The Definitive Truth About Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

the voice speaking behind the MKL quotes. One needs to realize that anyone doing that can introduce their own agenda, left, right whatever.....

There's plenty up on this soul suckin' device that does just that, to all our past icons Marc, they exist to 'shoot the messenger' ,by whatever means they can find to discredit their character....

That said, i've read a lot of MLK, he like many others i can think of was a man of peace.

I'd wager his 2022 outlook would not have changed, in that he would want us to do just that.....make peace with each other

Are suggesting that he was against violence?
Try Google and you will see plenty of results.
Nope. The sites say it happens, but proof? Nowhere to be found. It is ASSumptions. These bogus claims can never show proof because it doesn’t exist. It’s ridiculous to say “studies show”, how the Hell can you show that any women got hired or advanced do to her gender or race. Again, it’s like saying no women really qualify for anything.
Then Democrat racists assassinated him.
James Earl Ray was a full blown racist who got involved with the George Wallace campaign. He was the lone shooter, genius. We know what the Democrats were for 150 years and we know what you are Today.

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