The definitive word on "gay"marriage

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No he's not. There are lots of things that have been or are considered deviations from the norm when it comes to marriage. Interracial marriage and interfaith marriage are two examples that come to mind.

Race and faith are not considered to be deviancies as is homosexuality. That's why race and religion (and the inter-marriages thereof) are protected under the Constitution and homosexuality is not.
Religion is. But that's wasn't the point of the argument, it was about "norms" and deviations from them.

When those "norms" were considered deviations, the people who chose to ignore them lived outside the conforms of society and suffered the social consequences thereof. In neither case, was special legislation enacted that catered specifically to their behavior.
Here's one reason plus ten more:

1. The legalization of homosexual marriage will quickly destroy the traditional family.
2. Children will suffer most.
3. Public schools in every state will embrace homosexuality.
4. Adoption laws will be instantly obsolete.
5. Foster-care programs will be impacted dramatically.
6. The health care system will stagger and perhaps collapse.
7. Social Security will be severely stressed.
8. Religious freedom will almost certainly be jeopardized.
9. Other nations are watching our march toward homosexual marriage and will follow our lead.
10. The gospel of Jesus Christ will be severely curtailed.
11. The culture war will be over, and the world may soon become “as it was in the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37).
And you lose. Some nations have homosexual marriage already. I doubt you'll be forced to love homosexuals. And you can tell your children what you want and have them believe what you do until they make their own conscious decisions on things. Also, I don't really forsee your religion being fucked over in any single way.
Here's one reason plus ten more:

1. The legalization of homosexual marriage will quickly destroy the traditional family.
2. Children will suffer most.
3. Public schools in every state will embrace homosexuality.
4. Adoption laws will be instantly obsolete.
5. Foster-care programs will be impacted dramatically.
6. The health care system will stagger and perhaps collapse.
7. Social Security will be severely stressed.
8. Religious freedom will almost certainly be jeopardized.
9. Other nations are watching our march toward homosexual marriage and will follow our lead.
10. The gospel of Jesus Christ will be severely curtailed.
11. The culture war will be over, and the world may soon become “as it was in the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37).

I noticed you conveniently left out explanations of exactly how any of your predictions would come true. I think you missed a couple on your list:

12. Polar bears will become extinct.
13. The pope will die from choking on Sauerkraut.
14. Aliens will blow up our sun.
15. Every M&M around the globe will turn purple with yellow spots
Race and faith are not considered to be deviancies as is homosexuality. That's why race and religion (and the inter-marriages thereof) are protected under the Constitution and homosexuality is not.

But it took legislative and judicial action to force it on the majority.
Kagom..totally off the subject here, just wondering if your tag line is from Blue Oyster Cult ? Heavy Metal movie I think?
Actually, it's already gone to the voters in my state. And I wouldn't mind it actually going to the voters, no. Then we could at least all shut up about it and I could start trying to figure out ways to immigrate to Canada or the UK.

*Shrugs* And your point?

Just exposing you for the self-centered fuck that you are. You try and gloss over everyone all these other arguments; yet, what it all boils down to is you think the entire world should revolve around you.

I was talking about level of commitment, not love. Two people can cohabitate and not be married, but they can't file joint tax returns. If two people get married they make a symbolic and legally-binding commitment to one another. Then they can file joint tax returns. Homosexual couples, no matter if they cohabitate or their level of commitment, cannot file joint tax returns. If the two different couples are willing to show the same level of commitment, then why can't they both file joint tax returns?

Because they're fags. Get it yet?

Again, simply because the majority believes something to be true / right / whatever, does not automatically make it so. Can we at least agree on that?

No, for the simple reason that your implication is that society's morals are not right because you don't agree with them. Again, just because the majority believes something might be true that YOU disagree with doesn't make it wrong.

Ever heard the expression 'same old shit, different day'? You could just as easily ignore me, you know, if it pissed you off that much.

I must have missed the part where I was pissed off. Maybe instead you should try some reevaluation based on the info you're given rather than dismiss it out of hand because it doesn't agree with what you want to do.

You're right. I don't know what you or Musicman or anyone else on this thread has looked at. And no, you only think you are 'destroying' my arguments. My arguments are born out of my belief of what is right and wrong. You certainly aren't going to change my beliefs unless you provide some damn good evidence that makes me evaluate my world-view. And I'll attest right here that nothing that has been written on this forum has done that. So don't expect my arguments to go away anytime soon.

You arguments are born out of desperation attempting to legitimize something that is abnormal. You've been provided evidence throughout two thread in the past week that completely destroy every argument you have made; yet, you hear nothing.

