The defence of the Kenosha killer

I was interested to read that Lin Wood is defending this young man and I was wondering if this is in his best interests, The outcomes could be very serious and the boy needs a competent attorney not a certifiable loon.

Is he responsible for appointing his own team or do his parents have a say ?

Yes he has a totally incompetent lawyer representing him.

Personally, I don't care. I hope that choice of lawyer guarantees that boy is in prison for a very long time if not for life.

He murdered 2 people in cold blood.

He belongs in prison and if hiring a total wack job for a lawyer will help put him where he belongs, that's karma doing it's job.
I don't think so. Even if he were to end up in the penitentiary, why do you think the Gay Inmates will target him?

He would be going in for whacking a Child Molester, I think that Mr. Rosenbaum's fellow CHOMO's on the inside might be intimidated by someone willing to stand up for their Manhood.

Actually, he'll probably have to hang around the Aryan Nation folks for protection... and they'll be really lonely...

What makes you think that there are Gay Predators in the Aryan Nation group in the Wisconsin penal system at all?

Much less that Mr. Rittenhouse wouldn't , theoretically, be able to defend himself if he ended up there?

BTW, this thread is actually about whether Lin Wood is a tremendous attorney or not, and liberals were whining that Wood is a shitty, incompetent lawyer. Why would libs bemoan about Wood's alleged crappiness as a legal mind? Don't libs WANT Rittenhouse to be found guilty and get sent to the penitentiary?
He is entitled to the best defence he can get. That is how the system should work. His legal rights shoud not be secondary to the ongoing trump circus playing out across the US at the moment. In 10 years time trump,rudy and the rest will be dead and young kyle will be sitting in the exercise yard wondering if he should have picked a competent lawyer.

As a lib, I would think that you WANT Rittenhouse to be sent to the big house, no? If he chooses a competent lawyer and gets exonerated, would you really happy?
Its more important that he gets a fair trial.Both for him and his victims. If he gets off then the case against him will not have been strong enough. If he gets life then it should be because the court heard all of the evidence and came to that decision.
Everybody is entitled to a fair trial. All of our freedoms stem from that.

You don't understand how the American justice system really works.

Here it is in a nutshell:

The person who has the most money to buy the best lawyer wins.
What he really needs is more ammo.

You are evil, or insane - possibly both.

Three shots, three violent felons, one a multiple child rapist.. You're an idiot.

LOL, grow up kook, you don't bother me you embarrass yourself.

Why do you support child rapists?

Why are you a damn liar?

You call the kid a murderer, you call galt a psycho, but not once have you addressed the vile pieces of shit who were killed. One a multiple child rapist, and the other tortured his girlfriend and raped her for a weekend.

You're all sad that they died.

So, why do you support child rapists and torturers?


Speak up, clown.

I ran my agency Domestic Violence Unit. Our unit put dozens of abusers into State Prison, hundreds more in County Jail and when on probation worked with teams to make sure any violation of Probation put them back in jail, or in case of State Prison Paroles back in St. Prison.

Now, answer my question bozo, why are you a damn liar?
I was interested to read that Lin Wood is defending this young man and I was wondering if this is in his best interests, The outcomes could be very serious and the boy needs a competent attorney not a certifiable loon.

Is he responsible for appointing his own team or do his parents have a say ?
Loeffler and Perdue committed election fraud? Your link is completely wrong and peddling lies.
Just like you.

I was interested to read that Lin Wood is defending this young man and I was wondering if this is in his best interests, The outcomes could be very serious and the boy needs a competent attorney not a certifiable loon.

Is he responsible for appointing his own team or do his parents have a say ?

Yes he has a totally incompetent lawyer representing him.

Personally, I don't care. I hope that choice of lawyer guarantees that boy is in prison for a very long time if not for life.

He murdered 2 people in cold blood.

He belongs in prison and if hiring a total wack job for a lawyer will help put him where he belongs, that's karma doing it's job.
Defending yourself is cold blood huh?
Forget it.
I’m not going to go around and around in this carousel with people such as yourself anymore.
Someone defends themselves from attackers and you think it’s murder. Its truly incredible.
What he really needs is more ammo.

You are evil, or insane - possibly both.

Three shots, three violent felons, one a multiple child rapist.. You're an idiot.

LOL, grow up kook, you don't bother me you embarrass yourself.

Why do you support child rapists?

Why are you a damn liar?

You call the kid a murderer, you call galt a psycho, but not once have you addressed the vile pieces of shit who were killed. One a multiple child rapist, and the other tortured his girlfriend and raped her for a weekend.

You're all sad that they died.

So, why do you support child rapists and torturers?


Speak up, clown.

