The Democrat Party's Rejection of Unity & The United States of America

A petulant man-child who made name-calling and personal insults a foundation of his political career, calling for unity.

Maybe he's not the right messenger.

What a fuckin' embarrassment.
He calls Mexicans rapists.

He says people in Africa live in sh!t hole countries.

He called the first black president not American.

He was fined by the federal government for screwing over black tenets.

Forget all his sexual assaults and demeaning women.

Just his racism is a danger to the country.
Nothing wrong with a business struggling. If they do generally it's because they don't pay enough to attract good workers. The market dictates this. Pay equals effort.
Because a sea to sea wall is a waste of money.

Walls in populated areas only the border is fine. Mid of nowhere is stupid .
Israel has drastically cut down on terrorists attacks, illegal immigration and crime by building a wall.

The greatest empires in the world had walls to mark their borders. China, Rome, and going back further when we look at City States, all of them had walls too.

Walls are good for a country, and a wall does not mean The Welcome Mat cannot still be placed upon our doorstep.

Building Walls is what nations do when those outside their borders refuse to respect the laws written for those people who live within those borders.

A Wall is far more cheaper than a war, and far cheaper than the Social Services Support Tax Dollars needed to support an uncontrolled invasion of The United States from people who do not want to be United, nor American.

Or when can just let this happen more and more frequently all across America.

MS 13 is an American gang started in America. Everybody knows that. How could a wall stop an American gang?

The gang members are all natives of El Salvador, so how is it an American gang?

They are from El Salvador nut case.

And there are 1,000s of members just in New York alone, and as many as 70,000 now across the US.

Denard is probably an illegal immigration attorney, or an illegal alien himself. That or a commie bastard.

But Denard, why don't you listen to The President of The United States tonight, and change your calcified heart and do what is best for America for once?

He's the most INEFFECTIVE President in history. With the double goosing of the tax cuts and the trillion dollar deficit, the economy should be going through the roof, instead it's barely hanging on to the same level of growth as the Obama economy was doing raising interest rates and cutting the deficit.

The tax cut hasn't generated the investment hoped for, nor the raises for employee wages which are showing the exact same growth or slightly less that right wingers called "anemic" and "sluggish" when Obama was President, is and now magically the "best economy in history" when Trump is President.

:desk: Obammy?
A petulant man-child who made name-calling and personal insults a foundation of his political career, calling for unity.

Maybe he's not the right messenger.

What a fuckin' embarrassment.
Says the uncommitted internet douchebag
Because a sea to sea wall is a waste of money.

Walls in populated areas only the border is fine. Mid of nowhere is stupid .
Israel has drastically cut down on terrorists attacks, illegal immigration and crime by building a wall.

The greatest empires in the world had walls to mark their borders. China, Rome, and going back further when we look at City States, all of them had walls too.

Walls are good for a country, and a wall does not mean The Welcome Mat cannot still be placed upon our doorstep.

Building Walls is what nations do when those outside their borders refuse to respect the laws written for those people who live within those borders.

A Wall is far more cheaper than a war, and far cheaper than the Social Services Support Tax Dollars needed to support an uncontrolled invasion of The United States from people who do not want to be United, nor American.

Or when can just let this happen more and more frequently all across America.

MS 13 is an American gang started in America. Everybody knows that. How could a wall stop an American gang?

The gang members are all natives of El Salvador, so how is it an American gang?

They are from El Salvador nut case.

And there are 1,000s of members just in New York alone, and as many as 70,000 now across the US.

Denard is probably an illegal immigration attorney, or an illegal alien himself. That or a commie bastard.

But Denard, why don't you listen to The President of The United States tonight, and change your calcified heart and do what is best for America for once?

He's the most INEFFECTIVE President in history. With the double goosing of the tax cuts and the trillion dollar deficit, the economy should be going through the roof, instead it's barely hanging on to the same level of growth as the Obama economy was doing raising interest rates and cutting the deficit.

The tax cut hasn't generated the investment hoped for, nor the raises for employee wages which are showing the exact same growth or slightly less that right wingers called "anemic" and "sluggish" when Obama was President, is and now magically the "best economy in history" when Trump is President.

Shows you how much you know.
The cuts doubled growth.
Democrats are too busy trying to destroy Trump that they don't even have time to pass legislation.....which is a good thing because everything they try to do is intended to ruin the economy even more than they did in 2008.
The Fed is busy raising interest rates hoping it will bring the economy to a screeching halt....but it's not working.
But my ARMs are going up and I'll probably lose half of them in the next couple of months.....just so the Democrats can claim Trump is an evil bastard. But we both know who the evil motherfuckers are.
Because a sea to sea wall is a waste of money.

