The Democrats are in mega-panic mode

He bragged about it on video. How big an idiot are you?
Right there is yet another egregious progressives lie. At no time did Trump brag about that on video. It was audio. You never see Trump saying that stuff on video. For all you know, that was a comedian doing a Trump impersonation.
Did he deny saying it?

Trump: 'I Said It, I Was Wrong, And I Apologize.'
Trump: 'I Said It, I Was Wrong, And I Apologize.'

Instead of standing tall for what the orange man said, the idiot wants to blame some unnamed comedian.
You didn't answer the question buttercup....when was Donald Trump ever convicted of a sexual crime?.
when was Bill Clinton convicted
I think when he perjured himself, when the BLUE DRESS showed up with HIS, DNA on it. After that he was impeached, bar from practicing law for 5 years(anyone else would be thrown in jail) but hey, "He did not have sexual relations with that women" and you actually believed him. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote dumbocrat.
According to the official definition, Clinton did not have sexual relations with Monica. Stupid is supporting Trump.
How much is Hillary paying you. That's what I'd like to know.
Getting Violent
I suspect we're about to see a lot more of this. Trump supporter Todd Warnken, 55, was asked to leave a ShopRite in Albany for "being disruptive inside." On the way out he encountered a black woman waiting for a taxi. He called her a racial slur and threatened to attack her: "Trump is going to win and if you don't like it I'm going to beat your ass," he yelled, according to Smith."

So the 2nd cousin of your boss's friend told you some Trump supporter said something nasty?

That's the kind of quality information we expect from douche bags like you.

Meanwhile, wikileaks is set to release 50,000 of John Podesta's emails.

Trump attacked an 81 year old woman's appearance
The actress Kim Novak, a megastar of 1950s cinema, was a near-recluse when friends urged her to take a chance and appear at the Academy Awards last year.

Sitting at home, Donald J. Trump spotted Ms. Novak, then 81, on his television screen and recoiled at her appearance. He tapped out a message on Twitter.

“I’m having a real hard time watching,” Mr. Trump wrote. “Kim should sue her plastic surgeon!”

To Ms. Novak, who read the message after the show, it was a devastating setback in her return to public life: She retreated to Oregon, fell into what she called “a tailspin” and refused to leave her house for days. In an open letter to her fans a few weeks later, Ms. Novak denounced Mr. Trump’s tweet as bullying.

Read more:
Aaaaaand you'll probably still vote for him. That's the drop-dead hilarious theme for Republicans this year.

"He's next to satan. A cancer on the party! A deplorable human being! And he has my full-throated support."
If I's only because you idiots nominated the Anti-Christ. Something you're too immature to admit.
as for dumb donald... did you not hear the tape. he said... he can grab whatever he wants and "they let you when you're a star". that's sexual assault. i hope that helps
Oh dear, dear jillian. You literally just exonerated Donald Trump. If a person lets you do something - it is not sexual assault. It's consensual. Are you really an attorney or have you been lying to us for all of these years?

For the record - I completely denounce Donald Trump and all of his actions. The guy is a despicable dirt-bag. Too bad you unethical progressives couldn't and wouldn't do the same thing with Bill Clinton.

did he ask first? nope... he just grabs.

you're a loony toon. your hatred for anything that doesn't suck up to the rightwingnut view of the world is pathetic.

Bwahahahahaha! The first time my wife and I were "making out" I didn't stop every few minutes and ask "is it ok if I touch here"? :lmao:

I've said it a million times and I'll say it again - Donald Trump is a disgusting dirt-bag. But he's a clone of Bill Clinton and watching you guys worship him while having emotional meltdowns over Trump is hilarious.
as for dumb donald... did you not hear the tape. he said... he can grab whatever he wants and "they let you when you're a star". that's sexual assault. i hope that helps
Oh dear, dear jillian. You literally just exonerated Donald Trump. If a person lets you do something - it is not sexual assault. It's consensual. Are you really an attorney or have you been lying to us for all of these years?

For the record - I completely denounce Donald Trump and all of his actions. The guy is a despicable dirt-bag. Too bad you unethical progressives couldn't and wouldn't do the same thing with Bill Clinton.

did he ask first? nope... he just grabs.

you're a loony toon. your hatred for anything that doesn't suck up to the rightwingnut view of the world is pathetic.

Bwahahahahaha! The first time my wife and I were "making out" I didn't stop every few minutes and ask "is it ok if I touch here"? :lmao:

I've said it a million times and I'll say it again - Donald Trump is a disgusting dirt-bag. But he's a clone of Bill Clinton and watching you guys worship him while having emotional meltdowns over Trump is hilarious.

I am sorry to say, you are a proven rapist now...

Should have filled the consent form.
He bragged about it on video. How big an idiot are you?
Right there is yet another egregious progressives lie. At no time did Trump brag about that on video. It was audio. You never see Trump saying that stuff on video. For all you know, that was a comedian doing a Trump impersonation.
Did he deny saying it?
Not to my knowledge. But will you now admit you just lied as there was no video of Trump saying that (it was just audio) and that in a court of law that would never hold up as there is no way to prove that it's not an impersonator.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.