I ran my agency Domestic Violence Unit. Our unit put dozens of abusers into State Prison, hundreds more in County Jail and when on probation worked with teams to make sure any violation of Probation put them back in jail, or in case of State Prison Paroles back in St. Prison.

Now, answer my question bozo, why are you a damn liar?
That a noble career you had, and I’m thankful for your work.
I’m curious what your position is on this situation.

I was interested to read that Lin Wood is defending this young man and I was wondering if this is in his best interests, The outcomes could be very serious and the boy needs a competent attorney not a certifiable loon.

Is he responsible for appointing his own team or do his parents have a say ?

Yes he has a totally incompetent lawyer representing him.

Personally, I don't care. I hope that choice of lawyer guarantees that boy is in prison for a very long time if not for life.

He murdered 2 people in cold blood.

He belongs in prison and if hiring a total wack job for a lawyer will help put him where he belongs, that's karma doing it's job.

Defending yourself against attacking mobs of wild liberals, including convicted paedophiles, isn't "murder in cold blood". And doing it in a situation like the Kenosha Riots where law enforcement had stood down, makes Mr. Rittenhouse's self defense even more reasonable.
What he really needs is more ammo.

You are evil, or insane - possibly both.

Three shots, three violent felons, one a multiple child rapist.. You're an idiot.

LOL, grow up kook, you don't bother me you embarrass yourself.

Why do you support child rapists?

Why are you a damn liar?

You call the kid a murderer, you call galt a psycho, but not once have you addressed the vile pieces of shit who were killed. One a multiple child rapist, and the other tortured his girlfriend and raped her for a weekend.

You're all sad that they died.

So, why do you support child rapists and torturers?


Speak up, clown.

I ran my agency Domestic Violence Unit. Our unit put dozens of abusers into State Prison, hundreds more in County Jail and when on probation worked with teams to make sure any violation of Probation put them back in jail, or in case of State Prison Paroles back in St. Prison.

Now, answer my question bozo, why are you a damn liar?
That a noble career you had, and I’m thankful for your work.
I’m curious what your position is on this situation.

Homicide, even in DV situations were not part of our unit. Reports written by the homicide unit sometimes were five + inches deep, and that might not include the coroners report, coroners inquest and if done an autopsy. The coroner is not a medical doctor (usually) the autopsy is always conducted by a medical doctor.

I was interested to read that Lin Wood is defending this young man and I was wondering if this is in his best interests, The outcomes could be very serious and the boy needs a competent attorney not a certifiable loon.

Is he responsible for appointing his own team or do his parents have a say ?

Yes he has a totally incompetent lawyer representing him.

Personally, I don't care. I hope that choice of lawyer guarantees that boy is in prison for a very long time if not for life.

He murdered 2 people in cold blood.

He belongs in prison and if hiring a total wack job for a lawyer will help put him where he belongs, that's karma doing it's job.

Defending yourself against attacking mobs of wild liberals, including convicted paedophiles, isn't "murder in cold blood". And doing it in a situation like the Kenosha Riots where law enforcement had stood down, makes Mr. Rittenhouse's self defense even more reasonable.

This will be determined in the trial. IMO, and I've never been part of a homicide investigation, is the kid went into a volatile situation with a firearm and he was looking for trouble.
What makes you think that there are Gay Predators in the Aryan Nation group in the Wisconsin penal system at all?

I don't think there are any... But funny thing. When there are no women around, they do what they go to do.

Much less that Mr. Rittenhouse wouldn't , theoretically, be able to defend himself if he ended up there?

Actually, he's probably a big pussy without his gun... which is appropriate, given his future status.

BTW, this thread is actually about whether Lin Wood is a tremendous attorney or not, and liberals were whining that Wood is a shitty, incompetent lawyer. Why would libs bemoan about Wood's alleged crappiness as a legal mind? Don't libs WANT Rittenhouse to be found guilty and get sent to the penitentiary?

Well, he will get sent to the penitentiary because he's guilty.

The problem is, a shitty attorney would try to get him off on a bullshit self-defense charge, while a sensible attorney would probably admit guilt and get a plea bargain which will involve a lot less time.

It's not often they have you on tape doing exactly what you are accused of.
So you goofy Trumpers are really going to say that, if you were on trial for your lives for two murders, and an attorney wanted to take your case, and he said he was really famous but had never participated in a criminal trial, much less a murder trial... would hire this lawyer?

westwall Tipsycatlover


It would really depend, as this isn't an ordinary murder trial at all, but a highly charged political event where the charges were brought only because of political pressure from BLM, Antifa and NAMBLA who had their Kenosha riot so rudely crashed by young Rittenhouse.

If this was a regular, criminal trial, where the defendant gets a fair shake, and the politicians aren't so vested in a guilty verdict- maybe a high profile guy like Wood wouldn't be the best choice.

