And who do we all out until all gun lovers start behaving themselves? We call out the ones that are responsible and that is the Police. You know, the ones that should be called out for the unruly crowds in the first place. Not you gun nutters.
The People are the Militia. The Militia gets results, not make excuses.

Yes, we called it Lynching in the old days.

And, as in the old days, it's illegal. So good luck with your sublimely ignorant belief that the police are yours to command for your insane, fascistic bullshit.

My Police are there to support the Laws, period. You want to show up to my house with your "Militia" and don't expect both the Police and me to be very violent about it don't kid yourself. You may not get the response to that "Revolution" that you expect. You go ahead and dream about your "Revolution" all you want but don't act on it. It's illegal and tantamount on trying to do lynching. But it's not Lynching if your bunch does it right?
Your police have no legal obligation to come to your aid

Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone
What could they have done, in any case?
Only the unorganized militia whines about gun control, not well regulated militia.

Seriously, is English your second or third language?

What could they have done, in any case?
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.

If an armed group were to come to within eyesight of my property, I will call the police. And they will respond in minutes. Of course, I will inform them that I am armed and will be using deadly force. That brings the cops post haste every time. Your Revolution will be stopped in it's tracks. So don't kid yourself. The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen. And don't expect that citizen to not defend themselves in any way they see fit. You gun nutters think it's always going to go your way. Don't bet your lives on it.
Only well regulated militia may not be Infringed, when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union.

It really is, our supreme law of the land.

Who gives you the right to RE-WRITE the U.S. Constitution?


The first half of the 2nd amendment became irrelevent by the Militia Act of 1903 when it made it possible to federalize the State Militias. But this was found to be lacking and States could ignore it. But in 1916, it was amended the the National Defense Act and it allowed the National Guard to utilize Federal Funds 45 days a year plus 2 weeks. This pretty well made the first half of the 2nd amendment irrelevent.

With the most recent ruling by the Supreme Court upholding State Laws pertaining to Gun Regulations which, in affect, modified the 2nd amendment, the second half is no longer in affect either.

The 2nd amendment needs to be updated and amended to keep it current and has needed to be amended for many decades. You can whine and cry all you want but it's not worth the paper it's written on anymore. When we are relying on the courts to write the constitution then we are removing the duty of Congress. And yes, the don nothings we have right now are more than willing to allow this. But it's their job. Get them off their dead asses and get the 2nd amendment amended to something we all can live with. Make it constitutional for a change. I don't appreciate the courts writing laws.
Only the unorganized militia whines about gun control, not well regulated militia.

Seriously, is English your second or third language?

only whiners who are not very well regulated, say that; well regulated militia have literal recourse to our Second Amendment, unlike the unorganized militia of the People.
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Only well regulated militia may not be Infringed, when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union.

It really is, our supreme law of the land.

Who gives you the right to RE-WRITE the U.S. Constitution?

I have re-written nothing; i only don't appeal to ignorance of the common law.

The People are the militia; well regulated militia of the People are declared Necessary, not the unorganized militia of the whole and entire People.
What could they have done, in any case?
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.

If an armed group were to come to within eyesight of my property, I will call the police. And they will respond in minutes. Of course, I will inform them that I am armed and will be using deadly force. That brings the cops post haste every time. Your Revolution will be stopped in it's tracks. So don't kid yourself. The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen. And don't expect that citizen to not defend themselves in any way they see fit. You gun nutters think it's always going to go your way. Don't bet your lives on it.
What part of the police are not legally obligated to come to your aid do you not understand?
What could they have done, in any case?
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.

If an armed group were to come to within eyesight of my property, I will call the police. And they will respond in minutes. Of course, I will inform them that I am armed and will be using deadly force. That brings the cops post haste every time. Your Revolution will be stopped in it's tracks. So don't kid yourself. The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen. And don't expect that citizen to not defend themselves in any way they see fit. You gun nutters think it's always going to go your way. Don't bet your lives on it.
What part of the police are not legally obligated to come to your aid do you not understand?

What part of reality are you having trouble with. If you call the cops and say that you think your life might be in jepordy, they might take a few hours to show up. Now tell them you have a gun and are getting ready to blow the B^^sts away and they will be there in a matter of minutes. You can't change reality to suite your own fantasy.
What could they have done, in any case?
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.

If an armed group were to come to within eyesight of my property, I will call the police. And they will respond in minutes. Of course, I will inform them that I am armed and will be using deadly force. That brings the cops post haste every time. Your Revolution will be stopped in it's tracks. So don't kid yourself. The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen. And don't expect that citizen to not defend themselves in any way they see fit. You gun nutters think it's always going to go your way. Don't bet your lives on it.
What part of the police are not legally obligated to come to your aid do you not understand?

