The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

Well? Is she? Obviously not. Nor is she a politician or government official. So why do you care what she thinks or says? If you'd like to make her stop, refute the science that supports her. If you can't do that, think about WHY.
So why was she paraded around by warmers as an expert?
Their "warming" is just Urban Heat Sink Effect. They have no warming in the atmosphere or the oceans. Co2 does nothing. Earth is not warming.

You don't think the UHI effect is real? ... oh wait ... you're not using science ... then I won't ask for your math ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

"What satellite band are you using for temperature?" ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

ChemEngineer has the right of it ... thermometers we have deployed in the field won't read the temperature increase over a human lifetime ... so use a tampon and quit being a bitch ...
As a Swedish National ... it was lawful to fuck her in international waters ... when she was 16-years-old ... thus she got yacht rides for free ...
Wrong. The age of consent in Sweden is 15. However, the laws of the nation where the vessel was registered would apply. Her citizenship is irrelevant.

So, you're accusing an underage girl of prostitution with no evidence whatsoever. Very noble of you.
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Wrong. The age of consent in Sweden is 15. However, the laws of the nation where the vessel was registered would apply. Her citizenship is irrelevant.

So, you're accusing an underage girl of prostitution with no evidence whatsoever. Very noble of you.

How is it you're so familiar with the "age-of-consent" laws ... sick bastard ...
How is it you're so familiar with the "age-of-consent" laws ... sick bastard ...
Sick Google, fool. I was actually expecting it to be higher and figured you'd jumped on a low number to villainize their social democracy.
Sick Google, fool. I was actually expecting it to be higher and figured you'd jumped on a low number to villainize their social democracy.

Right ... God sent us a monarchy ... democracy is of Satan ... you don't want the poorest of the poor to have electricity, or basic refrigeration ... inhuman democratic monster ... a Righteous King would command us to provide for those without no matter the carbon footprint ...

Look at a recent "The Earth at Night" maps ... and keep in mind there's twice the people in Africa than North America ... you and Satan are having a good laugh aren't you? ... make them lil' children scronge for firewood all day long so the family can cook their meals ...


You're a liar ... that's why you assume everyone lies ... you can't conceive of anyone who doesn't lie like you ...
Right ... God sent us a monarchy ... democracy is of Satan ...
I haven't the faintest idea what you're babbling about. Are you saying that or are you suggesting those are my views?
you don't want the poorest of the poor to have electricity, or basic refrigeration ...
The fossil fuel industry has had 170 years to electrify Africa. If your picture is evidence of anything it's THEIR lack of caring.
inhuman democratic monster ...
So, that was YOUR statement up in the lead. You believe democracy is satanic. I take it your a Trump supporter then, right?
a Righteous King would command us to provide for those without no matter the carbon footprint ...
He would? I thought your god told you to care for the world he'd given you.
Look at a recent "The Earth at Night" maps ... and keep in mind there's twice the people in Africa than North America ... you and Satan are having a good laugh aren't you? ... make them lil' children scronge for firewood all day long so the family can cook their meals ...
Yes, look at the failure of fossil fuel you fool.
You're a liar ...
You've called me a liar on quite a few occasions but have YET to EVER demonstrate that a SINGLE THING I've said here was a lie. That, I'm afraid, makes YOU the LIAR.
that's why you assume everyone lies ... you can't conceive of anyone who doesn't lie like you ...
You and Elektra seem to have a common and intense affinity for projection.
Do you think Greta Thunberg is a climate scientist?
Every time your "climate models" are proven wrong - you lying leftist come back with "but...but...but...person XYZ isn't a scientist".

Yeah, that's kind of the point, kid. Every one of you leftist profess to know what you're talking about and you clearly do not.
Well? Is she? Obviously not. Nor is she a politician or government official.
Al Gore was. He told me that the polar ice cap would be completely melted by the end of 2014.

Tell me Crick - how did that work out?

(Hint: in 2014 alone, it expanded 60% - a mind-boggling 900,000 sq. miles)
He would? I thought your god told you to care for the world he'd given you.
Now cite the chapter & verse where Jesus stated "and thou shall do so through government...and government shall place a gun to the head of ye, and steal from ye, and use that to provide for the poor"

The problem with the atheist left is that they attempt to exploit the Bible for their own fascist agenda, but having never actually read the Bible, leaves them totally vulnerable in their desperate claims.
You've called me a liar on quite a few occasions but have YET to EVER demonstrate that a SINGLE THING I've said here was a lie.
Well I have! You claimed "Global Warming" was "real". I proven dozens of times that you are lying about that. It's not real - it's a grift by the left for money and power.
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Right ... God sent us a monarchy ... democracy is of Satan ... you don't want the poorest of the poor to have electricity, or basic refrigeration ... inhuman democratic monster ... a Righteous King would command us to provide for those without no matter the carbon footprint ...

Look at a recent "The Earth at Night" maps ... and keep in mind there's twice the people in Africa than North America ... you and Satan are having a good laugh aren't you? ... make them lil' children scronge for firewood all day long so the family can cook their meals ...


You're a liar ... that's why you assume everyone lies ... you can't conceive of anyone who doesn't lie like you ...
They’ll allow the poor all that as long as they yes sir may I have another
Why is it the fossil fuel industry's job to do what you greedy leftists refuse to do? 🤔

Oil companies are not in business to decrease their number of customers, their profits or anything contrary to stockholders' interests.
Power companies likewise do not take actions to increase the use of gasoline and diesel fuel.

As to who is "greedy" and who is "generous," Professor Arthur C. Brooks wrote Who Really Cares, giving specifics on how conservatives, on average, give a great deal more money, more time, more blood, to churches, to secular organizations, to their communities and their families than do liberals. He couldn't believe it since his purpose in writing the book was to vilify conservatives, being a college professor and liberal. He had to change sides as a result of his findings. I took copious notes on his fine book.

Who Really Cares:

America's Charity Divide,

Who Gives, Who Doesn't and Why It Matters

by Arthur C. Brooks​
Well I have! You claimed "Global Warming" was "real". I proven dozens of times that you are lying about that. It's not real - it's a grift by the left for money and power.
You have proven no such thing. Thus YOU are LYING.

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