demographics accounts for that.

high population States tend to have more social issues simply due to the law of large numbers.

Which is why murder stats are given as a ratio and are not reported in absolute numbers.
Ratios take population density into account.

So a state with 3 million people can have a murder rate of 3 per 100000 and a state with 1 million can have the same rate but have less total murders.

But a state with 3 million people can have a lower murder rate than a state with 1 million or vice versa

It is the murder RATE that is important not the number of total murders

Or don't you understand that?
How does what you claim about gun control apply to a list of States by homicide rate?

List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

What it shows is that the top 5 State Murder Capitols are in Red States. Imagine that. That may Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs running around with guns. Thank you for proving that Gun Control has nothing to or little to do with the Murder Rate.

The poltical control of those cities is democrat....for decades if not longer......the cities with the highest murder rates are all run by democrats......even in Red states...

San Diego has a 7.7 murder by a primarily Democratic government and Mayor.
Waco, Tx has a 16.74 rate with a primarily Republican Government and Mayor

Waco Tx is one of the highest murder rate in the nation and it's a major city. It's equal to Chicao and we know how bad it is there.

Let's take a look at Kansas for a bit. It's in up to it's ears financially and it's a sold red state. I think the reason that the Dems have twice the number of Mayors as the Republicans is that the Republican has even worse problems running a City as the Democrats. I can understand why. Most Republicans come for the Corporate world. And you can't run a City the way you have to run a Corporation. For one, it will go into the red so quickly iti will boggle your mind. Second, if you try and run a government the way you run a corporation you will end up in prison.

No...moron....Waco had 4 Diego 32......moron......

Democrats run these cities into the ground but keep power by giving things away.....

Here is a real comparison.... and concealed carry....gun stores on every a state that has a border with the Narco state of Mexico.... far from the border as you can get.....extreme gun control laws......

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million
L.A................3.9 million
N.Y................8.5 million
Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

L.A.......... .....293
Houston .......301
Criminals are neither Right or Left. They are criminals.
That’s absurd. Because one is a criminal they don’t have political views? Come on. The overwhelming majority of criminals are left-wing for a slew of reasons.

For starters - the left is extremely soft on crime. They want to blame the gun, not the criminal. They want to blame the border, not the criminal. And they want to make sure the criminal can get out of prison as soon as possible. What would your ideology be if you were a criminal?

Secondly - criminals show no income in many cases. Which means they get to supplement their illegal income with government benefits.

You still have not shown that criminals are one or the other. They aren't. They are criminals, period. There are more RW criminals locked up in the Red areas than Dems. The same is for the LW areas where there are more LW locked up than RW. It's about what the makeup of the region. But they have only one thing in common. They are criminals.

Now, show me the proof of what you are spewing.


Are the 'overwhelming majority of violent criminals' Democrats? Ted Cruz said so

For instance, in New York, about one-third of felons released from prison registered to vote after their release. Of those, about 62 percent registered as Democrats and 9 percent registered as Republicans, with 26 percent registering as independents or with other parties.

In North Carolina, about a quarter of those who were released registered after their release. Of those, 52 percent registered as Democrats, 19 percent as Republicans and 22 percent as independents or with other parties.

And in New Mexico, 41 percent of those who were released registered to vote. Of those, 55 percent registered as Democrats, 10 percent as Republicans and 18 percent as independents or with other parties.


It’s hard to separate these figures from overall demographics.

It’s no secret that, statistically, African-Americans are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. It’s also no secret that African-Americans are overwhelmingly Democratic. Put these two together and it’s not surprising to find higher percentages of Democratic registrations among ex-felons.

Indeed, in a 2010 paper -- "Did Disfranchisement Laws Help Elect President Bush? New Evidence on the Turnout Rates and Candidate Preferences of Florida’s Ex-Felons" -- Traci Burch of Northwestern University found that African-American ex-felons did overwhelmingly register as Democrats. But the paper also found that white ex-felons did not follow the same pattern.

