours available on any holiday I volunteered as it was time and a half plus holiday pay or a floating day off.

You should have used those hours to study English, you dope.
When I was working if there was [sic] hours available on any holiday I volunteered as it was time and a half plus holiday pay or a floating day off.

You should have used those hours to study English, you dope.

Wow you're life must be fucking pathetic if you have nothing better to do than police other people's grammar mistakes.
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When I was working if there was [sic] hours available on any holiday I volunteered as it was time and a half plus holiday pay or a floating day off.

You should have used those hours to study English, you dope.

Wow you're life must be fucking pathetic if you have nothing better to do than police other people's grammar mistakes.

He/she is the most miserable little turd here.....never offers anything but snide remarks and nasty gutless PMs.
The poll tells the story....43-3 for spending T-Day with the family and waiting for Black Friday to bust out the Visa card....well done.

I must interject..unk is by no means the most obnoxious turd here. Not even close.
I would not shop on Thanksgiving Day. In my family, Thanksgiving has always been a time to spend with family and friends. It is also a tradition in our family to spend the day watching NFL football. Besides, the wife always winds up dragging me to the mall the following day (on Black Friday). It is not a pretty sight, and a day I dread. Both the parking lot and the mall are always completely full.

What do you do when someone doesn't like football? Maybe they would rather go shopping.

They can trade with me. I'd rather watch football, even if it's the Laydowns or the Cowpies, than go to those nasty overcrowded shopping malls.
You should have used those hours to study English, you dope.

Wow you're life must be fucking pathetic if you have nothing better to do than police other people's grammar mistakes.

He/she is the most miserable little turd here.....never offers anything but snide remarks and nasty gutless PMs.

This from the poseur who "offers" unbelievably stupid little stories that he actually expects anyone to believe? Dementia has long since made you its bitch, you old fool.
When I was working if there was [sic] hours available on any holiday I volunteered as it was time and a half plus holiday pay or a floating day off.

You should have used those hours to study English, you dope.

Wow you're life must be fucking pathetic if you have nothing better to do than police other people's grammar mistakes.

Wow you must be fucking pathetic if you can't communicate any better than a dimwitted three year-old.

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