Walls in populated areas only the border is fine. Mid of nowhere is stupid .
Israel has drastically cut down on terrorists attacks, illegal immigration and crime by building a wall.

The greatest empires in the world had walls to mark their borders. China, Rome, and going back further when we look at City States, all of them had walls too.

Walls are good for a country, and a wall does not mean The Welcome Mat cannot still be placed upon our doorstep.

Building Walls is what nations do when those outside their borders refuse to respect the laws written for those people who live within those borders.

A Wall is far more cheaper than a war, and far cheaper than the Social Services Support Tax Dollars needed to support an uncontrolled invasion of The United States from people who do not want to be United, nor American.

Or when can just let this happen more and more frequently all across America.

Because people on the other side lobbed big bombs over the wall.

But what have people from Mexico lobbed over the wall? Tacos? Burritos? Chalupa‘s?

They lobbed drugs and anchor babies.

We have 7 million jobs available and 6 million people looking for jobs. We need more workers.

And the drugs come in legally through check points in legal products that you would need to find using dogs or sensors or some kind of sniffer technology. How would a wall stop that? Short answer, it wouldn’t.

Why don't you pay the Brown Slaves working on Democrat Plantations $15 an hour plus pay them benefits?

Do that instead of paying them $5 a day and putting them on welfare and making us support them while they pick your cotton.

Then you won't need to import so many Brown Slaves in to The US from South of The Border to do your Dirty Work.

That’s so weird about your kind. You imagine there’s some, I’m guessing, white leadership in the Democratic Party and all the minorities are somehow servants and slaves.
Weird when the last Democratic president was black and the woman (note I said woman) giving the rebuttal tonight is also black.
You’re kind just doesn’t understand that black people are important to the country into the Democratic Party.
Pitiful, just pitiful
Israel has drastically cut down on terrorists attacks, illegal immigration and crime by building a wall.

The greatest empires in the world had walls to mark their borders. China, Rome, and going back further when we look at City States, all of them had walls too.

Walls are good for a country, and a wall does not mean The Welcome Mat cannot still be placed upon our doorstep.

Building Walls is what nations do when those outside their borders refuse to respect the laws written for those people who live within those borders.

A Wall is far more cheaper than a war, and far cheaper than the Social Services Support Tax Dollars needed to support an uncontrolled invasion of The United States from people who do not want to be United, nor American.

Or when can just let this happen more and more frequently all across America.

MS 13 is an American gang started in America. Everybody knows that. How could a wall stop an American gang?

The gang members are all natives of El Salvador, so how is it an American gang?

They are from El Salvador nut case.

And there are 1,000s of members just in New York alone, and as many as 70,000 now across the US.

Denard is probably an illegal immigration attorney, or an illegal alien himself. That or a commie bastard.

But Denard, why don't you listen to The President of The United States tonight, and change your calcified heart and do what is best for America for once?

He's the most INEFFECTIVE President in history. With the double goosing of the tax cuts and the trillion dollar deficit, the economy should be going through the roof, instead it's barely hanging on to the same level of growth as the Obama economy was doing raising interest rates and cutting the deficit.

The tax cut hasn't generated the investment hoped for, nor the raises for employee wages which are showing the exact same growth or slightly less that right wingers called "anemic" and "sluggish" when Obama was President, is and now magically the "best economy in history" when Trump is President.

Shows you how much you know.
The cuts doubled growth.
Democrats are too busy trying to destroy Trump that they don't even have time to pass legislation.....which is a good thing because everything they try to do is intended to ruin the economy even more than they did in 2008.
The Fed is busy raising interest rates hoping it will bring the economy to a screeching halt....but it's not working.
But my ARMs are going up and I'll probably lose half of them in the next couple of months.....just so the Democrats can claim Trump is an evil bastard. But we both know who the evil motherfuckers are.

The cuts didn’t double.

They tripled.

Our deficit

the lying fukker Trump.
Why do you need so many Brown Slaves to run your Dem plantations and sweatshops then?
Israel has drastically cut down on terrorists attacks, illegal immigration and crime by building a wall.

The greatest empires in the world had walls to mark their borders. China, Rome, and going back further when we look at City States, all of them had walls too.