What part of reality are you having trouble with. If you call the cops and say that you think your life might be in jepordy, they might take a few hours to show up. Now tell them you have a gun and are getting ready to blow the B^^sts away and they will be there in a matter of minutes. You can't change reality to suite your own fantasy.

You assume they will be there in minutes.

People who assume such things are morons

The cops do not have to come to your aid. There is no misunderstanding that unless you have a room temperature IQ
What could they have done, in any case?
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.

If an armed group were to come to within eyesight of my property, I will call the police. And they will respond in minutes. Of course, I will inform them that I am armed and will be using deadly force. That brings the cops post haste every time. Your Revolution will be stopped in it's tracks. So don't kid yourself. The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen. And don't expect that citizen to not defend themselves in any way they see fit. You gun nutters think it's always going to go your way. Don't bet your lives on it.
What part of the police are not legally obligated to come to your aid do you not understand?

What part of reality are you having trouble with. If you call the cops and say that you think your life might be in jepordy, they might take a few hours to show up. Now tell them you have a gun and are getting ready to blow the B^^sts away and they will be there in a matter of minutes. You can't change reality to suite your own fantasy.

You assume they will be there in minutes.

People who assume such things are morons

The cops do not have to come to your aid. There is no misunderstanding that unless you have a room temperature IQ

It's just the way it works, cupcake. Reality isn't one of your strong points. You think that you can commit a crime like shooting up someone that you don't like and the cops won't show up. Newsflash, they will. But it largely depends on how the person words the 911 call. Your Fantasy Revolution just won't work even past the first shot or even the first formation getting ready to commence. And just one cop has to show up and see the situtation before a whole hell of a lot more show up armed to the teeth. You certainly either sell the cops short or yourself way too long. But yours is a fantasy while the Cops are in reality.
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.

If an armed group were to come to within eyesight of my property, I will call the police. And they will respond in minutes. Of course, I will inform them that I am armed and will be using deadly force. That brings the cops post haste every time. Your Revolution will be stopped in it's tracks. So don't kid yourself. The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen. And don't expect that citizen to not defend themselves in any way they see fit. You gun nutters think it's always going to go your way. Don't bet your lives on it.
What part of the police are not legally obligated to come to your aid do you not understand?

What part of reality are you having trouble with. If you call the cops and say that you think your life might be in jepordy, they might take a few hours to show up. Now tell them you have a gun and are getting ready to blow the B^^sts away and they will be there in a matter of minutes. You can't change reality to suite your own fantasy.

You assume they will be there in minutes.

People who assume such things are morons

The cops do not have to come to your aid. There is no misunderstanding that unless you have a room temperature IQ

It's just the way it works, cupcake. Reality isn't one of your strong points. You think that you can commit a crime like shooting up someone that you don't like and the cops won't show up. Newsflash, they will. But it largely depends on how the person words the 911 call. Your Fantasy Revolution just won't work even past the first shot or even the first formation getting ready to commence. And just one cop has to show up and see the situtation before a whole hell of a lot more show up armed to the teeth. You certainly either sell the cops short or yourself way too long. But yours is a fantasy while the Cops are in reality.


Your assumption is not reality it is an assumption.

The reality is that the Supreme Court ruled that no law enforcement agency or its officers are obligated to come to your aid.

If you're stupid enough to wait for them to save you that's your problem
If an armed group were to come to within eyesight of my property, I will call the police. And they will respond in minutes. Of course, I will inform them that I am armed and will be using deadly force. That brings the cops post haste every time. Your Revolution will be stopped in it's tracks. So don't kid yourself. The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen. And don't expect that citizen to not defend themselves in any way they see fit. You gun nutters think it's always going to go your way. Don't bet your lives on it.
What part of the police are not legally obligated to come to your aid do you not understand?

What part of reality are you having trouble with. If you call the cops and say that you think your life might be in jepordy, they might take a few hours to show up. Now tell them you have a gun and are getting ready to blow the B^^sts away and they will be there in a matter of minutes. You can't change reality to suite your own fantasy.

You assume they will be there in minutes.

