The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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But honestly people, we are not dealing with a doomsday scenario here. Think how many tens of thousands of people are attending those football games on Thanksgiving Day instead of having a traditional holiday at home. And how many millions are glued to their television sets instead of participating in family togetherness. And yes, lots and lots of people are manning facilities that cannot be shut down for a short period, manning gas stations so people can get to where they are going, and keeping our utilities working, and keeping the grocery store open at least until early afternoon so we can go get the cranberry sauce or poultry seasoning we forgot to buy. And the police and fire departments and hospitals and EMTs and ambulance services are staffed and military are on duty all over the country and around the world.

And yes some folks are out shopping instead of glue to their television set and there are people working so that their customers can shop.

And still, you can walk into any grocery store of any size, any department store, any mall, or any specialty store and see tons of Thanksgiving decorations, paraphenalia, trinkets, and traditional foodstuffs prominently and irrisistably displayed to attract as many dollars as the proprietors can get.

If traditional Thanksgiving was in any danger, I doubt there would be much of a market for that stuff. Don't you think?

Sure there would. That's the transfer from the spiritual feel of the day to the material feel of the dollar. See also commercialized Christmas?

It's kind of like an artificial Christmas tree.



Ultimately we speak here of the conflict of values -- the spiritual versus the material.
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I like Thanksgiving leftovers, toasted turkey sandwiches with mayo, avocado and cheese.. heavenly..

Every year it's the same, how do you say, no thanks we're having Thanksgiving at home and you're welcome to join us also. without feeling pangs of guilt each time.
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But honestly people, we are not dealing with a doomsday scenario here. Think how many tens of thousands of people are attending those football games on Thanksgiving Day instead of having a traditional holiday at home. And how many millions are glued to their television sets instead of participating in family togetherness. And yes, lots and lots of people are manning facilities that cannot be shut down for a short period, manning gas stations so people can get to where they are going, and keeping our utilities working, and keeping the grocery store open at least until early afternoon so we can go get the cranberry sauce or poultry seasoning we forgot to buy. And the police and fire departments and hospitals and EMTs and ambulance services are staffed and military are on duty all over the country and around the world.

And yes some folks are out shopping instead of glue to their television set and there are people working so that their customers can shop.

And still, you can walk into any grocery store of any size, any department store, any mall, or any specialty store and see tons of Thanksgiving decorations, paraphenalia, trinkets, and traditional foodstuffs prominently and irrisistably displayed to attract as many dollars as the proprietors can get.

If traditional Thanksgiving was in any danger, I doubt there would be much of a market for that stuff. Don't you think?

Sure there would. That's the transfer from the spiritual feel of the day to the material feel of the dollar. See also commercialized Christmas?

It's kind of like an artificial Christmas tree.



Ultimately we speak here of the conflict of values -- the spiritual versus the material.

Well I'm sorry, but I have a hard time equating eating way too much of a 20-lb stuffed turkey, giblet gravy, sweet potato souffle, green bean casserole, fruit salad, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream as a spiritual experience. But if few people chose to engage in that experience then you wouldn't see the pyramids of canned pumpkin, boxes of dressing mix, broth, french onions, mushroom soup, green beans stacked where you couldn't miss them in the super market would you? But that all does equate to the traditional Thanksgiving observance.

Also, those not interested in a traditional Thanksgiving observance wouldn't bother buying all the extra paraphenalia and decorations for it.

I'm just saying that for some, celebrating Thanksgiving is a spiritual experience but I suspect such people are in a small minority. For most it is just going through a particular routine that we have adopted as tradition. Some do it because they really enjoy it. Some do it just because they feel like it is expected. And I don't think we are in any danger of losing that any time in the near future.
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But honestly people, we are not dealing with a doomsday scenario here. Think how many tens of thousands of people are attending those football games on Thanksgiving Day instead of having a traditional holiday at home. And how many millions are glued to their television sets instead of participating in family togetherness. And yes, lots and lots of people are manning facilities that cannot be shut down for a short period, manning gas stations so people can get to where they are going, and keeping our utilities working, and keeping the grocery store open at least until early afternoon so we can go get the cranberry sauce or poultry seasoning we forgot to buy. And the police and fire departments and hospitals and EMTs and ambulance services are staffed and military are on duty all over the country and around the world.