Walls are good for a country, and a wall does not mean The Welcome Mat cannot still be placed upon our doorstep.

Building Walls is what nations do when those outside their borders refuse to respect the laws written for those people who live within those borders.

A Wall is far more cheaper than a war, and far cheaper than the Social Services Support Tax Dollars needed to support an uncontrolled invasion of The United States from people who do not want to be United, nor American.

Or when can just let this happen more and more frequently all across America.

Because people on the other side lobbed big bombs over the wall.

But what have people from Mexico lobbed over the wall? Tacos? Burritos? Chalupa‘s?

They lobbed drugs and anchor babies.

We have 7 million jobs available and 6 million people looking for jobs. We need more workers.

And the drugs come in legally through check points in legal products that you would need to find using dogs or sensors or some kind of sniffer technology. How would a wall stop that? Short answer, it wouldn’t.

Why don't you pay the Brown Slaves working on Democrat Plantations $15 an hour plus pay them benefits?

Do that instead of paying them $5 a day and putting them on welfare and making us support them while they pick your cotton.

Then you won't need to import so many Brown Slaves in to The US from South of The Border to do your Dirty Work.

That’s so weird about your kind. You imagine there’s some, I’m guessing, white leadership in the Democratic Party and all the minorities are somehow servants and slaves.
Weird when the last Democratic president was black and the woman (note I said woman) giving the rebuttal tonight is also black.
You’re kind just doesn’t understand that black people are important to the country into the Democratic Party.
Pitiful, just pitiful
Actually Obama ran Trillion Dollar Deficits numb nuts so President Trump
Has slowed the bleeding.

Off the hinge much?

How’s your rage level tonight now that Nancy caved in to Trump’s State of The Union?

Like is it a 9?

MS 13 is an American gang started in America. Everybody knows that. How could a wall stop an American gang?
The gang members are all natives of El Salvador, so how is it an American gang?
They are from El Salvador nut case.

And there are 1,000s of members just in New York alone, and as many as 70,000 now across the US.

Denard is probably an illegal immigration attorney, or an illegal alien himself. That or a commie bastard.

But Denard, why don't you listen to The President of The United States tonight, and change your calcified heart and do what is best for America for once?
He's the most INEFFECTIVE President in history. With the double goosing of the tax cuts and the trillion dollar deficit, the economy should be going through the roof, instead it's barely hanging on to the same level of growth as the Obama economy was doing raising interest rates and cutting the deficit.

The tax cut hasn't generated the investment hoped for, nor the raises for employee wages which are showing the exact same growth or slightly less that right wingers called "anemic" and "sluggish" when Obama was President, is and now magically the "best economy in history" when Trump is President.
Shows you how much you know.
The cuts doubled growth.
Democrats are too busy trying to destroy Trump that they don't even have time to pass legislation.....which is a good thing because everything they try to do is intended to ruin the economy even more than they did in 2008.
The Fed is busy raising interest rates hoping it will bring the economy to a screeching halt....but it's not working.
But my ARMs are going up and I'll probably lose half of them in the next couple of months.....just so the Democrats can claim Trump is an evil bastard. But we both know who the evil motherfuckers are.
The cuts didn’t double.

They tripled.

Our deficit

the lying fukker Trump.
A petulant man-child who made name-calling and personal insults a foundation of his political career, calling for unity.

Maybe he's not the right messenger.

What a fuckin' embarrassment.
Yeah.....course most of the shit you're thinking about is really the name-calling and personal insults they've been throwing at him for the last 3 years.

Heck, all you have to do is stand in these people's way and you become a similar target.
Poor Donald, the innocent victim. He has no choice but to respond in kind.

That's fine when you're six. Maybe.
Yeah....that makes what the Democrats and their are media doing A OKAY.
It's because he hurt their feelings. Any fraud they commit, well he just had it coming.
That's gives them the right to make up one story after another.
Under normal circumstances a private citizen would be suing their balls off, but we all know Trump can't do that.
Course he could sic the IRS on them like Obama did.....or break into their homes with SWAT teams looking for evidence of crimes like Mueller is.
Frankly, considering the situation I think Trump has been the only adult in all of this.

But blind fuckers like you cannot spot that to save your lives.
Israel has drastically cut down on terrorists attacks, illegal immigration and crime by building a wall.

The greatest empires in the world had walls to mark their borders. China, Rome, and going back further when we look at City States, all of them had walls too.

Walls are good for a country, and a wall does not mean The Welcome Mat cannot still be placed upon our doorstep.