But it is what it is.
So you goofy Trumpers are really going to say that, if you were on trial for your lives for two murders, and an attorney wanted to take your case, and he said he was really famous but had never participated in a criminal trial, much less a murder trial... would hire this lawyer?

westwall Tipsycatlover

If he had the track record of Lin Wood and came with Fight Back Foundation lawyers, sure.

You are dismissing the entire case or you simply don't know. Kyle Rittenhouse didn't hire anyone. His entire case was taken by the Fight Back Foundation. His bail was paid by donations through the Fight Back Foundation. They are supplying their own lawyers. They accepted the offer of Lin Wood to be lead.

I'm going with you don't know so made it all up.
So you goofy Trumpers are really going to say that, if you were on trial for your lives for two murders, and an attorney wanted to take your case, and he said he was really famous but had never participated in a criminal trial, much less a murder trial... would hire this lawyer?

westwall Tipsycatlover

If he had the track record of Lin Wood and came with Fight Back Foundation lawyers, sure.

You are dismissing the entire case or you simply don't know. Kyle Rittenhouse didn't hire anyone. His entire case was taken by the Fight Back Foundation. His bail was paid by donations through the Fight Back Foundation. They are supplying their own lawyers. They accepted the offer of Lin Wood to be lead.

I'm going with you don't know so made it all up.
No you would not. You shameless liar.
So you goofy Trumpers are really going to say that, if you were on trial for your lives for two murders, and an attorney wanted to take your case, and he said he was really famous but had never participated in a criminal trial, much less a murder trial... would hire this lawyer?

westwall Tipsycatlover


Yes, I would. A good lawyer is a good lawyer. A friend of mine was a renowned tax attorney. A super wealthy friend of ours asked him to do his prenup agreement. That prenup is the only one to have held up in Court. The ex wife was trying to grab 700 million, and she ended up getting one million.

So, a damned good tax attorney, not versed in family law, wrote the only prenup to hold up in a Court of law. Now pretty much all prenups use his.

So, you tell me. You going to go with the tax attorney of renown, or the family law attorney that no one has ever heard of.
So you goofy Trumpers are really going to say that, if you were on trial for your lives for two murders, and an attorney wanted to take your case, and he said he was really famous but had never participated in a criminal trial, much less a murder trial... would hire this lawyer?

westwall Tipsycatlover


Yes, I would. A good lawyer is a good lawyer. A friend of mine was a renowned tax attorney. A super wealthy friend of ours asked him to do his prenup agreement. That prenup is the only one to have held up in Court. The ex wife was trying to grab 700 million, and she ended up getting one million.

So, a damned good tax attorney, not versed in family law, wrote the only prenup to hold up in a Court of law. Now pretty much all prenups use his.

So, you tell me. You going to go with the tax attorney of renown, or the family law attorney that no one has ever heard of.
Another shameless liar. No you would not.
So you goofy Trumpers are really going to say that, if you were on trial for your lives for two murders, and an attorney wanted to take your case, and he said he was really famous but had never participated in a criminal trial, much less a murder trial... would hire this lawyer?

westwall Tipsycatlover

If he had the track record of Lin Wood and came with Fight Back Foundation lawyers, sure.

You are dismissing the entire case or you simply don't know. Kyle Rittenhouse didn't hire anyone. His entire case was taken by the Fight Back Foundation. His bail was paid by donations through the Fight Back Foundation. They are supplying their own lawyers. They accepted the offer of Lin Wood to be lead.

I'm going with you don't know so made it all up.
No you would not. You shameless liar.

The problem here is that the Rittenhouse defense team will need hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight these False Charges. And the kid is only 17 and doesn't have that kind of scratch.

I suppose that Rittenhouse could go with a public defender instead, would that be more or less likely (in your opinion) of resulting in exoneration than a high profile lawyer like Lin Wood?
So you goofy Trumpers are really going to say that, if you were on trial for your lives for two murders, and an attorney wanted to take your case, and he said he was really famous but had never participated in a criminal trial, much less a murder trial... would hire this lawyer?

westwall Tipsycatlover


Yes, I would. A good lawyer is a good lawyer. A friend of mine was a renowned tax attorney. A super wealthy friend of ours asked him to do his prenup agreement. That prenup is the only one to have held up in Court. The ex wife was trying to grab 700 million, and she ended up getting one million.

So, a damned good tax attorney, not versed in family law, wrote the only prenup to hold up in a Court of law. Now pretty much all prenups use his.

So, you tell me. You going to go with the tax attorney of renown, or the family law attorney that no one has ever heard of.
Another shameless liar. No you would not.

You throw that word around like it means something. When you misuse words th hey lose meaning. And, no one pays attention to hacks whose sole argument consists of "nya, nya, nya!"

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