People who assume such things are morons

The cops do not have to come to your aid. There is no misunderstanding that unless you have a room temperature IQ

It's just the way it works, cupcake. Reality isn't one of your strong points. You think that you can commit a crime like shooting up someone that you don't like and the cops won't show up. Newsflash, they will. But it largely depends on how the person words the 911 call. Your Fantasy Revolution just won't work even past the first shot or even the first formation getting ready to commence. And just one cop has to show up and see the situtation before a whole hell of a lot more show up armed to the teeth. You certainly either sell the cops short or yourself way too long. But yours is a fantasy while the Cops are in reality.


Your assumption is not reality it is an assumption.

The reality is that the Supreme Court ruled that no law enforcement agency or its officers are obligated to come to your aid.

If you're stupid enough to wait for them to save you that's your problem

And when you are attacking my home you are assuming that I won't defend and they won't. Trust me, when shots are fired, and they will be fired, they will show up pretty damned quick. Reality is not your strong suite.
What part of the police are not legally obligated to come to your aid do you not understand?

What part of reality are you having trouble with. If you call the cops and say that you think your life might be in jepordy, they might take a few hours to show up. Now tell them you have a gun and are getting ready to blow the B^^sts away and they will be there in a matter of minutes. You can't change reality to suite your own fantasy.

You assume they will be there in minutes.

People who assume such things are morons

The cops do not have to come to your aid. There is no misunderstanding that unless you have a room temperature IQ

It's just the way it works, cupcake. Reality isn't one of your strong points. You think that you can commit a crime like shooting up someone that you don't like and the cops won't show up. Newsflash, they will. But it largely depends on how the person words the 911 call. Your Fantasy Revolution just won't work even past the first shot or even the first formation getting ready to commence. And just one cop has to show up and see the situtation before a whole hell of a lot more show up armed to the teeth. You certainly either sell the cops short or yourself way too long. But yours is a fantasy while the Cops are in reality.


Your assumption is not reality it is an assumption.

The reality is that the Supreme Court ruled that no law enforcement agency or its officers are obligated to come to your aid.

If you're stupid enough to wait for them to save you that's your problem

And when you are attacking my home you are assuming that I won't defend and they won't. Trust me, when shots are fired, and they will be fired, they will show up pretty damned quick. Reality is not your strong suite.

You couldn't pay me to attack your trailer.

And it's you who just admitted the cops won't show up until after shots are fired which is what I have been saying all along, moron
What part of reality are you having trouble with. If you call the cops and say that you think your life might be in jepordy, they might take a few hours to show up. Now tell them you have a gun and are getting ready to blow the B^^sts away and they will be there in a matter of minutes. You can't change reality to suite your own fantasy.

You assume they will be there in minutes.

People who assume such things are morons

The cops do not have to come to your aid. There is no misunderstanding that unless you have a room temperature IQ

It's just the way it works, cupcake. Reality isn't one of your strong points. You think that you can commit a crime like shooting up someone that you don't like and the cops won't show up. Newsflash, they will. But it largely depends on how the person words the 911 call. Your Fantasy Revolution just won't work even past the first shot or even the first formation getting ready to commence. And just one cop has to show up and see the situtation before a whole hell of a lot more show up armed to the teeth. You certainly either sell the cops short or yourself way too long. But yours is a fantasy while the Cops are in reality.


Your assumption is not reality it is an assumption.

The reality is that the Supreme Court ruled that no law enforcement agency or its officers are obligated to come to your aid.

If you're stupid enough to wait for them to save you that's your problem

And when you are attacking my home you are assuming that I won't defend and they won't. Trust me, when shots are fired, and they will be fired, they will show up pretty damned quick. Reality is not your strong suite.

You couldn't pay me to attack your trailer.

And it's you who just admitted the cops won't show up until after shots are fired which is what I have been saying all along, moron

Actually, if you wait long enough (matter of minutes) there may not be any shots fired. I admit nothing that you claim. I admit that I will control the situation. In that situation, by making the 911 call a certain way, it will hasten the Police response. Minutes instead of Hours. You, on the other hand, will be depending on the Police not showing up for hours. And that is stupid on your part. Your fantasy is stupid. Your wanting to attack people that should not be armed is stupid. Your thoughts of disarming those that disagree with you is stupid. Guess it all boils down that YOU are stupid.

Maybe we need to have you go through a Syke exam to see if you should or should not possess firearms.
You assume they will be there in minutes.

People who assume such things are morons

The cops do not have to come to your aid. There is no misunderstanding that unless you have a room temperature IQ

It's just the way it works, cupcake. Reality isn't one of your strong points. You think that you can commit a crime like shooting up someone that you don't like and the cops won't show up. Newsflash, they will. But it largely depends on how the person words the 911 call. Your Fantasy Revolution just won't work even past the first shot or even the first formation getting ready to commence. And just one cop has to show up and see the situtation before a whole hell of a lot more show up armed to the teeth. You certainly either sell the cops short or yourself way too long. But yours is a fantasy while the Cops are in reality.


