The Democrat Cancel Culture Warriors Strike Again.

It's beyond time for Democrats to just admit to their authoritarian proclivities. Rank and file Democrats no longer value freedom and truth. Disinformation and furthering the narrative has supplanted their individuality and their ability to reason. Very sad.
Yeah, isn't it terrible what the Dems have done to Liz Cheney? One day she was a true Conservative and the next? A traitor and...oh wait... the wrong party...never mind.
Sheesh! More whataboutism. Do you guy all use the same playbook?
Awww...another snowflake who can't bear it when the Republican crimes are laid bare. Suck it up, chump. You are going to hear a lot more. :itsok:
when you got nothing huh?
So what are the Trump cultists whining about today? A guy got kicked off of YouTube, a private company, for violating YouTube's ToS by pushing COVID conspiracy theories.

They're actually calling that "censorship" They really are that pathetic and dishonest. Victimhood is their drug of choice, and they'll stoop to any sleaze to get another victimhood fix.
LOL. Again with this crap? You really are a masochist.

Yes, Dems don't like Manchin's policy. And yes, they are calling him hateful names but as your own article points out, the fellow Dems Senators do support him. People getting angry at their own side for policy differences are a given. Nature of the beast. But compare his support to the treatment given to Liz Cheney.

You don't see people calling Manchin a traitor (my original point) unlike Liz Cheney who is now called a traitor and much worse simply because she went against der Fuhrer. Get it now? Gad, you are a moron.

I notice that you never mentioned the Facebook link. Did you check the date, yet? Now, do you see why you are a moron?
Joe Manchin's "support" comes from politicians who desperately need his vote right now
so they dare not alienate Joe. Are you so stupid you don't get that or do you just like looking
like a clown?

Journalists don't have to baby Manchin. Idiot posters like you don't and Facebook freaks don't. They call him a racist and worse than that. Jamele Hill did, for instance.

Do some people call Liz Cheney a traitor? Yeah. So what? I guess she can leave the party if her feelings are that hurt but of course if she did she would never get another vote out of Wyoming ever and she would be ending her own career.

Linking arms with She Demon Nan Pelosi and voting to impeach Don Trump with just one week to go
before the Trump term ended anyway was a shitty stupid thing to do and the impeachment failed big time!
And it blew up in Nan's and Cheney's face.

Cheney is back and begging for donations by claiming she opposes Pelosi's "anti American agenda".
Swear to God! That's her story. How big will that go over after she jumped at the chance to help Pelosi out?

Get your kicks and scream your little names at me. I don't give a fuck
When your tantrums get too much I will simply drop you like a sack of radio active wastes.

You know, we can do this all day long. You post stupid stuff and I call you a moron. Looks like you enjoy this so who am I to deny your simple pleasures?
Whatever flips your little beanie propeller around. You are more absurd than tiresome so far.
Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL

Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?

Btw, did you ever check out the date on that FB post that you proudly linked to prove your point? Now, do you know why you are a moron? No? Keep coming back here and I will keep proving that you are a complete moron. :itsok:
It's beyond time for Democrats to just admit to their authoritarian proclivities. Rank and file Democrats no longer value freedom and truth. Disinformation and furthering the narrative has supplanted their individuality and their ability to reason. Very sad.
Yeah, isn't it terrible what the Dems have done to Liz Cheney? One day she was a true Conservative and the next? A traitor and...oh wait... the wrong party...never mind.
Sheesh! More whataboutism. Do you guy all use the same playbook?
Awww...another snowflake who can't bear it when the Republican crimes are laid bare. Suck it up, chump. You are going to hear a lot more. :itsok:
when you got nothing huh?
To respond to morons? I think that is more than sufficient. Come up with valid questions and you get valid answers. Let me know if you are still confused.
It's beyond time for Democrats to just admit to their authoritarian proclivities. Rank and file Democrats no longer value freedom and truth. Disinformation and furthering the narrative has supplanted their individuality and their ability to reason. Very sad.
Weinstein literally had a guy on his show that was pretending to be the inventor of the vaccine because he studied RNA in grad school. And they are going around saying the vaccine is dangerous in the middle of a pandemic when we are trying to save lives and get back to normal. That’s a big, “Fuck that guy!”
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
I don't see the the situation with the Dixie Chicks as being quite the same as what we're seeing now. Fans were outraged and boycotted their music but no one demanded that their record label drop them. Radio stations didn't ban their songs. Producers didn't blacklist them. What we're seeing with Weinstein is different. Weinstein isn't being rude, obnoxious or dishonest. He's simply, as a scientist, discussing relevant science topics that raise questions uncomfortable to the Democrat narrative.
The Dixie Chicks were barred from the radio waves by large radio stations because they insulted the president

There is also
Colin Kaepernick
Liz Cheney
Mr. Potatohead
Any celebrity who doesn't like Trump

The problem with boycotts and cancel culture from the right is that there usually just isn't that many of you to make a difference. Where as Matt Lauer, fuck that guy, it makes sense he was fired.
There is a huge difference between having pissed off consumers boycotting individuals for their perceived transgressions and having big tech companies collude with political parties to silence voices they don't want heard. Read the article.

