only whiners who are not very well regulated, say that; well regulated militia have literal recourse to our Second Amendment, unlike the unorganized militia of the People.
Dear god...please...stop trying to sound smart. You’re not even using 50% of these words properly.

The only thing you know less about than the 2nd Amendment is the English language.
only whiners who are not very well regulated, say that; well regulated militia have literal recourse to our Second Amendment, unlike the unorganized militia of the People.'re proud of the fact that you are ignorant when it comes to the English language and punctuation. Why do you consider that to be some sort of attribute?
Only well regulated militia may not be Infringed, when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union.

It really is, our supreme law of the land.

Who gives you the right to RE-WRITE the U.S. Constitution?

I have re-written nothing; i only don't appeal to ignorance of the common law.

The People are the militia; well regulated militia of the People are declared Necessary, not the unorganized militia of the whole and entire People.

What part of this is not clear to you?

only whiners who are not very well regulated, say that; well regulated militia have literal recourse to our Second Amendment, unlike the unorganized militia of the People.
Dear god...please...stop trying to sound smart. You’re not even using 50% of these words properly.

The only thing you know less about than the 2nd Amendment is the English language.
nothing but fallacy?
only whiners who are not very well regulated, say that; well regulated militia have literal recourse to our Second Amendment, unlike the unorganized militia of the People.'re proud of the fact that you are ignorant when it comes to the English language and punctuation. Why do you consider that to be some sort of attribute?
dear, you have nothing but appeals to ignorance.
Only well regulated militia may not be Infringed, when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union.

It really is, our supreme law of the land.

Who gives you the right to RE-WRITE the U.S. Constitution?

I have re-written nothing; i only don't appeal to ignorance of the common law.

The People are the militia; well regulated militia of the People are declared Necessary, not the unorganized militia of the whole and entire People.

What part of this is not clear to you?

The security of a free State, is the context.

Your assumption is not reality it is an assumption.

The reality is that the Supreme Court ruled that no law enforcement agency or its officers are obligated to come to your aid.

If you're stupid enough to wait for them to save you that's your problem

And when you are attacking my home you are assuming that I won't defend and they won't. Trust me, when shots are fired, and they will be fired, they will show up pretty damned quick. Reality is not your strong suite.

You couldn't pay me to attack your trailer.

And it's you who just admitted the cops won't show up until after shots are fired which is what I have been saying all along, moron

Actually, if you wait long enough (matter of minutes) there may not be any shots fired. I admit nothing that you claim. I admit that I will control the situation. In that situation, by making the 911 call a certain way, it will hasten the Police response. Minutes instead of Hours. You, on the other hand, will be depending on the Police not showing up for hours. And that is stupid on your part. Your fantasy is stupid. Your wanting to attack people that should not be armed is stupid. Your thoughts of disarming those that disagree with you is stupid. Guess it all boils down that YOU are stupid.

Maybe we need to have you go through a Syke exam to see if you should or should not possess firearms.

Again you assume the cops will be there in a minute even though they have absolutely no legal obligation to do so.

Again you illustrate your idiocy

You want to hear the 911 tape of a woman asking for help because her violent ex was breaking in where she was told no one would be sent to her aid? You think if she said she had a gun the cops would have come in a minute to save her and she wouldn't have been brutally beaten and raped?

You are a fucking moron

Just keep making it up as you go on. You want things your way every time. No, they don't have a legal obligation but they do have a moral obligation. And Cops are very moral. And, yes, had she said she was cocked and locked, they would have responded. Especially if they heard the gun discharge while she was on the phone. That's reality. Unlike the fantasy you keep painting because it suits your "Revolution" scenario. You come to my home armed, the first thing I do is arm up. The second thing I do is speed dial the cops. After that, I guess it's up to you my next series of actions. But you won't like them. You are an Amateur attacking a Professional. My attitude is, you and your bunch may get me but I plan on taking as many of your ilk with me as I can. You see, I wrote my ass off decades ago. Only another Pro will understand that statement.

A moral obligation doesn't mean diddly squat. You want to trust your safety to the unknown moral compass of a government employee and that makes you even dumber than I thought ( and that's saying something)

And you cannot tell me with any certainty the cops would have come to that woman's aid if she said she was armed. None Zero Zip Nada.