An 'old' recording. That's the funniest part of the above.

Was the recording last week?

Damn, i thought it was 2005, which would be an old recording.

How does this mesh up with Bonergate, you know Obama flaunting his dick?
Desperation is all they have... failed attempt. Was anyone convinced by the tape? Seriously?

I thought it was bad until I actually heard it, then I laughted out loud at the perfect regressive storm of Anti-Trump overreaction - which guarantees his election.
Hillary and Obama both hand-picked opponents and released sexual allegations in the media hoping to get them to drop out making it easier for them to win. Obama never ran a straight up campaign against anyone before he ran for president. Hillary, if I remember correctly, got her Senatorial opponent to withdraw. She's doing it again.....but this time it blew up in her face.
It blew up in her face? LOL! She's going to get 350+ electoral votes.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be.
That won't bother him, just more girls' locker room talk as he walked right in on them underage and half naked.
It fits that Trump's small penis tiny hands would invade underaged girls dressing rooms. He has proven he can't handle adult women. They are too mentally developed for a five year old mentality like Donald's.

"These chicks are more my speed!"
Desperation is all they have... failed attempt. Was anyone convinced by the tape? Seriously?

I thought it was bad until I actually heard it, then I laughted out loud at the perfect regressive storm of Anti-Trump overreaction - which guarantees his election.
Hillary and Obama both hand-picked opponents and released sexual allegations in the media hoping to get them to drop out making it easier for them to win. Obama never ran a straight up campaign against anyone before he ran for president. Hillary, if I remember correctly, got her Senatorial opponent to withdraw. She's doing it again.....but this time it blew up in her face.
It blew up in her face? LOL! She's going to get 350+ electoral votes.
If it holds she could break 400. Trump has put so much red in play the country is Barney purple.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be. that wasn't totally orchestrated by the Hillary campaign, right?

At this time anyone who listens to the media is a fool.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be. that wasn't totally orchestrated by the Hillary campaign, right?

At this time anyone who listens to the media is a fool.

Wikileaks has made it obvious that the media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They have been caught feeding debate questions to Hillary, feeding Interview questions to Hillary, covering up her illness, covering up all her sleaze and dirt. It's no wonder Hillary wanted to assassinate Julian Assange. If she's elected, his days are numbered.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be. that wasn't totally orchestrated by the Hillary campaign, right?

At this time anyone who listens to the media is a fool.

Wikileaks has made it obvious that the media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They have been caught feeding debate questions to Hillary, feeding Interview questions to Hillary, covering up her illness, covering up all her sleaze and dirt. It's no wonder Hillary wanted to assassinate Julian Assange. If she's elected, his days are numbered.
Step away from the crack pipe and check yourself into a treatment center.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be. that wasn't totally orchestrated by the Hillary campaign, right?

At this time anyone who listens to the media is a fool.

Wikileaks has made it obvious that the media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They have been caught feeding debate questions to Hillary, feeding Interview questions to Hillary, covering up her illness, covering up all her sleaze and dirt. It's no wonder Hillary wanted to assassinate Julian Assange. If she's elected, his days are numbered.
Step away from the crack pipe and check yourself into a treatment center.
I don't do drugs, Dirtbag.
The tape release is a sign of desperation in the Hillary campaign.

Why did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day?

Dr. Lifson answers:

The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation between a TV host and Trump probably was originally scheduled for the Friday before Election Day. But the Wikileaks revelations about Hillary could not be allowed to dominate the weekend pre-debate chatter.
An alternative explanation: The Clinton campaign believes that waiting to release the tape until the Friday before Election Day would be too late. The campaign believes that Trump stands a good chance of winning the remaining two debates, would build tremendous momentum, and would be virtually unstoppable. Releasing the tape so late would also smack of desperation and might be counterproductive, encouraging Trump supporters to turn out in even greater numbers.

The Clinton campaign calculated that releasing the tape a month ahead of time would have several advantages:

  1. Early voting is getting under way. Now is the time to hit Trump and persuade early voters to give up on him before he can recover
  2. MSM toadies will need more than a couple of days to spring into collective action and inflict maximum and possibly lasting damage on Trump
  3. Republicans who have opposed Trump all along need time to coalesce into a movement that would apply pressure on Trump to quit the race.
I'd say all those Miss Universe contestants and underaged girls coming forward today have Trump in a panic, not the Democrats.

The Wikileaks sauce was weak. Just like I told you it would be. that wasn't totally orchestrated by the Hillary campaign, right?

At this time anyone who listens to the media is a fool.

Wikileaks has made it obvious that the media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They have been caught feeding debate questions to Hillary, feeding Interview questions to Hillary, covering up her illness, covering up all her sleaze and dirt. It's no wonder Hillary wanted to assassinate Julian Assange. If she's elected, his days are numbered.
Step away from the crack pipe and check yourself into a treatment center.

Stating irrefutable facts means you're on crack?

I think we are beginning to understand the problem with congenital leftwing douche bags.

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