Building Walls is what nations do when those outside their borders refuse to respect the laws written for those people who live within those borders.

A Wall is far more cheaper than a war, and far cheaper than the Social Services Support Tax Dollars needed to support an uncontrolled invasion of The United States from people who do not want to be United, nor American.

Or when can just let this happen more and more frequently all across America.

Because people on the other side lobbed big bombs over the wall.

But what have people from Mexico lobbed over the wall? Tacos? Burritos? Chalupa‘s?

They lobbed drugs and anchor babies.

We have 7 million jobs available and 6 million people looking for jobs. We need more workers.

And the drugs come in legally through check points in legal products that you would need to find using dogs or sensors or some kind of sniffer technology. How would a wall stop that? Short answer, it wouldn’t.

What happens when we have a recession and we have 14 million people looking for 1 million jobs?

Wow! That sounds like the GOP economic plan! Is it?

Wrong. That's the Dim economic plan. You just enunciated it as your plan, dumbass.
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
That is quite the rant.

Too bad it's almost all lies, exaggerations, and misrepresentations.
It's 100% dead accurate.
A petulant man-child who made name-calling and personal insults a foundation of his political career, calling for unity.

Maybe he's not the right messenger.

What a fuckin' embarrassment.
Says the uncommitted internet douchebag
I make a clear statement and you pretend I'm uncommitted.

I love this place.

Go back to your radio.

A petulant man-child who made name-calling and personal insults a foundation of his political career, calling for unity.

Maybe he's not the right messenger.

What a fuckin' embarrassment.
Yeah.....course most of the shit you're thinking about is really the name-calling and personal insults they've been throwing at him for the last 3 years.

Heck, all you have to do is stand in these people's way and you become a similar target.
Poor Donald, the innocent victim. He has no choice but to respond in kind.

That's fine when you're six. Maybe.
Yeah....that makes what the Democrats and their are media doing A OKAY.
It's because he hurt their feelings. Any fraud they commit, well he just had it coming.
That's gives them the right to make up one story after another.
Under normal circumstances a private citizen would be suing their balls off, but we all know Trump can't do that.
Course he could sic the IRS on them like Obama did.....or break into their homes with SWAT teams looking for evidence of crimes like Mueller is.
Frankly, considering the situation I think Trump has been the only adult in all of this.

But blind fuckers like you cannot spot that to save your lives.
Wingers always have an excuse to behave like children.

It's always justifiable when "my" side does it.

The race to the bottom continues. I don't know why you folks are so proud of this.
Last edited:
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.
That is quite the rant.

Too bad it's almost all lies, exaggerations, and misrepresentations.
It's 100% dead accurate.
Yeah..... NO.
A petulant man-child who made name-calling and personal insults a foundation of his political career, calling for unity.

Maybe he's not the right messenger.

What a fuckin' embarrassment.
Yeah.....course most of the shit you're thinking about is really the name-calling and personal insults they've been throwing at him for the last 3 years.

Heck, all you have to do is stand in these people's way and you become a similar target.
Poor Donald, the innocent victim. He has no choice but to respond in kind.

That's fine when you're six. Maybe.
Yeah....that makes what the Democrats and their are media doing A OKAY.
It's because he hurt their feelings. Any fraud they commit, well he just had it coming.
That's gives them the right to make up one story after another.
Under normal circumstances a private citizen would be suing their balls off, but we all know Trump can't do that.
Course he could sic the IRS on them like Obama did.....or break into their homes with SWAT teams looking for evidence of crimes like Mueller is.
Frankly, considering the situation I think Trump has been the only adult in all of this.

But blind fuckers like you cannot spot that to save your lives.
Wingers always have an excuse to behave like children.

It's always justifiable when "my" side does it.

The race to the bottom continues. I don't know why you folks are so proud of this.

Do you have anything important to say about making this country better or it's people more prosperous?
Do you have anything important to say about making this country better or it's people more prosperous?
Yes. First we have to find a way to marginalize and/or neutralize the loons on each end who are causing the country so much damage with their narcissism, tribalism, divisiveness, personal attacks, intellectual myopia, distortions, hyperbole and outright lies.

