The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

No one cars that Trump says fuck. They care that he thinks because of who he is that he can get away with grabbing pussies. The pussies are soon to show him that he cannot.
Like I said...another "classy", "educated" progressive.

By the way - you're the same dumb ass that supported Bill Clinton's horrific sexual assault of many dozens of women. Everything Trump did (if it was even happened) was consensual. Like typical promiscuous progressive women - they were all willing to use their bodies to be around wealth and fame. That's just who you immoral progressive women are sadly.
When Trump's third wife has to denounce him for saying he can grab pussy at will you don't have a leg to stand on.

And trying to cheat on your pregnant third wife with a married woman? Just save the "classy" argument.
Dude....Trump is a dirt-bag. I've said if thousands of times and I'll continue saying it. He's a typical sexist, misogynistic progressive. But, like all progressives, you're too immature to admit that Hitlery Clinton is actually worse.
The one episode I watched of the primetime CBS showith "Boss" featured Japanese rope bondage and anal sex.

But Trump said "Pussy"
And don't forget that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted dozens of women and progressives loved it.
LOL you are totally neutral ...LOL you do not back Trump ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I do not blame you for denying it

When did Trump
do this, you piece of shit?
He said he did. Are you electing a liar if you can't take him at his word. How do you know when to believe him and when not?
"He said he did" :lmao:

The official progressive mantra is that "Trump is a liar". Funny how you suddenly want to believe him now.
Dude....Trump is a dirt-bag. I've said if thousands of times and I'll continue saying it. He's a typical sexist, misogynistic progressive. But, like all progressives, you're too immature to admit that Hitlery Clinton is actually worse.
white man speaks with forked tongue ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jajajajajajjja
With the exposed Collusion from the Podesta email dump the liberal cesspool is real deep in shit...

The lengths at which they are going on this board to be shit heads says they are in shear panic mode....

Funny as hell to see such desperation...
If anyone is in panic mode it is the Trumpets. You have to stoop to being despicable human beings to support what he has said about women and Blacks.
Bill Clinton Allegedly Makes Racist Remark About President Obama: “A Few Years Ago He Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags”
Bill Clinton Allegedly Makes Racist Remark About President Obama: “A Few Years Ago He Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags”
Juanita Broaddrick says Clinton raped her
Juanita Broaddrick says Clinton raped her
Yeah, you have to stoop to being a liberal president of the US who burned his draft card, smoked dope but didn't inhale, did not have sexual relations with that woman, and was enabled to rape and abuse women because his wife allowed him to and defended him by calling his victims names.
Where is the racist. Comment?
When was Clinton ever convicted of rape or sexual abuse?
So you are oKedokie with old Bill Clinton RAPING AND VIOLATING WOMEN FOR REAL, while Hillary piles on to protect him AND THEN HYPOCRITICAL ABOUT TWO MEN TALKING LOCKER ROOM SMACK..

You halfwit brain dead morons cant even see how much of a total fool you look like..
When was he ever convicted of this?And he is not running for public office.
Well by that "logic" (and man am I using that term loosely here), when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?!?

Ever notice how dumb-ass progressives declare Dumbocrats innocent of everything by using the asinine argument "he/she wasn't convicted" but don't apply that same standard to anyone else?!?

OJ Simpson wasn't "convicted" either. Do you want your daughter dating him?
With the exposed Collusion from the Podesta email dump the liberal cesspool is real deep in shit...

The lengths at which they are going on this board to be shit heads says they are in shear panic mode....

Funny as hell to see such desperation...
If anyone is in panic mode it is the Trumpets. You have to stoop to being despicable human beings to support what he has said about women and Blacks.
So you are oKedokie with old Bill Clinton RAPING AND VIOLATING WOMEN FOR REAL, while Hillary piles on to protect him AND THEN HYPOCRITICAL ABOUT TWO MEN TALKING LOCKER ROOM SMACK..

You halfwit brain dead morons cant even see how much of a total fool you look like..
When was he ever convicted of this?And he is not running for public office.

You don't pay 850 thousand dollars to shut up someone and your not guilty...
You still have not explained why you defend a mysoginistic rapist.
So you are oKedokie with old Bill Clinton RAPING AND VIOLATING WOMEN FOR REAL, while Hillary piles on to protect him AND THEN HYPOCRITICAL ABOUT TWO MEN TALKING LOCKER ROOM SMACK..

You halfwit brain dead morons cant even see how much of a total fool you look like..
When was he ever convicted of this?And he is not running for public office.
Well by that "logic" (and man am I using that term loosely here), when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?!?

Ever notice how dumb-ass progressives declare Dumbocrats innocent of everything by using the asinine argument "he/she wasn't convicted" but don't apply that same standard to anyone else?!?

OJ Simpson wasn't "convicted" either. Do you want your daughter dating him?
My daughter and OJ have nothing to do with this. And one court did convict OJ. You should speak of subjects you are familiar with.
So you are oKedokie with old Bill Clinton RAPING AND VIOLATING WOMEN FOR REAL, while Hillary piles on to protect him AND THEN HYPOCRITICAL ABOUT TWO MEN TALKING LOCKER ROOM SMACK..

You halfwit brain dead morons cant even see how much of a total fool you look like..
When was he ever convicted of this?And he is not running for public office.
Well by that "logic" (and man am I using that term loosely here), when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?!?

Ever notice how dumb-ass progressives declare Dumbocrats innocent of everything by using the asinine argument "he/she wasn't convicted" but don't apply that same standard to anyone else?!?

OJ Simpson wasn't "convicted" either. Do you want your daughter dating him?
My daughter and OJ have nothing to do with this. And one court did convict OJ. You should speak of subjects you are familiar with.
So you are oKedokie with old Bill Clinton RAPING AND VIOLATING WOMEN FOR REAL, while Hillary piles on to protect him AND THEN HYPOCRITICAL ABOUT TWO MEN TALKING LOCKER ROOM SMACK..

You halfwit brain dead morons cant even see how much of a total fool you look like..
When was he ever convicted of this?And he is not running for public office.
Well by that "logic" (and man am I using that term loosely here), when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?!?

Ever notice how dumb-ass progressives declare Dumbocrats innocent of everything by using the asinine argument "he/she wasn't convicted" but don't apply that same standard to anyone else?!?

OJ Simpson wasn't "convicted" either. Do you want your daughter dating him?
My daughter and OJ have nothing to do with this. And one court did convict OJ. You should speak of subjects you are familiar with.
You didn't answer the question buttercup....when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?

And stop being a typical immature progressive asshole. You know damn well that OJ Simpson as acquitted of the trial. The only trial that matters when mentioning his name. Grow up already. Jesus.

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