And yes some folks are out shopping instead of glue to their television set and there are people working so that their customers can shop.

And still, you can walk into any grocery store of any size, any department store, any mall, or any specialty store and see tons of Thanksgiving decorations, paraphenalia, trinkets, and traditional foodstuffs prominently and irrisistably displayed to attract as many dollars as the proprietors can get.

If traditional Thanksgiving was in any danger, I doubt there would be much of a market for that stuff. Don't you think?

Sure there would. That's the transfer from the spiritual feel of the day to the material feel of the dollar. See also commercialized Christmas?

It's kind of like an artificial Christmas tree.



Ultimately we speak here of the conflict of values -- the spiritual versus the material.

Well I'm sorry, but I have a hard time equating eating way too much of a 20-lb stuffed turkey, giblet gravy, sweet potato souffle, green bean casserole, fruit salad, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream as a spiritual experience. But if few people chose to engage in that experience then you wouldn't see the pyramids of canned pumpkin, boxes of dressing mix, broth, french onions, mushroom soup, green beans stacked where you couldn't miss them in the super market would you? But that all does equate to the traditional Thanksgiving observance.

Also, those not interested in a traditional Thanksgiving observance wouldn't bother buying all the extra paraphenalia and decorations for it.

I'm just saying that for some, celebrating Thanksgiving is a spiritual experience but I suspect such people are in a small minority. For most it is just going through a particular routine that we have adopted as tradition. Some do it because they really enjoy it. Some do it just because they feel like it is expected. And I don't think we are in any danger of losing that any time in the near future.

You keedin' me? Breaking bread together is just about the most spiritual communal experience we have. :disbelief:

All those details on the foods are the material part. Plug this into the right side of the brain and .... Bob's your uncle.

A world with any day where no one worked at all would be impossible of course. We'd just like to keep the option open for most of us. And hang on to a tradition that's based on something deeper than the material.

I mean, it's either that, or we resign ourselves to the decline of the familial social fabric in favor of the individual robot pursing nothing deeper than feeding itself an endless stream of commodities, forever.

Not sure I see a there there. :dunno:
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Sure there would. That's the transfer from the spiritual feel of the day to the material feel of the dollar. See also commercialized Christmas?

It's kind of like an artificial Christmas tree.


Ultimately we speak here of the conflict of values -- the spiritual versus the material.

Well I'm sorry, but I have a hard time equating eating way too much of a 20-lb stuffed turkey, giblet gravy, sweet potato souffle, green bean casserole, fruit salad, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream as a spiritual experience. But if few people chose to engage in that experience then you wouldn't see the pyramids of canned pumpkin, boxes of dressing mix, broth, french onions, mushroom soup, green beans stacked where you couldn't miss them in the super market would you? But that all does equate to the traditional Thanksgiving observance.

Also, those not interested in a traditional Thanksgiving observance wouldn't bother buying all the extra paraphenalia and decorations for it.

I'm just saying that for some, celebrating Thanksgiving is a spiritual experience but I suspect such people are in a small minority. For most it is just going through a particular routine that we have adopted as tradition. Some do it because they really enjoy it. Some do it just because they feel like it is expected. And I don't think we are in any danger of losing that any time in the near future.

You keedin' me? Breaking bread together is just about the most spiritual communal experience we have. :disbelief:

All those details on the foods are the material part. Plug this into the right side of the brain and .... Bob's your uncle.

A world with any day where no one worked at all would be impossible of course. We'd just like to keep the option open for most of us. And hang on to a tradition that's not based on the material.

:lmao: ..... yes, very spiritual....