Then, my positions on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

You're welcome.
  • Citizenship is no longer special in The Democrat Party's Eyes.
  • Assimilation is Racism, and Multiculturalism is a means to separate people not bring them together.
  • Identity Politics is yet another way to divide people and pit them against one another. Instead of healing divisions, they prey upon them for political gain.
  • Religious Freedom is bigoted, intolerant, and they strive instead for a Puritanical Political Correctness with the leaders of such a movement operating as The Moral Authority for an Amoral Political Party. "Having a form of Godliness but Denying God."
  • Not My President, and The Resistance is a response to losing an election.
  • A "Subpoena Cannon" is the response to a failed COUP launched by the very organizations that are supposed to be above reproach, and are to be an example of The Rule of Law instead of an example of political corruption and bias.
  • Border Security and being a Sovereign Nation is an Immorality rather than a sign of a Nation's Strength and Resolve to keep what made it special alive. And this is despite the fact that America allows more immigration to it than any nation on Earth. Yet somehow advocating orderly migration is a 'thought crime'.
  • Accusations are more important than facts, due process and one's Civil Rights. Fairness is an inconvenient obstacle to political goals.
  • Sexual assault or the allegations and mere accusations of a crime against a woman has become weaponized for political gain, leaving actual victims of assault diminished and unheard.
  • Global Warming, Income Inequality, Universal Health Care, Free Education are nothing more than wolves in Sheep's Clothing used to appeal to emotion, and to impose a Mandated Universal Socialism upon a free people and a means to end Individualism and Individual Liberties through economic and social slavery
  • Courts are no longer a place to seek justice, but are a place to look for a sympathetic judge who you hope will overturn The Will of The People.
  • Open Borders, and refusal to secure our borders are an injustice to illegal immigrants who are beset upon by coyotes, violent gangs, human traffickers, drug dealers, and "plantation" and "sweat shop" owners in our own country who need a continual supply of "Brown Slaves" to make their industry profitable in their opinion. There has been no emancipation for them.
  • Respect for Nature, Biology & Life are nonexistent, when The Left callously and gleefully cheers the right to murder a viable baby capable of living outside the womb even before it's born, while they chastise, harass, and bully those people who think men should not be in women's restrooms. You can teach a child about homosexuality in the classroom, but you cannot teach a child right from wrong, teach them about Natural Law, The Enlightenment, or that our Forefather's believed that Humanity was special, and were granted Rights and Liberties from an authority higher than that of man, or The Governments of Men. Transgender Drag Queens can read books to our children, but no one dare try to teach them The Pledge of Allegiance, and Respect for The Flag and our country.
The President's message tonight will be an appeal to those people who want to divide us, and who want to eradicate American Culture, and who choose to wipe their feet on the welcome mat of E Pluribus Unum, but such people have already headed down The Road to Rebellion, The Road to Resistance, The Road to Perdition.

While it is never too late to pull back the reigns of a mule train charging wildly for the cliffs, and while a good faith appeal from The President for The People to unify and come together to combat the numerous forces of Evil who are forever trying to chip away at The American Dream, American Sovereignty, and American Freedoms, these pleas will not be heard in my opinion unless there is a Divine Intervention in the Calloused Hearts of men who choose not to listen to reason.

So what I am advocating to those who will listen, despite all the barbs and poking in the ribs we do here, is that we pray for our opposition, pray for our enemies, not for their destruction, but pray for their ears, their hearts and their minds to be opened to the idea of UNITY so that they may free themselves from the politics of personal destruction, vendetta, strife and division.

For when America is united and strong, no one has ever been able to stand against us. And why we may have differences of opinion, we do not have to tear lady liberty apart to do what is best, not for our party, but for our people. For what is just, and right and good makes for a rising tide that lifts all boats if we all inhabit the same sea.

Pray for your adversaries, pray for your enemies, pray for America tonight.

United we all succeed, Divided we all fall.

It's E Pluribus Unum that has always made America the envy of the world, people united together in the love of freedom, love of life, and the pursuit of happiness.

That is what is meant by Make America Great Again. Reagan said it, Clinton said it, and it has nothing at all to do with the man now in office and everything to do with We The People.

I didn't watch. Did I miss anything?
Do you have anything important to say about making this country better or it's people more prosperous?
Yes. First we have to find a way to marginalize and/or neutralize the loons on each end who are causing the country so much damage with their narcissism, tribalism, divisiveness, personal attacks, intellectual myopia, distortions, hyperbole and outright lies.

Then, my positions on the issues are located in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

You're welcome.
uncommitted yes indeed. If you don't fight for anything, you are uncommitted. over a year now, and still nothing of meaning in this forum. Just the constant bad right, bad left, look at me I'm neither. not sure what that actually means uncommitted!!!!

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