And where have I ever expressed a "revolution scenario"

Please find and quote me where I have ever done so.
What could they have done, in any case?
Oh I don’t know....their job?!? You know - enforce the law. Arrest people violating it. Restore order.

Are you an idiot? Never mind...we all know the answer.
The Cops will not stand idly by when you are trying to kill a citizen.
First you claim the police couldn’t do anything anyway, so they were right to run away like cowards. And then, in your next post, you declare “cops will not stand idly by”. :uhh:

First you claim that I claim........ Wow, what a statement. You are stinking up America with that one. You just say whatever pops in your head.
The security of a free State, is the context.
And the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Whine all you want - you’re never going to change it. We’re all armed and none of us belong to a militia.
Why is there any conflict of federal laws, regarding the People being Infringed from keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union?
And the debate is officially over!
Indeed, the CDC study, which the federal agency conducted from 1996 to 1998, found there are 2.46 million defensive gun uses in the U.S. each year.
One would have to be an absolute unhinged lunatic to proclaim that we should trade 30,000 lives (the overwhelming majority of which are the result of criminals killing criminals and suicides) for 2.46 million lives (almost all of which are honest, law abiding citizens).

Newly revealed government statistics hidden from public dismantle liberal gun control narrative
And the debate is officially over!
Indeed, the CDC study, which the federal agency conducted from 1996 to 1998, found there are 2.46 million defensive gun uses in the U.S. each year.
One would have to be an absolute unhinged lunatic to proclaim that we should trade 30,000 lives (the overwhelming majority of which are the result of criminals killing criminals and suicides) for 2.46 million lives (almost all of which are honest, law abiding citizens).

Newly revealed government statistics hidden from public dismantle liberal gun control narrative
Muster the militia; wellness of regulation is declared Necessary!
And the debate is officially over!
Indeed, the CDC study, which the federal agency conducted from 1996 to 1998, found there are 2.46 million defensive gun uses in the U.S. each year.
One would have to be an absolute unhinged lunatic to proclaim that we should trade 30,000 lives (the overwhelming majority of which are the result of criminals killing criminals and suicides) for 2.46 million lives (almost all of which are honest, law abiding citizens).

Newly revealed government statistics hidden from public dismantle liberal gun control narrative

And this is why I keep insisting that any proposed "solution" has to be proved to provide a substantial positive effect. Emotional appeals about "if it saves just one life" impress me not at all, because that attitude usually means there's an indirect cost in harming other people that the person speaking hasn't considered. Leftists absolutely suck at understanding unintended consequences.
So much for the progressive false narrative that "nobody needs a magazine with more than 6 rounds". Once again we see progressives proven wrong and ignorant.

Residents Open Fire with AR-15, 9mm Handgun and Turn the Tide on 7 Invasion Suspects | Breitbart

Nice one, cupcake. You just got involved in Gang Violence. There was a feud before the invasion. The two groups are armed camps who are criminals. Aren't you the one that harps on and on about how bad the criminal gangs are? I say it's good that one of the gangs were taken off the street for whatever reason. The problem is, it left the other one on the street unapposed to do whatever criminal activity it wishes. And it will do criminal activity.
Nice one, cupcake. You just got involved in Gang Violence. There was a feud before the invasion. The two groups are armed camps who are criminals.
The fact that you have to resort to lying in every post you make says it all. The men with the AR-15 weren’t criminals.
Nice one, cupcake. You just got involved in Gang Violence. There was a feud before the invasion. The two groups are armed camps who are criminals.
The fact that you have to resort to lying in every post you make says it all. The men with the AR-15 weren’t criminals.

I clicked on the cite on your message and low and behold that came up if you read the whole thing. Lying is only picking the things that might agree with what you want it to say and omitting the things that make you look like an idiot, idiot. So, Cupcake, you are an idiot.
I clicked on the cite on your message and low and behold that came up if you read the whole thing.
Really? So please copy and paste the exact part of the article I posted that states the residents were “criminals”. Don’t worry...I’ll wait.

The fact that you have to resort to lying in every post you make says it all.

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