[ame=]Home for the Holidays: The Turkey - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (Dinner Scene Complete) - YouTube[/ame]
I hope that's facetious (?) Came across a large flock of turkeys the other day; what I did was stop and wait until they could see they were OK to cross the road and watched for other traffic to protect them. It's the ahimsa thing to do. :thup:


One of my single T-days was blessed with Turkey Spam...awesome!

First married T-Day together was just hubs and I by choice
I cooked Cornish game hens stuffed with wild rice.

Another T-Day with friends, some family, yielded a King Salmon for dinner.

Going to WSM's home always offers up halibut chowder.

In's not always about the turkey.
However we are infamous for our population of Peacocks. :lol: Dang, that gives me an idea!


*Disclaimer: My post was not directed [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]

Too late. I already read it. NOW what? :confused:

If you decide on a peacock save me the feathers :eusa_angel:

i know...... how about football games. They certainly are not necessary. All of the people at home watching the games.....SHOULD be helping out with dinner. How about the TV and radio stations.... not necessary either..... off the air they go too.

Whoa, HEY now... them's fightin' words. :lol:

I always enjoyed being on the air on a holiday. You have such a big audience potential.
To get to entertain the masses while they relax at home? Bliss, I tell ya. Couldn't ask for a better shift.

Then again that depends on there still being a holiday... which is why I keep looking for Bill O'Reilly...

nope.... plug pulled on you to buddy..... its either NO one works..... or its fine that people work.....

you cant cheery pick......

Isn't the OP just about having the stores open so people can go shopping? I think a lot of people don't see shopping as a family being together activity, while others may. If a national holiday is a time to spend with families, you don't necessarily have to spend the entire day at home; going to a park, an amusement park or other type, like the zoo maybe, some time of family amusement activity, makes sense to me as the family is doing it together. Shopping though? I think with shopping, like going to the mall, the family spilts up, men going their way (or more likely stay home to watch football), kids going theirs, mom going hers, etc. I am not saying the government should force families to spend time together; my thought is that families should want to spend time together, and it is sad they don't; it is sad a holiday like Thanksgiving is becoming obsolete and something like shopping is becoming the new tradition for national holidays. Are malls and such also open on the 4th of July? Is there a day in the year left, exept Xmas and Thanksgiving, when the malls are not open?
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Whoa, HEY now... them's fightin' words. :lol:

I always enjoyed being on the air on a holiday. You have such a big audience potential.
To get to entertain the masses while they relax at home? Bliss, I tell ya. Couldn't ask for a better shift.

Then again that depends on there still being a holiday... which is why I keep looking for Bill O'Reilly...

nope.... plug pulled on you to buddy..... its either NO one works..... or its fine that people work.....

you cant cheery pick......

Isn't the OP just about having the stores open so people can go shopping? I think a lot of people don't see shopping as a family being together activity, while others may. If a national holiday is a time to spend with families, you don't necessarily have to spend the entire day at home; going to a park, an amusement park or other type, like the zoo maybe, some time of family amusement activity, makes sense to me as the family is doing it together. Shopping though? I think with shopping, like going to the mall, the family spilts up, men going their way (or more likely stay home to watch football), kids going theirs, mom going hers, etc. I am not saying the government should force families to spend time together; my thought is that families should want to spend time together, and it is sad they don't; it is sad a holiday like Thanksgiving is becoming obsolete and something like shopping is becoming the new tradition for national holidays. Are malls and such also open on the 4th of July? Is there a day in the year left, exept Xmas and Thanksgiving, when the malls are not open?

my neighbors across the street.... She and her three girls make a day of it on black friday. For them it is quite the family event.

The thread morphed to more then just shopping.... it is about some thinking that no one should work becasue it is a holiday....

EXACTLY (to the bold)...and just as you don't have to spend the whole day at home...... who is to say that the time you are not at home should not be at work?

I don't know many families who "spend the day together" some are cooking...some are watching the game, the kids are playing their games...... "time together" is mostly just the time eating....

as to malls....i would LOVE them to be open on christmas!!!

if people dont want to shop...stay home. If they want to shop... shop if the stores are open. If the stores are open, i expect the sales people to do their jobs or be fired and replaced with those who WANT to work.

truthfully i think the whole faux rage is about walmmart..... :lol:
nope.... plug pulled on you to buddy..... its either NO one works..... or its fine that people work.....

you cant cheery pick......

