The decline of Christian America

Penelope imagines that WIKKI is going to award her a

(you don't even believe your jewish sources)

I didn't read it------did they make a point that interests you?

Shows its a myth.

what shows "its" a myth? what is "it" ? Did you pass the fourth grade in grammar school? You might be a victim of "pass the retarded along" schooling
of the 1950s or 1960s. You claimed you do something in "health care" ------what is it you do? Be a patient on the ward for the brain damaged?

I went to public school in a semi rural/suburban town.
Every kid was in school------including the congenitally
"MR" <<< that means mentally retarded. The "MR" even graduated HOWEVER---even the MR went to
post high school stuff----like COLLEGE--------as a college kid, I was asked to teach some kids ----who needed help in writing a cogent sentence. It was an amazing experience. Some were just as stupid as are you.
there is no evidence of any wanderings in the desert for 40 years of over 600,000 people. Oh of course Queen of Sheba, and her child with Solomon. . Really to be honest there is little I believe of it anymore. If anything Jews had the slaves.

I am intrigued, Penelope-----what is the evidence that
"jews had the slaves"????-------would that have been in
Egypt? As a child-----I used to spend summers at
my town's mudpond swimming hole. There is no evidenced that I was ever there----even the home movies dissolved

What evidence is that, you mean lack of evidence. Right off the batt, Sara who had no children had a handmaiden, which she gave to her husband for an incubator. Also the numerous mentions of how to treat a slave in Deut. Lets not forget with the exile several thousand slaves returned form Babylon. Solomon is the Bible also used "forced labor " to build the " temple of God">

sara was not a jew-----what was a 'handmaiden' in those days under Babylonian law-------sara was from
Babylon. There is nothing to indicate that Solomon
used "slave labor" -------but all this discussion is moot----YOU CLAIMED that DA JOOOOOS had SLAVES in
EGYPT----they were not slaves-----they OWNED SLAVES -----but you provided nothing to support your
idiotic fart
there is no evidence of any wanderings in the desert for 40 years of over 600,000 people. Oh of course Queen of Sheba, and her child with Solomon. . Really to be honest there is little I believe of it anymore. If anything Jews had the slaves.

I am intrigued, Penelope-----what is the evidence that
"jews had the slaves"????-------would that have been in
Egypt? As a child-----I used to spend summers at
my town's mudpond swimming hole. There is no evidenced that I was ever there----even the home movies dissolved

What evidence is that, you mean lack of evidence. Right off the batt, Sara who had no children had a handmaiden, which she gave to her husband for an incubator. Also the numerous mentions of how to treat a slave in Deut. Lets not forget with the exile several thousand slaves returned form Babylon. Solomon is the Bible also used "forced labor " to build the " temple of God">

sara was not a jew-----what was a 'handmaiden' in those days under Babylonian law-------sara was from
Babylon. There is nothing to indicate that Solomon
used "slave labor" -------but all this discussion is moot----YOU CLAIMED that DA JOOOOOS had SLAVES in
EGYPT----they were not slaves-----they OWNED SLAVES -----but you provided nothing to support your
idiotic fart

Your own book Kings

20 All the people who were left of the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, who were not of the people of Israel— 21 their descendants who were left after them in the land, whom the people of Israel were unable to devote to destructiond]these Solomon drafted to be slaves, and so they are to this day.
22 But
of the people of Israel Solomon made no slaves. They were the soldiers, they were his officials, his commanders, his captains, his chariot commanders and his horsemen.
Penelope imagines that WIKKI is going to award her a

(you don't even believe your jewish sources)

I didn't read it------did they make a point that interests you?

Shows its a myth.

what shows "its" a myth? what is "it" ? Did you pass the fourth grade in grammar school? You might be a victim of "pass the retarded along" schooling
of the 1950s or 1960s. You claimed you do something in "health care" ------what is it you do? Be a patient on the ward for the brain damaged?

I went to public school in a semi rural/suburban town.
Every kid was in school------including the congenitally
"MR" <<< that means mentally retarded. The "MR" even graduated HOWEVER---even the MR went to
post high school stuff----like COLLEGE--------as a college kid, I was asked to teach some kids ----who needed help in writing a cogent sentence. It was an amazing experience. Some were just as stupid as are you.

