The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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Why do you think so?

Maybe because when I was a kid, my mom was the only one in the neighborhood that worked. All the other kids had stay at home moms.

And you think your experience represents the entire world and no one else has ever had a similar experience because no one else in your neighborhood did?

Not a very logical conclusion.

Sorry, I didn't know the entire world was on the USMB.
I have nothing to prove to you. I don't know who you are and don't care...

Thanks for proving yet again that you lack any self-respect you lazy, ignorant fool.

Tell me what respect do I gain wasting my time proving anything to an internet avatar and screen name?

It gets me nothing. If you're trying to prove something then post under your real name and give everyone your address and phone number.

I paid my dues and have nothing to prove to you.

So go back to policing grammar and spelling the message board. Everyone else in the world knows it's pathetic but if you think it's important you go ahead and be the best internet spell checker you can be.

We're all proud of you.
Maybe because when I was a kid, my mom was the only one in the neighborhood that worked. All the other kids had stay at home moms.

And you think your experience represents the entire world and no one else has ever had a similar experience because no one else in your neighborhood did?

Not a very logical conclusion.

Sorry, I didn't know the entire world was on the USMB.

You seem to think so, and you seem to think you know what every member of USMB's childhood was like.
Why do you think so?

Maybe because when I was a kid, my mom was the only one in the neighborhood that worked. All the other kids had stay at home moms.

so now we have it....and your reason for why you think no one should work on thanksgiving.

you are putting your shit, drama, angst and psyco childhood issues onto others......and what you think pleasnatville should be like

You wanted your mommy to stay home with you...... so you think that everyone should stay home with their family on thanksgiving and christmas.

Wow! That's a lot of hate coming from you. What exactly did I do? Other than express a wish for all children to have a happy Childhood? Do you hate everyone, or just me? Do you have any children? Have you cared for any children? Ever even watched or read "A Christmas Carol?" You are sounding so much like Scrooge pre the 3 visits.
He/she is the most miserable little turd here.....never offers anything but snide remarks and nasty gutless PMs.

The purpose of the snide remarks is to get you to participate in some kind of flame war where endless bandwidth is taken up by little tit for tats that gain he/she the attention it craves. You are just the latest in a long list as follows:

Moonglow, Buford, Oohpoopahdoo, Skydancer, GHook93, Dante, Jake Starkey, Huggy, Catzmeow, Big Fitz, Bobgnote, Blimpo, 52ndStreet, Rightwinger, Hatinring, There4eyem, Jack131, SW2Silver, Bloodline, Lilollady, Saigon, Joe B, A BikerSailor, JPTR, Joe B, Shoot Speeders, Mister Beale, William Joyce, Varelse, 4horsemen. Lonestar Logic, Friends, Matthew, Bleipriester, mememe, Dugdale Jukes

That's how many, aside from myself and now you as the newest name on the list, have been suckered by this attention whore. The best thing is to ignore it and don't take the bait.

= You don't have the character to handle it when you are called out for saying stupid things.

You are a fool who is too stupid to know when he's been dismissed! You keep trying to sniff up my ass when it gives me great pleasure to ignore you and put you back into the little insignificant hole where you belong. Surprisingly, more people don't do it. Treat you like the annoying barking dog that you are. Close the window Martha, the neighbor's dog is yapping again.
Maybe because when I was a kid, my mom was the only one in the neighborhood that worked. All the other kids had stay at home moms.

so now we have it....and your reason for why you think no one should work on thanksgiving.

you are putting your shit, drama, angst and psyco childhood issues onto others......and what you think pleasnatville should be like

You wanted your mommy to stay home with you...... so you think that everyone should stay home with their family on thanksgiving and christmas.

Wow! That's a lot of hate coming from you. .

Where do you read "hate" in any of that?
You are a fool who is too stupid to know when he's been dismissed! You keep trying to sniff up my ass when it gives me great pleasure to ignore you and put you back into the little insignificant hole where you belong. Surprisingly, more people don't do it. Treat you like the annoying barking dog that you are. Close the window Martha, the neighbor's dog is yapping again.

