only the right wing claims anything they want.
Only the left-wing fails to read the U.S. Constitution. :eusa_doh:

It's not that they fail to read it; it's that they fail to comprehend English.

What you mean is that "They" (whomever the hell they are) don't agree with your interpretation and that should get them locked up and disarmed. "they" must be imbalanced. "They" must never be in charge. "They" must be put down as frequently as possible. "They" are a danger to Society. I believe what you are really saying is, anyone that disagrees with your narrow idea of how things should be should be lumped into the category of "They". Like MOST people, I am quite comfortable in that Category. I get to meet the most diverse bunch of people one could ever wish to meet and freely exchange ideas. Wow, imagine that happening on a daily basis. Why it's a danger to your way of life. You know, the free exchange of differing ideas done with respect. "They" should be arrested.

Yes, my one simple sentence about reading the Constitution but not comprehending it EXACTLY meant your multi-line paranoid screed about locking people up and disarming them, whoever the "them" you think I was attacking actually is. It is so brilliantly perceptive of you to read all that subtle shading and nuance of hatred woven carefully into the seemingly innocuous "they read but don't comprehend".

That, or you're a fucking lunatic retard who desperately wanted to believe someone, ANYONE thought he mattered enough to plot against him, and you just vomited your insanity all over the first handy person. Y'know, whichever.

Thank you for clarifying exactly who "They" are. It's anyone that doesn't think exactly the same as you and doesn't support you. I am a proud member of the "They" Organization. May the Roles continue to swell and grow beyond belief.
It applies to the People. The People have a right to petition for redress of grievances.
So your claim is that a person doesn't though? :eusa_doh:
Our federal Constitution enumerates our civil rights as Persons in our Republic.
You didn’t answer the question. For that matter, you didn’t even make a coherent statement. Gee....I wonder why that is.
Only the right wing claim natural and individual rights in our federal Constitution.

Civil rights, is what y'all mean.
It applies to the People. The People have a right to petition for redress of grievances.
So your claim is that a person doesn't though? :eusa_doh:
Our federal Constitution enumerates our civil rights as Persons in our Republic.
You didn’t answer the question. For that matter, you didn’t even make a coherent statement. Gee....I wonder why that is.

You keep looking for the answer you want to see. Not going to happen. Now, just hide those guns. We are coming for them. We had a meeting last night and voted that you need to have your weapons banned and confiscated. It sometimes pays to be paranoid when they really are out to get you.
Now, just hide those guns. We are coming for them.
Good luck with that!

You weren't invited to the meeting. We voted, handed out the decoder rings, used the secrit hand shake and all that. We have all decided that you sholdn't have your guns. Hey, if a fruitcake like you can have guns, we can send a bunch of fruitcakes to seize them.
This is what happens when oppressive left-wing policy disarms citizens. London is a bloodbath. It’s crime rates and violent crime have now surpassed New York.

Lead Surgeon Says London Hospital Like 'War Zone,' Two More Slaughtered Overnight

In the Windy City, that's a slow night. You are trying to make something out of almost nothing. Spread the fear. Feel the Burn. Not buying it. Besides, that's Britains Problem. We have enough problems that we don't need to be borrowing from them.
Muster the militia! We have a Second Amendment!

And where are you going to get that Militia from? Are you going to go from house to house beating on doors announcing that announce that they must join the others forming up and to bring their weapons? You won't make it 10 houses before someone blows you away for being a fruitcake.
It should be as easy as, "all gun lovers have to muster until the trouble making punks in the crowd, start behaving themselves."

And who do we all out until all gun lovers start behaving themselves? We call out the ones that are responsible and that is the Police. You know, the ones that should be called out for the unruly crowds in the first place. Not you gun nutters.
You should probably read the actual study - Not the interpretation of such by Glenn Beck's chalkboard crew.

In 2016, the Center also issued a report about Internet firearm transactions. This and other ATF reports highlighted the following about Internet-facilitated firearm transactions:

  • The relative anonymity of the Internet makes it an ideal means for prohibited individuals to obtain illegal firearms.

  • The more anonymity employed by a firearms purchaser, the greater the likelihood that the transaction violates federal law.

  • Firearm transactions that occur on the Dark Web are more likely to be completed in person or via the mail or common carrier, versus through a Federal Firearm Licensee.

    GAO agents attempted to purchase firearms from Dark Web and Surface Web marketplaces. Agents made seven attempts to purchase firearms on the Dark Web. In these attempts, agents did not disclose any information about whether they were prohibited from possessing a firearm. Of these seven attempts, two on a Dark Web marketplace were successful. Specifically, GAO agents purchased and received an AR-15 rifle and an Uzi that the seller said was modified so that it would fire automatically. GAO provided referral letters to applicable law- enforcement agencies for these purchases to inform any ongoing investigations.
The entire left-wing narrative about firearms is a lie. It’s all built on a political agenda rather than on data.
The report states that investigators posing online as gun buyers who were not legally able to purchase a firearm were completely unsuccessful when attempting to purchase firearms from private sellers. In fact, the report states that investigators tried 72 times — and each time they failed.
That’s right - 0% of the ATF investigators were able to make an illegal purchase. Not even one.

Investigators test how well gun laws work online — and find shocking results that undermine liberals
Did you read the actual report or just the partisan Blaze article?

Like their Orange Overlord, they are not real big on reading ;-)
Muster the militia! We have a Second Amendment!

And where are you going to get that Militia from? Are you going to go from house to house beating on doors announcing that announce that they must join the others forming up and to bring their weapons? You won't make it 10 houses before someone blows you away for being a fruitcake.
Only well regulated militia may not be Infringed, when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union.

It really is, our supreme law of the land.
It should be as easy as, "all gun lovers have to muster until the trouble making punks in the crowd, start behaving themselves."

And who do we all out until all gun lovers start behaving themselves? We call out the ones that are responsible and that is the Police. You know, the ones that should be called out for the unruly crowds in the first place. Not you gun nutters.
The People are the Militia. The Militia gets results, not make excuses.
It applies to the People. The People have a right to petition for redress of grievances.
So your claim is that a person doesn't though? :eusa_doh:
Our federal Constitution enumerates our civil rights as Persons in our Republic.
You didn’t answer the question. For that matter, you didn’t even make a coherent statement. Gee....I wonder why that is.

You keep looking for the answer you want to see. Not going to happen. Now, just hide those guns. We are coming for them. We had a meeting last night and voted that you need to have your weapons banned and confiscated. It sometimes pays to be paranoid when they really are out to get you.

No, you're not. However, you are exactly the type of person I don't believe should own a firearm.
It applies to the People. The People have a right to petition for redress of grievances.
So your claim is that a person doesn't though? :eusa_doh:
Our federal Constitution enumerates our civil rights as Persons in our Republic.
You didn’t answer the question. For that matter, you didn’t even make a coherent statement. Gee....I wonder why that is.

You keep looking for the answer you want to see. Not going to happen. Now, just hide those guns. We are coming for them. We had a meeting last night and voted that you need to have your weapons banned and confiscated. It sometimes pays to be paranoid when they really are out to get you.

No, you're not. However, you are exactly the type of person I don't believe should own a firearm.

I own a firearm, yes. The biggest reason is because I just want to. But one of the smallest reason is to prevent you gun nutters from doing your worst to the community as I am well aware you really want to do to those that don't think exactly like you do. You want my 45? Come and get it. One piece at a time. It comes in 9 pieces.

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