The Democrat Party's Rejection of Unity & The United States of America

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.

The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.

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  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
Oh, for Pete's sake, drop the drama! That swill is getting so tired. Get a life.
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
I do believe it was the repubs who bought into MAGA

Make America Great Again as if it wasn't great since 1776
I do believe it was the repubs who bought into MAGA

Make America Great Again as if it wasn't great since 1776
well actually it had to do with the poor direction of obammy, but why look for facts.
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.
so all of the CNN reports are fake about the caravans?
I do believe it was the repubs who bought into MAGA

Make America Great Again as if it wasn't great since 1776
well actually it had to do with the poor direction of obammy, but why look for facts.
You're a little short on facts, yourself, kiddo. You wanna tell us what poor direction you are talking about, or should I just take it on faith that a Trump supporter is an expert on 'poor direction' and 'facts'?
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.
so all of the CNN reports are fake about the caravans?
Of course not, and especially not fake on the fact that the danger of the caravans is ginned up and manipulated beyond reason.
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.
So you oppose appeals for unity? It's not going to hurt you to watch,
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.

You contradict yourself .

Multiculturalism is bad but you want freedom of religion ?

Because what you really want is whites only anabolic Christians only . You are the devisive one .
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.
so all of the CNN reports are fake about the caravans?
Of course not, and especially not fake on the fact that the danger of the caravans is ginned up and manipulated beyond reason.
Tell That to Mexico

Mexico deploys militarized police to block 2,000 migrants from entering Texas
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.[/QUOTE]

I will be watching "All the President's Men" in black and white

color TV just causes to much confusion
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.[/QUOTE]

I will be watching "All the President's Men" in black and white

color TV just causes to much confusion[/QUOTE]
Have you seen "The Post"? If not you're missing a good one. It's about the Pentagon Papers. The last line by Graham is a real grin.
If you were a black person, would you feel like negotiating and unifying with the KKK?
Well, considering that the 8 pm to 10 pm CST block is dedicated to the SOTU on all the major broadcast channels, I'm glad that I have cable and On Demand.

That way, when the Child in Chief starts throwing his tantrum and blaming everyone for the nations troubles, and taking zero responsibility, I'm gonna change the channel.

Besides...............watching them rebuild cars on the Motor Trend (used to be Velocity) channel is more educational and fun to watch than Trump bloviating about how he's been the greatest president evah.
An appeal to unity apparently draws a lot of trolls who oppose unity.

Didn't expect that at all.

I thought maybe some level headed people might want to discuss how we can come together instead of continue to pull apart from each other.
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.
so all of the CNN reports are fake about the caravans?
Of course not, and especially not fake on the fact that the danger of the caravans is ginned up and manipulated beyond reason.
Tell That to Mexico

Mexico deploys militarized police to block 2,000 migrants from entering Texas

If Mexico is stopping them , what’s your worry then?
For the first time in decades I am considering skipping the SOTU in favor of an old DVD. I'm so tired of the 'boy who cried CARAVAN' slapping himself on the back.
so all of the CNN reports are fake about the caravans?
Of course not, and especially not fake on the fact that the danger of the caravans is ginned up and manipulated beyond reason.
Tell That to Mexico

Mexico deploys militarized police to block 2,000 migrants from entering Texas

If Mexico is stopping them , what’s your worry then?
Why are you worried about a wall? What is immoral about Sovereignty, and a Nation's Right to defend it's borders or to have a sensible and orderly immigration process?

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