Great job "ignoring." :rolleyes:
But those seasonal workers sure line up to get those jobs, don't they? I simply can't fault them for that because they need the money or they wouldn't apply for the jobs. And I can't see how my enjoyment of Thanksgiving is in any way compromised because they choose to work or others agree to work on Thanksgiving any more than it is compromised because some people play football on Thanksgiving and/or go to the games instead of having a family Thanksgiving at home.

A spirit of liberty allows people to choose how they will live their life. I just can't bring myself to believe everybody has to do everything the same way in order to be acceptable. And if I am the last person on Earth celebrating Thanksgiving in what is considered the traditional way, will I enjoy that any less?

Though they may be lining up to get those jobs these days, that wasn't the case in the past, and people had very tough financial times in the past too--I know that from personal experience. But people valued the tradition of Thanksgiving then and didn't choose to work, though it meant more money. For example, holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter may be the only days in the year I'd see my grandmother, who always spent the day with us. Or for her, it would be a major day because she would get to see all her grandkids together, and spend the whole day with them. A few extra dollars were less important than things like that then; and we were a poor family. My parents did not want to work; they would only work on those days if required.

I'm not saying people shouldn't have the choice, but that it's too damn bad people just don't care anymore. I think some people feel like they are forced to spend the days, a holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving, with people they don't like, usually meaning extended family. Other than Christmas Eve, when we did spend a few hours with extended family, we spent the holidays with just nuclear family, and my grandmother. Mom, Dad and the kids. Not a whole tribe. Maybe it's trying to force the whole tribe to be together that is the problem, or maybe it's because families are so disjointed now, with so much divorce, step parents, step kids, etc.

My mom worked for the Post Office when I was growing up, and this is in the 60's and 70's. The bulk mail facility at the Airport. I remember Christmases when she worked on Christmas 'eve (my birthday) and Christmas. It wasn't easy for us as a family. I would really, really hate to cause more children to remember their mom's not being there for Christmas day or Thanksgiving day. I don't think anyone here really experienced that. It's a big thing when you're the only kid in the neighborhood who's mom worked on Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. We had to get up one Christmas at 4:30am to open our presents before mom went to work. Then we cooked the dinner so that we could have dinner when she got home. Today there are so many single parent homes that these kids would be left alone on Christmas and/or Thanksgiving and I can't imagine anything sadder.

I've had to work Christmas (wrecker driver and livery driver), my wife has had to (wrecker driver), her best friend has to (nurse), my good friend has to (wrecker driver). Another friend of mine is off Christmas but has worked almost every Thanksgiving (waiter and bartender). Plenty of people have to work holidays. If you don't want to, go into a different line of work!
Thanks for proving yet again that you lack any self-respect you lazy, ignorant fool.

Tell me what respect do I gain wasting my time proving anything to an internet avatar and screen name?

It gets me nothing.

Easier to tell yourself that than to bother improving yourself, you lazy shit.

And what on earth makes you think anything you have to say means anything to me?

Do you really get self respect from posting anonymously on the internet?

Here have another mistake to corect.

It's the holidays and I like to help those in need of a little self esteem.

You're welcome.
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More retailers have announced they will open Thanksgiving Day for your shopping pleasure, so to speak. Is this appropriate?

Should Thanksgiving remain a holiday, unique to America, when families gather together to give thanks, share a meal and create their own Thanksgiving memories and traditions? Or should Thanksgiving be a day when Mom or Dad has to excuse himself and go to work because bargains are offered to shoppers readying themselves for a holiday happening four weeks hence?

Will you shop on Thanksgiving, or will you take advantage of the day and enjoy it with family and friends?

Sometimes bargains are not really worth it, don't you think? If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?

Does it give anyone else the willies when people start tossing around the word "should"? They don't ever seem to be talking about how they, personally, have decided to behave; they always seem to be talking, instead, of how they have personally decided that OTHER people are going to behave, whether they want to or not.
More retailers have announced they will open Thanksgiving Day for your shopping pleasure, so to speak. Is this appropriate?