Isn't the OP just about having the stores open so people can go shopping? I think a lot of people don't see shopping as a family being together activity, while others may. If a national holiday is a time to spend with families, you don't necessarily have to spend the entire day at home; going to a park, an amusement park or other type, like the zoo maybe, some time of family amusement activity, makes sense to me as the family is doing it together. Shopping though? I think with shopping, like going to the mall, the family spilts up, men going their way (or more likely stay home to watch football), kids going theirs, mom going hers, etc. I am not saying the government should force families to spend time together; my thought is that families should want to spend time together, and it is sad they don't; it is sad a holiday like Thanksgiving is becoming obsolete and something like shopping is becoming the new tradition for national holidays. Are malls and such also open on the 4th of July? Is there a day in the year left, exept Xmas and Thanksgiving, when the malls are not open?

my neighbors across the street.... She and her three girls make a day of it on black friday. For them it is quite the family event.

The thread morphed to more then just shopping.... it is about some thinking that no one should work becasue it is a holiday....

EXACTLY (to the bold)...and just as you don't have to spend the whole day at home...... who is to say that the time you are not at home should not be at work?

I don't know many families who "spend the day together" some are cooking...some are watching the game, the kids are playing their games...... "time together" is mostly just the time eating....

as to malls....i would LOVE them to be open on christmas!!!

if people dont want to shop...stay home. If they want to shop... shop if the stores are open. If the stores are open, i expect the sales people to do their jobs or be fired and replaced with those who WANT to work.

truthfully i think the whole faux rage is about walmmart..... :lol:

Exactly. In both my family and Hombre's family or our immediate family, the holiday shopping expedition is more recreational than anything else. They indulge in a treat, do a LOT of window shopping, try on silly stuff, and every once in awhile might even buy something. If there's a good movie on the excursion might include that.

I simply don''t see how that is diferent than the same group disassocating from the football crowd to play bridge or Mahjong or Skip Bo or put a puzzle together or whatever. And even though I generally don't go on these excursions--well I might do the movie--I can believe it is a hell of a lot more fun than sitting around in the kitchen waiting for time to pass until everybody can get busy and get the food out again.
Isn't the OP just about having the stores open so people can go shopping? I think a lot of people don't see shopping as a family being together activity, while others may. If a national holiday is a time to spend with families, you don't necessarily have to spend the entire day at home; going to a park, an amusement park or other type, like the zoo maybe, some time of family amusement activity, makes sense to me as the family is doing it together. Shopping though? I think with shopping, like going to the mall, the family spilts up, men going their way (or more likely stay home to watch football), kids going theirs, mom going hers, etc. I am not saying the government should force families to spend time together; my thought is that families should want to spend time together, and it is sad they don't; it is sad a holiday like Thanksgiving is becoming obsolete and something like shopping is becoming the new tradition for national holidays. Are malls and such also open on the 4th of July? Is there a day in the year left, exept Xmas and Thanksgiving, when the malls are not open?

my neighbors across the street.... She and her three girls make a day of it on black friday. For them it is quite the family event.

The thread morphed to more then just shopping.... it is about some thinking that no one should work becasue it is a holiday....

EXACTLY (to the bold)...and just as you don't have to spend the whole day at home...... who is to say that the time you are not at home should not be at work?

I don't know many families who "spend the day together" some are cooking...some are watching the game, the kids are playing their games...... "time together" is mostly just the time eating....

as to malls....i would LOVE them to be open on christmas!!!

if people dont want to shop...stay home. If they want to shop... shop if the stores are open. If the stores are open, i expect the sales people to do their jobs or be fired and replaced with those who WANT to work.

truthfully i think the whole faux rage is about walmmart..... :lol:

Exactly. In both my family and Hombre's family or our immediate family, the holiday shopping expedition is more recreational than anything else. They indulge in a treat, do a LOT of window shopping, try on silly stuff, and every once in awhile might even buy something. If there's a good movie on the excursion might include that.