Do you or do you not read?
Penelope imagines that WIKKI is going to award her a

(you don't even believe your jewish sources)

I didn't read it------did they make a point that interests you?

Shows its a myth.

what shows "its" a myth? what is "it" ? Did you pass the fourth grade in grammar school? You might be a victim of "pass the retarded along" schooling
of the 1950s or 1960s. You claimed you do something in "health care" ------what is it you do? Be a patient on the ward for the brain damaged?

I went to public school in a semi rural/suburban town.
Every kid was in school------including the congenitally
"MR" <<< that means mentally retarded. The "MR" even graduated HOWEVER---even the MR went to
post high school stuff----like COLLEGE--------as a college kid, I was asked to teach some kids ----who needed help in writing a cogent sentence. It was an amazing experience. Some were just as stupid as are you.

Do you or do you not read?

I read very well. I also read with DISCRETION. I am no LINGUIST------in fact the only language in which I am truly fluent is English. However, I did study german, Spanish, and Hebrew enough to know that translations
are misleading, There is no word in Hebrew to describe the kind of brutal chattel slavery which dogs and pigs of your ilk imposed on blacks and American Indians----because such slavery did not exist in jewish law. When the word "slave" appears in a translation from the OT appears-----the actual Hebrew word is more accurately "worker" Chattel slavery did not exist in ancient jewish law. Chattel slavery was a feature of both greek and roman society and yours.
Purposeful Killing of a "slave" was a serious crime in ancient jewish jurisprudence----it was considered MURDER. In fact-----it was considered a crime to RECAPTURE a "slave" that fled----the logic being---if the slave was so unhappy that he fled-----he had a right to do so. Raping a slave, unlike your 'culture', was also a CRIME. That which are called "slaves" in translations of ancient jewish scriptural writings are more logically called "servants" or "workers". The enslavement of jews in Egypt is SPECIFICALLY described as being "FORCED". Things are actually described very specifically -----all kinds of things. Same is true of the NT------some of the "gospels" describe things as they were very specifically.
Penelope------you do not read or comprehend-----you use the word "MYTH" as though it is a perjorative. I have the impression that you imagine that the word ''myth" is
synonymous with "silly fairy tale" or "simply not true"
My departure from Pat Buchanan is with his views on Israel. But leaving that aside, I think he does well in describing the state of the union. Only a non-believer could disagree. Only a “true” Christian could understand. Not many of those left.

The Decline of Christian America Tuesday - May 26, 2015 at 12:22 am By Patrick J. Buchanan

“This is a Christian nation,” said the Supreme Court in 1892.

“America was born a Christian nation,” echoed Woodrow Wilson. Harry Truman affirmed it: “This is a Christian nation.”

But in 2009, Barack Hussein Obama begged to differ: “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.”

Comes now a Pew Research Center survey that reveals the United States is de-Christianizing at an accelerated rate.

Whereas 86 percent of Americans in 1990 identified as Christians, by 2007, that was down to 78 percent. Today only 7 in 10 say they are Christians. But the percentage of those describing themselves as atheists, agnostics or nonbelievers has risen to 23. That exceeds the Catholic population and is only slightly below evangelicals.

Those in the mainline Protestant churches — Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopalians — have plummeted from 50 percent of the U.S. population in 1958 to 14 percent today. By accommodating the social revolution of the 1960s to stay relevant, mainline churches appear to have made themselves irrelevant to America’s young.

The decline in Christian identity is greatest among the young. While 85 percent of Americans born before 1945 still call themselves Christians, only 57 percent of those born after 1980 do.

If we want to see our future, we should probably look to Europe, where Catholic Ireland just voted in a landslide to legalize same-sex marriage and where cathedrals and churches are being turned into tourist attractions and museums and even bars and restaurants.

What are the causes of a de-Christianized America?

High among them is the Supreme Court, which, since the Earl Warren era began, purged Christianity from all public schools and the public square — and has been met with a puzzling lack of resistance from Middle America to the secularist revolution being imposed upon it.

Second, an anti-Christian elite captured the cultural heights — the arts, elite universities, popular culture, the media — and began, through movies, books and magazines, an assault on Christian beliefs and morality.

Third was the social revolution of the 1960s, which began with the arrival of the baby boomers on campus in 1964. Five years on, Woodstock Nation was wallowing in the mud, listening to Country Joe & the Fish.