Your assumption is not reality it is an assumption.

The reality is that the Supreme Court ruled that no law enforcement agency or its officers are obligated to come to your aid.

If you're stupid enough to wait for them to save you that's your problem

And when you are attacking my home you are assuming that I won't defend and they won't. Trust me, when shots are fired, and they will be fired, they will show up pretty damned quick. Reality is not your strong suite.

You couldn't pay me to attack your trailer.

And it's you who just admitted the cops won't show up until after shots are fired which is what I have been saying all along, moron

Actually, if you wait long enough (matter of minutes) there may not be any shots fired. I admit nothing that you claim. I admit that I will control the situation. In that situation, by making the 911 call a certain way, it will hasten the Police response. Minutes instead of Hours. You, on the other hand, will be depending on the Police not showing up for hours. And that is stupid on your part. Your fantasy is stupid. Your wanting to attack people that should not be armed is stupid. Your thoughts of disarming those that disagree with you is stupid. Guess it all boils down that YOU are stupid.

Maybe we need to have you go through a Syke exam to see if you should or should not possess firearms.

Again you assume the cops will be there in a minute even though they have absolutely no legal obligation to do so.

Again you illustrate your idiocy

You want to hear the 911 tape of a woman asking for help because her violent ex was breaking in where she was told no one would be sent to her aid? You think if she said she had a gun the cops would have come in a minute to save her and she wouldn't have been brutally beaten and raped?

You are a fucking moron
It's just the way it works, cupcake. Reality isn't one of your strong points. You think that you can commit a crime like shooting up someone that you don't like and the cops won't show up. Newsflash, they will. But it largely depends on how the person words the 911 call. Your Fantasy Revolution just won't work even past the first shot or even the first formation getting ready to commence. And just one cop has to show up and see the situtation before a whole hell of a lot more show up armed to the teeth. You certainly either sell the cops short or yourself way too long. But yours is a fantasy while the Cops are in reality.


Your assumption is not reality it is an assumption.

The reality is that the Supreme Court ruled that no law enforcement agency or its officers are obligated to come to your aid.

If you're stupid enough to wait for them to save you that's your problem

And when you are attacking my home you are assuming that I won't defend and they won't. Trust me, when shots are fired, and they will be fired, they will show up pretty damned quick. Reality is not your strong suite.

You couldn't pay me to attack your trailer.

And it's you who just admitted the cops won't show up until after shots are fired which is what I have been saying all along, moron

Actually, if you wait long enough (matter of minutes) there may not be any shots fired. I admit nothing that you claim. I admit that I will control the situation. In that situation, by making the 911 call a certain way, it will hasten the Police response. Minutes instead of Hours. You, on the other hand, will be depending on the Police not showing up for hours. And that is stupid on your part. Your fantasy is stupid. Your wanting to attack people that should not be armed is stupid. Your thoughts of disarming those that disagree with you is stupid. Guess it all boils down that YOU are stupid.

Maybe we need to have you go through a Syke exam to see if you should or should not possess firearms.

Again you assume the cops will be there in a minute even though they have absolutely no legal obligation to do so.

Again you illustrate your idiocy

You want to hear the 911 tape of a woman asking for help because her violent ex was breaking in where she was told no one would be sent to her aid? You think if she said she had a gun the cops would have come in a minute to save her and she wouldn't have been brutally beaten and raped?

You are a fucking moron

Just keep making it up as you go on. You want things your way every time. No, they don't have a legal obligation but they do have a moral obligation. And Cops are very moral. And, yes, had she said she was cocked and locked, they would have responded. Especially if they heard the gun discharge while she was on the phone. That's reality. Unlike the fantasy you keep painting because it suits your "Revolution" scenario. You come to my home armed, the first thing I do is arm up. The second thing I do is speed dial the cops. After that, I guess it's up to you my next series of actions. But you won't like them. You are an Amateur attacking a Professional. My attitude is, you and your bunch may get me but I plan on taking as many of your ilk with me as I can. You see, I wrote my ass off decades ago. Only another Pro will understand that statement.
What could they have done, in any case?
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.
The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen.
First you claim the police couldn’t do anything anyway, so they were right to run away like cowards. And then, in your next post, you declare “cops will not stand idly by”. :uhh:

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