So what?

You cannot prove it increased as a direct result of the concealed carry laws.

The crime in WI increased within the bounds of the increased in crime in the country as a whole so there is a pretty good chance it would have increased if the CC law was not passed since we saw an increase across the board.

Well with concealed carry at it's highest, violent crime has been going up.
So the fuck what?

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was caused by the concealed carry law.

And if CCW did really cause crime then why is it that crime has been on the decline for more than 25 years and even taking into account the slight rise in crime recently both the crime and the murder rates are at a 30 year low even though more people than ever have concealed carry permits ?

Violent crime has increased now as concealed carry had increased. Crime decreased after Clinton crime bill and gun control.

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was a direct result of the concealed carry laws

So until you can actually prove a causal link between the rise in crime in WI and it's CCW law you are as usual just flapping your gums.

you need to read this

Correlation does not imply causation

Every single year since getting concealed carry crime has increased in WI.

Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
So what?

You cannot prove it increased as a direct result of the concealed carry laws.

The crime in WI increased within the bounds of the increased in crime in the country as a whole so there is a pretty good chance it would have increased if the CC law was not passed since we saw an increase across the board.

Well with concealed carry at it's highest, violent crime has been going up.
So the fuck what?

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was caused by the concealed carry law.

And if CCW did really cause crime then why is it that crime has been on the decline for more than 25 years and even taking into account the slight rise in crime recently both the crime and the murder rates are at a 30 year low even though more people than ever have concealed carry permits ?

Violent crime has increased now as concealed carry had increased. Crime decreased after Clinton crime bill and gun control.

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was a direct result of the concealed carry laws

So until you can actually prove a causal link between the rise in crime in WI and it's CCW law you are as usual just flapping your gums.

you need to read this

Correlation does not imply causation

That being said, you also can not prove that it has reduced criminal activity either like some claim. Here is my take on open carry and the Criminal. If I were to rob a store, I will just rob it. Afterall, that's all I am there for. I will probably not shoot up the place if they cooperate and give me what I demand at gun point. Robber isn't given the same importance by law enforcement that murder is. But let me enter and see that one person wearing that gun on their hip, that is my first target. And I am probably better at it than John Q is with his. Now that I just killed one person, I just might go into the old "No Witnesses" mode and try and shoot everyone else. The Open Carry person does not even have to draw his weapon. On the Other hand, the CCW does have the option not to let the criminal know he is armed and can elect NOT to draw the weapon unless he feels that it's entered into a life or death situation.
I never once claimed concealed carry reduces crime. And quite frankly I don't care if it does nor do I think it should but the CDC in a study commissioned by President Obama came to the conclusion that firearms are a deterrent.

That said concealed carry isn't meant to reduce crime. It is meant to give an individual the option of self defense. No one should expect any person with a CCW permit to actively try to reduce crime or come to the aid of another if a crime is being committed.

My CC firearm is solely for self protection or for the protection of my wife when she is with me. That is all. I will not draw my weapon for any other reason. The way I see it, if a person wants to trust his safety to government law enforcement and chooses not to carry a firearm that is his choice and I will respect that choice just as I expect him to respect my choice to carry. So if I see anyone who has chosen not to be armed and who wants to abdicate his personal safety to law enforcement I will call the cops if I see him being victimized. He made his choice and I will respect that choice because I am not a cop and do not want to be a cop so I will not play cop.
You know I really don't care. I don't have kids.

But I do know is that my ownership of firearms has absolutely nothing to do with any school shooting or murder or drug deals etc.

So gun ownership for you is more important than the lives of children and law enforcement. What a turd you are.

Unlike you I know that me giving up my guns will have absolutely no effect on crime because I do not commit crimes and neither do 99.99% of legal gun owners

I also know that mass shootings only account for 1% of all murders so in all honesty it's not that big of a problem.

Yes I care about the lives of children just like any real man would.

It's creepy that you "care" so much about other people's kids

That said a lot more kids die every day from other causes than die in school shootings

Any real man would want to save the lives of children.

Me giving up my guns will not save anyone's life.
Well with concealed carry at it's highest, violent crime has been going up.
So the fuck what?

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was caused by the concealed carry law.

And if CCW did really cause crime then why is it that crime has been on the decline for more than 25 years and even taking into account the slight rise in crime recently both the crime and the murder rates are at a 30 year low even though more people than ever have concealed carry permits ?

Violent crime has increased now as concealed carry had increased. Crime decreased after Clinton crime bill and gun control.

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was a direct result of the concealed carry laws

So until you can actually prove a causal link between the rise in crime in WI and it's CCW law you are as usual just flapping your gums.

you need to read this

Correlation does not imply causation

Every single year since getting concealed carry crime has increased in WI.

Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?
So the fuck what?

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was caused by the concealed carry law.

And if CCW did really cause crime then why is it that crime has been on the decline for more than 25 years and even taking into account the slight rise in crime recently both the crime and the murder rates are at a 30 year low even though more people than ever have concealed carry permits ?

Violent crime has increased now as concealed carry had increased. Crime decreased after Clinton crime bill and gun control.

