The Definition of Insanity: President Obama's 'Jobs Plan'


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Spot-On take from Michael Prell...

The definition of insanity (hat-tip to Albert Einstein) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So, what do you call it when a flailing U.S. administration, with a 26% approval rating for its handling of the economy, keeps trotting out the same failed economic policies? Do they honestly expect different results?

The government tried to jumpstart the economy with a fiscal stimulus, which didn’t work. So they tried a second stimulus, which also didn’t work.

They tried QE1, which didn’t work, so they tried QE2, which also didn’t work. Which naturally led them to where they are now: laying the groundwork for a QE3. What do all these Q’s and E’s mean? The long answer is: quantitative easing. The short answer is: invented money. The real answer is: all these Q’s and E’s matter far less than the ability to count to 3. If this idea didn’t work the first time, and if it didn’t work the second time, then why on earth would anyone believe it would work a third time?

The Obama administration has tried everything that doesn’t work — in some cases as many as 10 times — all with the same results. At best, America is stuck in a jobless recovery. At worst, America is stuck in a jobless non-recovery, made deeper and more painful by a government that keeps doing all of the things that are proven to not work — over and over and over.

Like trying to fix America’s debt problem by raising the debt ceiling and incurring even more debt. Which is “a failure of leadership” that “shift the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” as Senator Barack Obama noted back in 2006 when he spoke out against raising the debt ceiling. But that didn’t stop Barack Obama, as president, from raising America’s debt ceiling not once, not twice, but three times while in the White House. Why? According to President Obama, “If we don’t come to an agreement [to raise the debt ceiling a third time], we could lose our country’s AAA credit rating.” So, what happened after he came to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling a third time? America immediately lost its AAA credit rating.

The president’s “laser-like focus on jobs” keeps leading him back to tax hikes, even though we’ve repeatedly seen that higher taxes kill jobs and lower taxes spur job growth. Exhibit A: America in its recent past. Exhibit B: Canada in its more recent past. Exhibit C: Texas, now. Exhibit D: Common sense that tells us that if you want less of something, you tax it more, and if you want more of something, you tax it less.

The president also tried to encourage job creation by insulting and demonizing job creators — not once, not twice, but six times in one speech alone — as greedy fat-cats who fly in hateful corporate jets.

I’m no Einstein or Harvard law professor. But, unlike President Obama, I have created jobs. And Rule #1 about job creators is: Do not speak ill of job creators. At the very least, try not to hold several nationally televised addresses from the White House to demonize job creators when you want them to save your presidency. This helpful Rule #1 operates under the same basic principle that says: Don’t punch a girl in the face if you want her phone number, and don’t call half the country “hostage takers” who “cling to guns or religion” or send your vice president out to call them “terrorists” if you want them to re-elect you.

I’m not saying the president is insane. I’m just saying that he keeps doing the same failed things — over and over and over again — and expecting different results.

Read more: President Obama's jobs plan | The definition of insanity: President Obama's 'jobs plan' | The Daily Caller
And for the love of God,will you please fire your "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt? SHEESH!
They haven't tried ANYTHING since 1/2010, as A-hole Pubs have blocked everything since, along with 24/7/365 fear mongering.The insanity is your brainwashed ugnorance. Turn off the BS, and we're hoping for your recovery:cuckoo::eusa_angel:
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They haven't tried ANYTHING since 1/2010, as A-hole Pubs have blocked everything since, along with 24/7/365 fear mongering.The insanity is your brainwashed ugnorance. Turn off the BS, and we're hoping for your recovery:cuckoo::eusa_angel:

He can't turn it off, the bull shit he spreads is injected into his brain (so to speak) by the dark side. He parrots what he hears (or rather absorbs). A lead lined tin foil hat might stop him, but for years he has offered nothing but bullshit punctuated with flatulent exclamations.
We need more Obamanomics like the Titanic needed to hit a second iceberg to seal the gaping hole left by the first
If this idea didn’t work the first time, and if it didn’t work the second time, then why on earth would anyone believe it would work a third time?

We threw a bucket of water at a burning house.
We then threw another bucket of water at a burning house.

And now you're saying water is not the answer.

If this idea didn’t work the first time, and if it didn’t work the second time, then why on earth would anyone believe it would work a third time?

We threw a bucket of water at a burning house.
We then threw another bucket of water at a burning house.