Twitter has a right to remove anyone who breaks their TOS. Just like the country radio stations deplatformed the Dixie Chicks. Or the NFL collectively kicked Kaepernick out of the NFL.
No, it's not like that because Twitter is a government protected monopoly.
It's beyond time for Democrats to just admit to their authoritarian proclivities. Rank and file Democrats no longer value freedom and truth. Disinformation and furthering the narrative has supplanted their individuality and their ability to reason. Very sad.
Yeah, isn't it terrible what the Dems have done to Liz Cheney? One day she was a true Conservative and the next? A traitor and...oh wait... the wrong party...never mind.
Sheesh! More whataboutism. Do you guy all use the same playbook?
Awww...another snowflake who can't bear it when the Republican crimes are laid bare. Suck it up, chump. You are going to hear a lot more. :itsok:
when you got nothing huh?
To respond to morons? I think that is more than sufficient. Come up with valid questions and you get valid answers. Let me know if you are still confused.
Then you have nothing.
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Yeah, isn't it terrible what the Dems have done to Liz Cheney? One day she was a true Conservative and the next? A traitor and...oh wait... the wrong party...never mind.
Hey pot! Say hi to the kettle next time you're talking about Joe Mancin and how the Shiite democrats
want to run him out of Washington DC on a wooden rail.
Not a whataboutism. A pointed reference to your comment and hypocrisy.

Cheney is a George Bush-type republican when the party is strongly anti globalist and anti war hawk.
Isn't it horrible she'd rather stand with Nancy Pelosi, despite her latest anti Pelosi fund raising
tactic, and impeach Donald Trump on the thinnest and most trumped up of cases (pun fully intended)
for impeachment than stand with her conservative party you seem to think she belongs in.

She got removed from a conference chair for her turncoat actions. Boo hoo!
Actions like that should have consequences. If the Shiite Democrats didn't desperately need
Mancin right now they would expel him from the party faster than you can say Leon Trotsky!

You were clever, but only half clever.

Joe Manchin is a traitor? Who is saying that?
Senator Manchin Is An Idiot And a traitor to the Democratic party
To respond to morons? I think that is more than sufficient. Come up with valid questions and you get valid answers. Let me know if you are still confused.
a question was asked and you failed to answer it. That makes you the moron.

The question: "Do you guys all use the same playbook?"
To respond to morons? I think that is more than sufficient. Come up with valid questions and you get valid answers. Let me know if you are still confused.
a question was asked and you failed to answer it. That makes you the moron.

The question: "Do you guys all use the same playbook?"
I did answer. You don't like it? Your problem.
It's beyond time for Democrats to just admit to their authoritarian proclivities. Rank and file Democrats no longer value freedom and truth. Disinformation and furthering the narrative has supplanted their individuality and their ability to reason. Very sad.
Yeah, isn't it terrible what the Dems have done to Liz Cheney? One day she was a true Conservative and the next? A traitor and...oh wait... the wrong party...never mind.
Sheesh! More whataboutism. Do you guy all use the same playbook?
Awww...another snowflake who can't bear it when the Republican crimes are laid bare. Suck it up, chump. You are going to hear a lot more. :itsok:
when you got nothing huh?
To respond to morons? I think that is more than sufficient. Come up with valid questions and you get valid answers. Let me know if you are still confused.
Then you have nothing.
And you are a trumptard. Thanks for playing.
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
I don't see the the situation with the Dixie Chicks as being quite the same as what we're seeing now. Fans were outraged and boycotted their music but no one demanded that their record label drop them. Radio stations didn't ban their songs. Producers didn't blacklist them. What we're seeing with Weinstein is different. Weinstein isn't being rude, obnoxious or dishonest. He's simply, as a scientist, discussing relevant science topics that raise questions uncomfortable to the Democrat narrative.
The Dixie Chicks were barred from the radio waves by large radio stations because they insulted the president

There is also
Colin Kaepernick
Liz Cheney
Mr. Potatohead
Any celebrity who doesn't like Trump

The problem with boycotts and cancel culture from the right is that there usually just isn't that many of you to make a difference. Where as Matt Lauer, fuck that guy, it makes sense he was fired.
There is a huge difference between having pissed off consumers boycotting individuals for their perceived transgressions and having big tech companies collude with political parties to silence voices they don't want heard. Read the article.

