The Democratic Party Is Wounded and Dangerous


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Democratic Party Is Wounded and Dangerous
March 6, 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk
Beware the wounded animal. In pain and desperation, it will do violent things. It seems to me no coincidence that Joe Biden's big win on Super Tuesday was followed by Democratic senator Chuck Schumer threatening conservative members of the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
Joe Biden is hardly Lancelot to President Trump's dragon. The Democrats and the Deep State needed a first-class warrior; instead, their best option is a walking advertisement for Alzheimer's awareness. In his best days, Joe Biden was the political equivalent of Jack McCall, shooting his adversaries in the back. When he wasn't using his position of power for financial gain or stealing other people's words, he was helping his family line their own pockets. Today, he's a disoriented and stumbling shell of an unimportant political hack who looks on in confusion while his wife does his fighting for him. If you've ever wondered what happens to the shriveled soul of a lifetime liar and Democratic swindler, just cast your eyes upon Old Joe. He's a walking, talking effigy of Democratic corruption and amorality. He's what the Democratic Party usually keeps far off the main stage for the back-alley entertainment; now he's the main event, but no amount of stick-prodding by Donna Brazile or Tom Perez is going to turn Joe Biden into Fred Astaire. He's a freak-show carnival attraction at best, amazing onlookers by his ability to occasionally jumble audible words together into a sentence. The Democrats needed a man who could command a movement; all they got was a man who can barely control his own.
The Democrats and the Deep State have spent the last four years constructing the greatest wag-the-dog spectacle America's ever seen in an attempt to cover up the malfeasance and criminality of the last administration, while preventing the current one from achieving too many victories. Considering that Brennan and Comey are still free and Obama and Hillary are still smiling, they've been remarkably successful. But the Mueller obfuscation and Schiff circus are behind us, the dance music of delay is dying down, and the Democrats' and Deep State's ability to keep pushing back their day of reckoning is coming to an end. If they don't win in 2020, they cannot keep justice at bay, regardless of how stacked in their favor it has always been in the past.
No wonder Chuck Schumer sounds like some injured animal in the forest, lashing out at tree branches all around him. That's what small, weak, dying creatures do when they know the end is near.

While we discuss the words Progressive, Marxist and Socialism in our country identifying "Bernie brothers movement". Why don't we call it what it is...Communists hoping for gulags, Communists attempting to assassinate Republicans. History won't remember us kindly if we allow them to succeed..
America has allowed that camel to poke it's nose under it's tent for too long.
Bernie brothers and sister fanatics are capable of thousands deaths in their riots in Blue Plantation Sanctuary cities. Undoubtedly before this election season is over we will see it happening. If not paid for thugs, then #Antifa or # BLM will attack.
President Trump's re-election will trigger the Left in this country and in response may launch an "Intifada", given that we armed "Deplorables" are NOT going to be being disarmed anytime soon thereafter, if the PMS/DSA Lefties are empty headed enough to test America and it's freedom minded citizens by attempting to bring "Intifada" to "flyover country", my prediction is that it will be a very short and bloody test that they'll lose.
They have enough dildos in the world to stop pissed of Americans
The bad news is that they may be dangerous.
But not overly dangerous, as they are spineless. For e.g., take into account the typical Bernie supporter.
Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone.

Barr is keeping Comey, Clapper and Brennan safe.

Rest Easy Deep State, Barr and the DOJ has your back
The Democratic Party Is Wounded and Dangerous
March 6, 2020 ~~ By J.B. Shurk
Beware the wounded animal. In pain and desperation, it will do violent things. It seems to me no coincidence that Joe Biden's big win on Super Tuesday was followed by Democratic senator Chuck Schumer threatening conservative members of the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
Joe Biden is hardly Lancelot to President Trump's dragon. The Democrats and the Deep State needed a first-class warrior; instead, their best option is a walking advertisement for Alzheimer's awareness. In his best days, Joe Biden was the political equivalent of Jack McCall, shooting his adversaries in the back. When he wasn't using his position of power for financial gain or stealing other people's words, he was helping his family line their own pockets. Today, he's a disoriented and stumbling shell of an unimportant political hack who looks on in confusion while his wife does his fighting for him. If you've ever wondered what happens to the shriveled soul of a lifetime liar and Democratic swindler, just cast your eyes upon Old Joe. He's a walking, talking effigy of Democratic corruption and amorality. He's what the Democratic Party usually keeps far off the main stage for the back-alley entertainment; now he's the main event, but no amount of stick-prodding by Donna Brazile or Tom Perez is going to turn Joe Biden into Fred Astaire. He's a freak-show carnival attraction at best, amazing onlookers by his ability to occasionally jumble audible words together into a sentence. The Democrats needed a man who could command a movement; all they got was a man who can barely control his own.
The Democrats and the Deep State have spent the last four years constructing the greatest wag-the-dog spectacle America's ever seen in an attempt to cover up the malfeasance and criminality of the last administration, while preventing the current one from achieving too many victories. Considering that Brennan and Comey are still free and Obama and Hillary are still smiling, they've been remarkably successful. But the Mueller obfuscation and Schiff circus are behind us, the dance music of delay is dying down, and the Democrats' and Deep State's ability to keep pushing back their day of reckoning is coming to an end. If they don't win in 2020, they cannot keep justice at bay, regardless of how stacked in their favor it has always been in the past.
No wonder Chuck Schumer sounds like some injured animal in the forest, lashing out at tree branches all around him. That's what small, weak, dying creatures do when they know the end is near.

