The Democratic Party. The Party of Riots, Looting and Stolen Elections

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
It was neither free nor for, douchebag. It was a swindle, and hopefully a lot if Dims will be going to prison as a result.

It was free and fair. Trump lost. Quit bitching, princess. Or you know what, keep bitching. The longer this goes on, the more air is let out of that Republican balloon that dodged an electoral bullet two weeks ago. Lots of them getting real nervous right now. :)
It was not free or fair, shit for brains. Morons like you wouldn't be bitchen if you thought there was no chance of Trump winning. You all know this election was a swindle

It was free and fair. I'm not bitching about anything. Same way I didn't bitch four years ago. I was disappointed but accepted Trump's win. He had four years to pivot and show me that he actually was interested in the job he was elected to do. Perfectly within his grasp...OK, I almost typed that out without laughing out loud. The guy is an incompetent narcissist. He lost. Stop tilting at windmills. You'll have plenty of things to bitch about after 1/20/2020. And Trump will still be around on Twitterverse to give you your least until the lawsuits and legal action start coming for him. :)
It was a swindle.

Because your guy lost. And he couldn't have possibly lost...right?
Whelp, he did. By about 6 million votes and counting. 306-227..same difference as four years ago.
Except this time, he's on the losing end. Deal with it and move on.
The election was a swindle. Case closed.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
A serious country? You mean the kind were scum like you fuck all the productive members of society up the ass?

I love the way none of you assholes can explain what the advantage to me is of having my taxes increased and the country flooded by illegals.

Who said anything about your taxes being increased? I haven't heard anything from Biden's team about a middle class tax increase. Just on people
earning over 400K and corporations. Rolling back the Ryan/McConnell tax gift is the smart thing to do. Because, no matter how many times right wingers
repeat it, tax NOT increase revenues. :)
ROFL! You believe that's going to raise the $7 trillion he needs for all his schemes?

Raising taxes is never a smart thing to do. Supporting tax increases is proof that you're a moron.

Supporting a tax system that not only encourages growth, but also takes in enough money to keep our budgets balanced is the smart thing to do. It's never ending slavish devotion to supply sided economics that Reagan began in 1982 that is part of the reason our economy is in the position it's in. Tax cuts don't increase revenues.
Taxes do not encourage growth, moron. Giving money to government to waste only promotes economic decline.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
When you cheat to win, we aren't over turning it.

Biden didn't cheat.
And you're not over turning anything.
Your entire party cheated and it will be over turned!

And yet the democrats lost 8 seats in the House and didn't take the Senate.

You don't have a clue.
Even if your party gets away with it. Biden isn't going to be the president. Goodbye to freedom, your too stupid to see it. When they get total power you will be nothing but a pawn to them. Even though you supported them the whole time. You will suffer the same as the rest of us. Just like old Russia.

It is "you're too stupid" not "your too stupid" shit brains.
Hyping on technical gaffs seems to be your modus opreandi lately. Does that make you feel smart?

Its "gaffes' not "gaffs" shit brains.
ROFL! What a douchebag.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
A serious country? You mean the kind were scum like you fuck all the productive members of society up the ass?

I love the way none of you assholes can explain what the advantage to me is of having my taxes increased and the country flooded by illegals.

Who said anything about your taxes being increased? I haven't heard anything from Biden's team about a middle class tax increase. Just on people
earning over 400K and corporations. Rolling back the Ryan/McConnell tax gift is the smart thing to do. Because, no matter how many times right wingers
repeat it, tax NOT increase revenues. :)
A nutter's crystal ball is very clean. They can tell you everything that will happen years in advance.

Surely you know that!

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
A serious country? You mean the kind were scum like you fuck all the productive members of society up the ass?

I love the way none of you assholes can explain what the advantage to me is of having my taxes increased and the country flooded by illegals.

Who said anything about your taxes being increased? I haven't heard anything from Biden's team about a middle class tax increase. Just on people
earning over 400K and corporations. Rolling back the Ryan/McConnell tax gift is the smart thing to do. Because, no matter how many times right wingers
repeat it, tax NOT increase revenues. :)
A nutter's crystal ball is very clean. They can tell you everything that will happen years in advance.

Surely you know that!
It's easy to predict what progs will do: More taxes. More laws. More regulations. More restrictions on our freedom.

One again, you prove that you're no different than the rest of the progs.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Yeah, make china great again! You people are pathetic.
Make China great again? I'm sure this makes sense in your world. I don't know what to tell you.
Biden is owned by China, but I know you are too stupid to see it. Russia has your little mind fogged.
Yeah, dittos Rush. Boring.
Lol, china is celebrating a Biden win. I'm sure Biden will be stupid enough to get his son some more perks from them.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
It was neither free nor for, douchebag. It was a swindle, and hopefully a lot if Dims will be going to prison as a result.

