The defence of the Kenosha killer

What he really needs is more ammo.

You are evil, or insane - possibly both.

Three shots, three violent felons, one a multiple child rapist.. You're an idiot.
I think he needs a better defence than that. That is about as dumb as you can get, and on many different levels.

On second thought, Tommy, just pretend that the two idiots that were shot dead were aborted, then you will no longer give a fuck.
Speaking of prison bitch, when do you get out?

Sorry, man, I've never gotten anything more serious than a moving violation.

Unlike this punk, who is going to be traded for smokes. Heh, heh, heh....

I don't think so. Even if he were to end up in the penitentiary, why do you think the Gay Inmates will target him?

He would be going in for whacking a Child Molester, I think that Mr. Rosenbaum's fellow CHOMO's on the inside might be intimidated by someone willing to stand up for their Manhood.
The boy only defended himself from a crazy child molester and other armed thugs.

Only communist lunatics believe he should be charged with a crime.

And a Grand Jury in Kenosha County.

He's going to have a fine future as an Aryan Nation Prison Bitch.

Even killers are eligible for parole eventually. He will live to a ripe old age, and will probably write a book and make a shitload of money.

You on the other hand, are destined to be just some asshole on an internet discussion board.
I don't think so. Even if he were to end up in the penitentiary, why do you think the Gay Inmates will target him?

He would be going in for whacking a Child Molester, I think that Mr. Rosenbaum's fellow CHOMO's on the inside might be intimidated by someone willing to stand up for their Manhood.

Actually, he'll probably have to hang around the Aryan Nation folks for protection... and they'll be really lonely...
Even killers are eligible for parole eventually. He will live to a ripe old age, and will probably write a book and make a shitload of money.

You on the other hand, are destined to be just some asshole on an internet discussion board.

I can't see him getting parole for shooting two people in the street.

Nor will anyone be interested in a book he wrote. "I was a tough guy with a gun and now my butthole hurts".

Yeah, can't see anyone lining up for that page-turner.
I don't think so. Even if he were to end up in the penitentiary, why do you think the Gay Inmates will target him?

He would be going in for whacking a Child Molester, I think that Mr. Rosenbaum's fellow CHOMO's on the inside might be intimidated by someone willing to stand up for their Manhood.

Actually, he'll probably have to hang around the Aryan Nation folks for protection... and they'll be really lonely...

What makes you think that there are Gay Predators in the Aryan Nation group in the Wisconsin penal system at all?

Much less that Mr. Rittenhouse wouldn't , theoretically, be able to defend himself if he ended up there?

BTW, this thread is actually about whether Lin Wood is a tremendous attorney or not, and liberals were whining that Wood is a shitty, incompetent lawyer. Why would libs bemoan about Wood's alleged crappiness as a legal mind? Don't libs WANT Rittenhouse to be found guilty and get sent to the penitentiary?
I don't think so. Even if he were to end up in the penitentiary, why do you think the Gay Inmates will target him?

He would be going in for whacking a Child Molester, I think that Mr. Rosenbaum's fellow CHOMO's on the inside might be intimidated by someone willing to stand up for their Manhood.

Actually, he'll probably have to hang around the Aryan Nation folks for protection... and they'll be really lonely...

What makes you think that there are Gay Predators in the Aryan Nation group in the Wisconsin penal system at all?

Much less that Mr. Rittenhouse wouldn't , theoretically, be able to defend himself if he ended up there?

BTW, this thread is actually about whether Lin Wood is a tremendous attorney or not, and liberals were whining that Wood is a shitty, incompetent lawyer. Why would libs bemoan about Wood's alleged crappiness as a legal mind? Don't libs WANT Rittenhouse to be found guilty and get sent to the penitentiary?
He is entitled to the best defence he can get. That is how the system should work. His legal rights shoud not be secondary to the ongoing trump circus playing out across the US at the moment. In 10 years time trump,rudy and the rest will be dead and young kyle will be sitting in the exercise yard wondering if he should have picked a competent lawyer.
I don't think so. Even if he were to end up in the penitentiary, why do you think the Gay Inmates will target him?

He would be going in for whacking a Child Molester, I think that Mr. Rosenbaum's fellow CHOMO's on the inside might be intimidated by someone willing to stand up for their Manhood.

Actually, he'll probably have to hang around the Aryan Nation folks for protection... and they'll be really lonely...

What makes you think that there are Gay Predators in the Aryan Nation group in the Wisconsin penal system at all?

Much less that Mr. Rittenhouse wouldn't , theoretically, be able to defend himself if he ended up there?

