The definitive word on "gay"marriage

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My reaction exactly. Ever notice when they are losing the argument they always jump upon the religious? Of course the many other reasons are ignored...
Jump the religious. Heh. Maybe I did. But I do believe that to throw about some religious mumbo jumbo to prove a point does nothing. The UK has civil unions for homosexuals and it isn't a smoldering pile of ash and rubble. Sweden's still standing. Other nations are too. Spain is still alive and kicking too. Your points proved nothing.
Jump the religious. Heh. Maybe I did. But I do believe that to throw about some religious mumbo jumbo to prove a point does nothing. The UK has civil unions for homosexuals and it isn't a smoldering pile of ash and rubble. Sweden's still standing. Other nations are too. Spain is still alive and kicking too. Your points proved nothing.

LOL just a thought here but maybe you don't want to use countries like Sweden and the UK as paragons to emulate?
LOL just a thought here but maybe you don't want to use countries like Sweden and the UK as paragons to emulate?
I'm not. I'm just saying that they are still around. And they have their pros and cons. We can be like them to a degree and not be completely wasted :p
I'm not. I'm just saying that they are still around. And they have their pros and cons. We can be like them to a degree and not be completely wasted :p

Well true they are still standing by a hair and some air. Well I need to get some sleep..Night all
Jump the religious. Heh. Maybe I did. But I do believe that to throw about some religious mumbo jumbo to prove a point does nothing. The UK has civil unions for homosexuals and it isn't a smoldering pile of ash and rubble. Sweden's still standing. Other nations are too. Spain is still alive and kicking too. Your points proved nothing.

Mumbo jumbo? You mean like the mumbo jumbo gays are trying to sell to America? Too bad. Deal with it. Although I already know you deal with it by following the lead of your Far Left communist masters who are out to destroy religion and the soul of America.

The UK is a country in the toilet. Sweden is an experiment gone wrong. Spain is barely alive and kicking itself. Tell me what wonderful things homosexuality is doing for these countries?
And you lose. Some nations have homosexual marriage already. I doubt you'll be forced to love homosexuals. And you can tell your children what you want and have them believe what you do until they make their own conscious decisions on things. Also, I don't really forsee your religion being fucked over in any single way.

On July, 2004, Ake Green, Pastor of a Swedish Pentecostal church in Kalmar, was prosecuted and sentenced to a month in jail for "hate speech against homosexuals." Sweden passed a hate crimes law in 2003 that forbids criticism of homosexuality. Pastor Green found out about the Swedish law when he was arrested for preaching against sexual immorality inside his church to his church members.
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Mumbo jumbo? You mean like the mumbo jumbo gays are trying to sell to America? Too bad. Deal with it. Although I already know you deal with it by following the lead of your Far Left communist masters who are out to destroy religion and the soul of America.

The UK is a country in the toilet. Sweden is an experiment gone wrong. Spain is barely alive and kicking itself. Tell me what wonderful things homosexuality is doing for these countries?
First of all, I'M NOT APART OF THE FAR LEFT. So bugger off then on that issue. Actually, I view it more mumbo jumbo than what gays are trying to "sell" to America. All we want is to be able to marry our partners and get some of the benefits straight people get. Is that really such a big deal?

Who said whether homosexuality had anything to do anything? I merely brought up the fact that they're not dead and gone because of gay marriage. It hasn't impacted their marriage system or religious organizations within.
On July, 2004, Ake Green, Pastor of a Swedish Pentecostal church in Kalmar, was prosecuted and sentenced to a month in jail for "hate speech against homosexuals." Sweden passed a hate crimes law in 2003 that forbids criticism of homosexuality. Pastor Green found out about the Swedish law when he was arrested for preaching against sexual immorality inside his church to his church members.
Just because something like that happens in Sweden doesn't mean it'd happen here.
Just because something like that happens in Sweden doesn't mean it'd happen here.