The counterculture of the ’60s would be used as a foil to build 49-state landslides for Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, but then the ’60s views and values were embraced by the elites and came to dominate the culture in the time of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Given his baggage, “Slick Willy” of Yoknapatawpha County would have been a comic figure in the 1950s. Today he is the Democratic Party’s beau ideal of a statesman.

Many churches came out to meet the cultural revolution halfway. The results were irrelevance and scandal — too many Elmer Gantrys in televangelist pulpits and too many predators in priestly cassocks.

What are the consequences of a de-Christianized America and West? Si monumentum requiris, circumspice. (If you would seek its monuments, look around you.)

Half of marriages end in divorce. Fewer children are being born, and of these, over 40 percent are out of wedlock. Record drug use rates and dropout rates and soaring crime rates that have declined only because we have an incarceration rate that rivals South Africa’s.

Despite astonishing advances in medicine, we have far more and far more varied and deadly STDs.

As Christianity dies, individualism, materialism and hedonism replace it. “Selfies” could be the name for the generation for whom Easter Sunday long ago took a back seat to Super Bowl Sunday. More than a million abortions a year, assisted suicide and euthanasia are seen as the milestones of social progress in the new America.

“Panem et circenses,” bread and circuses, were what the late Roman Empire was all about. With us, it is sex, drugs and rock, with variations on all three.

Historically, as the faith dies, the culture and civilization to which it gave birth die, and then the people die. And a new tribe with its own gods comes to occupy the emptying land.

On the old and new continents, it is the native-born of European ancestry who are de-Christianizing, aging and dying. And the nations they created are the ones depopulating.

To occupy Rome, the barbarians came from the east and north. To occupy the West, they are coming from the south. And like the Romans of the fourth century, we seem paralyzed and powerless to stop them.

Christianity was the founding faith of the West. That faith and the moral code and culture it produced once united this disparate and diverse nation and civilization.

As Christianity fades away and the moral code and culture it generated recede into irrelevance, what will hold us together?

Economically, we are dependent on foreigners for the necessities of our national life. Our politics are poisonous. Our racial divisions, once ameliorated by shared belief in the same God and Bible, are rawer than they were in the 1950s.

As for equality, diversity and global democracy, who will march and die for that?

Historian Arnold Toynbee said it well: “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.”
Bad things dont have to replace religion. Empathy science fairness.

Funny christianity never saw bullying as a problem. But today secular schools know to teach about it and stop it.

Religion is irrelivent.

You really want me to comment on any of that?

Face it... we have both made up our minds. And you do not appear interested in changing no matter what is presented. I am not interested in changing because I am absolutely certain of Jesus Christ is God based on the evidence. So what remains for me is my dumbfoundedness how so many out there who claim to be both intelligent and unbiased can be so blind? I do not understand!!!!
Were you home schooled?
Matthew was one of the 12 disciples.

I went to USA white bread public school and to about a dozen sundays in "sunday school" I know all about the putative 12 disciples. Matthew wrote the first
"gospel" ----he is sometimes described as a tax collector but has no real history. Your belief that he was
somehow a companion to Jesus is based on faith.
IMHO it is not realistic. For whom do you imagine
he was collecting taxes? for "THE PHARISEES"??
for "THE MONEY CHANGERS"?? -----uhm ---oh I
know-----for the RABBIS WITH THE BIG GIANT
PHYLACTERIES ------try to remember what your sunday
school teacher told you

ما تقرأ باللغة العربية

What makes you think I was raised Christian? Your omniscient radar?
Since you appear to be passing yourself off as a biblical scholar, surely you've read a vast amount of books on the subject.
Have you perhaps read, The Scrolls and The New Testament?
If so, perhaps you can regale us with your interpretation.

I grew up amongst Christians---I tend to assume. I never read a book titled "the scrolls and the new testament"---

"I tend to assume." Enough said.