BTW, this thread is actually about whether Lin Wood is a tremendous attorney or not, and liberals were whining that Wood is a shitty, incompetent lawyer. Why would libs bemoan about Wood's alleged crappiness as a legal mind? Don't libs WANT Rittenhouse to be found guilty and get sent to the penitentiary?
He is entitled to the best defence he can get. That is how the system should work. His legal rights shoud not be secondary to the ongoing trump circus playing out across the US at the moment. In 10 years time trump,rudy and the rest will be dead and young kyle will be sitting in the exercise yard wondering if he should have picked a competent lawyer.

As a lib, I would think that you WANT Rittenhouse to be sent to the big house, no? If he chooses a competent lawyer and gets exonerated, would you really happy?
Wood will chew these assholes up. He's far better a lawyer than any of them.
Based on.... what? These prosecutors have experience in murder trials. He has zero. And his recent public appearances show he is somewhat untethered from reality. It is quite fair to assume he took this case for his own personal gain, not to win it.

You go with that.
I asked you a question, bigmouth. By what standard? By what standard is he a better lawyer than the prosecutors? They have tried murder cases, and he has jot. So explain your position. Or admit it was just a reflexive reaction to being triggered by me. Again.

The fact that he has won multi million dollar settlements from media companies who are supported by the judicial system.

He still forced them to pay. The fact that he is respected by his peers, unlike his opponents who aren't respected at all. They are despised by ethical lawyers everywhere.

You sound like the kind of idiot who supported Mike Nifong.
None of that is criminal law, much less a criminal murder trial. And don't run and try to google for shit you didn't know and present it as the reason you made up your mind about something yesterday, you fraud.
There was Richard Jewell and you have no idea what the experiences of any of the other lawyers
He represented Jewell in a civil suit. Not a criminal suit. He has zero criminal trial experience. None. You do understand what the words "zero" and "none" mean, correct? And yes, i can safely assume the criminal prosecutors have more experience in criminal trials than a person who has ZERO criminal trial experience. Oops, there is that word again?: ZERO. Did you look it up, yet?
Wood will chew these assholes up. He's far better a lawyer than any of them.
Based on.... what? These prosecutors have experience in murder trials. He has zero. And his recent public appearances show he is somewhat untethered from reality. It is quite fair to assume he took this case for his own personal gain, not to win it.

You go with that.
I asked you a question, bigmouth. By what standard? By what standard is he a better lawyer than the prosecutors? They have tried murder cases, and he has jot. So explain your position. Or admit it was just a reflexive reaction to being triggered by me. Again.

The fact that he has won multi million dollar settlements from media companies who are supported by the judicial system.

He still forced them to pay. The fact that he is respected by his peers, unlike his opponents who aren't respected at all. They are despised by ethical lawyers everywhere.

You sound like the kind of idiot who supported Mike Nifong.
None of that is criminal law, much less a criminal murder trial. And don't run and try to google for shit you didn't know and present it as the reason you made up your mind about something yesterday, you fraud.

Why aren't you HAPPY with Lin Wood's supposed incompetence here, FFI?

I thought you wanted the Kenosha Kid sent to the penitentiary, and an incompetent lawyer is the surest ticket to defeat in a legal matter.
I don't think so. Even if he were to end up in the penitentiary, why do you think the Gay Inmates will target him?

He would be going in for whacking a Child Molester, I think that Mr. Rosenbaum's fellow CHOMO's on the inside might be intimidated by someone willing to stand up for their Manhood.

Actually, he'll probably have to hang around the Aryan Nation folks for protection... and they'll be really lonely...

What makes you think that there are Gay Predators in the Aryan Nation group in the Wisconsin penal system at all?

Much less that Mr. Rittenhouse wouldn't , theoretically, be able to defend himself if he ended up there?

BTW, this thread is actually about whether Lin Wood is a tremendous attorney or not, and liberals were whining that Wood is a shitty, incompetent lawyer. Why would libs bemoan about Wood's alleged crappiness as a legal mind? Don't libs WANT Rittenhouse to be found guilty and get sent to the penitentiary?
He is entitled to the best defence he can get. That is how the system should work. His legal rights shoud not be secondary to the ongoing trump circus playing out across the US at the moment. In 10 years time trump,rudy and the rest will be dead and young kyle will be sitting in the exercise yard wondering if he should have picked a competent lawyer.

As a lib, I would think that you WANT Rittenhouse to be sent to the big house, no? If he chooses a competent lawyer and gets exonerated, would you really happy?
Its more important that he gets a fair trial.Both for him and his victims. If he gets off then the case against him will not have been strong enough. If he gets life then it should be because the court heard all of the evidence and came to that decision.
Everybody is entitled to a fair trial. All of our freedoms stem from that.

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