While we discuss the words Progressive, Marxist and Socialism in our country identifying "Bernie brothers movement". Why don't we call it what it is...Communists hoping for gulags, Communists attempting to assassinate Republicans. History won't remember us kindly if we allow them to succeed..
America has allowed that camel to poke it's nose under it's tent for too long.
Bernie brothers and sister fanatics are capable of thousands deaths in their riots in Blue Plantation Sanctuary cities. Undoubtedly before this election season is over we will see it happening. If not paid for thugs, then #Antifa or # BLM will attack.
President Trump's re-election will trigger the Left in this country and in response may launch an "Intifada", given that we armed "Deplorables" are NOT going to be being disarmed anytime soon thereafter, if the PMS/DSA Lefties are empty headed enough to test America and it's freedom minded citizens by attempting to bring "Intifada" to "flyover country", my prediction is that it will be a very short and bloody test that they'll lose.

Wounded and Dangerous? The Democratic Party is more like Custer at Little Bighorn, full of arrows, limping on one leg about to collapse.

The bad news is that they may be dangerous.
But not overly dangerous, as they are spineless. For e.g., take into account the typical Bernie supporter.
Bernie Supporters have threatened to burn the city of Milwaukee to the ground if Commie Sanders isnt the nominee. ANTIFA will show up at Trump rallies and prey on the women, gays, and elderly(because they know they will get the shit beat out of them by REAL men). Violence is coming as was called for by that MF'er Up Chuck Schmooozer. I hope he gets what happened to Congresswoman Giffords….
The bad news is that they may be dangerous.
But not overly dangerous, as they are spineless. For e.g., take into account the typical Bernie supporter.
Bernie Supporters have threatened to burn the city of Milwaukee to the ground if Commie Sanders isnt the nominee. ANTIFA will show up at Trump rallies and prey on the women, gays, and elderly(because they know they will get the shit beat out of them by REAL men). Violence is coming as was called for by that MF'er Up Chuck Schmooozer. I hope he gets what happened to Congresswoman Giffords….
You would think they would be arrested, but nope they still work for the campaign..
The bad news is that they may be dangerous.
But not overly dangerous, as they are spineless. For e.g., take into account the typical Bernie supporter.
Bernie Supporters have threatened to burn the city of Milwaukee to the ground if Commie Sanders isnt the nominee. ANTIFA will show up at Trump rallies and prey on the women, gays, and elderly(because they know they will get the shit beat out of them by REAL men). Violence is coming as was called for by that MF'er Up Chuck Schmooozer. I hope he gets what happened to Congresswoman Giffords….

That's why batons, German shepherds, and plenty of tear gas exist.
Now, only if they are used.
The bad news is that they may be dangerous.
But not overly dangerous, as they are spineless. For e.g., take into account the typical Bernie supporter.
Bernie Supporters have threatened to burn the city of Milwaukee to the ground if Commie Sanders isnt the nominee. ANTIFA will show up at Trump rallies and prey on the women, gays, and elderly(because they know they will get the shit beat out of them by REAL men). Violence is coming as was called for by that MF'er Up Chuck Schmooozer. I hope he gets what happened to Congresswoman Giffords….

That's why batons, German shepherds, and plenty of tear gas exist.
Now, only if they are used.
I will be voting and wearing my MAGA hat. I hope ANTIFA shows up in my neighborhood.

Those pussies only seem to show up in states that have strict gun laws, that protect the criminals but hurt the victims...

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