And don't expect the same people whoaren't ignoring your bullshit arguments now to ignore them in the future. You're just lucky you got the "polite" bunch this time. Wait'll Pale and OCA light into your ass.
I noticed you conveniently left out explanations of exactly how any of your predictions would come true. I think you missed a couple on your list:

12. Polar bears will become extinct.
13. The pope will die from choking on Sauerkraut.
14. Aliens will blow up our sun.
15. Every M&M around the globe will turn purple with yellow spots

It's been a while since this thread has made me laugh. Thanks.
And you lose. Some nations have homosexual marriage already. I doubt you'll be forced to love homosexuals. And you can tell your children what you want and have them believe what you do until they make their own conscious decisions on things. Also, I don't really forsee your religion being fucked over in any single way.

He loses because of ....uummm... WHAT exactly? Because YOU say so? I'd say you homosexuals and your faghag, mattskramer have been thrashed pretty badly. Perhaps y'all should take up debating the economy?
When those "norms" were considered deviations, the people who chose to ignore them lived outside the conforms of society and suffered the social consequences thereof. In neither case, was special legislation enacted that catered specifically to their behavior.

I believe that post 130 contradicts your assertion.
He loses because of ....uummm... WHAT exactly? Because YOU say so? I'd say you homosexuals and your faghag, mattskramer have been thrashed pretty badly. Perhaps y'all should take up debating the economy?
His interjection of Christian values being deteriorated because of homosexual marriage being allowed is rather weak and feeble. That's why :D
I noticed you conveniently left out explanations of exactly how any of your predictions would come true. I think you missed a couple on your list:

12. Polar bears will become extinct.
13. The pope will die from choking on Sauerkraut.
14. Aliens will blow up our sun.
15. Every M&M around the globe will turn purple with yellow spots

I see. You share the mattskramer viewpoint of ignoring the blatantly obvious because it suits you.:rolleyes:
Just exposing you for the self-centered fuck that you are. You try and gloss over everyone all these other arguments; yet, what it all boils down to is you think the entire world should revolve around you.

Of course. It's all about me. Why didn't I see it before? Maybe I should go see a psychologist. Or maybe I just think that everyone should be treated equally.

Because they're fags. Get it yet?

Oh yeah, that's a good counter-argument.

No, for the simple reason that your implication is that society's morals are not right because you don't agree with them. Again, just because the majority believes something might be true that YOU disagree with doesn't make it wrong.

I never said it did, did I? You implied that I implied that. I didn't.

I must have missed the part where I was pissed off. Maybe instead you should try some reevaluation based on the info you're given rather than dismiss it out of hand because it doesn't agree with what you want to do.

Then perhaps it's about the way you present it. Ever think of that?

You arguments are born out of desperation attempting to legitimize something that is abnormal. You've been provided evidence throughout two thread in the past week that completely destroy every argument you have made; yet, you hear nothing.

I hear nothing that convinces me. Don't think for a minute that I haven't gone to the NARTH website and read their material. Much of their stuff is based off of the Spitzer study.

And don't expect the same people whoaren't ignoring your bullshit arguments now to ignore them in the future. You're just lucky you got the "polite" bunch this time. Wait'll Pale and OCA light into your ass.

And then promptly get banned from the thread. :p: I'm certainly not afraid of Pale or OCA, and I doubt they are afraid of me.
Of course. It's all about me. Why didn't I see it before? Maybe I should go see a psychologist. Or maybe I just think that everyone should be treated equally.

Oh yeah, that's a good counter-argument.

I never said it did, did I? You implied that I implied that. I didn't.

Then perhaps it's about the way you present it. Ever think of that?

I hear nothing that convinces me. Don't think for a minute that I haven't gone to the NARTH website and read their material. Much of their stuff is based off of the Spitzer study.

And then promptly get banned from the thread. :p: I'm certainly not afraid of Pale or OCA, and I doubt they are afraid of me.

I see. You share the mattskramer viewpoint of ignoring the blatantly obvious because it suits you.:rolleyes:

From one fan of common sense to another: Common sense dictated that SE's list was unsubstantiated and exaggeration. I demonstrated such with a dash of humor and sarcasm. I'd make a crack about you ignoring the blatantly overblown, but double entendres are lost on most of folks in here. ;)
Wow. I put him to sleep. Neat. Maybe, with my new-found power, I should be a university professor...

Maybe you should get a new argument. I'm tired of you and your couple of apologistas trying to sell everyone a pig while telling them it's a Caddy.
He loses because of ....uummm... WHAT exactly? Because YOU say so? I'd say you homosexuals and your faghag, mattskramer have been thrashed pretty badly. Perhaps y'all should take up debating the economy?

My reaction exactly. Ever notice when they are losing the argument they always jump upon the religious? Of course the many other reasons are ignored...
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