Twitter has a right to remove anyone who breaks their TOS. Just like the country radio stations deplatformed the Dixie Chicks. Or the NFL collectively kicked Kaepernick out of the NFL.
Kaepernick sucked donkey ass. His little kneeling stunt was an effort to save his spiraling career. He was "kicked" out of the NFL for being a shit QB.
Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL

Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?

Btw, did you ever check out the date on that FB post that you proudly linked to prove your point? Now, do you know why you are a moron? No? Keep coming back here and I will keep proving that you are a complete moron.

Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL
Why would you think that? Looking to declare a "win" by claiming it yourself (I "hurt your feelings therefore I win") is a popular way for shit brained morons to feel like winners though they are anything but.
Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.
Got me there. The left doesn't tolerate opinions that hurt the accepted authoritarian declared
positions. Goes back to Leon Trotsky, I guess.
Joe Lieberman was the last democrat that stayed in office despite going against the leftist flow.
CNN takes the position that Manchin is like a dangerous blood clot in the brain that must be removed
somehow without killing the patient. Opinion: The problem with Joe Manchin

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?
Liz Cheney is still a member in good standing in the party. That is NOTHING like "cancel culture".
Only a moron would claim Cheney has somehow been excluded by the republicans.
And how did your tiny little brain get stuck on this matter? What republicans decide to do
is their business, a-hole!

Here are democrats beating the shit out of Joe Manchin, even though I was told democrats don't do
things like that.
Yeah...some complete liar and idiot told me that. Now who was that again?
Last edited:
Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL

Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?

Btw, did you ever check out the date on that FB post that you proudly linked to prove your point? Now, do you know why you are a moron? No? Keep coming back here and I will keep proving that you are a complete moron.

Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL
Why would you think that? Looking to declare a "win" by claiming it yourself (I "hurt your feelings therefore I win") is a popular way for shit brained morons to feel like winners though they are anything but.
Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.
Got me there. The left doesn't tolerate opinions that hurt the accepted authoritarian declared
positions. Goes back to Leon Trotsky, I guess.
Joe Lieberman was the last democrat that stayed in office despite going against the leftist flow.
CNN takes the position that Manchin is like a dangerous blood clot in the brain that must be removed
somehow without killing the patient. Opinion: The problem with Joe Manchin

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?
Liz Cheney is still a member in good standing in the party. That is NOTHING like "cancel culture".
Only a moron would claim Cheney has somehow been excluded by the republicans.
And how did your tiny little brain get stuck on this matter? What republicans decide to do
is their business, a-hole!
"Looking to declare a win"? No moron. I have already won. I won when you posted a FB page from 2012. Remember that?

But keep posting. I guess you love being called a moron, moron. :laughing0301:
Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL

Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?

Btw, did you ever check out the date on that FB post that you proudly linked to prove your point? Now, do you know why you are a moron? No? Keep coming back here and I will keep proving that you are a complete moron.

Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL
Why would you think that? Looking to declare a "win" by claiming it yourself (I "hurt your feelings therefore I win") is a popular way for shit brained morons to feel like winners though they are anything but.
Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.
Got me there. The left doesn't tolerate opinions that hurt the accepted authoritarian declared
positions. Goes back to Leon Trotsky, I guess.
Joe Lieberman was the last democrat that stayed in office despite going against the leftist flow.
CNN takes the position that Manchin is like a dangerous blood clot in the brain that must be removed
somehow without killing the patient. Opinion: The problem with Joe Manchin

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?
Liz Cheney is still a member in good standing in the party. That is NOTHING like "cancel culture".
Only a moron would claim Cheney has somehow been excluded by the republicans.
And how did your tiny little brain get stuck on this matter? What republicans decide to do
is their business, a-hole!
Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL

Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?

Btw, did you ever check out the date on that FB post that you proudly linked to prove your point? Now, do you know why you are a moron? No? Keep coming back here and I will keep proving that you are a complete moron.

