The Decline Of Unions

When all unions are gone means the employer calls all the shots. Then overtime pay would be gotten rid of, lunch breaks gone, paid sick time abolished, and so on. Employers then think they own their laborers.
When all unions are gone means the employer calls all the shots. Then overtime pay would be gotten rid of, lunch breaks gone, paid sick time abolished, and so on. Employers then think they own their laborers.
Then employees stop working for that employer and go work elsewhere.

The beauty of capitalism. You, as a worker, are free to leave.

Under socialism, you're not.
Then employees stop working for that employer and go work elsewhere.

The beauty of capitalism. You, as a worker, are free to leave.

Under socialism, you're not.
I'm not for socialism. I do see a very concerted effort to chisel away at workers until they're down to not much. I see it more like a plutocracy, of which we are closer to right now. The rich and powerful are the ones getting elected regardless of party. Why can't an average working person break thru?
I bargain as an individual. My job performance determines my pay and I don't need a union to achieve my goals.
I bargain as an individual. My job performance determines my pay and I don't need a union to achieve my goals.
Get rid of unions? That's fine. But there needs to be a conflicting opposition to the employer embedded in the workplace. Compliant workers who never champion their cause are the worst workers.
Get rid of unions? That's fine. But there needs to be a conflicting opposition to the employer embedded in the workplace. Compliant workers who never champion their cause are the worst workers.
Good job performance is rewarded with better pay.

I disagree, while there should be no closed shops, Unionizing is a right every American should have unless they work for a government.

Public sector unions are the bane of this country.

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