The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

He bragged about it on video. How big an idiot are you?
Right there is yet another egregious progressives lie. At no time did Trump brag about that on video. It was audio. You never see Trump saying that stuff on video. For all you know, that was a comedian doing a Trump impersonation.
10/12 Election Update
It's October 12 and the PollTracker Average stands at Clinton 48.1%, Trump 39.7, a 8.4 percentage point spread.

The TPM Electoral Scoreboard stands at Clinton 341, Trump 186. Only Arizona is in the Toss Up category.

Incidentally...all of you progressives proclaim that Donald Trump is a "liar". Now you suddenly want to believe him?!?
Its on tape so we believe LOL.
Hey genius...everything he says during debates is "on tape" too... :lmao:
you are totally neutral LOL
You're just pissed off that I'm calling you out on your bullshit and your dishonesty. Deal with it junior. Or grow up and show some integrity.
as for dumb donald... did you not hear the tape. he said... he can grab whatever he wants and "they let you when you're a star". that's sexual assault. i hope that helps
Oh dear, dear jillian. You literally just exonerated Donald Trump. If a person lets you do something - it is not sexual assault. It's consensual. Are you really an attorney or have you been lying to us for all of these years?

For the record - I completely denounce Donald Trump and all of his actions. The guy is a despicable dirt-bag. Too bad you unethical progressives couldn't and wouldn't do the same thing with Bill Clinton.
as for dumb donald... did you not hear the tape. he said... he can grab whatever he wants and "they let you when you're a star". that's sexual assault. i hope that helps
Oh dear, dear jillian. You literally just exonerated Donald Trump. If a person lets you do something - it is not sexual assault. It's consensual. Are you really an attorney or have you been lying to us for all of these years?

For the record - I completely denounce Donald Trump and all of his actions. The guy is a despicable dirt-bag. Too bad you unethical progressives couldn't and wouldn't do the same thing with Bill Clinton.

Aaaaaand you'll probably still vote for him. That's the drop-dead hilarious theme for Republicans this year.

"He's next to satan. A cancer on the party! A deplorable human being! And he has my full-throated support."
You didn't answer the question buttercup....when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?.
when was Bill Clinton convicted
I think when he perjured himself, when the BLUE DRESS showed up with HIS, DNA on it. After that he was impeached, bar from practicing law for 5 years(anyone else would be thrown in jail) but hey, "He did not have sexual relations with that women" and you actually believed him. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote dumbocrat.
Do none of you read the polls? In 28 days your collective fantasy is over when your Orange Messiah goes down in flames. Start dealing with that now before you have to kill yourself on the night of the election. Trump is just marking time to his loss now.
Do you liberal fucktards ever read the polling methodology? In 27 days, your fascist hitlery will be thrown in the dustbin of history where she belongs.....
The polls aren't wrong and you tried that lie with Romney who got his ass beat. But, just wait a bit longer if you don't believe me.
Math escapes you liberals.....:lol:


Which of those numbers are greater I wonder….:eusa_think:
as for dumb donald... did you not hear the tape. he said... he can grab whatever he wants and "they let you when you're a star". that's sexual assault. i hope that helps
Oh dear, dear jillian. You literally just exonerated Donald Trump. If a person lets you do something - it is not sexual assault. It's consensual. Are you really an attorney or have you been lying to us for all of these years?

For the record - I completely denounce Donald Trump and all of his actions. The guy is a despicable dirt-bag. Too bad you unethical progressives couldn't and wouldn't do the same thing with Bill Clinton.

did he ask first? nope... he just grabs.

you're a loony toon. your hatred for anything that doesn't suck up to the rightwingnut view of the world is pathetic.

Donald Trump divorce from Ivana Trump was granted because of " Cruel and Inhuman " treatment!
Cruel and inhuman treatment?!?
What the hell! What did he do? :ack-1:

She did accuse him of rape then said he didn't....

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

Maybe it's best we don't know what he did.

And then there's this....

Lawsuit accusing Donald Trump of underage rape gets hearing date

Trump needs to think about calling out Bill Clinton on sex issues....
Don't ya think?
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You didn't answer the question buttercup....when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?.
when was Bill Clinton convicted
I think when he perjured himself, when the BLUE DRESS showed up with HIS, DNA on it. After that he was impeached, bar from practicing law for 5 years(anyone else would be thrown in jail) but hey, "He did not have sexual relations with that women" and you actually believed him. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote dumbocrat.

Impeachment isn't a conviction. It's merely a trial. And Bill was acquitted. You are not smart.
You didn't answer the question buttercup....when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?.
when was Bill Clinton convicted
I think when he perjured himself, when the BLUE DRESS showed up with HIS, DNA on it. After that he was impeached, bar from practicing law for 5 years(anyone else would be thrown in jail) but hey, "He did not have sexual relations with that women" and you actually believed him. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote dumbocrat.

you understand that the impeachment was a "trial" and he was found not guilty, right? and when he left office, he had almost a 70% approval rating. oh... yeah...and the guy who led the impeachment, newt gingrich, was busy cheating on his wife with his aid and served divorce papers on his wife while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy.

after spending 70 million dollars of our money to investigate the clinton's all they got was a blue dress that the friend of the woman he had the relationship with led them to. woman herself never complained about bill. you're aware of all this right? i doubt it.

donald trump raped his first wife (see her divorce papers) and raped a 13 year old girl.

you need to find another reason to support that scum other than that the husband of the democratic presidential candidate didn't keep his genitals in his pants. (consensually, btw....unlike dumb donald).
Desperation is all they have... failed attempt. Was anyone convinced by the tape? Seriously?

I thought it was bad until I actually heard it, then I laughted out loud at the perfect regressive storm of Anti-Trump overreaction - which guarantees his election.
Hillary and Obama both hand-picked opponents and released sexual allegations in the media hoping to get them to drop out making it easier for them to win. Obama never ran a straight up campaign against anyone before he ran for president. Hillary, if I remember correctly, got her Senatorial opponent to withdraw. She's doing it again.....but this time it blew up in her face.
No one cars that Trump says fuck. They care that he thinks because of who he is that he can get away with grabbing pussies. The pussies are soon to show him that he cannot.
Like I said...another "classy", "educated" progressive.

By the way - you're the same dumb ass that supported Bill Clinton's horrific sexual assault of many dozens of women. Everything Trump did (if it was even happened) was consensual. Like typical promiscuous progressive women - they were all willing to use their bodies to be around wealth and fame. That's just who you immoral progressive women are sadly.
When Trump's third wife has to denounce him for saying he can grab pussy at will you don't have a leg to stand on.

And trying to cheat on your pregnant third wife with a married woman? Just save the "classy" argument.
Dude....Trump is a dirt-bag. I've said if thousands of times and I'll continue saying it. He's a typical sexist, misogynistic progressive. But, like all progressives, you're too immature to admit that Hitlery Clinton is actually worse.
Worse than Pussy Grabber? Nah. And she knows what she's doing.
You didn't answer the question buttercup....when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?.
when was Bill Clinton convicted
Yeah...that question was already asked genius. That was my response to it. Ask an adult to help you keep up. :eusa_doh:
so when was he convicted ? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

There we have it, folks, the leftwing standard of political excellence: "He wasn't convicted."
And your only defense of Trump is Bil Clinton BillClinton Bill Clinton.

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