It was free and fair. Trump lost. Quit bitching, princess. Or you know what, keep bitching. The longer this goes on, the more air is let out of that Republican balloon that dodged an electoral bullet two weeks ago. Lots of them getting real nervous right now. :)
It was not free or fair, shit for brains. Morons like you wouldn't be bitchen if you thought there was no chance of Trump winning. You all know this election was a swindle

It was free and fair. I'm not bitching about anything. Same way I didn't bitch four years ago. I was disappointed but accepted Trump's win. He had four years to pivot and show me that he actually was interested in the job he was elected to do. Perfectly within his grasp...OK, I almost typed that out without laughing out loud. The guy is an incompetent narcissist. He lost. Stop tilting at windmills. You'll have plenty of things to bitch about after 1/20/2020. And Trump will still be around on Twitterverse to give you your least until the lawsuits and legal action start coming for him. :)
It was a swindle.

Because your guy lost. And he couldn't have possibly lost...right?
Whelp, he did. By about 6 million votes and counting. 306-227..same difference as four years ago.
Except this time, he's on the losing end. Deal with it and move on.
The election was a swindle. Case closed.

It will be closed. The legal baloney is just lasting a bit longer than I thought.
I think Sidney and the D Team are gonna be forced to show whatever cards they think they have this week.
That will be worth the price of admission.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
It was neither free nor for, douchebag. It was a swindle, and hopefully a lot if Dims will be going to prison as a result.

It was free and fair. Trump lost. Quit bitching, princess. Or you know what, keep bitching. The longer this goes on, the more air is let out of that Republican balloon that dodged an electoral bullet two weeks ago. Lots of them getting real nervous right now. :)
It was not free or fair, shit for brains. Morons like you wouldn't be bitchen if you thought there was no chance of Trump winning. You all know this election was a swindle

It was free and fair. I'm not bitching about anything. Same way I didn't bitch four years ago. I was disappointed but accepted Trump's win. He had four years to pivot and show me that he actually was interested in the job he was elected to do. Perfectly within his grasp...OK, I almost typed that out without laughing out loud. The guy is an incompetent narcissist. He lost. Stop tilting at windmills. You'll have plenty of things to bitch about after 1/20/2020. And Trump will still be around on Twitterverse to give you your least until the lawsuits and legal action start coming for him. :)
It was a swindle.

Because your guy lost. And he couldn't have possibly lost...right?
Whelp, he did. By about 6 million votes and counting. 306-227..same difference as four years ago.
Except this time, he's on the losing end. Deal with it and move on.
The election was a swindle. Case closed.

It will be closed. The legal baloney is just lasting a bit longer than I thought.
I think Sidney and the D Team are gonna be forced to show whatever cards they think they have this week.
That will be worth the price of admission.
Read my lips: the election was a swindle.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
When you cheat to win, we aren't over turning it.

Biden didn't cheat.
And you're not over turning anything.
Your entire party cheated and it will be over turned!

And yet the democrats lost 8 seats in the House and didn't take the Senate.

You don't have a clue.
Even if your party gets away with it. Biden isn't going to be the president. Goodbye to freedom, your too stupid to see it. When they get total power you will be nothing but a pawn to them. Even though you supported them the whole time. You will suffer the same as the rest of us. Just like old Russia.

It is "you're too stupid" not "your too stupid" shit brains.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
The only interesting thing these people have to offer going forward will be in seeing how many of them wake up to the con.

Otherwise, come Inauguration Day, we finally move forward and become a serious country again. Yesterday's meeting between our adult President-Elect and the bipartisan leadership of the National Governor's Association, a mature, critical and productive discussion about addressing COVID, was a hopeful look into the future.
Maybe one day you will wake up and realize that Donald Trump was despised by the political class and the media (same thing really) because he wouldn’t play ball. He wasn’t in on the scheme of cutting deals and making financial commitments that didn’t benefit American citizens in exchange for getting the politicians and their families rich. He wasn’t on board, and they did all the could you demonize him. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

He was despised because he was an incompetent, corrupt narcissistic human being. He cares only about himself. Past, present, future. End of Story. He is about enriching himself, his family, and his interests at the expense of everyone and everything else. The man had absolutely no interest in doing the job of being President of the United States. He like the adoration, attention, and ego boost that came from always running for it. Why do you think he likes his pep rallies so much. Fawning, adoring sheep willing to drive hundreds of miles to come hear a carnival barker riff like the last drunk at the bar at closing time. This man wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

And you and people like you helped enable him. Bought his gear, attended his pep rallies, supported him on your right wing dungeon sites. Yep, Barnum was right, there's one born every minute. And there's a crapload of you suckers. :)
Really? So being the president enriched him? Last estimate I saw his net worth decreased by a billion dollars. That will likely continue to worsen.
He liked the attention and adoration? Trump was universally liked by everyone prior to running. The media loved him, Hollywood loved him, rappers wanted to be like him, etc. the minute her ran he was demonized.
so seeing as how your first 2 assertions are clearly incorrect, what else do you got?
Why does he like his “pep rallies”? Because he gets to speak directly to the American people without the filter of the media.