Awww....did I hurt your liddle feelings? LOL
Why would you think that? Looking to declare a "win" by claiming it yourself (I "hurt your feelings therefore I win") is a popular way for shit brained morons to feel like winners though they are anything but.
Do you really think that every Dem is in lock-step with Biden? Of course not. That's not how the Democratic party works. In fact, the rivalry between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is well known. And side calls the other traitors or thinks their liberal credentials are no longer valid.
Got me there. The left doesn't tolerate opinions that hurt the accepted authoritarian declared
positions. Goes back to Leon Trotsky, I guess.
Joe Lieberman was the last democrat that stayed in office despite going against the leftist flow.
CNN takes the position that Manchin is like a dangerous blood clot in the brain that must be removed
somehow without killing the patient. Opinion: The problem with Joe Manchin

Compare that to how your side treats Liz Cheney. Cheney supported Trump practically 90% of the time. Yes, she did vote for impeachment and yes she did think that Trump's action on Jan 6th was deplorable. So, she stops being a Conservative? All of her Conservative credentials are null and void? She is now a traitor? That is known as "Cancel Culture". You know the thing that you trumptards are accusing Dems and the main topic of this thread. Get it now?
Liz Cheney is still a member in good standing in the party. That is NOTHING like "cancel culture".
Only a moron would claim Cheney has somehow been excluded by the republicans.
And how did your tiny little brain get stuck on this matter? What republicans decide to do
is their business, a-hole!
"Looking to declare a win"? No moron. I have already won. I won when you posted a FB page from 2012. Remember that?

But keep posting. I guess you love being called a moron, moron.
Like I said, only losers declare themselves winners, as if this is some sort of Olympic contest.

Only childish jerk-offs have to
because it isn't apparent at all to anyone observing that they are winners, in any sense at all.
Certainly not winners in life, judging by their angry, simplistic ad hom attacks.

Childish jerk offs that claim democrats would never call Joe Manchin a traitor and then post about my Face Book citation hosted by someone called Joe Manchin is a Traitor. :rolleyes:
Brilliant work, homunculus.

That's why you can never be considered a "winner" of any kind. You are too stupid.
You are a hit and run troll fuck up that makes my case for me.
Last edited:
It's beyond time for Democrats to just admit to their authoritarian proclivities. Rank and file Democrats no longer value freedom and truth. Disinformation and furthering the narrative has supplanted their individuality and their ability to reason. Very sad.
A PERFECT example of the Democrat loathing for the left, and love of censorship. :(
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
I don't see the the situation with the Dixie Chicks as being quite the same as what we're seeing now. Fans were outraged and boycotted their music but no one demanded that their record label drop them. Radio stations didn't ban their songs. Producers didn't blacklist them. What we're seeing with Weinstein is different. Weinstein isn't being rude, obnoxious or dishonest. He's simply, as a scientist, discussing relevant science topics that raise questions uncomfortable to the Democrat narrative.

And this isn't some RW echo chamber outrage - this is Matt defending a fellow leftist against Democrat attack.

The only group Democrats hate more than conservatives is the left.
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
Oh, thank god for a second I thought the Dixie Chicks were in trouble again.

I never agreed with the treatment of the Dixie Chicks, but that is a rare, isolated case, it's not a rampant and broadly accepted GroupThink by an entire segment of your population.

Everyone knows what is going on, we all see it, it seems not everyone understands the long term consequences. Look at Canada, an economy in taters and a nation that loses it's best talent.
I don't see the the situation with the Dixie Chicks as being quite the same as what we're seeing now. Fans were outraged and boycotted their music but no one demanded that their record label drop them. Radio stations didn't ban their songs. Producers didn't blacklist them. What we're seeing with Weinstein is different. Weinstein isn't being rude, obnoxious or dishonest. He's simply, as a scientist, discussing relevant science topics that raise questions uncomfortable to the Democrat narrative.
The Dixie Chicks were barred from the radio waves by large radio stations because they insulted the president

There is also
Colin Kaepernick
Liz Cheney
Mr. Potatohead
Any celebrity who doesn't like Trump

The problem with boycotts and cancel culture from the right is that there usually just isn't that many of you to make a difference. Where as Matt Lauer, fuck that guy, it makes sense he was fired.
There is a huge difference between having pissed off consumers boycotting individuals for their perceived transgressions and having big tech companies collude with political parties to silence voices they don't want heard. Read the article.

Twitter has a right to remove anyone who breaks their TOS. Just like the country radio stations deplatformed the Dixie Chicks. Or the NFL collectively kicked Kaepernick out of the NFL.
Actually, Twitter doesn't.

But this is a common argument by those who support censorship.

SCOTUS will eventually have to weigh in.

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