It is really very little -----I consider it good for the sake of
conversation to provide a bit of personal background---
which is why I did------you did not ------assuming was all
I had. I did not claim to be a professor of religion---in
fact I did candidly state I read the bible when young because it was available. If I had a degree in theology I would have ADMITTED it. Anything I do read-----I read with discretion. People who do theology as a major course of study tend to 'go into it' with a set of beliefs already in place

Enough said.
I went to USA white bread public school and to about a dozen sundays in "sunday school" I know all about the putative 12 disciples. Matthew wrote the first
"gospel" ----he is sometimes described as a tax collector but has no real history. Your belief that he was
somehow a companion to Jesus is based on faith.
IMHO it is not realistic. For whom do you imagine
he was collecting taxes? for "THE PHARISEES"??
for "THE MONEY CHANGERS"?? -----uhm ---oh I
know-----for the RABBIS WITH THE BIG GIANT
PHYLACTERIES ------try to remember what your sunday
school teacher told you

ما تقرأ باللغة العربية

What makes you think I was raised Christian? Your omniscient radar?
Since you appear to be passing yourself off as a biblical scholar, surely you've read a vast amount of books on the subject.
Have you perhaps read, The Scrolls and The New Testament?
If so, perhaps you can regale us with your interpretation.

I grew up amongst Christians---I tend to assume. I never read a book titled "the scrolls and the new testament"---

"I tend to assume." Enough said.

It is really very little -----I consider it good for the sake of
conversation to provide a bit of personal background---
which is why I did------you did not ------assuming was all
I had. I did not claim to be a professor of religion---in
fact I did candidly state I read the bible when young because it was available. If I had a degree in theology I would have ADMITTED it. Anything I do read-----I read with discretion. People who do theology as a major course of study tend to 'go into it' with a set of beliefs already in place

Enough said.

so you have no idea who matthew was either and you
BELIEVE based on faith alone that a person collecting
taxes for the despised romans----who, in fact, murdered Jesus along with tens of thousand other jews at that time (and more later) by crucifixion-----was a close follower of Jesus------to wit, his COMPANION.
Somehow there is no other historical evidence of this person named "matthew" and no one knows when he wrote his "gospel" ----ENOUGH SAID. He is such a terrific guy----the tax collector for the romans-----that he is a SAINT and as a tax collector for romans---hated b one and all----he had an OBJECTIVE view of Pharisees-----the specific people that hated the tax collectors AND the money changers
ما تقرأ باللغة العربية

What makes you think I was raised Christian? Your omniscient radar?
Since you appear to be passing yourself off as a biblical scholar, surely you've read a vast amount of books on the subject.
Have you perhaps read, The Scrolls and The New Testament?
If so, perhaps you can regale us with your interpretation.

I grew up amongst Christians---I tend to assume. I never read a book titled "the scrolls and the new testament"---

"I tend to assume." Enough said.

It is really very little -----I consider it good for the sake of
conversation to provide a bit of personal background---
which is why I did------you did not ------assuming was all
I had. I did not claim to be a professor of religion---in
fact I did candidly state I read the bible when young because it was available. If I had a degree in theology I would have ADMITTED it. Anything I do read-----I read with discretion. People who do theology as a major course of study tend to 'go into it' with a set of beliefs already in place

Enough said.

so you have no idea who matthew was either and you
BELIEVE based on faith alone that a person collecting
taxes for the despised romans----who, in fact, murdered Jesus along with tens of thousand other jews at that time (and more later) by crucifixion-----was a close follower of Jesus------to wit, his COMPANION.
Somehow there is no other historical evidence of this person named "matthew" and no one knows when he wrote his "gospel" ----ENOUGH SAID. He is such a terrific guy----the tax collector for the romans-----that he is a SAINT and as a tax collector for romans---hated b one and all----he had an OBJECTIVE view of Pharisees-----the specific people that hated the tax collectors AND the money changers

Why do you keep projecting your thoughts onto me?
If you are, as you've said, an avid reader, surely you've researched the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Now you are espousing that people are incapable of changing/evolving.
I grew up amongst Christians---I tend to assume. I never read a book titled "the scrolls and the new testament"---

"I tend to assume." Enough said.