Should Thanksgiving remain a holiday, unique to America, when families gather together to give thanks, share a meal and create their own Thanksgiving memories and traditions? Or should Thanksgiving be a day when Mom or Dad has to excuse himself and go to work because bargains are offered to shoppers readying themselves for a holiday happening four weeks hence?

Will you shop on Thanksgiving, or will you take advantage of the day and enjoy it with family and friends?

Sometimes bargains are not really worth it, don't you think? If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?

Thanksgiving for us has traditionally been a time to reconnect with family and enjoy a sumptious repast that we determinably choose not to see as gluttenous. :)

But in all honesty Nosmo, for years I worked for hospitals that required periodic weekend and holiday duty and sometimes my shift would fall on Thanksgiving or Christmas or other special occasion. We just shifted whatever celebrations we had around my schedule at such times. And I appreciated the free time and/or double pay that I got for pulling duty at those times.

And now I don't have that problem, but we have folks come for the food and hugs on Thanksgiving, but an afternoon of sitting around in a stuffed stupor watching football just isn't their bag. So, unless they are into card or board games, they do go out after the noon meal and go to a movie or go shopping or do something else that is more fun for them. I see that as quality family time too and would rather them be enjoying themselves than wishing it all was just over.

Different strokes for different folks. Retailers won't open on Thanksgiving unless there is a proftable result from that and apparently there is. And those folks I know who work in retailing generally do so on a volunteer or short shift basis and they almost always get extra pay or extra time off for pulling that duty. None of them I've talked to mind it at all.

I see where you're coming from and how you're missing the traditions of the past. But almost nothing ever stays the same and judging from activity in the grocery stores ahead of Thanksgiving, I would say Thanksgiving is still being celebrated a lot.
I know there are folks employed at absolutely necessary workplaces like hospitals, fire stations, police precinct headquarters and ambulance services. But should retailers come up to that threshold? Should profits trump family?

There's that "S" word again. :eek:
Retail stores are open almost every other holiday so what's the big deal if they are open on Thanksgiving?

Is that one day so important to families compared to the other 364 days in a year?
More retailers have announced they will open Thanksgiving Day for your shopping pleasure, so to speak. Is this appropriate?

Should Thanksgiving remain a holiday, unique to America, when families gather together to give thanks, share a meal and create their own Thanksgiving memories and traditions? Or should Thanksgiving be a day when Mom or Dad has to excuse himself and go to work because bargains are offered to shoppers readying themselves for a holiday happening four weeks hence?

Will you shop on Thanksgiving, or will you take advantage of the day and enjoy it with family and friends?

Sometimes bargains are not really worth it, don't you think? If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?

Does it give anyone else the willies when people start tossing around the word "should"? They don't ever seem to be talking about how they, personally, have decided to behave; they always seem to be talking, instead, of how they have personally decided that OTHER people are going to behave, whether they want to or not.

That's called "social mores". They're roughly fifty thousand years old.

And if you haven't noticed, those mores are polling 94% in favor of the OP's sentiment. Rotsa ruck pulling against that.
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More retailers have announced they will open Thanksgiving Day for your shopping pleasure, so to speak. Is this appropriate?

Should Thanksgiving remain a holiday, unique to America, when families gather together to give thanks, share a meal and create their own Thanksgiving memories and traditions? Or should Thanksgiving be a day when Mom or Dad has to excuse himself and go to work because bargains are offered to shoppers readying themselves for a holiday happening four weeks hence?

Will you shop on Thanksgiving, or will you take advantage of the day and enjoy it with family and friends?

Sometimes bargains are not really worth it, don't you think? If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?

There are hundreds of thousands of workers who do not get to celebrate holidays with their families. Most of them essential personnel.
Many others are in the entertainment and media business.
Working in holidays is nothing special. As long as the workers get holiday pay it's not a big deal.
If there is any animosity toward this, it should be sent in the direction of consumers.
If there were no demand( shoppers) the stores would not open.

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