And now you're saying water is not the answer.


You threw a Molotov cocktail at the firemen trying to put the fire out
If this idea didn’t work the first time, and if it didn’t work the second time, then why on earth would anyone believe it would work a third time?

We threw a bucket of water at a burning house.
We then threw another bucket of water at a burning house.

And now you're saying water is not the answer.

Bad analogy, Mr. Stupid.

What the succubus did was scooped a bunch of water out of the deep end of the pool, poured it into the shallow end, then complained that the only reason that the shallow end isn't deeper is because you didn't scoop enough water out of the deep end.
They haven't tried ANYTHING since 1/2010, as A-hole Pubs have blocked everything since, along with 24/7/365 fear mongering.The insanity is your brainwashed ugnorance. Turn off the BS, and we're hoping for your recovery:cuckoo::eusa_angel:

He can't turn it off, the bull shit he spreads is injected into his brain (so to speak) by the dark side. He parrots what he hears (or rather absorbs). A lead lined tin foil hat might stop him, but for years he has offered nothing but bullshit punctuated with flatulent exclamations.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall....:lmao:
These are the responses I expected from the left.

Forget policy matters, let's all just insult each other. That will fix it, I'm sure.
What the succubus did was scooped a bunch of water out of the deep end of the pool, poured it into the shallow end, then complained that the only reason that the shallow end isn't deeper is because you didn't scoop enough water out of the deep end.


That analogy makes no sense when applied to our current situation.

Care to try again?
Infrastructure investment (something Reps usually support) and targeted tax breaks for small businesses (what the right call the 'job creators') and employees is the definition of insanity? So now Republicans don't like tax cuts? I'm guessing if Obama came out and said he wanted to lower the corporate tax rate to zero, Reps would complain. There is no pleasing you people. I don't understand why Obama keeps trying.
What the succubus did was scooped a bunch of water out of the deep end of the pool, poured it into the shallow end, then complained that the only reason that the shallow end isn't deeper is because you didn't scoop enough water out of the deep end.


That analogy makes no sense when applied to our current situation.

Care to try again?

I'm inclined to agree... If anything, half the water in the pool evaporated, and he pumped more water in, and is now complaining that the deep end got deeper and the shallow end is continuing to evaporate.
These are the responses I expected from the left.

Forget policy matters, let's all just insult each other. That will fix it, I'm sure.

What the succubus did was scooped a bunch of water out of the deep end of the pool, poured it into the shallow end, then complained that the only reason that the shallow end isn't deeper is because you didn't scoop enough water out of the deep end.


That analogy makes no sense when applied to our current situation.

Care to try again?
It makes all kinds of sense.

There's only so much production out there to try and re-arrange....The only thing Keynesian witch doctors can to is confiscate what is, line their pockets with a significant portion of it, then dole it out to people whom they see fit to.

OTOH, what they're doing is scooping the water out of the deep end, drinking a whole bunch of it, then pouring the remainder back into the pool and complaining that the water level getting lower is evidence that they need to scoop out and drink some more.
Infrastructure investment (something Reps usually support) and targeted tax breaks for small businesses (what the right call the 'job creators') and employees is the definition of insanity? So now Republicans don't like tax cuts? I'm guessing if Obama came out and said he wanted to lower the corporate tax rate to zero, Reps would complain. There is no pleasing you people. I don't understand why Obama keeps trying.

I agree with you Obama is very tiring. He doesn't know how to fix something he has never done, never studied and would recognize if it was attached to his back side.. This is the man that right after entering office said" I don't have all the facts but the police were wrong.

Really brilliant.
This is the man that right after entering office said" I don't have all the facts but the police were wrong.

Really brilliant.

Uhm, actually he said ...

"I don’t know – not having been there and not seeing all the facts – what role race played in that, but I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home,"
I think this part is most important...

Like trying to fix America’s debt problem by raising the debt ceiling and incurring even more debt. Which is “a failure of leadership” that “shift the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” as Senator Barack Obama noted back in 2006 when he spoke out against raising the debt ceiling. But that didn’t stop Barack Obama, as president, from raising America’s debt ceiling not once, not twice, but three times while in the White House. Why? According to President Obama, “If we don’t come to an agreement [to raise the debt ceiling a third time], we could lose our country’s AAA credit rating.” So, what happened after he came to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling a third time? America immediately lost its AAA credit rating.

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