Meredith and Morse said they have looked at updates of the data Birch studied and found that while African-American ex-felons still overwhelmingly identify as Democratic, non-African-Americans were only slightly more likely to identify as a Democrat than as a Republican.

I do like your cite. It shows why we call him "Lyin Ryan". You left off the last sentence. It reads

We rate his statement Mostly False.

Imagine that. From your own cite. I would not even wonder if you have a case of selective reading but it clearly shows you are a liar.

No....asswipe....each example they give shows criminals vote democrat....and then, since they are a left wing site.....they lie, and say the claim is false.......they gave the facts, then lied.......
Which is why murder stats are given as a ratio and are not reported in absolute numbers.
Ratios take population density into account.

So a state with 3 million people can have a murder rate of 3 per 100000 and a state with 1 million can have the same rate but have less total murders.

But a state with 3 million people can have a lower murder rate than a state with 1 million or vice versa

It is the murder RATE that is important not the number of total murders

Or don't you understand that?
How does what you claim about gun control apply to a list of States by homicide rate?

List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

What it shows is that the top 5 State Murder Capitols are in Red States. Imagine that. That may Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs running around with guns. Thank you for proving that Gun Control has nothing to or little to do with the Murder Rate.

The poltical control of those cities is democrat....for decades if not longer......the cities with the highest murder rates are all run by democrats......even in Red states...

San Diego has a 7.7 murder by a primarily Democratic government and Mayor.
Waco, Tx has a 16.74 rate with a primarily Republican Government and Mayor

Waco Tx is one of the highest murder rate in the nation and it's a major city. It's equal to Chicao and we know how bad it is there.

Let's take a look at Kansas for a bit. It's in up to it's ears financially and it's a sold red state. I think the reason that the Dems have twice the number of Mayors as the Republicans is that the Republican has even worse problems running a City as the Democrats. I can understand why. Most Republicans come for the Corporate world. And you can't run a City the way you have to run a Corporation. For one, it will go into the red so quickly iti will boggle your mind. Second, if you try and run a government the way you run a corporation you will end up in prison.

No...moron....Waco had 4 Diego 32......moron......

Democrats run these cities into the ground but keep power by giving things away.....

Here is a real comparison.... and concealed carry....gun stores on every a state that has a border with the Narco state of Mexico.... far from the border as you can get.....extreme gun control laws......

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million
L.A................3.9 million
N.Y................8.5 million
Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

L.A.......... .....293
Houston .......301

Both Houston and Baltimore are way too high for it's population. So is Chicago. NYC and LA actually have a lower percentage of murder rate than Houston does. Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.
How does what you claim about gun control apply to a list of States by homicide rate?

List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

What it shows is that the top 5 State Murder Capitols are in Red States. Imagine that. That may Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs running around with guns. Thank you for proving that Gun Control has nothing to or little to do with the Murder Rate.

The poltical control of those cities is democrat....for decades if not longer......the cities with the highest murder rates are all run by democrats......even in Red states...

San Diego has a 7.7 murder by a primarily Democratic government and Mayor.
Waco, Tx has a 16.74 rate with a primarily Republican Government and Mayor

Waco Tx is one of the highest murder rate in the nation and it's a major city. It's equal to Chicao and we know how bad it is there.

Let's take a look at Kansas for a bit. It's in up to it's ears financially and it's a sold red state. I think the reason that the Dems have twice the number of Mayors as the Republicans is that the Republican has even worse problems running a City as the Democrats. I can understand why. Most Republicans come for the Corporate world. And you can't run a City the way you have to run a Corporation. For one, it will go into the red so quickly iti will boggle your mind. Second, if you try and run a government the way you run a corporation you will end up in prison.

No...moron....Waco had 4 Diego 32......moron......

Democrats run these cities into the ground but keep power by giving things away.....

Here is a real comparison.... and concealed carry....gun stores on every a state that has a border with the Narco state of Mexico.... far from the border as you can get.....extreme gun control laws......

