The Democratic Ten Commandments

Hyuk hyuk hey look at me so clever here:


Oooh I got you now! So clever!
Almost a pagan movement in its hatred of anything to do with Christianity or Judaism.

These they adhere to with a vengeance:

1 Thou shalt have no other gods but human power.

2 Thou shalt worship under the direction of these priests: Darwin, Alinsky, Spock, Marx, Dewey, and Sanger – to say nothing of Baal.

3 Thou shalt bow down to nothing wholesome or productive.

4 Thou shalt demonstrate no respect for the universe as God's creation.

5 Thou shalt destroy all vestiges of family.

6 Thou shalt attack, provoke, ridicule, and kill whoever gets in your way

7 Thou shalt have any kind of sex with whomever, whenever, and wherever.

8 Thou shalt legalize theft by authorizing the government to steal.

9 Thou shalt bear false witness against thine enemies.

10 Thou shalt envy, covet, and indulge all jealous attitudes, hating anyone who has accumulated more wealth, more power, or more fame than you have.

But most Americans are good people – generous and forgiving, honest and hardworking, earnest and dutiful. What we saw in the behavior of the Democrats, both on the committee and around the edges, was the opposite of everything we have been proud of as a nation. The Democratic adherence to these leftist directives, these ancient pagan mandates, proved to be too ugly to countenance. No doubt, decent Democrats all over the nation looked in that national mirror and were as horrified as the rest of us were. The voting booth is the only way we have to wash that venomous taste from our mouths.

Detail on each @
1 Thou shalt have no other gods but human power.
I don't get this one. Are you talking about your magical beliefs? Super dumb.

2 Thou shalt worship under the direction of these priests: Darwin, Alinsky, Spock, Marx, Dewey, and Sanger – to say nothing of Baal.
This is retarded

3 Thou shalt bow down to nothing wholesome or productive.
You worship a whoring orange criminal, so go fuck yourself

4 Thou shalt demonstrate no respect for the universe as God's creation.
More magical beliefs :rolleyes:
You demonstrate zero respect for the Universe as Brahma's, Zeus's, Allah's, Atum's, Phrom's, Xenu's creation. So I guess you're a piece of shit, too.

5 Thou shalt destroy all vestiges of family.
Wrong and stupid.

6 Thou shalt attack, provoke, ridicule, and kill whoever gets in your way
What conservatives have done throughout history

7 Thou shalt have any kind of sex with whomever, whenever, and wherever.
What big gubmint constraints would you like put on consenting adults? Hmm?

8 Thou shalt legalize theft by authorizing the government to steal.
Trump just passed 2 trillion dollar budgets despite the economy not needing it and you can't stop rubbing your old man tits over it.

9 Thou shalt bear false witness against thine enemies.
*cough* Benghazi Jade Helm Ebola Birth Certificate E-mails Ted Cruz's dad Sandy Hook ETC ETC ETC *cough* *cough* *cough*

10 Thou shalt envy, covet, and indulge all jealous attitudes, hating anyone who has accumulated more wealth, more power, or more fame than you have.
George Soros Jeff Bezos all wealthy liberals ETC ETC ETC

Sad Snowflake response.
Almost a pagan movement in its hatred of anything to do with Christianity or Judaism.

These they adhere to with a vengeance:

1 Thou shalt have no other gods but human power.

2 Thou shalt worship under the direction of these priests: Darwin, Alinsky, Spock, Marx, Dewey, and Sanger – to say nothing of Baal.

3 Thou shalt bow down to nothing wholesome or productive.

4 Thou shalt demonstrate no respect for the universe as God's creation.

5 Thou shalt destroy all vestiges of family.

6 Thou shalt attack, provoke, ridicule, and kill whoever gets in your way

7 Thou shalt have any kind of sex with whomever, whenever, and wherever.

8 Thou shalt legalize theft by authorizing the government to steal.

9 Thou shalt bear false witness against thine enemies.

10 Thou shalt envy, covet, and indulge all jealous attitudes, hating anyone who has accumulated more wealth, more power, or more fame than you have.

But most Americans are good people – generous and forgiving, honest and hardworking, earnest and dutiful. What we saw in the behavior of the Democrats, both on the committee and around the edges, was the opposite of everything we have been proud of as a nation. The Democratic adherence to these leftist directives, these ancient pagan mandates, proved to be too ugly to countenance. No doubt, decent Democrats all over the nation looked in that national mirror and were as horrified as the rest of us were. The voting booth is the only way we have to wash that venomous taste from our mouths.

Detail on each @
^ Lame and pathetic

There you go with the PROJECTING again.
^ who is this dumb bitch
You're not only an idiot, you're an asshole on top of it.
Aw did I trigger you, little flake? :itsok:
Just calling a spade a spade. Libards are the snowflakes.

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