It is really very little -----I consider it good for the sake of
conversation to provide a bit of personal background---
which is why I did------you did not ------assuming was all
I had. I did not claim to be a professor of religion---in
fact I did candidly state I read the bible when young because it was available. If I had a degree in theology I would have ADMITTED it. Anything I do read-----I read with discretion. People who do theology as a major course of study tend to 'go into it' with a set of beliefs already in place

Enough said.

so you have no idea who matthew was either and you
BELIEVE based on faith alone that a person collecting
taxes for the despised romans----who, in fact, murdered Jesus along with tens of thousand other jews at that time (and more later) by crucifixion-----was a close follower of Jesus------to wit, his COMPANION.
Somehow there is no other historical evidence of this person named "matthew" and no one knows when he wrote his "gospel" ----ENOUGH SAID. He is such a terrific guy----the tax collector for the romans-----that he is a SAINT and as a tax collector for romans---hated b one and all----he had an OBJECTIVE view of Pharisees-----the specific people that hated the tax collectors AND the money changers

Why do you keep projecting your thoughts onto me?
If you are, as you've said, an avid reader, surely you've researched the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Now you are espousing that people are incapable of changing/evolving.

"researched the dead sea scrolls"??? is it the dead sea scrolls which are the object of this discussion. I read published parts of the dead sea scrolls----in fact even visited an exposition of the ------bits pieced together -----and was fascinated to read the "original"-------very standard Hebrew -----the stuff I learned as a teen----kinda in the style of Jeremiah. Matthew is not mentioned in the DEAD SEA SCROLLS--------I was not a member of the team of scholars that pieced them together. I am not a big shot. I will also add that the
imagery referencing "children or light" and "children of darkness"------that pop up in the dead sea scrolls is not entirely absent in Hebrew poetry-------even that of CHAIM NACHMAN BIALIK -------19--20th century Hebrew poet
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.
I grew up amongst Christians---I tend to assume. I never read a book titled "the scrolls and the new testament"---

"I tend to assume." Enough said.

It is really very little -----I consider it good for the sake of
conversation to provide a bit of personal background---
which is why I did------you did not ------assuming was all
I had. I did not claim to be a professor of religion---in
fact I did candidly state I read the bible when young because it was available. If I had a degree in theology I would have ADMITTED it. Anything I do read-----I read with discretion. People who do theology as a major course of study tend to 'go into it' with a set of beliefs already in place

Enough said.

so you have no idea who matthew was either and you
BELIEVE based on faith alone that a person collecting
taxes for the despised romans----who, in fact, murdered Jesus along with tens of thousand other jews at that time (and more later) by crucifixion-----was a close follower of Jesus------to wit, his COMPANION.
Somehow there is no other historical evidence of this person named "matthew" and no one knows when he wrote his "gospel" ----ENOUGH SAID. He is such a terrific guy----the tax collector for the romans-----that he is a SAINT and as a tax collector for romans---hated b one and all----he had an OBJECTIVE view of Pharisees-----the specific people that hated the tax collectors AND the money changers

Why do you keep projecting your thoughts onto me?
If you are, as you've said, an avid reader, surely you've researched the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Now you are espousing that people are incapable of changing/evolving.

Lilah of course you need not answer ----but----I am curious------are you a RASTA? ----you need not answer If you are a rasta----DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF -----it's dangerous
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS
"I tend to assume." Enough said.

It is really very little -----I consider it good for the sake of
conversation to provide a bit of personal background---
which is why I did------you did not ------assuming was all
I had. I did not claim to be a professor of religion---in
fact I did candidly state I read the bible when young because it was available. If I had a degree in theology I would have ADMITTED it. Anything I do read-----I read with discretion. People who do theology as a major course of study tend to 'go into it' with a set of beliefs already in place

Enough said.

so you have no idea who matthew was either and you
BELIEVE based on faith alone that a person collecting
taxes for the despised romans----who, in fact, murdered Jesus along with tens of thousand other jews at that time (and more later) by crucifixion-----was a close follower of Jesus------to wit, his COMPANION.
Somehow there is no other historical evidence of this person named "matthew" and no one knows when he wrote his "gospel" ----ENOUGH SAID. He is such a terrific guy----the tax collector for the romans-----that he is a SAINT and as a tax collector for romans---hated b one and all----he had an OBJECTIVE view of Pharisees-----the specific people that hated the tax collectors AND the money changers

Why do you keep projecting your thoughts onto me?
If you are, as you've said, an avid reader, surely you've researched the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Now you are espousing that people are incapable of changing/evolving.