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million
L.A................3.9 million
N.Y................8.5 million
Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

L.A.......... .....293
Houston .......301

Both Houston and Baltimore are way too high for it's population. So is Chicago. NYC and LA actually have a lower percentage of murder rate than Houston does. Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.

Yes....hide from the fact that the cities with extreme gun control all have higher gun crime rates...except LA where they are actually dealing with criminals.....New York will be on the wrong side even more as they abandon Rudy Guiliani's police techniques...the Republican Mayor who cleaned up New York city.....
What it shows is that the top 5 State Murder Capitols are in Red States. Imagine that. That may Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs running around with guns. Thank you for proving that Gun Control has nothing to or little to do with the Murder Rate.

The poltical control of those cities is democrat....for decades if not longer......the cities with the highest murder rates are all run by democrats......even in Red states...

San Diego has a 7.7 murder by a primarily Democratic government and Mayor.
Waco, Tx has a 16.74 rate with a primarily Republican Government and Mayor

Waco Tx is one of the highest murder rate in the nation and it's a major city. It's equal to Chicao and we know how bad it is there.

Let's take a look at Kansas for a bit. It's in up to it's ears financially and it's a sold red state. I think the reason that the Dems have twice the number of Mayors as the Republicans is that the Republican has even worse problems running a City as the Democrats. I can understand why. Most Republicans come for the Corporate world. And you can't run a City the way you have to run a Corporation. For one, it will go into the red so quickly iti will boggle your mind. Second, if you try and run a government the way you run a corporation you will end up in prison.

No...moron....Waco had 4 Diego 32......moron......

Democrats run these cities into the ground but keep power by giving things away.....

Here is a real comparison.... and concealed carry....gun stores on every a state that has a border with the Narco state of Mexico.... far from the border as you can get.....extreme gun control laws......

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million
L.A................3.9 million
N.Y................8.5 million
Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

L.A.......... .....293
Houston .......301

Both Houston and Baltimore are way too high for it's population. So is Chicago. NYC and LA actually have a lower percentage of murder rate than Houston does. Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.

Yes....hide from the fact that the cities with extreme gun control all have higher gun crime rates...except LA where they are actually dealing with criminals.....New York will be on the wrong side even more as they abandon Rudy Guiliani's police techniques...the Republican Mayor who cleaned up New York city.....

Ignore the fact that both Houston and Waco makes the top murder rates per capita than almost all Cities. The only city that is higher per capita than those two is Chicago. Even Detroit is lower. Fact checking isn't one of your strong suits.
Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.


Houston IS controlled by Democrats.

Politics of Houston - Wikipedia
Houston is considered to be a politically divided city whose balance of power often sways between Republicans and Democrats. The city has elected (as of 2017) Democratic mayors since 1982 but the city council has been much more divided. The affluent western-central portions of Houston—such as River Oaks and the Memorial/Spring Branch area, as well as master planned communities of Kingwood and Clear Lake City—consistently vote Republican, while many of the inner city areas, Neartown, and Alief—are heavily Democratic.

It's both liar.
Ignore the fact that both Houston and Waco makes the top murder rates per capita than almost all Cities. The only city that is higher per capita than those two is Chicago. Even Detroit is lower. Fact checking isn't one of your strong suits.
Ignore the fact that Houston is run by democrats.
The poltical control of those cities is democrat....for decades if not longer......the cities with the highest murder rates are all run by democrats......even in Red states...

San Diego has a 7.7 murder by a primarily Democratic government and Mayor.
Waco, Tx has a 16.74 rate with a primarily Republican Government and Mayor

Waco Tx is one of the highest murder rate in the nation and it's a major city. It's equal to Chicao and we know how bad it is there.

Let's take a look at Kansas for a bit. It's in up to it's ears financially and it's a sold red state. I think the reason that the Dems have twice the number of Mayors as the Republicans is that the Republican has even worse problems running a City as the Democrats. I can understand why. Most Republicans come for the Corporate world. And you can't run a City the way you have to run a Corporation. For one, it will go into the red so quickly iti will boggle your mind. Second, if you try and run a government the way you run a corporation you will end up in prison.