Originally Posted by Kagom View Post
And you lose. Some nations have homosexual marriage already. I doubt you'll be forced to love homosexuals. And you can tell your children what you want and have them believe what you do until they make their own conscious decisions on things. Also, I don't really forsee your religion being fucked over in any single way.
Originally Posted by Kagom View Post
And you lose. Some nations have homosexual marriage already. I doubt you'll be forced to love homosexuals. And you can tell your children what you want and have them believe what you do until they make their own conscious decisions on things. Also, I don't really forsee your religion being fucked over in any single way.
And? I'm sure there's another side to the story we're not seeing. And as for what I said, I don't forsee your religion being fucked over here in the states. At least that's what I meant originally.
And? I'm sure there's another side to the story we're not seeing. And as for what I said, I don't forsee your religion being fucked over here in the states. At least that's what I meant originally.

Read the link; it's already happening in California. With the behavior further legitimized, can more aggressive "hate crimes" legislation be far behind? We're not just talking about religion being "fucked over', my friend - we're talking about the end of free speech. We're talking about people being arrested for NOT THINKING THE RIGHT THINGS. Doesn't that frighten you?
Read the link; it's already happening in California. With the behavior further legitimized, can more aggressive "hate crimes" legislation be far behind? We're not just talking about religion being "fucked over', my friend - we're talking about the end of free speech. We're talking about people being arrested for NOT THINKING THE RIGHT THINGS. Doesn't that frighten you?
The loss of free speech does frighten me.
I'm a big advocate for free speech, especially since I have the tendency to make fun of everyone when I tell jokes and the such. However, I believe that gay marriage doesn't affect our free speech unless we allow ourselves to be duped into letting it.
I'm a big advocate for free speech, especially since I have the tendency to make fun of everyone when I tell jokes and the such. However, I believe that gay marriage doesn't affect our free speech unless we allow ourselves to be duped into letting it.

A society that has allowed itself to be duped into legitimizing homosexuality is game for just about anything - as we see in Sweden's case. What happens when the concept of free speech collides with political correctness run amok? Read the link.
A society that has allowed itself to be duped into legitimizing homosexuality is game for just about anything - as we see in Sweden's case. What happens when the concept of free speech collides with political correctness run amok? Read the link.
No offense, but that was retarded. I'm not reading the link any further. It's all for the same thing in the end and it's pointless. A society that legitimizes homosexuality isn't game for anything. What is wrong with allowing people to live their lives freely and without ostracizatoin when what they're doing isn't wrong or hurting people?
No offense, but that was retarded. I'm not reading the link any further. It's all for the same thing in the end and it's pointless. A society that legitimizes homosexuality isn't game for anything. What is wrong with allowing people to live their lives freely and without ostracizatoin when what they're doing isn't wrong or hurting people?

None taken. But you and your friends said, in effect, "Stop worrying, you silly, superstitious people. Homosexuality has been legitimized in other countries, and the sky hasn't fallen in on THEM". I just showed you otherwise. You can partake of the truth when it's offered to you, or turn your nose up at it. It's your choice - always. Unless you holler "fire" in a crowded theater, nobody's going to arrest you for what you think or say. Isn't that wonderful?
None taken. But you and your friends said, in effect, "Stop worrying, you silly, superstitious people. Homosexuality has been legitimized in other countries, and the sky hasn't fallen in on THEM". I just showed you otherwise. You can partake of the truth when it's offered to you, or turn your nose up at it. It's your choice - always. Unless you holler "fire" in a crowded theater, nobody's going to arrest you for what you think or say. Isn't that wonderful?
The sky hasn't fallen on them. An isolated incident in Sweden in which free speech was under attack doesn't necessitate that it'd be the same here.
First of all, I'M NOT APART OF THE FAR LEFT. So bugger off then on that issue. Actually, I view it more mumbo jumbo than what gays are trying to "sell" to America. All we want is to be able to marry our partners and get some of the benefits straight people get. Is that really such a big deal?

Who said whether homosexuality had anything to do anything? I merely brought up the fact that they're not dead and gone because of gay marriage. It hasn't impacted their marriage system or religious organizations within.

Guess you are then just a "useful idiot" of the Left. One of the goals of communism/Far Left is to destroy the family unit. Gay marriage is just the first step. Then comes multi-partner marriages. Polygamy and polyamory. If everything can be marriage then nothing will be marriage. You can already see this happening in Sweden and the Netherlands where the marriage numbers are down and the out-of-wedlock birth rates are up.
As per usual it is the children who suffer the most.
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