The only reason Trump was liked before running for office is because nobody knew anything about him. When he threw his hat in the ring and then became the nominee, that is when they really started digging into his past. Nobody dug up much against Trump before he ran, because nobody really cared much about him and were willing to believe his bloviating bullshit.
You didn't dig up anything but faux scandals.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
It was neither free nor for, douchebag. It was a swindle, and hopefully a lot if Dims will be going to prison as a result.

It was free and fair. Trump lost. Quit bitching, princess. Or you know what, keep bitching. The longer this goes on, the more air is let out of that Republican balloon that dodged an electoral bullet two weeks ago. Lots of them getting real nervous right now. :)
It was not free or fair, shit for brains. Morons like you wouldn't be bitchen if you thought there was no chance of Trump winning. You all know this election was a swindle

It was free and fair. I'm not bitching about anything. Same way I didn't bitch four years ago. I was disappointed but accepted Trump's win. He had four years to pivot and show me that he actually was interested in the job he was elected to do. Perfectly within his grasp...OK, I almost typed that out without laughing out loud. The guy is an incompetent narcissist. He lost. Stop tilting at windmills. You'll have plenty of things to bitch about after 1/20/2020. And Trump will still be around on Twitterverse to give you your least until the lawsuits and legal action start coming for him. :)
It was a swindle.

Because your guy lost. And he couldn't have possibly lost...right?
Whelp, he did. By about 6 million votes and counting. 306-227..same difference as four years ago.
Except this time, he's on the losing end. Deal with it and move on.
The election was a swindle. Case closed.

It will be closed. The legal baloney is just lasting a bit longer than I thought.
I think Sidney and the D Team are gonna be forced to show whatever cards they think they have this week.
That will be worth the price of admission.
Read my lips: the election was a swindle.

Say it as many times as you want. Go outside and scream at the sky if it makes you feel better.
There is no, was no, and won't be ANY evidence of widespread voter fraud. Officials on both sides of the aisle say so.
Game Over. Trump lost. Have a beer, cry in it. Get mad. But move on.
Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election.

PROVE it was free and fair, Jack! Just CALLING it free and fair doesn't MAKE it free and fair-- -- -- even a root nematode or a tardigrade could see that there are MANY, almost innumerable questions screaming to be answered about this election!

If this was our best example of what passes as "free and fair" in America, I'd sure hate to see our worst.

We can no longer point to any 3rd world dictatorship in the world and hold our heads up high claiming America is the shining beacon of ---- ANYTHING.

America has been run straight down the rat hole by 30 years of leftwing-progressive madness and idiocy.

Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election. Again, you Trump supporters are just reaffirming you are the cancers we thought you were. In the end, the only reason you support this man is your dislike of people who don't look like you and don't think like you. Trump just made it OK for you to voice out loud the bigotry and prejudice that was drilled into your upbringing by your Silent Generation and Baby Boomer families.
It was neither free nor for, douchebag. It was a swindle, and hopefully a lot if Dims will be going to prison as a result.

It was free and fair. Trump lost. Quit bitching, princess. Or you know what, keep bitching. The longer this goes on, the more air is let out of that Republican balloon that dodged an electoral bullet two weeks ago. Lots of them getting real nervous right now. :)
It was not free or fair, shit for brains. Morons like you wouldn't be bitchen if you thought there was no chance of Trump winning. You all know this election was a swindle

It was free and fair. I'm not bitching about anything. Same way I didn't bitch four years ago. I was disappointed but accepted Trump's win. He had four years to pivot and show me that he actually was interested in the job he was elected to do. Perfectly within his grasp...OK, I almost typed that out without laughing out loud. The guy is an incompetent narcissist. He lost. Stop tilting at windmills. You'll have plenty of things to bitch about after 1/20/2020. And Trump will still be around on Twitterverse to give you your least until the lawsuits and legal action start coming for him. :)
It was a swindle.

Because your guy lost. And he couldn't have possibly lost...right?
Whelp, he did. By about 6 million votes and counting. 306-227..same difference as four years ago.
Except this time, he's on the losing end. Deal with it and move on.
The election was a swindle. Case closed.