No...moron....Waco had 4 Diego 32......moron......

Democrats run these cities into the ground but keep power by giving things away.....

Here is a real comparison.... and concealed carry....gun stores on every a state that has a border with the Narco state of Mexico.... far from the border as you can get.....extreme gun control laws......

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million
L.A................3.9 million
N.Y................8.5 million
Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

L.A.......... .....293
Houston .......301

Both Houston and Baltimore are way too high for it's population. So is Chicago. NYC and LA actually have a lower percentage of murder rate than Houston does. Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.

Yes....hide from the fact that the cities with extreme gun control all have higher gun crime rates...except LA where they are actually dealing with criminals.....New York will be on the wrong side even more as they abandon Rudy Guiliani's police techniques...the Republican Mayor who cleaned up New York city.....

Ignore the fact that both Houston and Waco makes the top murder rates per capita than almost all Cities. The only city that is higher per capita than those two is Chicago. Even Detroit is lower. Fact checking isn't one of your strong suits.

Ignore the extreme gun control in the other cities.....and how they have higher murder rates than Houston.....smaller population in Baltimore, massive murder rate.....almost comparable population in Chicago...higher murder rate....

It isn't law abiding people murdering each other, it is criminals......and democrats keep letting repeat gun offenders out of prison to murder.......that is on them, not normal, law abiding gun owners....

And here is the truth.......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.


Houston IS controlled by Democrats.

Politics of Houston - Wikipedia
Houston is considered to be a politically divided city whose balance of power often sways between Republicans and Democrats. The city has elected (as of 2017) Democratic mayors since 1982 but the city council has been much more divided. The affluent western-central portions of Houston—such as River Oaks and the Memorial/Spring Branch area, as well as master planned communities of Kingwood and Clear Lake City—consistently vote Republican, while many of the inner city areas, Neartown, and Alief—are heavily Democratic.

It's both liar.

Moron....since 1974 Houston has only had one Republican mayor.....moron....

List of mayors of Houston - Wikipedia
Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.


Houston IS controlled by Democrats.

Politics of Houston - Wikipedia
Houston is considered to be a politically divided city whose balance of power often sways between Republicans and Democrats. The city has elected (as of 2017) Democratic mayors since 1982 but the city council has been much more divided. The affluent western-central portions of Houston—such as River Oaks and the Memorial/Spring Branch area, as well as master planned communities of Kingwood and Clear Lake City—consistently vote Republican, while many of the inner city areas, Neartown, and Alief—are heavily Democratic.

It's both liar.

This is what democrats do....this is how they help drive the gun murder rate....

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds
What it shows is that the top 5 State Murder Capitols are in Red States. Imagine that. That may Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs running around with guns. Thank you for proving that Gun Control has nothing to or little to do with the Murder Rate.

The poltical control of those cities is democrat....for decades if not longer......the cities with the highest murder rates are all run by democrats......even in Red states...

San Diego has a 7.7 murder by a primarily Democratic government and Mayor.
Waco, Tx has a 16.74 rate with a primarily Republican Government and Mayor

Waco Tx is one of the highest murder rate in the nation and it's a major city. It's equal to Chicao and we know how bad it is there.

Let's take a look at Kansas for a bit. It's in up to it's ears financially and it's a sold red state. I think the reason that the Dems have twice the number of Mayors as the Republicans is that the Republican has even worse problems running a City as the Democrats. I can understand why. Most Republicans come for the Corporate world. And you can't run a City the way you have to run a Corporation. For one, it will go into the red so quickly iti will boggle your mind. Second, if you try and run a government the way you run a corporation you will end up in prison.

No...moron....Waco had 4 Diego 32......moron......

Democrats run these cities into the ground but keep power by giving things away.....

Here is a real comparison.... and concealed carry....gun stores on every a state that has a border with the Narco state of Mexico.... far from the border as you can get.....extreme gun control laws......