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was a direct result of the concealed carry laws

So until you can actually prove a causal link between the rise in crime in WI and it's CCW law you are as usual just flapping your gums.

you need to read this

Correlation does not imply causation

Every single year since getting concealed carry crime has increased in WI.

Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Violent crime has increased now as concealed carry had increased. Crime decreased after Clinton crime bill and gun control.

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was a direct result of the concealed carry laws

So until you can actually prove a causal link between the rise in crime in WI and it's CCW law you are as usual just flapping your gums.

you need to read this

Correlation does not imply causation

Every single year since getting concealed carry crime has increased in WI.

Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was a direct result of the concealed carry laws

So until you can actually prove a causal link between the rise in crime in WI and it's CCW law you are as usual just flapping your gums.

you need to read this

Correlation does not imply causation

Every single year since getting concealed carry crime has increased in WI.

Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Every single year since getting concealed carry crime has increased in WI.

Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
Bed wetter
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
Bed wetter
Why resort to a valid argument when any fallacy will do, for the right wing.
The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
Bed wetter
Why resort to a valid argument when any fallacy will do, for the right wing.
The nanny state has made you weak... lol
So what?

You cannot prove it increased as a direct result of the concealed carry laws.

The crime in WI increased within the bounds of the increased in crime in the country as a whole so there is a pretty good chance it would have increased if the CC law was not passed since we saw an increase across the board.

Well with concealed carry at it's highest, violent crime has been going up.
So the fuck what?

Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was caused by the concealed carry law.

And if CCW did really cause crime then why is it that crime has been on the decline for more than 25 years and even taking into account the slight rise in crime recently both the crime and the murder rates are at a 30 year low even though more people than ever have concealed carry permits ?

Violent crime has increased now as concealed carry had increased. Crime decreased after Clinton crime bill and gun control.


Even the WI DA says there is no proof that any rise in crime was a direct result of the concealed carry laws

So until you can actually prove a causal link between the rise in crime in WI and it's CCW law you are as usual just flapping your gums.

you need to read this

Correlation does not imply causation

That being said, you also can not prove that it has reduced criminal activity either like some claim. Here is my take on open carry and the Criminal. If I were to rob a store, I will just rob it. Afterall, that's all I am there for. I will probably not shoot up the place if they cooperate and give me what I demand at gun point. Robber isn't given the same importance by law enforcement that murder is. But let me enter and see that one person wearing that gun on their hip, that is my first target. And I am probably better at it than John Q is with his. Now that I just killed one person, I just might go into the old "No Witnesses" mode and try and shoot everyone else. The Open Carry person does not even have to draw his weapon. On the Other hand, the CCW does have the option not to let the criminal know he is armed and can elect NOT to draw the weapon unless he feels that it's entered into a life or death situation.
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
Bed wetter
Why resort to a valid argument when any fallacy will do, for the right wing.
The nanny state has made you weak... lol
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are making us weak.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
Bed wetter
Why resort to a valid argument when any fallacy will do, for the right wing.
The nanny state has made you weak... lol
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are making us weak.
The nanny state is the inventor of those wars…
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
Bed wetter
Why resort to a valid argument when any fallacy will do, for the right wing.
The nanny state has made you weak... lol
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are making us weak.
The nanny state is the inventor of those wars…
The right wing claims we need them. But, they don't want to be taxed for it.
The entire left-wing narrative about firearms is a lie. It’s all built on a political agenda rather than on data.
The report states that investigators posing online as gun buyers who were not legally able to purchase a firearm were completely unsuccessful when attempting to purchase firearms from private sellers. In fact, the report states that investigators tried 72 times — and each time they failed.
That’s right - 0% of the ATF investigators were able to make an illegal purchase. Not even one.

Investigators test how well gun laws work online — and find shocking results that undermine liberals

You really lack the ability to write a convincing argument to confirm your narrative. "back Alley" gun sales maybe as lethal as "back Alley" abortions. Private sales, unsecured guns and straw purchases allow more guns into hands of more persons who legally cannot own, possess or even have in their custody and control a firearm.
Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.

Probabilities are neither causes nor effects.

All the LLN does is state that the more times you run an experiment the closer you will come to the expected result.

So tell me what is the expected number of murders?

You seem to be confused about what murder rates are.

if the murder rate in one state is higher than another it has nothing to do with how many people live in each state if the murder rate is expressed in the same ratio for both states.
Correlation does not equal causation

See I can type the same thing over and over again too
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.
No it doesn't.

If that were true NH would have a higher murder rate than RI but it has a lower murder rate even though it has a higher population than RI and very lax gun laws
Why wouldn't the law of large numbers apply?

The LLN has nothing to do with correlation or causation
Yes, it does.
No it doesn't.

LLN is about probability not cause and effect.
Yes, it does. Large numbers of persons with guns, affects probabilities.

Probabilities are neither causes nor effects.

All the LLN does is state that the more times you run an experiment the closer you will come to the expected result.

So tell me what is the expected number of murders?

You seem to be confused about what murder rates are.

if the murder rate in one state is higher than another it has nothing to do with how many people live in each state if the murder rate is expressed in the same ratio for both states.
My understanding of the law of large numbers, is that gun related crimes will increase with more persons using them.

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