I simply don''t see how that is diferent than the same group disassocating from the football crowd to play bridge or Mahjong or Skip Bo or put a puzzle together or whatever. And even though I generally don't go on these excursions--well I might do the movie--I can believe it is a hell of a lot more fun than sitting around in the kitchen waiting for time to pass until everybody can get busy and get the food out again.

what is even you would think that said retailers were open ALL day on thanksgiving...... they are not.

instead of opening at midnight..... they will open at 8. Poor sad retail sales people have ALL Day to spend with their families.......

Opening hours at 8 top retailers on Thanksgiving
The whole idea of it's Thanksgiving therefore you MUST do something is asinine and should go. If you don't spend it with family there should be no other options because you MUST? Watch football even if you hate it.


Like a very bad performance of Fiddler on the Roof.

Let others be. If someone wants to go shopping someone else wants to make money by working and the store is willing to be open not one person has a thing to say.

my neighbors across the street.... She and her three girls make a day of it on black friday. For them it is quite the family event.

The thread morphed to more then just shopping.... it is about some thinking that no one should work becasue it is a holiday....

EXACTLY (to the bold)...and just as you don't have to spend the whole day at home...... who is to say that the time you are not at home should not be at work?

I don't know many families who "spend the day together" some are cooking...some are watching the game, the kids are playing their games...... "time together" is mostly just the time eating....

as to malls....i would LOVE them to be open on christmas!!!

if people dont want to shop...stay home. If they want to shop... shop if the stores are open. If the stores are open, i expect the sales people to do their jobs or be fired and replaced with those who WANT to work.

truthfully i think the whole faux rage is about walmmart..... :lol:

Exactly. In both my family and Hombre's family or our immediate family, the holiday shopping expedition is more recreational than anything else. They indulge in a treat, do a LOT of window shopping, try on silly stuff, and every once in awhile might even buy something. If there's a good movie on the excursion might include that.

I simply don''t see how that is diferent than the same group disassocating from the football crowd to play bridge or Mahjong or Skip Bo or put a puzzle together or whatever. And even though I generally don't go on these excursions--well I might do the movie--I can believe it is a hell of a lot more fun than sitting around in the kitchen waiting for time to pass until everybody can get busy and get the food out again.

what is even you would think that said retailers were open ALL day on thanksgiving...... they are not.

instead of opening at midnight..... they will open at 8. Poor sad retail sales people have ALL Day to spend with their families.......

Opening hours at 8 top retailers on Thanksgiving

Some stores, especially at the mall, do open on Thanksigivng in the afternoons here. Large families are common in these parts and apparently there are a LOT of people who want an alternative to being jammed together all day in the house and appreciate an alternate activity. :) The grocery stores are usually open until at least noon or 1 pm.
We went through the same family day trash when stores firrst started opening on sunday. Now it's "religious nuts kept stores from opening on sunday. Children were starving because parents weren't working."

Libtards should make up their minds.
nope.... plug pulled on you to buddy..... its either NO one works..... or its fine that people work.....

you cant cheery pick......

Isn't the OP just about having the stores open so people can go shopping? I think a lot of people don't see shopping as a family being together activity, while others may. If a national holiday is a time to spend with families, you don't necessarily have to spend the entire day at home; going to a park, an amusement park or other type, like the zoo maybe, some time of family amusement activity, makes sense to me as the family is doing it together. Shopping though? I think with shopping, like going to the mall, the family spilts up, men going their way (or more likely stay home to watch football), kids going theirs, mom going hers, etc. I am not saying the government should force families to spend time together; my thought is that families should want to spend time together, and it is sad they don't; it is sad a holiday like Thanksgiving is becoming obsolete and something like shopping is becoming the new tradition for national holidays. Are malls and such also open on the 4th of July? Is there a day in the year left, exept Xmas and Thanksgiving, when the malls are not open?

my neighbors across the street.... She and her three girls make a day of it on black friday. For them it is quite the family event.