Murder rate 2017
Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million
L.A................3.9 million
N.Y................8.5 million
Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

L.A.......... .....293
Houston .......301

Both Houston and Baltimore are way too high for it's population. So is Chicago. NYC and LA actually have a lower percentage of murder rate than Houston does. Using Houston as an example shows that not ALL high crime rate areas are controlled by Democrats. Funny, both of used to Texas major Cities as bad examples to your claim. Hmmm, I wonder.

Yes....hide from the fact that the cities with extreme gun control all have higher gun crime rates...except LA where they are actually dealing with criminals.....New York will be on the wrong side even more as they abandon Rudy Guiliani's police techniques...the Republican Mayor who cleaned up New York city.....

NYC is sticking to strong gun control and doing very well.
you don't even read the articles you post do you?

"Chicago accounted for more than 20% of the nationwide murder increase in 2016, despite being home to less than 1% of the U.S. population,"

So your "strong gun control" bastion of Chicago accounted for the single largest increase in the national murder rate

Chicago has concealed carry. Hardly strong gun control.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country as does CA and the crime rate in UT which has some of the least restrictive gun laws has far less crime than either so it seems your argument is proven wrong yet again

They have concealed carry, that is hardly very strict. You need to think again.

You obviously know absolutely nothing about what it takes in WI or IL to get a concealed carry permit we'll just add that to the gargantuan pile of other things you know absolutely nothing about

It is very easy to get concealed carry in WI... Even criminals can.
Wisconsin law allows repeat gun offenders to carry concealed weapons

A Whitefish Bay man with three prior weapons convictions was allowed to legally carry a concealed gun. The man posted his shooting skills on Facebook. Weeks after the post, police said he shot and killed a man during a drug deal gone bad in an alley near Milwaukee's Riverside High School
Chicago has concealed carry. Hardly strong gun control.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country as does CA and the crime rate in UT which has some of the least restrictive gun laws has far less crime than either so it seems your argument is proven wrong yet again
demographics accounts for that.

high population States tend to have more social issues simply due to the law of large numbers.

Which is why murder stats are given as a ratio and are not reported in absolute numbers.
Ratios take population density into account.

So a state with 3 million people can have a murder rate of 3 per 100000 and a state with 1 million can have the same rate but have less total murders.

But a state with 3 million people can have a lower murder rate than a state with 1 million or vice versa

It is the murder RATE that is important not the number of total murders

Or don't you understand that?
How does what you claim about gun control apply to a list of States by homicide rate?

List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

What it shows is that the top 5 State Murder Capitols are in Red States. Imagine that. That may Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs running around with guns. Thank you for proving that Gun Control has nothing to or little to do with the Murder Rate.
If low population density red States can't convince their own elected representatives they will not be flakes with their Arms; why should high population density blue States, not rely more on forms of gun control?

We should be lowering costs by regulating gun lovers better.
Chicago has concealed carry. Hardly strong gun control.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country as does CA and the crime rate in UT which has some of the least restrictive gun laws has far less crime than either so it seems your argument is proven wrong yet again
demographics accounts for that.

high population States tend to have more social issues simply due to the law of large numbers.

Which is why murder stats are given as a ratio and are not reported in absolute numbers.
Ratios take population density into account.

So a state with 3 million people can have a murder rate of 3 per 100000 and a state with 1 million can have the same rate but have less total murders.

But a state with 3 million people can have a lower murder rate than a state with 1 million or vice versa

It is the murder RATE that is important not the number of total murders

Or don't you understand that?
How does what you claim about gun control apply to a list of States by homicide rate?

List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia abiding gun owners carrying guns legally are not driving the homicide rate....

Would Cracking Down on Guns in the U.S. Really Reduce Violence? , by Robert VerBruggen, National Review

There is actually no simple correlation between states’ homicide rates and their gun-ownership rates or gun laws.
This has been shown numerous times, by different people, using different data sets.

A year ago, I took state gun-ownership levels reported by the Washington Post (based on a Centers for Disease Control survey) and compared them with murder rates from the FBI: no correlation.