Lilah of course you need not answer ----but----I am curious------are you a RASTA? ----you need not answer If you are a rasta----DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF -----it's dangerous

I am not a Rasta.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved. That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

well----I am a simple child of democrat jews. ---quite secular in upbringing. I was somewhat "taken aback" by catholic kids in
my neighborhood who were "not permitted" to read the bible ---------really-----way back then in ancient times when I was a kid in my state-----we read a PSALM each morning -----along with the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ----like a little morning ritual Some of the catholic kids refused because they were not allowed to
"READ THE BIBLE" I was sorta horrified and amused. I was "allowed" to read anything.
(I read "Lolita" at about age 11------and had no idea why that silly book excited anyone) ----
What I also remember is that my mom had something against POPE PIUS----it was very vague for me--------over the years I began to understand
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

The Catholic people are the victims in all of this, Rosie. I feel very sad for them because they are under the false teaching that they must obey their priest no matter what the Bible would say - even if the Bible disagrees with their priest they must obey their priest. They are in as much bondage to fear in regards to obeying their priest (who takes orders from the Pope / Vatican) and false religion as Muslims are in fear of disobeying their religious leaders and false religion (of Islam). It is an awful thing.

I would be very concerned about Francis because he is an instrument of Satan and the Scriptures are clear that in the end times 2/3 of the Jews will be killed (many Christians will be killed also). I pray God's protection over my Jewish friends and believe God for Psalm 91 to cover them - I believe that when Christ returns every single Jew on the face of the earth at that time will be saved ( will go to heaven). That is my belief. Think of the faithfulness of God that Scripture tells us that Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets would be in heaven! ALL OF THE HEBREW PROPHETS WOULD BE IN HEAVEN. NOT ONE WAS LOST. NOT ONE.

God is faithful and keeps His promises. God always keeps his promises. I love many things about God but perhaps that is one of the greatest things I love about God. How faithful He is. He always sees us through, Rosie. He is so very faithful.

James 3:
8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Don't be a ankle biter and talk evil about Pope Francis because he is spreading love with his words and actions. Satan would never do such a thing.
If this nation has become non-Christian, I blame Christians for that. Instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they have turned aside to seek political power and control over other people. Their message is one of hate and intolerance, not love.

They are no different from the Pharisees.

I would say you are half right and half wrong.

Yes, I blame the Christians, too, me included.

No, it is not because they have preached a message of hate and intolerance ---- even if a very small percentage of them have. That is a very naïve or demagogic response, imo.

The "Christians" are to blame because those who claim to be Christian are a decided majority in this nation. And it appears to me the majority have engaged in an inordinate amount of self-love, materialism, carnal desires, laziness in following the tenets of the faith even if they attend services,

Here is the end result ( I fear, I do not know of course) --- Those who claim to be Christians and act like secular materialistic lustful humanists may receive the harshest sentences. But those who stand in judgment calling us all hypocrites and consequently decide there is no good in our faith, I cannot think of one good reason why you should feel comfortable about your own destiny as well.

If you are Catholic, you are not a Christian, Turzovka. Your religion was founded on the Babylonian religion of Semiramis, Tammuz and Nimrod. The history of your religion is that of hunting down and putting to death the Christians and Jews and non - Catholics who refused to submit to your popes. Over a period of 605 years your religion put approximately 68 million Protestants (Christians), Jews, and non Catholics to death for refusing to submit to the false teachings of the Romanists (under the direction of a succession of 80 popes who created more torturous methods to persuade the "heretics" - history reveals this).

Now your religion is once again seeking world domination through the formation of a one world religion led by a Jesuit Pope. Jesus Christ is LORD. Not your Pope. Make your plans but know that God has already made His and it is found in the last book of the Bible. It's called the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Believe the King James Bible - not the false religious leaders you've been deceived by.

Jeremiah-----I am not into fantastical conspiracy
theory------but any "DEAL" between the catholic church and Islamic leaders does make me feel uneasy. the CALIPHATE is, very simply, a notion that muhummad picked up from the ROMAN ------HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Shariah shit is based on CATHOLIC CANON LAW as was the Nuremburg code. But I do believe that catholics have rejected this idea via JOHN XXIII--------I am concerned a bit by FRANCIS

I found you rather harsh with your rival in this thread, yet, I had to agree with you on the Jewish world. (so no negative comment coming from me)

But now you are going to rely on Jeremiah to explain Christian theology to you and think that she and Jack Chick are the least bit honest in all this? Jeremiah runs away as fast as she can from all the Scripture verses that lay waste to her cherished dogmas. (and that's only the beginning)

Do yourself a favor and rethink your sources.

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