The thread morphed to more then just shopping.... it is about some thinking that no one should work becasue it is a holiday....

EXACTLY (to the bold)...and just as you don't have to spend the whole day at home...... who is to say that the time you are not at home should not be at work?

I don't know many families who "spend the day together" some are cooking...some are watching the game, the kids are playing their games...... "time together" is mostly just the time eating....

as to malls....i would LOVE them to be open on christmas!!!

if people dont want to shop...stay home. If they want to shop... shop if the stores are open. If the stores are open, i expect the sales people to do their jobs or be fired and replaced with those who WANT to work.

truthfully i think the whole faux rage is about walmmart..... :lol:

Oh no you di-int! Look Foxy -- they're playing our song! :rofl: Remember, first time I met you I think. I'm gettin' all misty... :eusa_boohoo:

Strangely I don't think Mal-Wart was mentioned before now. Let us not speak of this agian. :eek:

Syrenn, you are correct; the thread ... evolved. I really didn't mean to play the role of spiritual shaman, although it was kinda cool wearing the robe. So I shall return to the point where I started, which is, of course, Bill O'Reilly.
We went through the same family day trash when stores firrst started opening on sunday. Now it's "religious nuts kept stores from opening on sunday. Children were starving because parents weren't working."

Libtards should make up their minds.

"Libtards" huh?

What are you, like seven years old then?
Isn't the OP just about having the stores open so people can go shopping? I think a lot of people don't see shopping as a family being together activity, while others may. If a national holiday is a time to spend with families, you don't necessarily have to spend the entire day at home; going to a park, an amusement park or other type, like the zoo maybe, some time of family amusement activity, makes sense to me as the family is doing it together. Shopping though? I think with shopping, like going to the mall, the family spilts up, men going their way (or more likely stay home to watch football), kids going theirs, mom going hers, etc. I am not saying the government should force families to spend time together; my thought is that families should want to spend time together, and it is sad they don't; it is sad a holiday like Thanksgiving is becoming obsolete and something like shopping is becoming the new tradition for national holidays. Are malls and such also open on the 4th of July? Is there a day in the year left, exept Xmas and Thanksgiving, when the malls are not open?

my neighbors across the street.... She and her three girls make a day of it on black friday. For them it is quite the family event.

The thread morphed to more then just shopping.... it is about some thinking that no one should work becasue it is a holiday....

EXACTLY (to the bold)...and just as you don't have to spend the whole day at home...... who is to say that the time you are not at home should not be at work?

I don't know many families who "spend the day together" some are cooking...some are watching the game, the kids are playing their games...... "time together" is mostly just the time eating....

as to malls....i would LOVE them to be open on christmas!!!

if people dont want to shop...stay home. If they want to shop... shop if the stores are open. If the stores are open, i expect the sales people to do their jobs or be fired and replaced with those who WANT to work.

truthfully i think the whole faux rage is about walmmart..... :lol:

Oh no you di-int! Look Foxy -- they're playing our song! :rofl: Remember, first time I met you I think. I'm gettin' all misty... :eusa_boohoo:

Strangely I don't think Mal-Wart was mentioned before now. Let us not speak of this agian. :eek:

Syrenn, you are correct; the thread ... evolved. I really didn't mean to play the role of spiritual shaman, although it was kinda cool wearing the robe. So I shall return to the point where I started, which is, of course, Bill O'Reilly.

anything about retailers and slave labor.... is ALWAYS about walmart isn't it...... :lmao:
Shop on Thanksgiving?

If we eat all the turkey and drink all the wine before 7pm, I might have to go find more.
Thanksgiving and Christmas is supposed to be a time full of joy, parties and gatherings with friends and families. But the holidays can be a really difficult time for many persons who are dealing with personal grief, loneliness, illnesses of all kinds, economic concerns, separation from family members and relationship issues like separation or divorce. Keep in mind when you sit down to that Turkey dinner with family and friends, the holidays aren't a happy time for many of us.
We should all be thankful that USMB will be open for us...... ALL day long.


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