The legal scholar Eugene Volokh has compared states’ gun laws (as rated by the anti-gun Brady Campaign) with their murder rates: no correlation.

David Freddoso of the Washington Examiner, a former National Review reporter, failed to find a correlation even between gun ownership in a state and gun murders specifically, an approach that sets aside the issue of whether gun availability has an effect on non-gun crime. (Guns can deter unarmed criminals, for instance, and criminals without guns may simply switch to other weapons.)

, I recently redid my analysis with a few tweaks. Instead of relying on a single year of survey data, I averaged three years. (The CDC survey, the best available for state-level numbers, included data on gun ownership only in 2001, 2002, and 2004. Those were the years I looked at.)

And instead of comparing CDC data with murder rates from a different agency, I relied on the CDC’s own estimates of death by assault in those years. Again: no correlation.


Left-leaning media outlets, from Mother Jones to National Journal, get around this absence of correlation by reporting numbers on “gun deaths” rather than gun homicides or homicides in general.
More than 60 percent of gun deaths nationally are suicides, and places with higher gun ownership typically see a higher percentage of their suicides committed with a gun.
Focusing on the number of gun deaths practically guarantees a finding that guns and violence go together. While it may be true that public policy should also seek to reduce suicide, it is homicide — often a dramatic mass killing — that usually prompts the media and politicians to call for gun control, and it is homicide that most influences people as they consider supporting measures to take away their fellow citizens’ access to guns.
There are large gaps among the states when it comes to homicide, with rates ranging all the way from about two to twelve per 100,000 in 2013, the most recent year of data available from the CDC. These disparities show that it’s not just guns that cause the United States to have, on average, a higher rate of homicide than other developed countries do. Not only is there no correlation between gun ownership and overall homicide within a state, but there is a strong correlation between gun homicide and non-gun homicide — suggesting that they spring from similar causes, and that some states are simply more violent than others. A closer look at demographic and geographic patterns provides some clues as to why this is.
We clearly have a Second Article of Amendment in our federal Constitution.

Why do red States have any security problems and not more well regulated militia?
Chicago has concealed carry. Hardly strong gun control.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country as does CA and the crime rate in UT which has some of the least restrictive gun laws has far less crime than either so it seems your argument is proven wrong yet again
demographics accounts for that.

high population States tend to have more social issues simply due to the law of large numbers.

Which is why murder stats are given as a ratio and are not reported in absolute numbers.
Ratios take population density into account.

So a state with 3 million people can have a murder rate of 3 per 100000 and a state with 1 million can have the same rate but have less total murders.

But a state with 3 million people can have a lower murder rate than a state with 1 million or vice versa

It is the murder RATE that is important not the number of total murders

Or don't you understand that?
How does what you claim about gun control apply to a list of States by homicide rate?

List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

And abiding gun owners, who also carry their guns, are not the ones using guns for crime or murder...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
it didn't go down naturally but artificially due to stricter gun control laws.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country as does CA and the crime rate in UT which has some of the least restrictive gun laws has far less crime than either so it seems your argument is proven wrong yet again
demographics accounts for that.

high population States tend to have more social issues simply due to the law of large numbers.

Which is why murder stats are given as a ratio and are not reported in absolute numbers.
Ratios take population density into account.

So a state with 3 million people can have a murder rate of 3 per 100000 and a state with 1 million can have the same rate but have less total murders.

But a state with 3 million people can have a lower murder rate than a state with 1 million or vice versa

It is the murder RATE that is important not the number of total murders

Or don't you understand that?
How does what you claim about gun control apply to a list of States by homicide rate?

List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia

And abiding gun owners, who also carry their guns, are not the ones using guns for crime or murder...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
it didn't go down naturally but artificially due to stricter gun control laws.
With concealed carry at its highest ever, look what happened.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
We have a Second Amendment. Why are State legislators slacking when it comes to ensuring their own, State security?

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia

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