It will be closed. The legal baloney is just lasting a bit longer than I thought.
I think Sidney and the D Team are gonna be forced to show whatever cards they think they have this week.
That will be worth the price of admission.
Read my lips: the election was a swindle.

Say it as many times as you want. Go outside and scream at the sky if it makes you feel better.
There is no, was no, and won't be ANY evidence of widespread voter fraud. Officials on both sides of the aisle say so.
Game Over. Trump lost. Have a beer, cry in it. Get mad. But move on.

The demleftists started out with there is no voter fraud which morphed into there's just a little voter fraud which morphed into all elections have a certain amount of voter fraud which morphed into there's not enough voter fraud to change the outcome.
Yet republicans are trying to overturn elections
When you cheat to win, we aren't over turning it.

Biden didn't cheat.
And you're not over turning anything.
Your entire party cheated and it will be over turned!

And yet the democrats lost 8 seats in the House and didn't take the Senate.

You don't have a clue.
Even if your party gets away with it. Biden isn't going to be the president. Goodbye to freedom, your too stupid to see it. When they get total power you will be nothing but a pawn to them. Even though you supported them the whole time. You will suffer the same as the rest of us. Just like old Russia.

It is "you're too stupid" not "your too stupid" shit brains.
View attachment 419414

That sun is setting. Halleluiah
Only one person and his merry band of enablers is trying to steal a free and fair election.

PROVE it was free and fair, Jack! Just CALLING it free and fair doesn't MAKE it free and fair-- -- -- even a root nematode or a tardigrade could see that there are MANY, almost innumerable questions screaming to be answered about this election!

If this was our best example of what passes as "free and fair" in America, I'd sure hate to see our worst.

We can no longer point to any 3rd world dictatorship in the world and hold our heads up high claiming America is the shining beacon of ---- ANYTHING.

America has been run straight down the rat hole by 30 years of leftwing-progressive madness and idiocy.

Election officials on both sides of the aisle in multiple states have said there was no widespread fraud. There is nothing to prove. All you nutters are presenting is alternative facts and conspiracy theories. The election is over. There is no "proving" anything just because you don't like the outcome. Doesn't work that way. And you don't get to request a do over because of spouting a crapload of fearmongering about left wing this and progressive that. I find it amusing that you used the word dictatorship. Because that's exactly what this country was on its way to under Donald Trump. And you faithful seemed to be quite OK and happy if that happened.
It was neither free nor fair, douchebag. It was a swindle, and hopefully a lot if Dims will be going to prison as a result.

If Xi's man pulls off the steal, not a single party member will go to jail. We go back to Obama era corruption and the child sex trafficking resumes.

Even the Postal Inspector caught on tape threatening a whistleblower's family will walk unscathed, as this is not a nation of laws or justice.
Election officials on both sides of the aisle in multiple states have said there was no widespread fraud. There is nothing to prove. All you nutters are presenting is alternative facts and conspiracy theories. The election is over. There is no "proving" anything just because you don't like the outcome. Doesn't work that way. And you don't get to request a do over because of spouting a crapload of fearmongering about left wing this and progressive that. I find it amusing that you used the word dictatorship. Because that's exactly what this country was on its way to under Donald Trump. And you faithful seemed to be quite OK and happy if that happened.

Comrade, you're not fooling anyone.

{ Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans say it’s Very Likely the Democrats stole the election, but just as many Democrats (61%) say it’s Not At All Likely. Among unaffiliateds, 29% feel it’s a stolen election; 45% do not. }

That means 30% of democrats admit the election is stolen.

Election officials on both sides of the aisle in multiple states have said there was no widespread fraud. There is nothing to prove. All you nutters are presenting is alternative facts and conspiracy theories. The election is over. There is no "proving" anything just because you don't like the outcome. Doesn't work that way. And you don't get to request a do over because of spouting a crapload of fearmongering about left wing this and progressive that. I find it amusing that you used the word dictatorship. Because that's exactly what this country was on its way to under Donald Trump. And you faithful seemed to be quite OK and happy if that happened.

Comrade, you're not fooling anyone.

{ Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans say it’s Very Likely the Democrats stole the election, but just as many Democrats (61%) say it’s Not At All Likely. Among unaffiliateds, 29% feel it’s a stolen election; 45% do not. }

That means 30% of democrats admit the election is stolen.

After three weeks of non-stop right wing and alt-right media blaring 24/7, it doesn't surprise me that the sheep and lemmings who backed the losing side are butthurt about it. And that the right leaning Rasumssen would parrot that.
No election official in any state on either side is corroborating voter fraud. You're pissed he lost. I get it. But move on. You'll have plenty to complain about when Biden is President.

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